#hajime iwaizumi x reader


Character:Hajime Iwaizumi, Daichi Sawamura
Summary:It was hard not to be overwhelmed with anxiety sometimes. It felt like everything became overwhelming and it was hard to stop crying. Bu the love your life was always there to comfort you.
Warning:Fluff, Anxiety
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It started with the shake of your hands. Then your mind became a jumbled mess and then finally the tears came. You were sitting in a quiet part of the university with your head in your hands, your entire body shaking. 

It was just animal biology, why did it make you so anxious. But the idea of a buzzer test made the fear bubble up inside of you until it was spilling over. You rubbed your eyes and tried to calm yourself down from the anxiety. But every time you thought you calmed down, the fear came back and you were crying again. 

Nestled in between lockers you were crying quietly to yourself, but it didn’t take long for your boyfriend to find you. The squeak of his sneakers as he walked down the hall, calling your name until he found you. 

He said your name quietly under his breath before he rushed over to you and slotted himself beside you. His natural instinct was the wrap his arms around you tightly.

  “Hey, hey.” He said as he strong arms lopped around you, “I got you, I got you. You’re safe. I promise.”

You sniffled and rubbed your cheek against him. You croaked, “Hajime.” And your boyfriend just held you tighter. Not letting you go as you started to settle down from the wave of anxiety. 

  “What’s wrong?” He asked, “Why are you crying? We couldn’t find you in the club room. I got worried.” He looked down at you and pushed your hair out of your eyes. You looked so small and fragile against him. You shivered like a leaf and whimpered like a puppy. 

  “Stupid animal bio. We have a buzzer test today and I’m freaking out. I’m going to fail this. I know I am.” You sighed, “I don’t want to have to retake the course, but I don’t know what else to do. I feel hopeless!” You cried.

Iwaizumi continued to hold you and rub your back. He kissed the top of your head lovingly. He said, “You can do it, baby. I know you can, I know it seems daunting but you can do it.” He encouraged as he pulled away and looked down at you.

  “I just don’t know what to do. I get the shakes every time I think about the exam. It makes me feel like I’m going to throw up.” You stammered, your throat felt clogged and your hands felt shaky. 

Iwaizumi let go of you and shrugged off his varsity hoodie. He pulled it over his head and quickly put it on you before you had a chance to say anything. He pulled up the sleeves of you and kissed your inner wrist. He said, “Tomorrow, go into the exam with this hoodie, and any time you worry or get anxious, think about me.” your eyes met and he smiled, “Remember if you pass this course, your one credit closer to us living our dream.”

Your heart raced for a different reason when he mentioned your shared dream. The future you planned together and finishing university was the first step. He leaned in for a kiss, your lip balm smeared across his lips as he deepened the kiss. 

When you pulled away you cupped his cheek, the sweater felt a little warm but it was comforting nonetheless, at least enough to calm you down from your anxiety attack. You swallowed back the last bit of tears and nodded, “You really think I can do it.”

  “Of course, I’ll even help you study. I don’t know a lot about animal bio, but I can try.” He gave you a grin. He laughed when you playfully pulled at his cheek. He knew you were calming down. 

  “Thank you, Hajime.” You said. 

  “Anything for you, because I love you. I have my water bottle in the club room and you better finish it before we start. Looks like you’ve been crying for a while.’ He rubbed your left eye to get the tears off your eyelashes. 

You rested your head against his chest for a moment and sighed, “Okay, sounds good.” And curled up beside him. He let you rest there for a moment, letting the last bit of anxiety wither away to a promise of new confidence in your performance tomorrow. You felt Iwaizumi kiss the top of your head and you felt a sense of peace. You had to keep pushing forward and with a reminder of your boyfriend at your side, you felt a little better to do the exam tomorrow and try your best. Because passing this course meant one step closer to a future you two will have together. 


The crash of lightning woke you up from your sleep. You looked at the clock and saw it was three in the morning, but the thunderstorm had already hit your small town. The trees were shaking, the wind was wild, the heavy drops hit your window. All along with the crash of thunder. 

