

Saturday 5th March 2022

Racing to finish this thesis section on Sophocles’ Ajax

16 Nov 2021

thinking about captive women in Homer’s Iliad & Euripides’ Andromache

12 October 2021

was having an unproductive day (academic wise), but sat down at 9.30pm and bashed out an outline for this thesis section in the space of an hour! ready to write up tomorrow

looking for studyblrs (especially postgrad humanities) that post mainly original content! Is there anyone out there?

6 October 2021; 17.10pm

back in my uni office, writing about Sophocles’ Women of Trachis

29.4.21 // i tried uploading this on the day, but couldnt. i passed my second apr the other day. there are more white strands on my hair now–i am intrigued and excited. i wonder how ill look with some white hair. we might be making drastic changes to our life situation soon, so we’ll see how that goes.



my fave thing about howell ‘howl’ jenkins (of moving castle fame) in the book is how he’s just a phd student. sure he built a portal to another world, regularly chats to the fireplace and won’t stop dyeing his hair but that’s what phd students are like.

howl’s thesis supervisor: mr jenkins when can i expect this lit review?!

howl, one foot in ingary: uhh….. soon

25.4.21 // planning my first thematic chapter. ive been much chiller about my phd ever since ive decided i dont want to stay in academia. i dont feel the crushing pressure of having to know everything under the sun about my field, and pleasing my supervisors and other people in the uni has become just a practicality rather than grounds to build self esteem upon. ive also gotten a referral to the psychiatrist because the initial screening for adhd my gp had me do showed i was struggling a lot. excited to see how it all will pan out…

study plan: @earthbound-madness


04.20.2021 // readings & portfolio

I went with a friend to study at a cafe today and it was heavenly, we even managed to get a window seat. I was able to finish two readings for class on Thursday and work on my portfolio analysis that’s due next week. Here’s a peak at my reading notes. I like to annotate my readings and take notes in a digital journal.


here’s a list of things i learnt about myself during my phd:

  • i cannot spell for shit
  • i definitely work better with a deadline, even if it is self-imposed
  • i find ‘big milestones’ very underwhelming
  • i do not know when to use ‘lie’ and when to use ‘lay’
  • i (still) hate reading feedback
  • i love spreadsheets
  • i both love and loathe eebo. i will miss you, my mortal enemy.
  • i really hate proquest. galegroup is also on thin ice with me after they revamped ecco
  • i do not, under any circumstances, belong in academia but i will always love historical and literary research.
  • palaeography still scares me
  • i work best when listening to korean r&b but the d-2 mixtape is a winner too
  • i’m an unhealthy perfectionist – i knew this already but wow, my phd confirmed it
  • i enjoy being an educator and i enjoy teaching high school pupils but i’m not sure i’d ever want to be a high school teacher. maybe if a private school pays me enough…
  • i love my research topic. a lot. early modern drama is the best.
  • i have a lot of research interests. far more than when i started my phd. i might make a list of them one day.
  • i often rely on bread to make me feel happy
  • i really dislike attending academic conferences but i enjoy organising them
  • i want to physically fight both horace walpole and david garrick
  • marlowe is still my boy but he has competition from thomas middleton
  • i will take every opportunity to talk shit about hamlet

apart from the research genre specific stuff, this is SCARILY similar to my list if i ever made one.

things i need to do this week, off the top of my head:

  • send E. the details re. our abstract for the conference on Monday
  • meeting with supervisors on Tuesday at 10am, so prepare how to present your data.
  • public engagement training 8.30-15.30 on Wednesday
  • xray at L. building at 10.45 and VACCINATION at 12.14 on Thursday
  • send the abstract to the conference on endangered languages by Friday
  • attend talk: tlang by chinese/english bilinguals in diverse contexts on Friday, 14.30-16.00

further notes:

  • a&a will send me previous PhD students’ theses as examples
  • meet A. in June in Glasgow?
  • end of June: deadline for first draft
  • look into Lippi-Green and ask A for those two sources
  • post on Plansız Şeyler to advertise TESOL multiling edu chat
  • email A. again for a few other backup conferences for the findings chapter, the ones you found last night. try to also look for ones that will publish proceedings!


