#high noon


Okay. So the party was more boring than Sky’d expected. Sure he didn’t really know anything about the party. Or the host. (He’d heard the name ‘Neptune’,- apparently the friend who was holding the party?- expected another of Russel and Cardin’s mythology talks to start, and pretty much immediately checked out.) But it was a New Years party. Shouldn’t it be illegal or something for those to be boring? He hadn’t even spotted any alcohol. When they were all legal. And, again, New Years. He sighed. To think he’d even gotten dressed for this. Like, dressed dressed. Makeup, white shorts a little too short, fishnet tights, the works. If he’d gone to Cardin’s sister’s party, she’d be proud. But he let Russel drag him here instead. He ran a hand through his hair, scratching at his scalp. There was a cup of punch in his hand and he swirled the purple liquid absently. Someone else walked up, and he got caught by bright red eyes. His eyes traveled further down. A chest with scars greeted him, followed by dark jeans with a chain looped down between two belt loops and a singular golden arm band- one that wasn’t fully connected but was brought close together by a coiled circle on each end.

“Bold.” Sky raised an eyebrow. The other boy paused, a ladle to a cup, to give him a confused look. He smiled and gestured to the boy’s torso. “No shirt.”

For just another moment the boy’s brows were knit in confusion. Then it cleared. He took his own onceover of Sky. “I can say the same for those shorts.”

Sky laughed. “Maybe for this party.”

“You know another?”

“One,” Sky said with a half shrug. “A friend’s.”

The guy smiled at him. “Why’d you come here then?”

“Trying to get rid of me already? You don’t even know my name. And it’s because another friend convinced me to come here with him.”

“I wouldn’t want to get rid of you even if I did know your name,” he took a sip of the punch and looked around the party. “Where’s your friend?”

“No clue. I ditched him to find something interesting to do when he went to find his boyfriend.” Sky sighed. “Or, I tried to find something interesting.”

“Yeah, Nep’s never been the best with parties,” the guy laughed again. Just a light chuckle of a noise.

“‘Nep’? You’re friends with the host?”

“Best friends,” the guy confirmed.

“I almost feel like I should apologize,” Sky said.

“For saying my bff holds shitty parties?”

Sky barked out a laugh. “Yousaid that, I implied it. And no, apologize that you’re friends with him. If this is the kind of party he throws I can imagine how boring it must be to hang out with him.”

The guy frowned. Or, tried to. Sky could see the smile struggling to form. “He’s really not that bad.”

“Maybe,” Sky shrugged. “Still, I’m gonna head out before my friend finds me again.”

“You’re ditching?”

“Of course. Why, want to join?” It’s a rhetorical question. This is this guy’s best friend’s party. On top of them being strangers; not even knowing each other’s names. Of course he’ll stay. But to his surprise, the guy shrugs.

“Sure,” he says.

“Sure?” Sky echoed. Just to be sure he actually heard that. He didn’t think his hearing was going, but. Who knew.

“Yeah.” The guy shrugged again. “They’ll be other parties but who knows when I’ll have a handsome stranger ask to whisk me away again.” There’s a certain sparkle to his eyes. Casting them as embers, seconds from bursting alive again. He smiled at Sky, showing off sharp canines. And then, like an after thought, he winks. And. Oh. This guy was flirting with him. Sky felt his own grin form, sure and confident, in response.

“If you think you can keep up,” Sky said, just a bit of a purr. Because he honestly couldn’t help himself. This guy was undeniably attractive. And it’d been a while since he really just flirted with someone. Been a while since he’d done something like this in general, heading off with a stranger. Though… He frowned in thought. The outfit was good, but it was missing pizzazz for Velvet’s party. If he was there with him, at least. Thankfully Sky had what he needed to fix that.

“I’d love to try,” the guy answered. Sky nodded and the guy moved to leave before Sky stopped him with a laugh.

“We’re fixing this before we go anywhere else.” Sky waved a hand over the guy’s face.

“What?” The guy’s brow frowned even as he remained smiling.