Another streak of light made you clutch onto the covers. You let out a small whimper and wanted to bury your face under the covers but you felt too still to move. Your heart raced in your chest, you felt a cold sweat through your body and then the tears started. 

You managed to pull your knees to your chest and bury your cheek into your left knee. You choked out a sob, only to jump when there was a loud rumble of thunder. The anxiety raced through your body like a locomotive. You clutched onto your legs and tried to settle down by yourself.

Another crash of thunder sent you under the covers and loudly crying. The anxiety around thunderstorms made you cry, you felt like you were drowning in it. As the heavy drops hit the window you cried harder. Loud enough for your husband, Daichi to hear. 

He rolled over and opened his eyes at you. He slowly reached out and tried to pull the covers back but you quickly covered yourself with them again. Whimpering gently. He sighed and ducked his head under the covers and reached out for you.

  “Sunflower.” He said, “What’s wrong?” He pulled you gingerly into his arms. He rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head lovingly. He was starting to wake up more as worry formed in his gut for what was wrong with you.

  “The storm. It’s scaring me.” You gulped. 

He sighed, “I see.” He pulled you tighter, “No storm is going to get my baby.” He yawned, “That’s a promise. Now let’s get back to sleep.”

Another bright light crossed the sky and you jumped in Daichi’s arms. You shook like a leaf, anxiety overcoming you. You felt too awake from the adrenaline to fall back asleep. Not while all you could focus on was the storm outside. 

  “I’m really scared of it.” You admitted. It felt so childish to be scared of storms, even as a grown person you still felt anxiety around them. It was something you couldn’t help. It just overcame you like a wave. 

  “I know. But I promise it won’t hurt you. You’re safe inside, perfectly safe in bed.” He kissed you again. He worried about your crying. Your rapid shaking from the anxiety taking a hold on you. 

   “I don’t know.” You gulped. You felt

Daichi kissed your forehead to calm you down, “The storm won’t hurt you.” He said, “I promise. You’re safe inside.” 

  “What if lightning hits the house or a tree, and we lose our house. Or it starts a fire or it breaks a window. Or the rain makes the roof collapse.” You rambled off but were silenced with a kiss. 

  “Shh.” Daichi said, “None of that will happen.” He let go of you and rolled out of bed. He stiffly walked to the window and closed the dark curtains. He yawned, “There, you don’t have to see the lightning anymore.” 

  “What about the thunder?” You asked meekly. You pulled the covers to your nose and looked at him in the dark room. You watched him in the very low light walk to his phone and turn on a playlist he has for relaxing. He turned the volume all the way up and climbed back into bed. 

  “Now you won’t hear it. It’ll be like it isn’t even there.” He assured as he pulled you back into his arms, “Now, shhh.” He said, “Time for rest.” He kissed you, “No need to be anxious, I promise the storm won’t hurt you.”

You tried to close your eyes. You finally stopped crying, but your eyes felt wet and sore. You snuggled up against your husband’s broad, clothed chest and held onto him like a stuffed animal. 

  “Nothing will ever heart you, beloved.” He said, “Not while I’m alive. I’ll fight the heavens just to protect you.” He kissed you again, “No one hurts my baby.” 

  “Promise, Dai?” You asked as you continued to hold onto him tightly. He wasn’t worried about you letting go anytime soon. 

As the soft music played through the bedroom, as his arms remained rested on you. He kissed you again, so tenderly as if you were made of glass. A precious object that he must protect with his life. He smiled at you and said, “Of course, it’s a promise for the rest of my days. I’m your husband after all. If a husband doesn’t bend the earth for his partner, is he really a husband?”

You smiled a little, finally settling down from the wave of anxiety. You continued to hold onto him and press your cheek against his chest. This felt safe and comfortable. When Daichi started to notice that you were settling down, he started to rub your back gently. 

