

25.04.2022—a pipe burst in the room opposite me at 5am this morning & my room flooded quite a bit, so im now chilling in another res hall until it’s clean and safe for me to go back


Some of my bujo from april ~

I refuse to believe that it’s almost june, mainly because I have exams in a few weeks time that I am very unprepared for and I feel like I don’t have enough time to revise all the content for, which then in itself is making me less productive. We’ll see how it goes…

okay studybugs, to celebrate 20k+ (!! thank you so much?? what) i’m venturing into masterposts&helli

okay studybugs, to celebrate 20k+ (!! thank you so much?? what) i’m venturing into masterposts… so studying loads & loads works to a point, but using time productively is such a helpful skill (I’m still trying to learn) & can help reduce unnecessary study time/cover way more ground far more quickly so why wouldn’t you?? 


  • The right study methods are important, try a few and choose which work for you
  • E.g. I know that active study methods work best for me, so I write notes/essay plans, do exercises/tests, make flashcards and test myself, do past papers, and go over them all with a highlighter for good shit/key mistakes
  • Condense, condense, condense!! That’s why I use flashcardseven more than full-blown notes now, it’s so much quicker and easier to deal with small chunks of info
  • Also flashcards take way less time in my experience – to make larger note-sheets pretty (which is a Big And Important Deal for me) takes a lot more time/planning/rewriting than just a little , A5- sized piece of card
  • I repeat: it is way quicker to write out 1 flashcard again than 1 whole A4 sheet of notes
  • On that note (ha), feel free to rewrite your notes if they go a bit wrong, but only if you have time and it will be beneficial to you. Re-writing notes can help get the information in better and is not always a complete waste of time. If not, tho, chillax, swallow your pride and keep on writing, even if you just had to cross out three WHOLE WORDS right in the middle of the page. Your examiner is not going to care. Promise :)
  • Use online resources we forget about these too much! Use Quizlet for absolutely anything (more on this below) and memrise is great too tho I don’t use/like it as much. If there’s a particular kind of test/resource you need, type it into Google, particularly if it’s for languages of for a set course (e.g. ‘EDXEL A-level History’), chances are someone else has needed it before too and it’ll be ready and waiting
  • Teach what you’re learning or discuss it with your mum/friends, anyone. Just talk at them and tell them everything you know on the spot, it’s a great way to help you remember everything and also test gaps in your knowledge
  • Alternatively just sit and write everything you know and can possibly think of for a topic it does the same job


  • Let’simprove timemanagement
  • Study groups – beware to know thyself tho (if you think you and your friends will just spend ages chatting then avoid avoid avoid) but these can be a great way of keeping focussed and productive over longer periods of time, break up the monotony of studying and be a really helpful support network for a particularly difficult topic
  • Checklists! And keep them after you finish the day, they are so so indispensable for planning, staying on track and working out how much you have left to do, as well as reminding you how much you’ve already done (which is so important! Keep tabs on this! V. motivating and rewarding as well as instructive)
  • Actually just plan plan plan this cannot be stressed enough. I plan what I’m doing in each session for my entire day in the morning so that I can keep track of how well I’m doing. It doesn’t matter if you fall behind of catch up too quickly (lucky you), sometimes we over-estimate our fabulousness! Planning just gives you a structure (which really helps everyone) and short-term goals to work towards, which are important to keep you working/motivated
  • Plan specific activities/topics for each section. If you’re planning and writing in just ‘french’ for 45 mins or ‘latin’ for an hour then you might as well not be planning at all. Instead write ‘french: practise essay – [essay title]’ and ‘latin: four vocab tests (irregular verbs, adjective declensions, masc. & fem. nouns’
  • Have a set schedule! Keep to similar timings throughout the day with regular breaks (we all know this but it’s important). Lots of people find Pomodoros helpful, I find them a bit to stop-start-y and I can’t get much done so I prefer to have longer study periods with longer breaks. Do not work for more than 50 minutes at a time it is pointless, unhealthy and it does not work.
  • Maybe try to keep roughly to your school day timings to limit the amount of work you’re doing to a healthy level? I do 45 mins with a 15 min break each time (my printable schedule is here sorry it’s a bit messy)
  • This means even when I’m at school I can do 2/3 sessions in the evening still sticking to the same timings
  • What to do in breaks – make tea, small exercises, browse social media, have a chat
  • What to eat whilst studying – blueberries (the food of the gods got me thru my GCSEs), nuts, any fruit (your brain runs mainly on natural sugars – not refined), anything green (smoothie, kale, avocado), fish (maybe not for a snack but hey whatever floats your boat (ha))
  • Drink lots of water (tea counts! especially if it’s black (leaf-water)), eat well and exercise it’s actually beneficial to your energy levels, mood and information retention
  • Work in a well-lit (preferably natural light), comfortable and sensible atmosphere so you can FOcus – preferably quiet (exam practise) or if you need some noise make sure it’s low in the background so it won’t distract you – distractions = timewasting
  • Feel free to go somewhere other than your room if you know this is going to be more helpful! I find myself losing focus surrounded by my books etc. sometimes so coffee shops/libraries are a really good option (especially with classical music in my headphones)
  • I like soft piano music when studying as it’s calming and easy listening without any concentration but if you want to have a look at other background noise go here for music or here for general noise