“If we’re crashing a party you’re gonna look like you belong at the party,” Sky explained, taking the guy’s wrist. The skin under his thumb was warm. Much warmer than his own. Though that wasn’t exactly an accomplishment, he guessed. Even when he was a kid his temperature ran low. (‘Cold hands, warm heart,’ his mom would say.) Still, this guy was close to being on par with Penny who was basically a human heater. Just slightly the confusion cleared and the guy let himself be led to one of the bathrooms in the stupid large house, despite the fact he’d probably know better than Sky where a bathroom would be. It took two doors for Sky to find a room with white tile, light blue-gray walls, silver trim, a toilet, bathtub/shower, and a surprisingly big mirror over a sink. Lights lit up over the mirror when he flipped the switch. He’d already taken note of how oddly fancy this house was. Even the rooms he’d gotten glimpses of were fancy, two big bedrooms- one with bold, bright colours and the other with deeper, rich, practically royal colours- with a big plush bed and an armoire. If he wanted a nap, he’d be inclined to sneak into one of them and just bury himself in the pillows. There were so many even if the bedroom’s owner walked in, they probably wouldn’t notice him among them. But no, it was December 31st and he wasn’t sleeping anytime soon. He directed the guy to sit on the toilet seat and went to dig into his bag.

“Are you okay with this?” Sky paused before he really got anything out. Suddenly he remembered not every guy was okay wearing makeup, unlike basically his entire friend group. (Whether it was personality, the fact the entire group was part of the alphabet mafia, or the sheer amount of theatre kids in the group, well. Sky was sure it was all three.) He wanted to be sure before he did anything.

“Go for it,” The guy said with a nonchalant shrug. “Unless you’re gonna make me look like a clown.”

Sky snorted. “Damn, you’ve figured me out.”

“Maybe another time.” That gave Sky brief pause before he steadfastly ignored the slip. Because it had to be accidental. Neither of them planned on sharing contact info with the other, he was sure. This would be one night with one party. The implication they’d see each other again past this was highly unlikely. It was just something people said, anyhow. It really meant nothing. He pulled out the palette and opened it.

This close he could make out the light freckles across the bridge of the guy’s nose and his cheeks. They just begged for golden glitter. Which gave him a good idea of what to do all around. He dabbed the brush into his brown, lightly blew the excess off, and got started. To his delight, there was no flinching as he put it on. (Usually he put eyeshadow on Russel who did his best, but did still sometimes flinch back or blink at inopportune times.) Even after he got out the black eyeliner, the guy didn’t move. It made something pleased curl in his chest and he gave an easy smile.

“You’re better than I expected.” The guy made an inquisitive sound but didn’t move. “I’d expected you to blink more or something, since I’m messing with your eyelid.”

A small smile graced the guy’s mouth. “One of my other friends likes to do makeup sometimes and I’ll let him use me as a guinea pig.”

Sky raised an eyebrow. “Has he turned you into a clown before?”

“Not quite,” the guy chuckled. “It was a near thing but he couldn’t find the red, squeaky nose and made me a mime instead. Nep wouldn’t let me speak afterward until I’d washed it off.”

“He wouldn’t let you speak?”

The guy shrugged slightly, obviously being careful not to throw off Sky. It was appreciated. Sky’s smile widened a bit, amusement tinging its edges with the guy’s next words. “Something about breaking code or something.”

Sky nodded sagely even though the guy wouldn’t see it. “Of course.” In the next moment he finished with the eyeliner and retrieved a brush to add the final touch.

When he finished, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. Golden dust across the guy’s cheeks in a mirror to his own silver. Dark brown eyeshadow, just dark enough to be seen. Black eyeliner, bold and thick into a delicate and sharp wing. Perfect. The smile turned to something more pleased, only half his mouth quirked, and he gestured to the mirror. The guy stood up to look and seemed pleased with what he saw. That pleased feeling in his chest warmed and spread.

“Normally I’d go ‘more is more’ for an event like this-” Sky gestured to his own makeup, the bright blue eyeshadow popping off his skin with the help of his winged eyeliner and glittering silver brushed across his cheeks like rain, “but you look good like this.”

“Thanks,” the guy said and Sky could hear it was sincere.

“Of course,” Sky clicked his palette shut and put his things away. “Like I said, I had to make you presentable if you’re going to come with me.”

For a moment, the guy looked unsure. “Are you… okay with me coming along?” Sky frowned, an eyebrow raised at the sudden change. Just minutes ago he was so confident in joining. “It’s just that. I’ve had friends before who weren’t entirely… pleased that I’d followed along with them.”

