#hq daichi


Ever need a hug? But like a Daichi hug. 
I know that man gives the best hugs.
I need a Daichi in my life :/

Character:Hajime Iwaizumi, Daichi Sawamura
Summary:It was hard not to be overwhelmed with anxiety sometimes. It felt like everything became overwhelming and it was hard to stop crying. Bu the love your life was always there to comfort you.
Warning:Fluff, Anxiety
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It started with the shake of your hands. Then your mind became a jumbled mess and then finally the tears came. You were sitting in a quiet part of the university with your head in your hands, your entire body shaking. 

It was just animal biology, why did it make you so anxious. But the idea of a buzzer test made the fear bubble up inside of you until it was spilling over. You rubbed your eyes and tried to calm yourself down from the anxiety. But every time you thought you calmed down, the fear came back and you were crying again. 

Nestled in between lockers you were crying quietly to yourself, but it didn’t take long for your boyfriend to find you. The squeak of his sneakers as he walked down the hall, calling your name until he found you. 

He said your name quietly under his breath before he rushed over to you and slotted himself beside you. His natural instinct was the wrap his arms around you tightly.

  “Hey, hey.” He said as he strong arms lopped around you, “I got you, I got you. You’re safe. I promise.”

You sniffled and rubbed your cheek against him. You croaked, “Hajime.” And your boyfriend just held you tighter. Not letting you go as you started to settle down from the wave of anxiety. 

  “What’s wrong?” He asked, “Why are you crying? We couldn’t find you in the club room. I got worried.” He looked down at you and pushed your hair out of your eyes. You looked so small and fragile against him. You shivered like a leaf and whimpered like a puppy. 

  “Stupid animal bio. We have a buzzer test today and I’m freaking out. I’m going to fail this. I know I am.” You sighed, “I don’t want to have to retake the course, but I don’t know what else to do. I feel hopeless!” You cried.

Iwaizumi continued to hold you and rub your back. He kissed the top of your head lovingly. He said, “You can do it, baby. I know you can, I know it seems daunting but you can do it.” He encouraged as he pulled away and looked down at you.

  “I just don’t know what to do. I get the shakes every time I think about the exam. It makes me feel like I’m going to throw up.” You stammered, your throat felt clogged and your hands felt shaky. 

Iwaizumi let go of you and shrugged off his varsity hoodie. He pulled it over his head and quickly put it on you before you had a chance to say anything. He pulled up the sleeves of you and kissed your inner wrist. He said, “Tomorrow, go into the exam with this hoodie, and any time you worry or get anxious, think about me.” your eyes met and he smiled, “Remember if you pass this course, your one credit closer to us living our dream.”

Your heart raced for a different reason when he mentioned your shared dream. The future you planned together and finishing university was the first step. He leaned in for a kiss, your lip balm smeared across his lips as he deepened the kiss. 

When you pulled away you cupped his cheek, the sweater felt a little warm but it was comforting nonetheless, at least enough to calm you down from your anxiety attack. You swallowed back the last bit of tears and nodded, “You really think I can do it.”

  “Of course, I’ll even help you study. I don’t know a lot about animal bio, but I can try.” He gave you a grin. He laughed when you playfully pulled at his cheek. He knew you were calming down. 

  “Thank you, Hajime.” You said. 

  “Anything for you, because I love you. I have my water bottle in the club room and you better finish it before we start. Looks like you’ve been crying for a while.’ He rubbed your left eye to get the tears off your eyelashes. 

You rested your head against his chest for a moment and sighed, “Okay, sounds good.” And curled up beside him. He let you rest there for a moment, letting the last bit of anxiety wither away to a promise of new confidence in your performance tomorrow. You felt Iwaizumi kiss the top of your head and you felt a sense of peace. You had to keep pushing forward and with a reminder of your boyfriend at your side, you felt a little better to do the exam tomorrow and try your best. Because passing this course meant one step closer to a future you two will have together. 


The crash of lightning woke you up from your sleep. You looked at the clock and saw it was three in the morning, but the thunderstorm had already hit your small town. The trees were shaking, the wind was wild, the heavy drops hit your window. All along with the crash of thunder. 

Another streak of light made you clutch onto the covers. You let out a small whimper and wanted to bury your face under the covers but you felt too still to move. Your heart raced in your chest, you felt a cold sweat through your body and then the tears started. 

You managed to pull your knees to your chest and bury your cheek into your left knee. You choked out a sob, only to jump when there was a loud rumble of thunder. The anxiety raced through your body like a locomotive. You clutched onto your legs and tried to settle down by yourself.

Another crash of thunder sent you under the covers and loudly crying. The anxiety around thunderstorms made you cry, you felt like you were drowning in it. As the heavy drops hit the window you cried harder. Loud enough for your husband, Daichi to hear. 

He rolled over and opened his eyes at you. He slowly reached out and tried to pull the covers back but you quickly covered yourself with them again. Whimpering gently. He sighed and ducked his head under the covers and reached out for you.

  “Sunflower.” He said, “What’s wrong?” He pulled you gingerly into his arms. He rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head lovingly. He was starting to wake up more as worry formed in his gut for what was wrong with you.