  “That’s it. Time to go back to sleep. The storm will be gone by morning.” He said softly. And with that you felt yourself let go of the anxiety and start to drift off to sleep. The storm long forgotten. 

ramen after school, ft iwaizumi hajime [requested by anon]

iwaizumi would never admit it, but your ramen tradition had been his idea. every tuesday after school, you and iwaizumi would head to your local ramen shop.

the tradition had started when you had been walking home together on a tuesday afternoon. iwaizumi was listening to you talk as his eyes scanned the area, thinking about how much simpler it would be to have a conversation over good food. then, he had grabbed your upper arm and pulled you to a stop, steering you towards a ramen shop that you had mentioned on occasion. the ramen, according to you, was some of the best you’d had. iwaizumi was inclined to agree with you.

he definitely agreed with you after the first bowl. maybe it had been a mixture of the company of a good friend and a delicious bowl of ramen, but the place soon became a firm favourite of iwaizumi, clearly evidenced by the tuesday afternoon visits.

“you know, it’s so funny to me that you were the one who started this tradition,” you laughed, placing your chopsticks back down on the table. “tooru always complained about how you never took him out anywhere, yet here we are.”

“did we have to mention, ‘kawa?” grumbled iwaizumi. “just speaking his name usually summons him.”

“not to here though,” you said, leaning in to whisper conspiratorially. “this is our place.”

that was true. while iwaizumi wasn’t sure about you, it had never crossed his mind to bring any of his friends here. it was so rare that he got to sit and enjoy your company that he feared the introduction of his other friends to the restaurant would somehow taint the peaceful atmosphere. maybe it was selfish, but he was glad there was somewhere that only you two shared. he loved the rest of his friends, he did, but you were the only one whose focus wasn’t on volleyball, who he could talk to about his plans for the future, his dream of studying abroad.

“am i paying this time?” you questioned, reaching into your pocket to pull out your wallet.

after the first couple of visits, where you had paid separately, you had both decided a rota would make more sense.

iwaizumi nodded, though reached for his own wallet all the same. if you were paying, he was responsible for leaving the tip, a responsibility neither of you took lightly. you loved the ramen shop far too much to risk falling out of favour with the staff.

grocery shopping, ft iwaizumi hajime [requested by anon]

it was so stupid how something as simple as shopping for food could become a part of the week that iwaizumi genuinely looked forward to.

dressed in clothes that bordered on sleepwear (baggy tops and bottoms), you would drive to your local supermarket. you were armed with a list you had spent last night compiling, with iwaizumi in charge of steering the trolley and holding all the bags (one of the many things his arms were good for - the list was extensive, ranging from lifting you off your feet during a hug or pulling himself up into the loft with no need for a ladder).

you would take the lead, guiding him through a maze of aisles which were easy to get lost in. despite the rigid straight lines and the easy to read labels, you still managed to loose track of where you were going at times, finding yourselves in the meat aisle when what you were really looking for was the milk. your brows would furrow in frustration as you grabbed a packet of mince in a huff, grumbling that it wasn’t what you were looking for but you needed it nonetheless. your reaction always caused iwaizumi to laugh, part of the reason behind your ability to get lost.

whenever a look of confusion would pass over your face and your finger would skim down the list, he would know that you had forgotten to add ingredients for (or even think of) a meal. this would lead to a shared look as you would both turn to grab the food you most wanted, a playful argument ensuing over who should choose the final meal.

“i compromised on almost every meal this week,” you would declare, to which iwaizumi would shrug.

“i have better taste,” he would tease. “i’m more cultured because of all the travelling i do.”

he would recieve a middle finger for his light teasing, the twinkle in your eyes telling him it was all in jest. usually, he would let you put what you wanted to eat in the trolley unless it was something truly strange.

there had been one time when you had grabbed pasta (which was not what he was objecting to), chocolate sauce and marshmallows. he had to put his foot down. not only was it a weird food combination, but he was a personal trainer and knew just how unhealthy that was as a dinner. the only thing you had said in response was to ‘blame tiktok’. later that same week, he had seen you curled up on the sofa eating a bowl of it.

the only thing both of you hated about your weekly food shop was packing the food away at the till. neither of you were skilled packers, often having to rely on your friends (oikawa) to help you pack for holidays. it wasn’t that you were messy or disorganised, it was simply that the both of you didn’t know how to place the food to achieve maximum bag space. despite the number of bags you would bring (and you would bring a lot), you would always end up buying one from the shop.