That. Didn’t sit right in Sky’s stomach. Only a few minutes with him and he already knew that insecurities were not something he wanted to see on this guy’s face. He smirked. A teasing lilt touched his words when he spoke, and he hoped the stranger could hear it. “I thought you wanted me to whisk you away.”

The guy blinked and bit his lip. For the first time, Sky noticed his canines were sharp. It sent a tingle of danger through him that he fully chose to ignore. “Yeah, I did.”

“Good. I was looking forward to it.”

Like a switch had been flipped, a small smile lit up the guy’s face. It was like this tension Sky hadn’t noticed fell off the guy’s shoulders. The lights from over the mirror caused the gold across his cheeks to sparkle.

He took out his keys, swirling them around a finger.

“Ever ride a motorcycle?”

It turned out he had. The guy who invited him here- an old ex and a good friend, apparently- owned one and he’d gone on rides before. How fast that friend went, Sky wasn’t sure. But he wouldn’t doubt that he went faster. He switched lanes, an eye out for other vehicles only by habit. There was no real need. The roads were empty right now, people tucked away in their own parties. City lights swirled like Picasso’s Starry Night and buildings went past in a blur as his bike climbed past 100. Wind cut into the skin of his midriff and he spared a moment to be glad he’d had the forethought to give his passenger- they’d yet to exchange names- a jacket. Not that it probably really mattered. With the way the guy clung onto him, chest pressed to his back and arms a firm weight around his waist, he wouldn’t be surprised if he was warm. Sky certainly took the brunt of the wind. But that was fine with him. This was part of why he owned a motorcycle. The bite of the wind and the blur of the midnight city around him.

Velvet’s house came into view, small and large at the same time. It was one story and not much more than a rectangle with a porch. But the backyard was large with woods expansive and looming in the back like a border line between this world and the next. Something about Velvet’s place had always struck him as oddly [otherworldly]. They slowed to a stop in the backyard, next to where Velvet parked her own bike for the night. Sky stayed on to let the guy swing off before he removed his helmet and followed down.

“So, I know this is a bit late, but I’m Sun,” The guy- Sun - said as he handed back the helmet. (The extra helmet he only kept because Cardin had caught him driving with Penny, his helmet on Penny’s head and him without protection, and decided to carry an extra with him just so he wouldn’t have to hear thatparticular safety/bad example rant again. Or get one from Velvet, like Cardin threatened.) And Sky felt amusement curl in his chest.

“Perfect. I’ll be your Sky for the night,” Sky said with the slightest purr in his voice, equal parts teasing and flirting. An eyebrow quirked up before it seemed to click.

“Is that your real name?” There was obvious laughter in Sun’s voice, shaping the question.

“If it was?” Sky asked, locking the pannier.

“I’d agree, I think it’s perfect.”

“I’m glad we’re in agreement, then.” Sky held his arm out for Sun to loop his through. “Shall we?”

“We shall.”

Velvet’s party was loud. Party loud, not club loud. Voices built on top of eachother like layers you could peel apart if you really tried to. There was a large fire in the pit Dove, Nora, and her had built that backlit a good portion of her backyard and the people inside it. There were only a few dozen, about the same amount from Neptune’s party. It was only ten, though. More would surely appear as the night wore on. Sun went for the bonfire almost the second it was in sight, like a moth to a flame, and Sky followed behind him. Though he paused before he fully caught back up with Sun. Now, Sky will admit, he was just average height. That did mean he was one of the taller of his friend group, but not by much. Even so, at 6’0 there were plenty who were shorter than him. Sun was not that. Inches stood between them in height, when they first got on his motorcycle he noticed he only came up to Sun’s shoulder. From his position he could see the way the flames played along Sun’s cheeks, making the gold glimmer and swirling in his red eyes like a sunset. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Sky smiled to himself. Though he wasn’t superstitious, he already had a feeling meeting those eyes this night would be quite the delight. It has been so far. Here, Sky could hear the music Velvet had playing over the crackling fire and voices. Midnight City started. Pumpy notes and a drumbeat that made Sky smile. Something about this song always made Sky want to move. So he took Sun’s hand, just to pull him a short distance from the fire. Not far enough to lose the heat or the way it played in Sun’s eyes. But enough for there to be no danger when Sky swept him closer or swayed him to the left, back towards the bonfire. With only the briefest hesitation Sun followed his lead. Together they swayed, perhaps a little like idiots, next to the bonfire. With the way Sun smiled it was worth it.