Apps &c.:-

Disclaimer – I don’t often use apps to study. Almost all of these notes are just from brief interactions. I usually just use the default timer on my phone as my timings don’t fit the usual Pomodoro apps, but if you’re looking for something a little more snazzy my all-time faves (they’re all free) are:

  1. Momentum (chrome extension for laptop) – studyblr stalwart; I actually use this every day & I love it. Aesthetic motivating new-tab/home screen with gorgeous landscapes, clock, inspirational quote and to-do lists 
  2. Quizlet (website and app) – as I mentioned, my absolute fave app for on the go revision. Any quiz/test you need will be there (within reason). I way prefer it to memrise as I find that just takes too long. 4 different ways to learn on the app + more online, once you’ve saved the quiz it doesn’t need wifi so you can use it literally anywhere  
  3. Flat Tomato – fave timer I’ve found. Based on Pomodoro but I’ve changed the settings and it works perfectly with the way I like to schedule my time (which is rare). To-do list from which you can name each session & also looks pretty with nice colours. V. simple, no habit tracker or anything but works really nicely & well 
  4. FocusNow – Bye delay – free version of Forest which I’ve never used tho I know both are v. famous in the community (and for a reason!). Has an adaptable timer (based on Pomodoro). Grows a ‘castle-farm’ square-by-square for every session you go without clicking off the app. Habit tracker & everything and v. sweet 
  5. MinimaList – v. simple but lovely-looking and accessible to-do lists. If you click on a to-do a timer for 15/30/45 mins comes up, and if you pick up your phone a dialogue box tells you to put it back down 
  6. Pomotodoreally nice app from what I can see, just as good if not better/more aesthetic than Flat Tomato, with habit tracker &c. and v. v. cleverly designed. The only thing for me is that you can’t change the timings – it’s Pomodoro or nothing, but if that works for you would deffo recommend 

(FYI I have an iPhone so the above apps are all from the app store. Some good google play ones I’ve seen are: Pomotodo(again),Brain Focus,ClearFocus,Focus LockandForest which is on google and apple too (but: ££))

plus! focus & study more effectivelystudy better; study tips for lazy people

hopefully this helps, feel free to ask if you have any questions or requests (also 1st masterpost eekso please be nice and let me know what you think!). striving for maximum productivity is the interminable struggle - good luck

xxx e

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27.4.21 (10/100 Days of Productivity) Today, I studied French and wrote down some useful phrases tha27.4.21 (10/100 Days of Productivity) Today, I studied French and wrote down some useful phrases tha

27.4.21 (10/100 Days of Productivity) 

Today, I studied French and wrote down some useful phrases that I found from these websites (one,two) Currently, I’m watching a travel documentary!

Hope your day is going well! 

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25.4.21 (8/100 Days of Productivity) Featuring dessert +  a list of French business vocabulary avail25.4.21 (8/100 Days of Productivity) Featuring dessert +  a list of French business vocabulary avail

25.4.21 (8/100 Days of Productivity) 

Featuring dessert +  a list of French business vocabulary available at thiswebsite! 