“nope,” you protested as iwaizumi reached up to grab one of the bags hanging from a hook. “they have to fit. they have to.”

he looked down at you, a comically grave look on his face. “it won’t, y/n. we’ll just buy another one.”

“just load me up, haji,” you declared, holding out your arms as a gesture for him to begin placing the small mountain into your hold. he simply ignored you, handing the cashier the correct money and loading up the bag. he glanced over at you, at the adorable frown tugging at your lips.

“help me pack,” he said, grinning at the huff you let out as you dropped your arms and began to shove things haphazardly into the bag. a mocking tone took over his voice. “we’re going to need another one at this rate.”

“nope,” you said while you shook your head. “you’re going to pile me up if it doesn’t fit. i am not spending another penny on any more bags during this shopping trip.”

it goes without saying that you ended up buying more bags.

“i swear we buy more food each week,” you grumbled.

“well, if you stopped inviting our friends over for dinner, we’d have enough bags…”

“makki invites himself over,” you protested, reaching into your bag for the car keys. “besides, you’re the one who always wants to 'cook for the team’ and 'build your bonds of trust’ and some other bullshit i can’t remember right now.”

“we should start charging a dinner fee,” mused iwaizumi.

“or we could stop inviting people over.”

“we both know that’s not going to happen.”


CONTENT WARNINGS: virgin!reader, virginity loss, slight corruption kink, soft!dom hajime, oral~ f; receiving, fingering, size kink, praise kink, insecure!reader, nipple pinching and sucking, shy!reader, pwp, daddy kink, cumming on tummy and tits, fluffy ending


ADDITIONAL NOTES: not proofread pls leave feedback

‘you sure you wanna do this?’, hajime asked, pulling away from your lips.

you were straddling his lap, needy and breathless as you nodded eagerly, giving an experimental grind down onto his cock to assure him.

he hisses deep in his throat at the action, squeezing your hips to steady you.

‘just wanted to make sure’, he rasps out, toying with the loose fabric at the bottom of your loose tank top.

you bite you bottom lip, smiling nervously as you guide your hands over his, giving him the ok to undress your upper half.

he regains his initiative, remembering that he was the one leading youhere.

he tapped your thigh, a signal for you to get up. he laid you down on the bed, splaying your hair out beneath you as he kneeled above you.

‘up’, he mutters, grabbing the hem of your top and lifting it up and over your arms. his breath hitches as your tits came into view, immediately cupping one in his large hand.

you nipple perks up under the cool air as hajime thumbs at it, listening intently to your small noises.

he cooed at how bashful you looked, clad in only your pajama shorts. your head was turned to the side, cheeks flushed as he held your tits. your eyelashes were fluttering shut each time he prodded at your sensitive nipples.

he had half the mind the life, but the other half got the best of him as he lowered his mouth down to your nipple, giving it a kitten lick to test the waters.

you breath out shakily at the motion, your inexperienced body arching up at the touch.

he wraps his lips around the hardened bud, lapping his tongue against it. his hand comes up to squeeze the other between his thumb and forefinger.

your whimpers only egg him on to suck harder, teeth grazing against your areola every few seconds.

one of your hands splayed out against your neck, the other combing through the back of his head as he switched to coat your other nipples with his saliva and teeth marks.

‘hajime..’, you sighed out in pleasure, rubbing your thighs together as the aching between your thighs grew by the second.

he hums into your skin, trailing sloppy kisses down your rib cage and tummy, stopping below your navel where your shorts blocked him.

he lays his hands on your hips, thumbs rubbing reassuring circles into the sides of your tummy.

‘this ok?’, he asks, sinking down to his knees and grinding his erect cock against the front of your bed.

you tilt your head forward, nodding down at him with lidded eyes as you continue to grind your thighs against each other in an attempt to relieve the constant throbbing at your sex.

he kept his eyes on your tentatively as you pulls your flimsy shorts down your thighs, knees, calves, then around your ankles, placing them on the floor.

your intimate parts were clad with pale pink panties, making you look all the more innocent.