It was close to eleven when they left Velvet’s party for Taiyang’s. They sped back down the road and this time, Sky left off the helmet. He’s glad he did. As he drove, Sun rested his head on Sky’s shoulder. The extra point of contact was warm and Sky’s smile wasn’t fully from adrenaline.

The third party is inside. It’s quieter, more on par with Neptune’s party. Except where Neptune’s was large and spread out this one felt closer together and more homey. There was enough empty space for breaks of privacy. Sun and Sky found themselves in one of those spaces pretty quickly. Their bodies were still close despite the room they had- Sky could feel Sun’s warmth against his side. The tv is on and it’s loud but not too loud. If he looked, Sky could see a countdown clock in the corner of the screen with the ball to be dropped in the middle, patiently awaiting it’s one job. Midnight- the new year- was fast approaching, but Sky didn’t really pay much attention to that. Until he did.

It’s a dumb joke. (Though, to some of his friends allhis jokes were.) For the life of him, Sky couldn’t actually remember what words came out of his mouth. What order they flowed in. He wished he did. If only to get this reaction again.

Sun snorted. Loudly. It was a sound Sky was sure was supposed to sound unattractive. Just as a rule. Was sure on anyone else, it would’ve. But something about the scrunch of Sun’s nose and the crinkle of his eyes, Sky couldn’t help but think it looked rather attractive on him. Would it be bad to kiss someone who was still practically a stranger? (Or was he even a stranger anymore? Had they passed that threshold between makeup and driving and party crashing and dancing.) Then the countdown started and he felt a decision solidify, all impulsiveness filling his blood as he grabbed Sun’s cheeks to get him to lower his head and lifted himself just slightly onto his tiptoes. He’d leave the overthinking for Cardin, where it belonged.

Five… Four… Three…

Realization lit up red eyes and Sun adjusted himself better, moved more fluidly toward him.

Two… One

Their lips met softly. Easily. Warmth against warmth. Where Sky’s lips were soft, Sun’s were chapped. They angled their heads together and Sky’s hands trailed lightly across Sun’s cheeks- no doubt picking up glitter from the gold he’d put there hours ago- to lace together behind his neck. Still on his tiptoes, Sky carefully walked them backward. He bit at the corner of Sun’s bottom lip, chapped skin caught between his teeth. When his back hit the wall his teeth drew blood. The metallic taste had him lean back and he licked the wound in apology.

“Happy new year,” Sky whispered against Sun’s lips, who echoed his words. Then he was pulled back in and Sun’s lips found his. Sun didn’t seem bothered by the rough bite. In fact, Sky felt sharp teeth nibble gently at his own bottom lip. And when he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, those teeth moved to his tongue. Time seemed to pass like caramel like that. Sweet and slow. Until Sky could taste his own peppermint chapstick on Sun’s lips.

A long time later, a new sparkle entered Sun’s eyes.

“One more party?”

Sky easily agreed.

“One more party.”

Sky had been to raves before and that was the only word to describe this party. The lights were bright- neon bright-, the music was loud, and Sky wasn’t convinced her house wasn’t actually a club. Who just owned personal speakers that large? And how many noise complaints had they managed? They didn’t really start drinking until Neon’s party. There were Jell-O shots and regular shots and fruity mixed drinks and by the time Sun dragged them onto the dance floor, both were more than a little tipsy.

Their dance swayed with the music. It wasn’t as coordinated as their first one. But Sky thought it was just as good. Sun had grabbed his hips and his hands were two warm points of contact; skin against skin. In response Sky linked his hands behind Sun’s neck in a mirror of their pose during their earlier makeout. He stepped closer till there was barely any room between them and his jacket Sun still wore brushed against him with every sway. The music pounded between them like a shared heartbeat. Somehow their feet didn’t get tangled. They didn’t trip each other up with their proximity. It was easy, like rocking with the waves. Sky could’ve stayed there, in that moment, forever. Or maybe that was the alcohol talking. Maybe it was the way the light played in Sun’s hair and made the glitter shine. Whatever it was, it didn’t change the feeling and how it filled up every part of him like he was a balloon. Later, if he remembered to, he’d have to thank Russel for inviting him to the first party.

Sky felt light and airy. More so than he has since Sun first came up to him. By now he has stolen so many kisses he was sure if he’d been keeping count he would’ve lost it. Especially when the stolen kisses double, Sun’s lips pressing to his as they move. The inches Sun had to dip brought a giggle from him and Sun echoed it against his cheek.