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24.4.21 (7/100 Days of Productivity)

Today, I finished reading Persuasion by Jane Austen and studied French. Hope you’re having a lovely day ♡

9:00 // Royal Holloway, University of London is beautiful.I’ve been running experiments with a mas9:00 // Royal Holloway, University of London is beautiful.I’ve been running experiments with a mas

9:00 // Royal Holloway, University of London is beautiful.

I’ve been running experiments with a masters student using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging). I also got an updated scan of my own brain. Nice nice.

Some cool stuff about fMRI experiments:

  • Glasses can’t be worn in the scanner (because they contain metal) so you get to wear these sexy specs instead. The lenses that work best for you are slotted in. They’re like swimming goggles. 
  • People who wear the hijab or a turban can go in the scanner with their head coverings on. Yay! All pins,metals and hair ties need to be removed though. 
  • Experiments in fMRI tend to have a maximum running time of 90 minutes. 
  • There is a panic button (looks like a pump) given to participants in the scanner, if you ever want to leave the scanner all you have to do is press it. 
  • If it’s not given by default you can ask to have a copy of your brain scan. Download a free software called Mango and play around with your brain!!
  • The equipment tends to look old - our comps run Windows XP. You’ll see this in science quite a bit and think “why don’t they update??”. Operating systems (Windows/MAC OS) sometimes have updates that tamper with medical software and it can be hard to pinpoint what’s gone wrong. So if it’s working we don’t update it until there’s a reason on our part e.g. when it breaks.

Follow my Studygram: studyingbrains 

Follow my Twittertoo! 

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How to get links in your description (successfully!) using the tumblr mobile app. For those who alreHow to get links in your description (successfully!) using the tumblr mobile app. For those who alreHow to get links in your description (successfully!) using the tumblr mobile app. For those who alre

How to get links in your description (successfully!) using the tumblr mobile app. 

For those who already know what they’re doing here’s the link you need to insert with an example:




In order for the tumblr mobile app to redirect to something, it has to be a post e.g. /tagged/about - It can’t be an actual page e.g. studyingbrains/about (this won’t work). 

A couple extra pointers:

  • The accent colour (in the mobile app editor) is the colour of your links.
  • Try to use obscure tags for “about” links and “my post” links. Otherwise random posts with the words will pop up. For an about page maybe tag the post as “ab0utm3″ then other posts on your tumblr with the words aboutme won’t be shown. 
  • The above applies to original content too if you tag your stuff as “personal” all posts with that word will pop up (even other users that you’ve reblogged). Come up with obscure tags for mobile links (this makes it easier for followers to navigate). 
  • When editing your tumblr theme, links tend to break and need to be reentered. Keep that in mind. Check your links every time, after you edit.
  • You can still write in the description box, just write before and after the links. e.g. “Brains | UK |  About|”
  • You can add as many links as you can fit!
  • You can add links via the desktop theme editor (I prefer this way), by writing in the description box:

I hope this helped! Any questions, just ask!

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Friday’s // London is actually really dull today and I am tired. We’re celebrating as two of my frieFriday’s // London is actually really dull today and I am tired. We’re celebrating as two of my frie

Friday’s // London is actually really dull today and I am tired. 

We’re celebrating as two of my friends are getting married and another is pregnant. Being The Antisocial Trash™ that I am, I decided to bake cakes in lieu of my attendance. I also read some infamous Dahl and sorted out my evergrowing stamp collection in the morning. 

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11:00am // Work breaks. With formal modules over, my breaks consist of reading [Phantoms in the Brai11:00am // Work breaks. With formal modules over, my breaks consist of reading [Phantoms in the Brai

11:00am // Work breaks.

With formal modules over, my breaks consist of reading [Phantoms in the Brain by V. S. Ramachandran] and walks around campus whilst listening to podcasts.

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my first semester is coming to a close and im not ready for finals.

have been writing a term paper all afternoon, haven’t even started practicing for my calculus class yet either.

hope everyone’s having a great day!

Some school tips I’ve thought of at 3am.

  • Have a random folder.

This folder is going to be to be for any non-subject related sheets you get. This way, your backpack won’t be crowded with random papers and the sheets also stay safe from getting crushed at the bottom of your bag. Just try not to start stuffing everything into this folder, keep your subject work organised!

  • Breakfast.