‘so fucking pretty’, hajime muttered, mostly to himself. his warm hands found themselves on the top of your thighs, massaging the fat of them gently.

he wet his lips with his tongue, cursing under his breath when he noticed the small wet patch forming at the front of your panties.

hajime’, you whined out, embarrassed at how deeply he was looking at you.

he shushes you, spreading your thighs apart to see more of your sticky wetness absorb the cheap cotton of your panties.

you tilt you head back up, staring at the roof as your mind raced a million miles a minute. what if you smelt bad? what if you were too tight? what if he didn’t like it? what if you couldn’t make him cum?

you failed to notice amongst your racing mind that iwaizumi’s eyes had flickered up to your face, watching as your brows subconsciously knitted together in worry.

he tapped your thigh, bringing you out of your trance of worries.

‘can i eat you out?’

five words which had your stomach bouncing from nervousness and excitement. your hips jolted up at his words, much to your dismay, as you rasped out a quiet ‘please’.

he chuckled softly, quickly looping his fingers under the waistband of your panties, slipping them down with the help of you lifting your hips up. they dangled around one of your ankles.

he looped his strong arms under your thighs, hooking them apart so there was no chance you could try and hide from him. your legs spread, and for the first time in your life, you were showing someone your pussy.

‘fuck’, iwaizumi groaned at the sight of your glistening folds. you were clenching around nothing, and he swore he could see your clit throbbing. there was sticky wetness plastered all over your inner thighs, and without thinking he went to lick it up.

your breath hitched, feeling him lick up the juncture between your inner thigh and cunt. his tongue was so close to where you needed it, yet so far.

you took in a shaky breath, bringing your hands down to grip his hair like you’d seen in the few porn videos you’d watched.

you tugged up gently, directing his tongue to your twinging sex where he eagerly started to lap your juices up.

your fingers fell from their grip in his hair, sighing out in pleasure as all your body parts relaxed like you had never felt before.

aaah,hajime’, you hiccuped out as he suckled your clit into his mouth. the pleasure was like nothing you had ever felt before, mouth wide open as wanton moans fell from your lips.

your back was writhing up and down, trying to find the angle where hajime’s mouth felt best. his thumbs pulled your pussylips apart so he was able to tongue fuck you, reaching places you could never with just your fingers.

hajime’s tastebuds were on fire as his tongue flopped around like a dying fish, his want for you was insatiable, he was insatiable.

the lewd squelches and slurps were almost as loud as your moans, but he wanted to make them even louder.

he pulled his tongue out of your hole, watching in a pussydrunk haze with lidded eyes as it fluttered in want.

‘nghh, daddy please’, you whimpered out, albeit the second word was more of a whisper.

if it was possible, hajime felt like the luckiest man in the world. he was the first one to make you feel like this. first and only, that’s for sure. there was no way anyone else was ever going to see you like this.

‘daddy’s got you sweetheart, you taste like heaven’, he admits aloud, teasing your clit by nosing at it.

‘to-touch me’, you begged, hips wiggling around in discomfort and neediness.

he listens to you, flicking his tongue out and against your clit at a slow pace, letting you enjoy the pleasure and relaxation at first.

one of his hands stretches your pussy to the side, the other resting just below it as he slips his middle finger in, wiggling it around to find your spongy spot.

he finds it in record time, knowing he has by the stutter in your moans, just before they became a notch louder.

he continues his menstruations on your clit, squeezing in his ring finger beside his middle one.

you hiss at the slight sting, quickly replaced by a moan and hajime starts to flick his tongue faster against your clit, stimulating you generously.

your hands curl up into fists as you feel the intimate pool of heat in your stomach grow, and you know you’re only a minute or so away from cumming.

'you close?’, hajime mutters, hot breath hitting your clit. you hum needily in response, lifting your hips up to signal him to continue.

he lays his tongue back down against your clit and begins to use the tip of it to flick up and down your clit at an alarmingly fast pace.

'oh!’, you moan out, bringing your hands to your nipples to stimulate yourself even more. you pinch them between your thumb and pointer finger, and you swear you have tears in your eyes from the amount of pleasure on your body.