“It’s getting late,” Sun said and Sky could hear the disappointment in his voice.

“How do you even know that?” Sky didn’t check his phone. He had a feeling Sun was right.

Sun shrugged his shoulders. The hands on Sky’s waist didn’t move. “I’ve always been good with time.”

Sky wanted to make a joke. He wanted to ask for some of that, brothers knew he needed it. Time was usually all but lost to him. The only reason he made it to anywhere on time was about fifteen different alarms on his phone. But he couldn’t. They wouldn’t see each other ever again after this. Something disappointed went through his chest and he ignored it. Instead he dug his head into the hollow of Sun’s shoulder, since the boy hadn’t moved back after the last kiss. “Where do you live? I’ll take you home.”

“Alright,” Sun sighed and his breath tickled against Sky’s ear.

This time Sky drove slower, loath to fully end the night. The stars were higher now. He glanced up. Just past the light pollution, he could see Orion’s belt. When he turned into Sun’s neighborhood, he took the opportunity to look at the Christmas lights on the houses as they passed. By the time they reached the house, Sun was actually asleep. It was undeniably adorable. Sun’s cheek was against his shoulder, his face turned into his neck so Sky could see his freckles when he turned to look. He shook his shoulder so he could wake him. “This is your stop.” There was a groggy noise as Sun sat up. Red eyes blinked at him, slow like a cat. Sky leaned forward enough to kiss him under the eye. “I’ll walk you to your door.”

“That’d be nice,” Sun said.

It’s the last place they’ll kiss. So Sky pours the whole night into it, mapping Sun’s mouth and tasting a number of fruits and alcohols on his tongue. By the time he pulled away he felt breathless and with the way Sun’s chest moved he knew the boy was the same. Still, Sun pulled him close again. There was a last nip of sharp teeth against his bottom lip.

“Goodnight,” was whispered against his lips.

“Goodnight,” Sky echoed.

It was a goodbye for both of them. Disguised as something less final. Sky wanted to bash his head against the door when it closed. Instead he went back to his motorcycle and drove to the house he shared with Penny and Dove and Weiss.

“I’m so tired of him. I don’t know why I’m cursed to be the only one out of my friends who’s good at this stuff, ” Scarlet groaned, his head in his hands. Russel hated to say it, but he could sympathize. Lately Sky has been much the same as Scarlet’s friend. For a while he’d be normal. Then he’d dip into bemoaning new year’s. ( “He was the best thing that could’ve come from that stupid party. I can’t believe I didn’t get his fucking number.” ) It’d been a week. For Sky, that was unusual. To use a metaphor Sky himself would use, he flowed like the rapids. Even in high school he moved past things- past relationships- faster than any of the other people Russel saw going through the same. Age had not changed that. Any other time he would’ve moved past this by now. But he didn’t. He still talked about red eyes with something wistful there. Still talked about golden glitter and freckles when he got drunk. And Russel hadn’t missed that the jacket Sky had worn to the part was missing. “I wish Sun just got his damn number.”

Russel blinked. “What did you say?”

“I wish he got his damn number,” Scarlet repeated. Somehow he sounded tired the second time. 

“No, the name,” Russel clarified.

“Sun?” Scarlet said.

And it clicked. It clicked so suddenly and so oddly Russel laughed. His boyfriend looked at him with something approximating concern. Which felt silly because it wasn’t exactly rare for Russel to laugh. Though maybe this time it was a little more breathless than it should be, disbelieving as it was. With how much their friends talked about this, Russel was surprised neither of them had actually caught it.

“What is it?”

“I know who Sun is pining for,” Russel said after he took a deep breath to calm down. “I know exactly who Sun is pining for- and Sky too.”

There was a pause as Scarlet thought it over. When his face fell, Russel was sure he’d gotten it. “No fucking way.”

Yes fucking way.”

“So we’re solving this immediately,” Scarlet said.

“Definitely,” Russel said with a smile. This would no doubt make Sky happy. And Sun too. From the way Scarlet talked, Sun was just as lovestruck- was pining just as hard. It felt good. They’d take care of their friend’s heartaches together. And hopefully help start something great.

“Do I have to go on some dumb blind double date with you and your boyfriend?” Sky groused. Sometimes Sky missed high school when Russel was a little bit more of a doormat.

