
Me and the big guy #graduation #universityofchester #graduation2014

Me and the big guy #graduation #universityofchester #graduation2014

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I finally did it! I graduated from USD this past weekend cum laude with my degree in accounting! I gI finally did it! I graduated from USD this past weekend cum laude with my degree in accounting! I g

I finally did it! I graduated from USD this past weekend cum laude with my degree in accounting! I got to use some star shaped sequins from @bornprettystore-blog as confetti being tossed  in the air along with some grad caps for this mani and I love the way they sparkled. A full review for this product can be found HERE

And don’t forget to follow me on instagram@LookAtHerNailss for all the updates on my nails and even sneak peaks at my nail art process in my story!

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Nostalgia erases the stressful all-nighters, the bitter cold, and the suffocating whiteness. I love

Nostalgia erases the stressful all-nighters, the bitter cold, and the suffocating whiteness. I love you for introducing me to amazing friends, tho. Thanks Mount Hoho. P.S shout out to the POC’s that endured it all!
#mountholyoke #mhc #graduation #classof2018 #westernmass #massachusetts #almamater #queerfeelings #architecture #moho #latergram (at Mount Holyoke College)

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When we were enjoying the sun in New York City. T-6 days until our final Practicum Exhibition! When we were enjoying the sun in New York City. T-6 days until our final Practicum Exhibition! 

When we were enjoying the sun in New York City. T-6 days until our final Practicum Exhibition! 

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I got back to London today in a record time of 2 hours since I left the house at 8AM this morning. I wanted to get back early because I have to put all my energy into my final studio project. 

Here are my to-do’s for the day:

  • Schedule at least a week’s worth of Colour With Me Instagram posts
  • Schedule at least one tweet a day this week for Winged Canvas (I’m pretty happy that I’ve been able to consistently tweet since Nov. 16)
  • ScheduleStartup Western Buzz Word + Article for Facebook
  • Submit artwork for FCG’s exhibition, “In Kind”
  • Edit audio recording for my final critique on Wednesday
  • Finish at least 1 drawing for my final critique 
  • Transcribe interview for Artlab Gallery exhibition article
  • ACF sweater mock-up 
  • Flesh out my thesis for Art Now essay due Thursday

To be honest, it was a really inconvenient weekend for me to go back home to Toronto - but I’m glad I did it because I know it was worth it. The main reason I went home this weekend was to go to the U of T open house for their Masters of Museum Studies program. I feel more reassured about the program now that I’ve been able to speak with some of the current students and professors in person. I was nervous about it before because I felt like I didn’t have enough experience with actual museums to get into the program, but I’ve realized that many of their current students come from a wide array of backgrounds and interests (Anthropology, Biology, History, Art History, Studio Arts, Communications etc.). I’m going to do my best to make my application as strong and unique as possible.

They’re looking for students who are able to articulate their ideas about museums critically and concisely. They want to see that you have the potential to activate change in the museum field after graduating. The purpose of the statement is to show the faculty that you have the ability to be specific in your research ideas, not that you’ll be limited to what you write about once you’re accepted into the program. I think these are a couple of things to address in any personal statement for a grad school program:

  1. What are experiences that have prepared you to be successful in the program? Why are you a good fit for the program?
  2. How will the program help you move forward with your career goals and interests? Why is the program a good fit for you?
  3. Paint a vivid picture of yourself as a person and as a professional.

My goal is to be able to have my application finished and ready to be sent in by January 4 (first day of school in the second semester). I’m really drawn to this program because it provides a broad umbrella of opportunities within the context of museums after graduation. Students are given a solid foundation of knowledge in the first semester of the program that allows them to explore several areas of focus. As they progress through the 2 years, students are able to tailor their education specifically and shape their degree towards what their “dream job”is. 

I was not expecting this blog post to be so informative - but I guess I’ve been thinking a lot about this program and they are thoughts I’ve wanted to express for awhile. Happy Sunday everyone. :) 

My last rag bag bazaar! It’s an arts and craft fair that I’ve participated in every year since second year. I’ll miss it.

Found this list at the bottom of the cooler at my cousin’s high school graduation party. Good on youFound this list at the bottom of the cooler at my cousin’s high school graduation party. Good on you

Found this list at the bottom of the cooler at my cousin’s high school graduation party. Good on you, Natalie, congrats!

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(also the dude handing her the degree lowkey giving frollo from disney’s hunchback of notre dame)

I don’t think I ever posted these, about three years ago falcor graduated high school with me!!!I don’t think I ever posted these, about three years ago falcor graduated high school with me!!!

I don’t think I ever posted these, about three years ago falcor graduated high school with me!!!

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So…a couple things happened.  I just graduated from school about a month ago.  Then last week

So…a couple things happened.  I just graduated from school about a month ago.  Then last week, I started working at DreamWorks TV for a 3-month storyboarding apprenticeship.  As a result, my posts will likely be slow in coming, but I definitely AM working on things so stay tuned!

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2110. Japanese Graduation. Forget graduation gowns, the rest of the world’s colleges need to g

2110. Japanese Graduation. Forget graduation gowns, the rest of the world’s colleges need to get on this.

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Every student has the right to equal access to educational opportunity. But several recent incidents, including the denial of a transgender student’s desire to walk in the girls’ gown at the Kahuku High School graduation, demonstrate that the Hawaii Department of Education has failed to protect the rights of transgender and gender nonconforming students by not establishing an appropriate policy, neglecting to educate and train staff, and ignoring existing civil rights statutes.

We demand that by the beginning of the 2016/17 school year:

1. The Hawaii DOE disseminate and implement a policy to ensure that all students are safe, included and respected in school, regardless of their gender identity or expression.

2. The Hawaii DOE conduct training, professional development and educational activities to ensure awareness of and compliance with this policy and to provide an environment in which students have the opportunity to learn, express themselves, and live authentically.

3. Kahuku Intermediate and High School act as a model school by publicly declaring that students may participate in graduation and other school activities consistent with their gender identity.

The gender diversity policy and training shall, at a minimum:

  • Provide students equal access to all activities that take place in the school, at school-sponsored functions, and on school transportation.
  • Protect students’ right to be addressed by educators and in school records by a name and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity.
  • Enforce existing policy that prohibits bullying, harassment and discrimination based on gender identity and expression.
  • Provide equal access to all facilities that are consistent with the student’s gender identity (or a safe and non-stigmatizing alternative upon student request).
  • Protect the privacy of students’ gender identity and medical information from others, including parents, guardians and other school staff, unless the student has authorized such disclosure.
  • Mandate training for all staff members including teachers, administrators, counselors, social workers and health staff on their duties, responsibilities, and expectations under the policy.
  • Provide opportunities for professional development to educate staff on the terms, concepts, and current developmental understandings of gender identity, gender expression, and gender diversity, and to build their skills to prevent, identify and respond to bullying, harassment and discrimination.
  • Include anti-bias education for all K-12 students that includes age appropriate, culturally responsive, Hawai'i-based information and curriculum materials on gender identity, expression and diversity.

Every student deserves dignity and respect. We call upon the Department of Education to demonstrate its commitment to fairness and equality by enacting these measures promptly.


I have never done solo and ensemble (an honors requirement) and I still received full credit for the last four semesters of symphonic band honors. Get FUCKED.