I know a lot of people don’t eat breakfast because they get stomach aches in the morning or something along those lines, but as soon as you start feeling hungry, eat something light. Even just a piece of toast with some jam on top. It’s not called the most important meal of the day for no reason. Eating something will give you some more energy in the mornings!

  • Wake up at the same time every day.

So I know people like sleeping in on weekends, but think of it like this. The entire week your body is being conditioned to wake up at a certain time, but you’re not letting it get completely used to it by sleeping in on the sixth day. If you have trouble waking up in the mornings, try to wake up at the exact same time every day of the week for two weeks and just see how your body becomes more accustomed to it.

  • Wear something you’re comfortable in.

Okay I’m not saying show up to school/college in a tracksuit unless that’s what you want, I just mean, don’t wear a shirt that itches or is too tight because chances are, you’ll be focused so much on that, you won’t pay attention in class. I once wore brand new shoes to class and they hurt so bad, I didn’t even listen to the teacher, I was busy praying for my feet.

  • Designate a study area.

If you study at home, designate one area as a study area. For my, it’s my desk. I know some people study on their beds, but that’s never worked for me because I, being a lazy person, have related my bed with laying down/sleeping. So even if I start studying sitting up, after an hour, I’m on my stomach and feeling super lethargic. I find that studying in the same place every time makes your brain understand that this place is where you should be most alert.

  • To do lists.

You don’t need a fancy shmancy bullet journal or planner for this tip. You need a piece of paper or a sticky note. Whenever you’re sitting down to do some hardcore studying, make a list of everything you want to realistically get done. Then, you won’t forget anything and you’ll be able to deduce how long you’re able to allocate to each task. Also, it’s super satisfying when you cross everything off!

There’s probably going to be a part two to this, hope it helps!

Hello! This is a masterpost of my favourite school supplies! This includes pens, pencils, highlighte

Hello! This is a masterpost of my favourite school supplies! This includes pens, pencils, highlighters, markers, paper and notebooks! The small star ( * ) represents my all time ride or die products :) There are no brush pens on this list because I currently don’t own any, got a Pentel Sign one coming though!

Black Pens:

  • Pilot G2 0.38 
  • Pilot G2 0.5 * 
  • Pentel Energel Needle Tip 0.3 * 
  • Muji Capped Gel Ink Pen 0.38 

Coloured Pens: 

  • Muji Capped Gel Ink Pens 0.38
  • Pilot Juice 0.5 *
  • Staedtler Tripus Fineliners


  • Papermate Clearpoint Mechanical pencils 0.5 *
  • Bic Mechanical Pencils 0.5 


  • Crayola Supertip markers *
  • Staedtler markers 


  • Zebra Mildiner highlighters * 
  • Stabilo Boss highlighters 
  • Muji clear view highlighters 


  • Typo A4 notebooks * (best paper quality ever, kind of expensive)
  • Muji Plantation lined notebooks * (really good quality, ivory paper)
  • Muji recycled grid notebooks 
  • Fivestar reinforced paper (decently smooth but SUPER white)
  • Muji loose leaf paper (SUPER smooth, but not white)

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First step to choosing a backpack that you expect will last you a long time is deciding what you need from it. How many notebooks and binders will you be carrying? Will you be commuting? How durable do you need it? Does it need to have some sort of water protection? Will you be carrying a laptop? How much does the look of it matter? Make a list of everything you need the backpack to have, and then start searching. 

The prices I’ve listed are not exact, depending on the store you buy from, they could run more or less expensive. My brother found the Herschel Little America Mid Volume on sale at theBay (Canada) for $60, so keep an eye out and save some money! Also I’ve used the black version of all of these backpacks so pretty colours aren’t an extraneous variable.

Medium Sized Backpacks

Fjallraven Kanken 16L (80USD/100CAD) 

Appearance, Size & Material:

This backpack has become everyone’s new favourite and I kid you not, I see at least two every single day. It’s is the smallest out of the ones I’ll be mentioning. This backpack is waterproof, so if you live in a more rainy climate then this may be a good idea! The thick material is very durable and can probably take some throwing around.

