

Could anyone give me any advice?

I’m currently in my final year studying BA History and Politics, and am in the process of applying for a scholarship to study MA History of Medicine. For the application I need to write an diss proposal, it only needs to be a side of A4 and I have some ideas but no idea how to tell if they have potential or where to take them from here. If anyone has any advice or experience with these sorts of applications or with the field it would be amazing to run some ideas past you. Thanks!

not me seeing @evandiaz post of aisha’s insta’s and changing my whole ass tumblr theme just so I can use the edit in my sidebar…. n-n-nope …anyway i swear i’m gonna go revise for tomorrow’s exam now so if you see me… make me go study please :)

Guess who just negotiated her first raise at work? This bitch.

Apparently the first ever employee to get a raise in the first six months. Taking a page out of the #girlboss book, you wont get what you dont ask for.


being 20+ on tumblr


hey, I made another YouTube video about how I read purposefully and effectively and how I use apps like Readwise, Instapaper, Notion and Goodnotes to keep track of my notes and reading highlights.

I’m still new to YouTube so please do take a look and a like and subscribe would mean the world

#studyblr    #studyspo    #reading list    #reading    #college    #university    #undergraduate    #undergrad    #postgrad    #readwise    #notion    #goodnotes    #instapaper    #youtube    

Though I am no longer a student in the strictest sense, a big part of my career as a teacher involves studying and reading. 

I wanted to make some videos with the spirit of my old studyblr habits and I’ve started with this one - a 40 minute study-along in my London flat.

Please do let me know what you think and if you have any other ideas for my new study-focused YouTube channel.

#studyblr    #studyspo    #graduate    #postgrad    #university    #notetaking    

It’s been a year since we moved into the cottage and I used one of the first days of the long holiday sorting out my bookshelves. I love how light and cool my room feels this summer

Winter Studying Challenge

7th January: Do you like the cold?

I think it can be refreshing and nice but I much prefer the feeling of coming in from the cold! I’ve been raking leaves in the garden this morning to get over what happened in Washington DC last night and now I’m moving onto my next essay. X Emily

Winter Studying Challenge

6th January: what is the weather like during winter in your country?

It’s supposed to be icy and cold and for the most part it is! But I live in London so it doesn’t snow as much. Also climate change is decreasing the frequency of icy weather.

Just a quick post today because I had the Savills Grad Scheme assessment centre all day and I didnt have time to take pictures! I cant really tell how it went as everyone was so interesting to speak to.

Winter Studying Challenge

4th January: What is the most important things that’s going to happen to you this year? - I would have to say graduating with a Masters Degree!

5th January: Would you rather live in a world where it’s always winter or always summer? - Both could be equally eerie! I think I would prefer always summer because I miss reading and doing yoga outside, but I love the chill in the air sometimes. Autumn is my favourite season.

Winter Studying Challenge

2nd January: have you made any new years’ resolutions?

Sort of! I’m starting Spanish lessons next week. With an eating disorder my resolutions have always been to lose weight and this year I have struggled not to repeat that, so I would rather not make any resolutions really.

I’ve submitted one essay and have two and a presentation for a grad scheme to go! I also had to do a numeracy test which was so anxiety inducing, so my therapy was digging up these jerusalem artichokes! They’re my favourite! X Emily

Winter Studying Challenge

27th December: What was the best moment (of your Christmas)?

This Christmas I didnt have the difficult family moments of previous years. It was a quieter, more grateful christmas. I hope everyone had a nice time. Xx Emily

Winter Studying Challenge

21st December Q: What was the most memorable holiday celebration you had at school? A: my school did a christmas talent show! We would always do the 12 Days of Christmas as a whole school and in year 11 you got to do 5 GOOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDD RIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGSSS and it would be so exciting that usually the year 11s would sing all through the last round one long RIIIIIINNNNGGGGSSSS!

22nd December: Q: Finish this thought: “It wouldn’t be Christmas without” A: a tree! I just think I would feel really sad if we couldn’t have a tree. We went through some difficult times following my parents divorce and couldn’t afford a real one, so we got a fake one. This is the first year since then that we can afford a real one!

Winter Studying Challenge

20th December: Q: what’s your least favourite holiday food? A: difficult to say! I actually dont love mince pies all that much. I have a gastric condition and they’re a bit bad for it!

I’m leaving brighton and my boyfriend for christmas to go back home. London’s in the same lockdown as spring now and it’s actually a good thing for me because I wasted loads of time when I could still go out! I have no many deadlines.

Winter Studying Challenge

18th December: Q: what is a Christmas song that makes you cringe? A: Santa Baby! Ugh it’s so cringe

19th December: Q: what is your favourite holiday food? A: That’s so hard! It’s so close between smoked salmon and caviar blinis oorr really strong brandy butter on Christmas pudding!

I have been moving in my boyfriend to his new flat in Brighton x Emily

5/03/2021 I took a break from social media after such a busy month I had to reduce my phone usage, h5/03/2021 I took a break from social media after such a busy month I had to reduce my phone usage, h

5/03/2021 I took a break from social media after such a busy month I had to reduce my phone usage, hence the disappearance! I’m currently making maps for my Urban Design: Place Making module and its kind of lonely work, so I’ve made some new spotify playlists to get through it. Hope everyone had a nice February - the lockdown was getting quite hard for me! x Emily

Post link

Winter Studying Challenge

21st January - Stay warm or go outside in the cold?

Definitely go outside! It’s so refreshing but the best thing if all is coming back indoors. Today I’m working on an essay due Monday.

Winter Studying Challenge

16th January: scarves or sweaters? Oh that’s so hard! I think I prefer a really good scarf because you can look so cute in them, but they can get in the way! I like layers. This is the other angle of my kitchen. Sorry for posting so much in here and not my bedroom - I’ve found I’m more productive when my mum keeps me from being distracted.

Winter Studying Challenge

15th January: would you rather wear a winter coat in the summer or a swimming costume in the winter? Honestly I would rather a swimming costume in the winter! I hate being too hot in summer! I know I’ve missed loads of days of these but I’ve been working so hard it’s been dark by the time I remember to take a photo! X Emily

11.1.22 | 9/100 Days of Productivity

Day 2 of my 48hr stats exam, I’m basically done and it wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. Ready to get that out of the way and get on with my essay due at the end of the month

13.1.22 | 11/100 Days of Productivity

A busy day of lectures, stats work, and diss prep