  • write 750 words for the findings 1 chapter after supervisory meeting by Sunday. this might be affected by the sheer amount of things you need to do + vaccination side effects, so don’t stress too much!
  • translate 500 words for the project
Wk 10 (56hrs) : More sketches and a new receipt book. However the images are close cropped enough anWk 10 (56hrs) : More sketches and a new receipt book. However the images are close cropped enough anWk 10 (56hrs) : More sketches and a new receipt book. However the images are close cropped enough an

Wk 10 (56hrs) : More sketches and a new receipt book. However the images are close cropped enough and even cut in half in ways that make telling what page side I’m looking at indecipherable. Meant a lot of cross checking, and even then I can’t tell.

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Wk 9 (50 hrs): Sketchbook complete! I will miss it. These little sketches are charming.Wk 9 (50 hrs): Sketchbook complete! I will miss it. These little sketches are charming.

Wk 9 (50 hrs): Sketchbook complete! I will miss it. These little sketches are charming.

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Wk 8 (43hrs) : Weird Preservica loading problems. Been booted from the file back out to the Access pWk 8 (43hrs) : Weird Preservica loading problems. Been booted from the file back out to the Access pWk 8 (43hrs) : Weird Preservica loading problems. Been booted from the file back out to the Access p

Wk 8 (43hrs) : Weird Preservica loading problems. Been booted from the file back out to the Access page. Also won’t load images. “HTTP status code 504″ won’t load in timely manner. Great. Next “unknown error, please contact your systems admin”. Twice.

: Satsugai Yokoku- Acute (2013), Le Tigre- Le Tigre (1999), Good Mourning-Alkaline Trio (2003), White Crosses- Against Me! (2010), Flamejob- The Cramps (1994), Pretty Hate Machine- NIN (1989)

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WK 6+7 (37) : This is so much easier than the account book. PST does have a habit of drawing childreWK 6+7 (37) : This is so much easier than the account book. PST does have a habit of drawing childre

WK 6+7 (37) : This is so much easier than the account book. PST does have a habit of drawing children that look sort of old? Like those porcelain children that have the life sucked out of them, so they’re the equivalent of little old men. There was also a 200 year old flower pressing inserted in the sketchbook, which is amazing.

From Here To Infirmary- Alkaline Trio (2001),  Diamonds- The Birthday Massacre (2020), Under Your Spell- The Birthday Massacre (2017), The Fragile- NIN (1999), Razorblade Romance- HIM (2014 reissue)

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Wk 5 (27hrs): Numbers out of order. Felt sick last week, so maybe I didn’t notice while creating datWk 5 (27hrs): Numbers out of order. Felt sick last week, so maybe I didn’t notice while creating dat

Wk 5 (27hrs): Numbers out of order. Felt sick last week, so maybe I didn’t notice while creating data? But page 106 is missing. No wonder the accounts seem so confusing. So pages are counted as the book lying open and the JTown account in 105.2 is “from page 86″ which mentions being “movd to page 106″. Three options: 1) The accountant noted the pages incorrectly. 2) The preservationist missed digitizing page 106. 3) I’ve misread 105 as 106.

I’ve decided the account book is numbered incorrectly. The bindings aren’t bad, so I don’t think a page is missing via falling out or skipped. I think the comment on moving to 106 was inaccurate, and they numbered the ongoing pages wrong to make up for the mistake. Ugh. How was this guy the accountant of international spies? Either way I’ve finally finished the account book.

:Roadrunner- Brockhampton (2021), Zeros- Declan McKenna (2020), Disengage the Simulator EP- CKY (2000), All Hallow’s EP- AFI (1999), Millions of Dead Cops- MDC (1982), Paranoid- Black Sabbath (1970)

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one of my favorite parts of tumblr academia/studyblr is the participatory creativity. School systems don’t make room for creative exploring and risk taking, if the potential for failure could tank your grades. Not only do we get to explore together, but we participate then in creating the content. We get to decolonize, we get to diversity, we get to carve interdisciplinary pathways, we get to choose what is valid to study based on love of the subject, and create a framework to criticize why traditional models are so restrictive. The encouragement, love, and excitement for learning is all intact here.