'gonna cum!’, you shriek out helplessly, back snapping back in an arch as hajime curls his fingers into your sweet spot and grazes your clit with his teeth. your hips thrash against the bed as you chase your orgasm, and he continues to press down on that one spot inside of you.

you let out a big, shaky exhale as your hips flop back down. your legs feel like jelly and you’re sure almost every inch of your skin is covered in a thin layer of sweat.

a small groan of discomfort leaves your lips as he pulls his fingers out, and you feel him lie down next to you. your eyes flutter open, looking at him for the first time in what feels like forever.

his lips are wet and shiny and covered with your fluids and juices. his cheeks are flushed a pretty pink and his eyes are clouded over with lust. his dark green eyes are locked onto yours, and you can’t look away when he slips the same two fingers that were inside you moments ago, into his mouth.

he makes a show of letting his mouth squelch, licking up every last drop of your essence before pulling them out of his mouth, using them to tilt your chin up.

'you still want me to fuck you?’, he asks with such bluntness that you forget why you were here in the first place.

you nod, eyes wide with want. he tuts, bringing his mouth down to your neck, just below your ear.

‘gotta hear you say it baby’, he whispers huskily into your ear, climbing back over you.

you bring your hand to the back of his neck, cupping it gently as you bring your mouth to hisear.

‘please, fuck me hajime’, you beg into his ear shyly.

he doesn’t respond, rather sits up as he pulls the grey tank top over his head, revealing his toned and muscled abdomen to you.

you gulp at the sight, your top teeth sinking into your bottom lip as he makes work of his briefs too.

you can’t help the small gasp that leaves your lips when you see how hard he is.

his cock slaps against his stomach, and it’s harder than you’ve ever seen it before (not that you’ve seen it too many times).

the tip is an angry red, leaking with pre cum as he pumps the base, spreading your legs apart.

your breath starts to labour as your knees fall apart, hands folding together and resting on your upper stomach.

he guides his cock to your pussy, tapping the head of it against your clit.

‘gonna put it in now, ok?’, he says, shifting his weight onto his left arm as his right hand cups your cheek and strokes it with his thumb.

you nod, muttering out a meek ‘ok’, as you gulp in anticipation and fear.

he grabs the root of his cock, taking in a deep breath as he starts to push the head of his cock inside of you.

it pops in easily, no doubt due to the work of his mouth and tongue earlier. you’re clenching around him hard, pupils dilated as you take the time to admire his handsome face.

you bring one of your hands to his shoulder, gripping it tightly as he pushes more of himself inside of you. he’s biting on his tongue to retrain himself from shoving the rest of himself in.

‘sotight’, he groans, pushing another few inches in. half of his cock was inside you now, and your legs were trembling as you tried your best to keep them open wide.

‘hajime’, you moaned quietly, lifting your hips up. you wanted him, all of him inside of you now.

‘put the rest in’, you pleaded, eyes wide and lips in a small pout. his eyes meet yours, jaw clenched.

‘you sure?’, he asked, letting the last bit of self restraint he had go.

you nod eagerly, lashes fluttering bashfully as he sheathes the rest of his cock inside of you, balls slapping against your asscheeks.

‘shit’, he moans, bringing his head to rest in the junction between your neck and collarbone.

your mouth is wide open, eyes squeezed shut as the sound of your angelic moans and whimpers filled the room.

you’d never felt so fucking full before. the tip of his cock was pressing in just the right spot which had you writhing and pathetically thrashing your pelvis upwards against his own.

‘move, please’, you whisper out brokenly, you’re not even sure if he could hear you.

he does, and lifts his head up, placing a quick sloppy kiss on both of your cheeks. he grips your waist, pulling his cock out of you slowly, before slamming back in, letting himself chase his pleasure.

you whine out lowly at the sensation, gripping his shoulders harshly. the sensation only eggs him on to fuck you harder, and he does.

his dick is covered in a translucent liquid, making it even easier for him to slip himself in and out of you.

each time he jabs his cock back in, his cockhead presses against a spot deep inside of you which has your clit twitching and vocal chords vibrating as you beg for more.

you’re crying out chants of his name over and over as your eyeballs roll to the back of your head in pleasure.

