#horrible histories


What do you think, is this a correct representation of Byron? :P




our flag means death but that rat from Horrible Histories turns up every now and then with his true/false sign for the historical facts

Screenshot from Our Flag Means Death, of Lucius and Stede Bonnet. Lucius is writing in a book, and Stede is talking at him. Subtitles read: "So... I pay my crew a salary." Rattus Rattus, a rat puppet from Horrible Histories, is superimposed on the image in the lower right corner. He is holding a sign that says "This is true".ALT

[Image above is of Stede and Lucius talking on deck, with the caption “So… I pay my crew a salary”. In the bottom right corner, Rattus Rattus, a rat puppet, is holding up a sign saying “This is true”. End ID.]

[ID: Izzy, looking distressed, hiding behind a mast as he listens to Stede try and remove the sword he stabbed Ed with. The caption reads “Blackbeard: Keep going. Keep- Yeah.” In the botom right corner, Rattus Rattus holds a sign saying “SILLY”. End ID]

[ID: Stede and Ed on the beach, looking into each others’ eyes, captioned “What makes Ed happy is… you.” Rattus Rattus in the corner holds a sign with a rainbow flag on it. End ID]

Highkey we should have a bake off with the Six Idiots/cast of Ghosts

Horrible Histories (2009-2014) ♡ Series 3, Episode 8

Off sick from work bc food poisoning but I’m having a thought about Cap that makes no sense and comes to no conclusion whatsoever.

In S204 (the Thomas Thorne Affair), Cap says “Shall we go and listen to Julian’s speech? It’s only 43 minutes late.” It made me wonder how he knows it’s precisely 43 minutes late as I couldn’t see a clock in Alison and Mike’s bedroom. So I thought

‘Is he wearing a watch?’

After doing extensive research (looking at BTS cap pics of Ben with his sleeves rolled up) he isn’t wearing a watch.

HOWEVER, Gear Patrol reliably informs me that every single soldier in WW2 would have worn a watch.

So why isn’t Cap?

There’s something for you to think about.

P.s. For some reason, I have an image in my mind of Cap checking a pocket watch but I don’t know if I’ve just made that up….

Pic: no watch.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk in which none of us learnt anything.

alison : you did see the “do not disturb” sign on the door, right?

kitty : don’t worry, i’ll make sure no one disturbs you.

captain : i’m proud to identify as a morosexual. i’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively.

julian : what animal is the pink panther?

captain : *already taking off his clothes* julian, you’re so fucking stupid.

captain : i outrank you.

julian : and i’m such a slut for authority.

thomas : i am ambidextrous.

robin : that’s whassup bro, love who you love!

pat : *to the captain and julian when they drove the builders out* good work gays.

captain : *nervous laughter* i think you wanted to say ‘guys’.

pat : did i stutter?

captain : wait, did you just flirt with me?

julian : have been since i died, but thanks for noticing.

pat : you believe me?

alison : pat, you are the last genuinely good person in this house. i would believe cartoon birds helped you get dressed in the morning.
