#graduate student


“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier

24/01/2021, Sunday.

Catching up:

  • On the 23rd December I had Advanced Macromolecules Laboratory exam, passed it super good;
  • I spent winter holidays at my parents house. Due to anxiety, I studied! But it was excellent to have good surrounding;
  • Returned home on the 4th January and studied ever since.
  • Helas, S. And I don’t live together any more… After our region downgraded to “orange zone”, he went back at his parents house.

Due dates:

  • 24th January, Advanced Analytical Chemistry exam… Only two days left! How am I supposed to feel calm
  • 3rd February, Advanced Macromolecules Chemistry exam. in one week I have to master all the exercises and the theory, I do not think I can make it! But I’ll try anyway

In the past year I had to study from home, which ment spending an insane amount of time on the computer… My eyes were screaming! As a Christmas gift I got @onyxboox Note Air. A life saver

I’ve been studying with it for four weeks and I’m in love!


“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value” - Albert Einstein

22/11/2020, Sunday.

University shifted to online classes two weeks ago, I am sad because I love attending lectures and the general university atmosphere! I am trying to study in advance and keep up with the program as we do it. Not anxious enough to be productive 24/7, but I am working way more than I was used to do in my undergrad.

The good news is: Laboratories are allowed! They are the most important and enjoyable part of the courses, only have 6 afternoons though… Better than nothing! 2 done, 4 to go

Personal life: S. moved in temporarily. It is the best option to keep seing each other during lockdown 2.0. Life with a “roommate” is going smoothly. I thought it would have been harder! It is to be considered that he keeps going at university in order to finish his traineeship, he’s out of the house during office hours (I still have my alone time)

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing” - Walt Disney

02/11/2020, Wednesday.

I started my laurea magistrale on the 28th September. Till now, I have been able to attend my lectures. The university has created an app to reserve your seat, it gives you a QR code to access the structure! ☺️

I do not know for how long we are allowed to go there! There has to be an announcement tonight/tomorrow. Worst scenario: everyone goes back to online mode! I fear I won’t be able to attend my lab this semester (6 afternoons! Just 6, let me do them!)

So far, I am attending three courses:

  • Advanced macromolecular chemistry;
  • Advanced physical chemistry;
  • Advanced analytical chemistry.

I decided to attend fewer courses than the average student. My hope is to better focus on these and get rid of them as soon as possible (winter exam period: late January -> early March) with the highest grade I can achieve

After 5 years, I finally have a proper desk! Before I studied in the dining room (luckily it was rare I had something left to do at home, I managed to finish everything at university)… I am creating my study space, it was about time! It is important to me, especially because I’ll be doing most of my work at home


“Starting is not most people’s problem, staying, continuing and finishing is.” - Darren Hardy

09/09/2020, Wednesday.

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: yesterday I got the result, 28/30 it is a remarkable grade, especially with this professor. I am satisfied!

Passing the exam means I am free from university till the beginning of the lectures (it seems on the 28th September). I finally can rest, without worrying about my next step or study session or exam

It is the first time I relax for real after graduation! Bonus point: it’ll be the first birthday without working (25th September)

I know it may sound strange (considering the global situation), but I believe 2020 is my year! I graduated, passed two exams with excellents grades (gaining time during the actual master degree or laurea magistrale), had improvements done in the house (fells more mine now), kept up with training (I never look this good and never felt this healthy and energetic!) and my relation with S. is still solid

Well sh!t, I guess Tumblr still exists.

Life update: After a series of personal crises and years of being MIA from here, I actually now have my B.S. in Discrete Mathematics (as of December 2019) and am about to start grad school in Business / Data Analytics. So I might just actually start using this again… and perhaps even consistently for once. Only time will tell!

So, uh… sorry for the absence! We’ll see if this sticks.

Dropping out of my PhD program to write fanfic I am ~very~ confident in this decision.
