#hufflepuff problems


*Warning: this post is not necessarily about depression but can be read as it. Please use your own judgment whether or not you want to read it*

Hufflepuff: the type that you feel constantly. Soft people aren’t weak. They’re strong enough to let their emotions show, remember that. Their sadness will show on their face, in their decisions. Hufflepuffs need someone to save them from themselves when they slip into sadness, luckily most have found loyal friends who will stick next to them through thick and thin

Ravenclaw: the recluse type of sadness. They won’t speak as much or show interest in their favorite things. Ravenclaws will sleep even more than normal and always use the tired excuse but the light in their eyes aren’t shining anymore. They need to be shaken awake as if it were a bad dream. If you can set them on the right course they’ll realize what’s wrong as well

Gryffindor: at first they’ll be angry. They’ll question the things that are happening in their life. Why them? Why did this happen? Then it will turn self-destructive. They’ll binge, they’ll lock themselves away. They pull back from their activities and their immune system plummets for some reason. They have much more mood swings, like a time bomb with no clock for detonation

Slytherin: they turn numb. The hardest to pick out exactly what’s wrong with them. They hide their pain really well because in their mind pain is a weakness and they would rather die than show their weakness. Become distrustful of everything they once thought was stable. Need someone to help them but not large enough for the Slytherin to notice or they’ll refuse the help

Hufflepuff:Late night snacks. Sleeping with a pet in your room/on your bed. Making up those perfect conversation in your head that let’s be honest you’ll probably never say in real life. Trying to count sheep then getting distracted by wondering why it’s not counting iguanas or something (also applies for Ravenclaw tbh, sorry)

Ravenclaw:Procrastinating. Complaining about how late it is and how tired you are and then staying up at least 2 more hours. Trying to teach yourself to lucid dream but constantly falling asleep before you actually can. Calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you fall asleep right now

Gryffindor: Constantly waking up in the middle of the night to pull the covers you kicked off, back onto your body. Sneak out of your house with friends (not that I’ve done that cuz I’m pretty lame tbh). I think they’re pretty heavy sleepers tbh like once a Gryffindor is asleep it takes at least 10 alarms to wake them up

Slytherin: Cuddling with someone (surprise I bet you thought this was going in a different house), listening to music to fall asleep. Thinking back over everything you’ve done that day and cringe at the stupid things you’ve said. Heavy or light sleepers depending on how much sleep they know they’re gonna get, like when I know I’m only gonna get 3 hours I wake up on my first alarm, if I’m sleeping more than 8, someone literally has to shake me awake

Hufflepuff: That icky-sicky feeling you have for the next two weeks. Stuffy noses that randomly turn into running noses then not having a tissue in class

Ravenclaw: All the little things. Your eyes stinging, which makes you sleep for crazy long hours. Not wanting some of your favorite foods. Sneezing, a lot.

Gryffindor: Throwing up. Yeah, I know, I’m sorry but someone had to get this one. It’s randomly timed and makes you lose your appetite

Slytherin: The chills. Am I cold or am I burning up under these covers? The world may never know. *Proceeds to throw covers off*

In honor of the flu season going around right now. I’m in this in between sick stage but I getsuper dizzy and almost faint if I do anything strenuous. So I’m probably gonna have to skip my musical’s choreo rehearsal tomorrow and a friend’s birthday party *Siiiigh* Well stay healthy everyone~ :)

Hufflepuff: Become the mediator and try to see both sides of the disagreement or fight. Just trying to reestablish peace and get people to talk to each other again. Complete with cracking a joke at the end. If I make the joke too early we have to start the peace treaty from scratch *sigh*

Ravenclaw: Tear down the opponent’s argument with logic. If there’s even a crack in their reason for being angry I push at it until they realize they were in the wrong. It normally gets me the silent treatment for a few days because they’re so angry I outsmarted them

Slytherin: My signature death glare. Apparently, it scares people? I never really notice when I do it. I don’t have to be included in the fight but apparently my “eyes could kill”? Not my words but not gonna lie there’s a bit of satisfaction in it

Gryffindor: Step in between two parties in an argument. Normally it’s to protect the weaker person from the angrier. I tend to do it in every fight I get in whether it’s with a parent yelling at a sibling or a teacher getting angry in class at one of my friends, I’m super overprotective

Hufflepuff: Forgetting to make a note on a fanfic series I like and losing it in a mass of other writings only to look for it for a good thirty minutes

Ravenclaw: Misspelling something in a post and only noticing it after it gets a ton of notes 

Gryffindor: Writing a huge long headcanon and then accidentally deleting it

Slytherin: Accidentally deleting a Tumblr search page that had more posts I want to look at bc the profile I clicked on had an URL that took me to another page.

All: Just scroll down one more time and then start your homework, it’ll be fine

Freshly cut grass. Honey and lemon tea. Freshly washed laundry. Walking through a garden with flowers that have just bloomed. Alfredo pasta. The scent when you walk into a Lush store. Rusty metal things like bikes or wrenches. Kettlecorn and cotton candy. Raspberry vinaigrette salad dressing. Like your childhood home when you walked back in, coming home from school. Speaking of school, colored pencils. Not necessarily coffee but coffee shops, those little cafés with little patisseries and comfy cushions. Wool scarves. Coconuts, all the way, maybe with some pineapple. Vanilla ice cream.