  “The storm. It’s scaring me.” You gulped. 

He sighed, “I see.” He pulled you tighter, “No storm is going to get my baby.” He yawned, “That’s a promise. Now let’s get back to sleep.”

Another bright light crossed the sky and you jumped in Daichi’s arms. You shook like a leaf, anxiety overcoming you. You felt too awake from the adrenaline to fall back asleep. Not while all you could focus on was the storm outside. 

  “I’m really scared of it.” You admitted. It felt so childish to be scared of storms, even as a grown person you still felt anxiety around them. It was something you couldn’t help. It just overcame you like a wave. 

  “I know. But I promise it won’t hurt you. You’re safe inside, perfectly safe in bed.” He kissed you again. He worried about your crying. Your rapid shaking from the anxiety taking a hold on you. 

   “I don’t know.” You gulped. You felt

Daichi kissed your forehead to calm you down, “The storm won’t hurt you.” He said, “I promise. You’re safe inside.” 

  “What if lightning hits the house or a tree, and we lose our house. Or it starts a fire or it breaks a window. Or the rain makes the roof collapse.” You rambled off but were silenced with a kiss. 

  “Shh.” Daichi said, “None of that will happen.” He let go of you and rolled out of bed. He stiffly walked to the window and closed the dark curtains. He yawned, “There, you don’t have to see the lightning anymore.” 

  “What about the thunder?” You asked meekly. You pulled the covers to your nose and looked at him in the dark room. You watched him in the very low light walk to his phone and turn on a playlist he has for relaxing. He turned the volume all the way up and climbed back into bed. 

  “Now you won’t hear it. It’ll be like it isn’t even there.” He assured as he pulled you back into his arms, “Now, shhh.” He said, “Time for rest.” He kissed you, “No need to be anxious, I promise the storm won’t hurt you.”

You tried to close your eyes. You finally stopped crying, but your eyes felt wet and sore. You snuggled up against your husband’s broad, clothed chest and held onto him like a stuffed animal. 

  “Nothing will ever heart you, beloved.” He said, “Not while I’m alive. I’ll fight the heavens just to protect you.” He kissed you again, “No one hurts my baby.” 

  “Promise, Dai?” You asked as you continued to hold onto him tightly. He wasn’t worried about you letting go anytime soon. 

As the soft music played through the bedroom, as his arms remained rested on you. He kissed you again, so tenderly as if you were made of glass. A precious object that he must protect with his life. He smiled at you and said, “Of course, it’s a promise for the rest of my days. I’m your husband after all. If a husband doesn’t bend the earth for his partner, is he really a husband?”

You smiled a little, finally settling down from the wave of anxiety. You continued to hold onto him and press your cheek against his chest. This felt safe and comfortable. When Daichi started to notice that you were settling down, he started to rub your back gently. 

  “That’s it. Time to go back to sleep. The storm will be gone by morning.” He said softly. And with that you felt yourself let go of the anxiety and start to drift off to sleep. The storm long forgotten. 

daichi: I’m calling to check in before I get in the flight. everything okay?

tanaka: okay? let’s just say if the house could talk she would say ‘I’ve never been happier I love tanaka’

daichi: oh, that’s interesting because I think the house might say ‘tanaka’s a load and I’m on fire’.

tanaka: what’s that now?

daichi: the security company called me about the alarm.

tanaka: okay, the house was never on fire. noya was on fire and only on his pants and we put it out.

daichi: I’m coming home right now.


Kageyama: I know what you’re going to say. Oikawa is my senpai, and I should be trying to get along with him.

Daichi: No, he’s crazy and he needs to go down.

Haikyuu battle of the bands!!! This is stupid but I’m a choir kid and I really love music so I had to imagine this one. I’m sorry this is really self indulgent but I dunno I hadn’t seen it yet and I’m a sucker for mood music so yeah feel free to ignore this I get it.

TW: suicide, drugs and scary music ahead.

Tsukki, Yams, Hinata, and Kenma have a band that freaking destroys the indie grunge garage rock genre, they all grew up sad and messy. They sound a bit like mcafferty or the front bottoms and maybe cavetown when yams takes over more

Bottom-Mcafferty (yams and tsukki doing this one together is kind of so good)

Twins Size Matress-The Front Bottoms (I’m basic I know)

Lemon Boy-Cavetown (Ah if this ain’t Yams about Tsukki)

  • Tsukki is a lead singer and nothing will change my mind, he can write and sing in that grunge way, it’s hot. He’s got a very cool detached vibe, and guys and girls alike are thirstin but none of them ever come to anything. He’s got an eye for his little back up singer with the green hair
  • Yams is the back up singer, and also a base guitarist and he’s kind of iconic, Tsukki has never needed anyone else, it’s been him and Yams since they were kids, and it’s been that way for a reason, Yams is almost a better lyricist than Tsukki
  • Hinata is their little guitarist and he’s literally king of those jaw dropping garage rock guitar shreds at live shows and god he’s really broken in this AU but he’s still extremely sunny, he just has a lot of trauma in his past
  • Kenma hits the drums, and writes a lot of the lyrics, he can also sing very high harmonies, so he’ll occasionally chip in on those

Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Kuroo, and Kyoutani have a freaking sick rock band, like I’m talking guitar shreds, eyeliner, screaming vocals ahhhhh I love it so much. They’re literally adored and they fall just on the edge of hard but not too hard. They sound a bit like Breaking Benjamin, Foo Fighters, and a little bit of Three Days Grace

Diary of Jane-Breaking Benjamin

Best of You-Foo Fighters

World So Cold-Three Days Grace

  • Kuroo is the lead singer, very mid 2000s rock sound, raspy screaming, deep lyrics, sad eyes and beautiful hair. Drinks a lot, everyone loves him but him, wishes he were dead like a lot.
  • Bokuto plays guitar and just wants his friend to be okay , he seems very strong spirited and happy on stage but he has a habit of making a complete turn, and struggles with bipolar disorder on his own
  • Iwaizumi is a silent, brooding guitarist and probably lowkey the hottest member of the whole band, he shreds and him and bokuto shred back and forth at live shows its crazy
  • Kyoutani is a drummer with heavy dark make up and terrifying eyes, he’s the classic vision of rock and roll and god help him he has so many parents who h a t e him.

Asahi, Daichi, and Kiyoko are amazing. They vibe with a more indie pop sound, with soft piano chords and deep female vocals, reminiscent of Florence+the Machine, Of Monsters and Men, Vancouver Sleep Clinic, and Bon Iver.

Over the Love-Florence and the Machine (Imagining kiyoko with a voice like this is such a trip)

Dirty Paws-Of Monters and Men

Lung- Vancouver Sleep Clinic ( the anxiety in this song gives me Asahi vibes)

Blood Bank-Bon Iver (daichiiiiii)

  • None of them have set places in this group, they’re extremely mutable and that’s what makes them so special everyone loves that the vibes stay the same even though the voices are constantly switching

Oikawa, Yahaba, Hanamaki, and Mattsukawa are reminiscent of Harry Styles, One Republic, and Coldplay. They write slow sad alternative pop music to cry to bc Oikawa is an aesthetically pleasing sad boy.

Girl Crush Cover-Harry Styles (Oiks being gay and sad in a floral suit KILLS ME)

All Fall Down-One Republic

Violet Hill-Coldplay

  • Oikawa has an incredible voice that he didn’t come by naturally, and the fact that he had to practice makes him all the more likeable. His stage presence is nuts, and he cries like a lot.
  • Yahaba is an adorable little keyboard player with soft eyes and a really nice harmony with Oikawa
  • Hanamaki strums soft sad strings
  • Mattsukawa keeps a steady melancholic beat

Suga, Noya, Tanaka, and Ennoshita are modern rock in a nutshell, and god do they know how to make you angry and heartbroken all at once. They release music in the vein of Badflower, Boston Manor, and The Plot in You.


Halo-Boston Manor

The Plot in You- Feel Nothing

  • Suga is the lead singer and his on stage emotion is crazy he’s an emotional wreck, practically screaming S A V E M E, he’s obviously on a lot of substances and victim of crippling low self worth. He cries on really bad nights, his voice is incredible but he’s losing himself to the heartbreak. Suga writes almost all of the lyrics.
  • Noya and Tanaka party all the time to cover up the fact that the both of them feel alone in rooms full of people, to hide the fact that they need saving too. Tanaka is guitar, Noya is drums.
  • Ennoshita is a guitarist as well, and he’s probably the only one keeping all of his bandmates from dying. The pressure is a lot for him.

Yachi is an unhinged curveball, you’d think she sings cute pop songs, but nah, that girl is straight up nuts. Screaming, vulgar, chaos is how you’d describe her music. She’s been repressed her who look e life and it SHOWS.

I Hate My Mom-GRLwood

Mumble rap is a controversial genre to say the least, but I can’t deny that I love it and could see a few of the more spooky or apathetic volleyball boys partaking, especially Tendo and surprisingly, Kunimi. They’d sound somewhat like Ghostemane, $uicidBoy$, and Sueco the Child.

Nihil- Ghostemane (tendo style)

Sold my soul to satan waiting in line at the mall- $uicideBoy$ (together)

Novacane:)-Sueco the Child(Kunimi vibes)

  • Tendo is scary af which really lends itself to the whole terrifying music style and stage presence he has. His music is dark seductive dissonance as is he.
  • Kunimi has suffered in a constant state of pure apathy and sorrow his whole life, this lends itself to the whole $uicide theme he’s got going.

Ah, Love — Chapter 3


summary: due to unfortunate events in your life, you had to move to another city but you have to leave your precious friends and duties as karasuno’s volleyball club manager. but moving to tokyo was fun, not until you get invited to be a manager of a high school club again.

a/n: i messed up the names in tanaka’s pov. i’m so sorry, i’ll edit that once i’m done with the series! ☺️

taglist: open!

Thinking about how the third year’s numbers are symbolic to which touch of the ball they get