one of his hands snakes down to rub at your clit, and you’re creaming around his cock without even realising.

your pussy is wrapped around him like superglue, sucking him in as he uses every fibre of his body to keep fucking you through your orgasm and not cumming inside of you.

you’re basically a ragdoll as he keeps hitting that one spot inside of you, letting you ride out your orgasm as long as you can.

there’s tears falling from your lash line as you let out one last shaky moan, before your body falls limp, concluding possibly the biggest orgasm you’ve ever had, and will have.

he slowly pulls his cock out, using your cum as lube as he quickly starts to pump himself at the same pace he was fucking you mere seconds ago.

it doesn’t take long for him to spray his cum all over your stomach, some reaching your underboob. his eyes are locked on your lewd expression, eyes misty with tears and relief.

he throws his head back and let’s put a small groan as the rest of his seed splatters all over your tits, making your nipples perk up.

his now soft cock hangs down as he sits on the edge of the bed for a few moments, catching his breath.

stepping up, he walks over to your closet to grab you one of his old t shirts and briefs which he quickly dressed himself with.

he grabs a towel and washcloth from his nightstand, crawling over next to you.

‘was i good?’, you ask, grabbing the towel to clean your tummy and boobs with.

he wipes the sweat from your forehead with the washcloth, smirking down at you.

‘you were perfect baby. so good for me’, he praises you, watching how you blush and keen underneath him.

he grabs another old t shirt, this time for you to wear as he dresses you, much to your dismay.

‘i can dress myself, hajime’, you pout as your head pops up through the neck hole of the shirt.

‘just rest, my sweet’, he says, tucking you in and chucking the towels into the laundry hamper next to the bed.

he strokes your forehead for a bit, admiring your relaxed expression until he’s almost sure you’re asleep.

‘i love you’, he whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple before stepping up, tip toeing to the door so he could go start dinner.

‘hajime?’, you croak out, lifting an eyelid as he turns around in surprise, expecting you to be dozing off.


‘i’m glad you were my first’, you say, giving him a sleepy smile.

his tongue pokes into the corner of his cheek, filled his gratitude and wondering how we got so blessed with you.

‘me too baby. i’ll be your first and only.’

thank you for reading!! likes, reblogs, follows, and general feedback are all appreciated!


‘tis the damn season

features: hajime iwaizumi x gn!reader(no pronouns used, written in 2nd person)

submission for:@woahsamu’s  “It’s Always Been You” Collab |song:’tis the damn season - taylor swift|type of writing: oneshot | trope:slice of life,exes to lovers|wc: 2530

summary: when youcome back to japan for the holiday season, while walking along the sidewalk enjoying the snow, a chance encounter with your ex reminds you how much you miss and still love him.

content warnings:partial haikyuu timeskip spoilers,suggestive themes, hurt/comfort, talks of the breakup, talks of commitment-phobia, the reader’s being called baby, love

beta reading:@mxonigirimiya@portfolio-of-dreams@mrskenmakozume (ily all thank you so much <333)|networks:@hanayanetwork@tokyometronetwork

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a/n: when i first chartered my list of fics i was going to write for tumblr, i had a fleeting idea for this song along with iwa, and when the collab came into existence, i knew what i had to do: bring the idea to fruition. taylor swift’s one of my favs (y'all know this lol), so it’s no surprise that my writing’s based on one of her songs.plus, I thought of creating a moodboard instead of the usual banner. also, this is based on a two-year relationship i’d had with my ex in uni before i left for the states and he decided to stay in india and prepare for civil services exam.as always, likes, reblogs, and comments, especially reblogs are appreciated.