What Does It Fit:

It’s got two compartments, one main and one small one as well as two open side pockets. The smaller compartment is sort of on the tiny side, and if you want something thicker like a heavy duty portable charger to fit, it might be difficult. This is a good option for those individuals who may not have many textbooks, notebooks or binders. If most of your life is on your electronic device, this will be a good option for you.The original version we are talking about does not have a laptop sleeve (on their website, they do have a laptop version for 115USD/153CAD, that fits a 15inch laptop or smaller), but the back padding is quite thick, so your laptop should be okay in a good quality sleeve. It also comes in a very wide array of colours.

Aesthetics: 9/10

Practicality: 8/10

Availability: 8/10

Overall Rating: 25/30

Herschel Little America Mid Volume 17L (99USD/110CAD) 

Appearance, Size & Material:

It’s very small, despite the fact that it’s a decent size. The zipper and magnetic clasp closure on the small pocket is very annoying, as is the drawstring closure on the main compartment. I find myself being extremely rough with it because the opening and closing isn’t very practical, especially if you don’t have a surface to set it on. I’ve only had it for a year and a half and it’s condition isn’t as good as my Jansport’s condition, after owning it for seven years. This bag is water resistant and waterproof.

What Does It Fit:

It has two compartments, the larger of which has a pocket for a 13 inch laptop. The smaller compartment is quite small, and can barely hold my phone and portable charger comfortably (for reference, I have the iPhone 8 Plus). The most that I’ve been able to fit inside this backpack is two notebooks and one textbook. This is probably better for those who don’t have much to carry. Or, this would again be a good choice for someone who does most of their schoolwork on their laptop/ipad.

Aesthetics: 8/10

Practicality: 3/10

Availability: 7/10

Overall Rating:20/30

Herschel Dawson 20.5L (69USD/75CAD)

Appearance, Size & Material:

This backpack is quite aesthetically pleasing, with a more minimalist look to it. My opinion on the drawstring is the same with this backpack too, I hate it, but slightly less because instead of having two clasps, it only has one. The material of this bag does mean it’s waterproof, which again, is advantageous to those living in a place where they get a lot of rain.

What Does It Fit:

It has a laptop compartment that fits a 13 inch laptop. It has two smaller compartments, both of which have a clasp enclosure, unlike in the other backpacks I’ve talked about, the small compartment of this bag isn’t horizontal, it is vertical. They’re quite deep pockets, and fit a good amount of stuff. It’s one of the bigger laptops in this category, and can fit around 3-4 notebooks and a binder or two. This is really good for people who have different weights to carry each day, because this is comfortable in both situations.

Aesthetics: 9/10

Practicality: 4/10

Availability: 7/10

Overall Rating: 20/30

Jansport Superbreak 21L (36USD/40CAD) 

Appearance, Size & Material:

This is hands down the best quality of backpacks that I’ve encountered given the price. It ‘s neither waterproof nor water resistant though. It also comes in a wide variety of designs and colours and are probably the most easily available backpacks on this list. One reason I like this bag is because it’s got a very basic design, so if you get a solid coloured one, it’ll look very chic and the black colour will go with everything.

What Does It Fit:

It has two compartments, one main and one small one. This backpack doesn’t have a laptop compartment, but the backing on it is very thick and sturdy, so even if you put your laptop in a sleeve, it’ll be pretty secure. The large compartment is almost never ending (kind of like Hermione’s bag in The Deathly Hallows). It’s held six binders, four notebooks and two textbooks on one occasion for me. The small compartment is also quite spacious, and has a small built in organizer for pens and other smaller knicknacks. There are no water bottle holders on the sides.

Aesthetics: 9/10

Practicality: 7/10

Availability: 10/10

Overall Rating: 26/30

Large Sized Backpacks

The North Face Women’s Borealis 28L (89USD/110CAD) 

Appearance, Size & Material:

This isn’t what I’d refer to as a cute backpack. It’s got this criss cross design on the front made with what they refer to as a bungee system, if needed, you could probably stuff a sweater in this area. Otherwise, it’s just kind of there. It comes in some nice colour combinations. There is also removable buckles, which are probably useful if you’re carrying a bunch of stuff. The straps look the thickest out of all the ones I’ve talked about, and that leads me to believe that they’re much more padded.

What Does It Fit:

This is a large backpack. It’s got three compartments, one very large one with a laptop sleeve that could fit a 15 inch laptop, and the middle one has a bunch of internal divisions for organization, it could fit a calculator, a bunch of pens, even a few notebooks. This divider also has a padded tablet/ipad sleeve. There are two extended mesh water bottle pockets, one of which has quick-draw cell-phone access. The main compartment is very large and could easily fit a large number of books and binders alongside your computer. This is ideal for people with a lot to carry, or commuters who don’t use their own cars.

