#hes not wrong



Whitley: In a way, pancakes are like children

Winter: Elaborate?

Whitley: The first one is always fucked up



eccleston back to antimonarchyposting on main<33

Obi Wan, to Maul: Your death would only cause more bloodshed, more senseless chaos. It is unnecessary.

Obi Wan: On the other hand, you wouldn’t be bitching about being cut in half if you couldn’t breathe.


Cloud: There’s no magical cure for depression, anxiety, insecurity, or any mental illness there is.

Cloud: However, Zack once said to me, “Whenever you feel sad, imagine a t-rex trying to make a bed.”


Cloud: I know it shouldn’t work, but do you know how hard it is to be sad with that image in your head?


Wally: the justice league is dead, including Ollie, Dinah, and John…also Barry is missing-

Hal: *opens closet door, pulls out thigh highs and cape*

Wally: What are you doing…?

Hal, graying at the temples: Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan


Maglor: How’s Maedhros?

Fingon: Aside from being living proof the Noldor are doomed as a people, he’s fine.

inej: what are you doing here?? i thought you said you’ve moved on

kaz: only people who haven’t moved on say things like that


“They’re not pro-life. You know what they are? They’re anti-woman.”