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i can’t help it i want you

submission for:@cirigiri’sThe DILF ListCollab(DILF #17 — iwaizumi hajime — the friend’s husband)(basically parts 1 and 2 were to be one post but I divided them into two and thus submitting both ^_^),late Father’s Day post, DILF Appreciation Day, AND for iwaizumi’s birthday on the 10th of june{and yes, part 2 is here <3 check out part 1 here and part 3 will be posted during kinktober :’)}

features: friend’s husband!dilf!hajime iwaizumi x mrs. oikawa!f!reader (afab!reader, uses she/her pronouns) (both of them are separated)|song:you right - doja cat ft. the weeknd|wc:3500 | part 1|part 3

summary:After Hajime Iwaizumi and you separated from your respective partners because of them having an affair with each other, you two had gotten closer and were helping each other recover. Then, one night caused the both of you to almost kiss, and you two realized that you wanted each other instead. As Hajime comes to your apartment with the intention of talking the feelings out of you, your bodies, however, wanted to communicate in a different way.

beta readers:@mrskenmakozume (ilysm <333)|networks:@tokyometronetwork@hanayanetwork

content warnings:hq timeskip spoilers (not much ‘cause everything’s mentioned in part 1, but surely iwa’s aged up), mentions of consumption of alcohol, dubcon ('cause it’s drunk sex), both iwa and reader have been separated from their partners but not divorced yet, so technically, infidelity?, use of sex toy (vibrator), dry humping, pussyjob, cowgirl, cervix fucking (if you squint), oral sex(m! and f! receiving, but not 69), facefucking, deepthroating, praise kink (maybe?), edging, orgasm denial, mating press, doggystyle, squirting, i love you is said during sex, creampie, iwa being a masseuse as the end <33please lmk if i’ve missed any tags

a/n:it took me almost a couple whole nights but i finally wrote it. thank you so so much for your support for part 1 and i hope you’re excited to read this part <33also, likes, reblogs and comments, especially reblogs are appreciated <3

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submission for:@cirigiri’sThe DILF ListCollab(DILF #17 — the friend’s husband)AND for iwaizumi’s birthday on the 10th of june.also,this is part 1,part 2 is coming out on the 21st,andpart 3 during kinktober <3

features: friend’s husband!hajime iwaizumi x mrs. oikawa!f!reader (afab!reader, uses she/her pronouns) |song:homewrecker - marina|wc:4185|part 2|part 3

summary:while hajime iwaizumi is a highly successful athletic trainer, his marriage is in disarray. his wife ended up cheating on him even after having a son, kaito iwaizumi, when she went on a business trip to argentina; with his best buddy, tooru oikawa, of all people. he wasn’t the only one who had been duped, though. so were you, tooru oikawa’s wife, and with a daughter, melina jose oikawa. you remembered your pent-up sentiments for hajime while comforting each other, andthings start to take a spicy turn.|visual inspiration:this artwork by @/novak.rouge on instagram (@beware-of-the-rogue the way you and ella have spoiled me xD)and serena mendoza is inspired by serena van der woodsen from gossip girl(yes i love that show gtfo my case lol /j/lh)

beta readers:@mrskenmakozume@sweetsbysatori (your inputs are so so valuable ilysm <333)|networks:@tokyometronetwork@hanayanetwork

brainstorming:@mxonigirimiya (this wouldn’t have been possible without you so thank you so so much *sobs* <33)

content warnings:hq timeskip spoilers, themes of infidelity, suggestive tones, angst, hurt/comfort, usage of swear words (this is so not me lol, i just had a rough couple of days, and this is me venting lol), serena’s called a bitch, paparazzi, mentions of body insecurity/dysmorphia (but not reader), the reader having symptoms of depression including having trouble with eating, mentions of consumption of alcohol, sexual tension, slightly dubcon (if you squint at the end) ‘cause iwaizumi’s speaking in a slurred voice,please lmk if i miss out on any tags

a/n:this took me a lot of while to come up with this lol, because it’s writing about my kinnie in a bad light, but it’s only for the sake of the plot y'all.but i honestly loved writing this, i’d been in a bad mood off late and i needed to vent out. also, please note that i don’t ever condone cheating. as always, likes, comments & reblogs, especially reblogs are appreciated.also, minors please dni, i will block you.

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general iwaizumi headcannons

what’s it? general
sugar level? 0.7k
allergen warning/s? brief mentions of harassment
regulars? @hanayanetwork


♧ one of those people who dress well without putting any effort at all. it’s either that or he just looks good in everything, it doesn’t really matter as both of those options are totally unfair.

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