… that was a lie. It’d been terrible for Russel’s mental health. They were all glad that Russel had learned to recognize when he was detrimentally putting others emotions above his own and that it was okay to not do that. All of them had grown since they met in high school. For the better, thankfully. So despite his grumbling, Sky went along with Russel.

“Of course. You’re gonna love this guy, I will bet on it,” Russel said.

Sky narrowed his eyes. “You don’t like bets. Not unless they’re with your stupid boyfriend.”

“I know.” His voice was sing-song. That was an omen. But Sky didn’t know what for. “Now let’s take your motorcycle.”

“Wait, what?” Sky paused on their way down the stairs. Because Russel had decided they’d meet at his apartment instead of at the restaurant. This must be why.

Russel shrugged innocently. If he hadn’t known Russel, he might believe. But he does know Russel. For someone so damn nice, his friend could be incredibly manipulative. Personally Sky thought it came from years of dealing with Cardin. Sometimes when he was at his most stubborn manipulation was the only way to get him to not be a dumbass. “I’m going back to Scarlet’s afterward, so I thought it’d be smart to just take your motorcycle instead of my car. You know, to save gas.”

“What’s the catch?”

“No catch! Just helping the environment. I’ll even buy you gas on the way if you need me to.” He wanted to bash his head against the stairwell. If this was anyone else, he wouldn’t believe them. Of course he’s not inclined at all to believe Russel right now, but that’s so painfully Russel. There’s just no way to figure out what ulterior motive there may be. Except to wait and see.

‘Wait and see’ took them to the restaurant. It took them to a booth to wait for their dates. And it led to Sky looking up and up to his jacket and a pair of very familiar red eyes. Sky glanced at Russel who smiled encouragingly, though not without some sass. What were the odds that Russel’s boyfriend was thatScarlet?

“Sky?” His name brought his eyes back to Sun’s. Sun, who’d lit up just like his namesake. “It’s nice to see you again.”

Sky leaned forward with a smirk. So that was the catch. Russel would leave with Scarlet, and Sun would leave with him. Honestly, Sky wouldn’t be surprised if Russel didn’t expect them to leave early. And if he didn’t then he should’ve. Because why would Sky ever wait? “Did you drive?”

For a moment Sun looked surprised and confused. Then he smiled again. It was a smile of shared understanding. “Scarlet drove me, actually.”

“Perfect,” Sky said. A teasing lilt touched his next words. He hoped Sun could hear it. That he would remember. “I have my motorcycle. I’m not a stranger, but would you still want me to whisk you away?”

“I was looking forward to it.”

When you die so you grab your sandwich and in mid bite you hear “heros never die”

When you die so you grab your sandwich and in mid bite you hear “heros never die”

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captainlowlyworm: some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag youcaptainlowlyworm: some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag youcaptainlowlyworm: some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag youcaptainlowlyworm: some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag youcaptainlowlyworm: some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag youcaptainlowlyworm: some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag youcaptainlowlyworm: some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag youcaptainlowlyworm: some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag youcaptainlowlyworm: some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag you


some great Overwatch cosplays from ColossalCon 2k16!!! If you see yourself tag yourself!!

I’m the first McCree in the set!! Awesome!! :D

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‘What’s a glamorous gal like you doing out here in the country?’
I’m actually quite the hunter.

They don’t even give out letterman jackets anymore. His excuse is that he got it from a thrift shop.

 people have probably seen these by now lol but I painted the high noon icons for the upcoming patch

people have probably seen these by now lol but I painted the high noon icons for the upcoming patch! can’t wait to use my thresh :)

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High Noon Leona is

  1. Very good and I really like it
  2. Suffering from Same Face Syndrome problems where, like, if you took away the shield and told me this was a Morgana skin, I would have no way to prove you wrong looking just at the character design.

It’s what happens when you systematically stylize the hell out of faces for the purposes of hitting a lowest common denominator. It also doesn’t help that we can’t even go by stuff like relative muscularity or body type, although in this case under all the costuming, body type wouldn’t help that much anyway.

And it’s so frustrating because even if you look JUST at “top ten sexiest celebrity white women” or whatever, you find a substantial range of difference in jaw line, lip shape, nose shape, eye shape, cheekbones, proportions, etc. etc. etc.