Aesthetics: 3/10

Practicality: 9/10

Availability: 7/10

Overall Rating: 18/20

The North Face Women’s Jester 28L (70USD/80CAD)

Appearance, Size & Material:

This is again, not the most cute backpack on the list. It has the same bungee cord on the front, and on their site they state: “bungee cords crisscrossing the front of the pack are perfect for stuffing your jacket and bike helmet under for convenient, hands-free walks from class to class”. The bungee cords are more narrow than on the Borealis. There is also some light reflective particles on the backpack, especially the sleeves, which are probably there to make it safer to walk around at night.

What Does It Fit:

There are two compartments, both of which are pretty big. The front pocket has some internal organization the way the Borealis does. It also has a padded compartment for your ipad/tablet. There are two side mesh pockets for a water bottle or just smaller necessities. The larger compartment has a laptop sleeve again, and it fits a 13 inch laptop. The same compartment still has enough room to accommodate textbooks and binders. This is ideal for people with a lot to carry, and as stated in the other review, probably best for commuters who need to be on campus for a lot longer.

Aesthetics: 6/10

Practicality: 9/10

Availability: 7/10

Overall Rating: 24/30

Jansport Big Student 34L (48USD/55CAD)

Appearance, Size & Material:

This is a BIG backpack. It’s got the most volume out of all of the ones we’ve spoken about today, but it’s also physically much wider than all of them. That’s a negative for me, because if you ever fill it up completely, you kind of resemble those middle schoolers in television shows that have backpacks on that are bigger than them. I find that I can fit almost everything from this backpack into one of The North Face ones, and they aren’t as wide. It’s much more minimal looking than The North Face ones.

What Does It Fit:

It has six compartments and two mesh side pockets, perfect for a water bottle. One of these compartments at the very back of the bag is made for a 15inch laptop (I have found this pocket on the American version but not the Canadian version). The other two large compartments can easily hold a multitude of notebooks and textbooks. In ninth grade, where I live, we had to bring seven notebooks and five textbooks every single day, and I found that everything fit in those two zippered compartments. And they were not thin textbooks. The next pocket coming towards the outside of the bag is kind of a reach and grab one in my opinion, it isn’t too deep, and ends at about five or six inches down. Perfect for a cellphone. The next one has a built in organizer for pens and smaller trinkets, as well as enough space for a pencil pouch or a bullet journal. The last compartment is quite roomy too, and would probably be best for gum, hair ties, lip balm, etc. This backpack would be ideal for anyone carrying a buttload of stuff. 

Aesthetics: 6/10

Practicality: 5/10

Availability: 9/10

Overall Rating:  20/30

Jansport Right Pack Digital Edition 31L (65USD/70CAD)

Appearance, Size & Material:

This is pretty cute for being such a large backpack. It looks a lot like the Superbreak bag from Jansport. I definitely prefer this look to the Big Student. The colours I can find online are pretty limited in comparison to other Jansport bags. In this specific bag design there is a suede bottom, claiming to help with durability. Also, it’s thicker than the average bottom so your electronics would be more secure and safe from breakage.

What Does It Fit:

There are three compartments. The main compartment has a designated and separate space for both a 15inch laptop and an ipad/tablet, the former of which actually has a strap to lock it into place, as well as some additional room for textbooks and notebooks and such. There’s not really much to say about this pocket because it’s very basic and straightforward. The first smaller pocket has a built in organizer, perfect for putting pens, pencils and other small objects in. This is much better than the one in the Superbreak and looks more like the one in the Big Student. It’s got a zippered compartment inside the organizer as well. The final compartment is just a stash pocket for things like your phone or earphones, etc.

Aesthetics: 8/10

Practicality: 7/10

Availability: 7/10

Overall Rating: 22/30


The winners are solely based on the grading system, which is quite subjective. I may not like largeness of the Jansport Big Student, but you might love it. I’d recommend giving your own scores and seeing which one is your winner!

Medium Sized: Jansport Superbreak

Large Sized: The North Face Women’s Jester