Much less than the general population, and photoshopped to hell and back in most publicished pictures, but even within the very narrow aesthetic range of idealized beauty there are ways to create variety and differentiation. You can tell Kiera Knightley from Emma Stone or Natalie Dormer, Emilia Clarke doesn’t look indistinguishable from Scarlett Johansson. You wouldn’t even lose out on the character being conventionally beautiful if it’s so fucking important that every single goddamn one of them be that.

What is frustrating about this old and dead horse, which I will never stop kicking no matter how much it stinks, is that I know for a goddamn fact that Riot’s artists can do much better than this, and often try to. It is the relentless erosion of the corporate feedback process that both sands away every interesting differentiator in the art that’s created, and that conditions artists to only pitch the safe, middle-of-the-road ideas because they learn what gets accepted and try to anticipate the changes they’ll be asked to make anyway.

On top of which, remember when Sivir had a front tooth gap in her new splash art and the subreddit shit and pissed their pants about it so hard that Riot eventually had to change it because they thought it was “ugly”? Remember when Katarina got a new splash art with a face that accidentally had some personality and a bunch of crying pissbabies ruined that for everyone as well?

I really don’t blame the artists for not wanting to pitch anything more bold, but I sure as shit blame the company for failing to protect and support their creative staff.

So often a skin comes out and the character doesn’t have something as defining as Leona’s shield, making accurately identifying them far harder than it should be in a game about offering unique champions. Female characters get this problem so much worse and often for all the reasons Skyen outlines.

Grace Kelly(Carl Mydans. 1951)

Grace Kelly

(Carl Mydans. 1951)

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ermacintosh: He used his ult and fucking killed everyone…. it’s hiiiigh nooon


He used his ult and fucking killed everyone….

it’s hiiiigh nooon

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“Zwölf Uhr mittags” (1952) ist viel mehr als “nur” ein Western. Er ist eine Parabel über den Mangel an Zivilcourage und das unwürdige Verhalten ganz “normaler” Bürger gegenüber ihren sich in Bedrängnis befindlichen und gar vom Tode bedrohten Mitmenschen.

Der Drehbuchautor Carl Foreman wurde wegen seiner politischen Überzeugungen vor McCarthys berüchtigtes Komitee zitiert und bat seine Freunde, zu seinen Gunsten auszusagen. Ähnlich wie sein Filmheld Will Kane hat ihn niemand unterstützt. Foreman wurde durch John Wayne einer Schmutzkampagne ausgesetzt, wurde auf die Schwarze Liste gesetzt und sah sich gezwungen, ins Exil nach England zu gehen, um endlich wieder beruflich tätig sein zu können.

Dass der nicht nur in seinen schauspielerischen Mitteln - ganz anders übrigens als Gary Cooper - äußerst limitierte sondern auch erzreaktionäre John Wayne diesen Film zeitlebens als “un-amerikanisch” und den Filmhelden Will Kane als “Feigling” schmähte, ist seiner Ignoranz geschuldet, zu begreifen, was Mut tatsächlich ist, nämlich sich einer Gefahr bewusst zu sein und sich dieser dennoch trotz der eigenen Ängste auszusetzen.

Dass “brave” Bürger sich unter allen möglichen Vorwänden weigern, die Feinde eines gemeinverträglichen Zusammenlebens zu bekämpfen, weil sie selbst sich keiner Bedrohung ausgesetzt fühlen oder gar glauben, von den neuen Machthabern profitieren zu können und wegschauen oder gar Beifall klatschend dabeistehen, wenn ihre Mitmenschen öffentlich gedemütigt und sogar ihrer physischen Vernichtung zugeführt werden, dafür hat gerade die deutsche Geschichte tragische Beispiele in millionenfacher Zahl. Fred Zinnemann, der österreichisch-jüdische Regisseur von “Zwölf Uhr mittags” kam glücklicherweise bereits 1929 nach Hollywood …

My first team kill :D (Expect for I assisted one kill, so 5 solo kills xP)

bonusso like, who remembers playing What Time is it, Mr. Wolf? (ie What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?) becaubonusso like, who remembers playing What Time is it, Mr. Wolf? (ie What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?) becaubonusso like, who remembers playing What Time is it, Mr. Wolf? (ie What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?) becaubonusso like, who remembers playing What Time is it, Mr. Wolf? (ie What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?) becau


so like, who remembers playing What Time is it, Mr. Wolf? (ie What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?) because I sure do

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