#gryffindor pride


Gryffindor: Now, guys, I have a little surprise for you!

Slytherin: You’re getting a nose job?

Hufflepuff: You’re getting married?

Ravenclaw: You’re getting fired?

Gryffindor: …

Gryffindor: First of all, RUDE, second - 


Does extra reading but forgets to read mandatory texts / “Damn I’m stressed, better meditate for a bit” *breathes in* *SCREAMS* / On a first-names basis with all their teachers and the lunch ladies / Always tries to help friends with work / Wants to study in a group, knows they’ll get distracted / Has tried the ‘study then reward’ method, ended up eating the reward before studying / Day-dreams of the best end-of-year prank


Doodles in the margins / Actually enjoys silent working time / Gets inspired when they get a project, procrastinates until they can’t fulfil their vision / Coffee as a meal replacement / Knows how to solve the problem, they just can’t verbalise it / They either study for 1 minute or 1 day, nothing is done by halves / Wants to make a breakthrough in science or archaeology or literature etc. but DAMMIT this class may kill them first


Understands the complex material better than the basics / Would rather hand something in late than done wrong / Wants to be open to new ideas, but they know that theirs are better / Really enjoys doing extra research / Can write eloquently, but memorise things better if they use slang and the occasional curse (”foot-fetish-Philip Larkin was the voice of the working class, but he was a miserable cheating b*stard”)


Work harder for teachers they get attached to / Getting praise puts them on cloud 9, but they find it hard to recover from well-meant criticism / They either know everything or nothing, and they’re not embarrassed to admit the latter / Put effort into every task, but they can’t help when they’re feeling more inspired / Tend to get consistent grades / Studying can feel very relaxing for them, but small distractions drive them nuts

It may be early, but it’s already beginning to feel autumnal where I live, so I’m feeling excited!!! :D


Wants to jump into the BIGGEST leaf pile and carve the SCARIEST pumpkin / Starts to subtlety smell of bonfires and spice / Buys their sparklers and fireworks in bulk / Jams out to ‘ Monster Mash’ and ‘Time Warp’ in the lead-up to Halloween


Want to sit in a café and read whilst sipping a seasonal drink / Gets in the mood for Halloween by reading conspiracies and Creepypasta, and watching Buzzfeed Unsolved / Loves wearing extra scarves / Their chilled evenings-in feel so much more satisfying when it’s cold outside


Overdoses on Halloween sweets / Wants to watch as many horror films as possible (will probably end up watching Disney after they’ve finished traumatising themselves) / Looks cute in oversized jumpers / Cold weather is the best excuse for them to drink hot chocolate every day


Feels more powerful when Halloween is in the air / Has ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ on loop, and likes to yell out ‘THIS IS HALLOWEEN’ at any given moment / They start to play with even darker make-up and clothing / Feels safe when they’re wrapped up inside and it’s miserable outside


Saw something cute on Pinterest and went ‘screw it’ / Thinks they’re ready for grand designs / The colour scheme is super important to them / They like the idea of going minimalist, but eclectic styles suit them way better / “Okay, but what if there was a swing over here, and I could totally do one of those photo walls, and a HUGE armchair over there…” *moves one stool* / They finish with a room full of character and feel pretty proud of themselves


More likely to build up a room over time than to fully decorate in one sitting / Get excited when they have something new to add / “But are there enough cushions…?” *stares at their 10000000000000 cushions* “…. nope. :)” / Really like the cosiness of scandi styles / Has to call their friends over to help them after spilling paint for the 50th time / Just trying to turn their house into a home / The end game is a cosy room full of candles, fairy lights, and plenty of memories


Theyhave to do it on their own - it’s too personal a thing to let others mess it up / They’ve likely been inspired by a room in a book/TV show/film / The idea of having vintage or repurposed items makes their little heart sing / They need to imagine sitting there reading a book and sipping a cup of tea, whilst a record plays softly in the background - if they can’t feel this, it’s not right yet / Ravenclaws tend to collect some interesting things over the years, and they love showcasing these bizarre bits and pieces in new ways


Cleaning out before decorating is super therapeutic for them / They need the space to be impressive in some way, and imagine how wowed their friend are going to be whilst decorating / They will try to give the space a chic vibe, but it’ll probably end up quite homely in some areas (hufflepuffs and slytherins are the biggest nesters, okay? Okay.) / They likely created a moodboard before decorating / It needs to be perfect for having drinks with friends and for watching horror films alone 

I’ve just come out with a new line of merch! I am very proud of these and I want to know what you think. Which one is your favorite? ❤You can get your own here if you want https://teespring.com/stores/madi2themax

You might belong in Gryffindor❤️…

You might belong in Gryffindor❤️…

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I’m here to make you all sad…

Tho I know it never really happened on the books, I find this scene quite tragic… But I really like it because it shows us Severus as someone with great sensitivity…

Dear Gryffindor,

Don’t self destruct on your quest to have the quintessential life experiences. I know time seems like it’s racing against you and youth is slipping through your fingers, but just stop yourself for a minute. Feel this moment, right now. Notice your heartbeat. Watch your chest rise and fall. You’re alive. Sometimes that’s going to have to be enough. You’ll wear yourself out if you jump at every opportunity. I know that’s just what you do, but I want you to take care of yourself too. Your well-being important.

Sincerely, Someone who has been chasing life with you

Hogwarts Houses as Atticus Poems

Gryffindor: “She flirted with life, and life flirted right back with her, as if all the universe around, became more alive just for her, and everything felt her glow, an incandescence, in the dew, in the stars, in the colors of the sky, and it all shone for her, bright as it could, in the hopes to catch her eye.”

Hufflepuff: “Her love happened to me a hundred times at once, in a thousand different ways, in a million different colors.”

Ravenclaw: “I think it’s beautiful the way you sparkle when you talk about the things you love.”

Slytherin: “She was the most beautiful, complicated thing I’d ever seen. A tangled mess of silky string. And all I wanted of life, was to sit down cross-legged and untie her knots.”

The Hogwarts Houses on Thanksgiving

Gryffindor: “Lets have a Friendsgiving guys!”

Slytherin and Ravenclaw: “No.”

Hufflepuff: “Aww I think a Friendsgiving would be fun…”

Slytherin: “So do you wanna make the pie?”

Ravenclaw: “Yeah I’m on it.”

Gryffindor: “Tom and Jerry”love- When I first met you I didn’t like you but somehow we grew from that. We play fight a lot and tease each other constantly, but I know we care for each other. We’ve become a solid friendship for troublemaking. When I realized I liked you, it hit me like a truck, and I knew I was screwed. It didn’t end well, I never told you because I didn’t think you’d feel the same way. Now I see you with her and I regret it. 

Hufflepuff: “Cherry blossom”love- Loving you was easy. You are the most caring person I know. Whenever you asked me how I was doing, cherry blossoms bloomed in my heart. I honestly have never felt more loved by anyone and I will forever appreciate you for that. You are still such an important person in my life but I guess we were always more familial than romantic. I’m still so happy you love in any way at all.

Ravenclaw: “Nostalgic” love- I’ve known you forever it seems. You calm my nervous fidgeting and make me feel safe. I remember rainy Tuesdays when you would play me new songs or even better, we’d sing them together. You smell like home to me and your arms feel even more like it. I’m constantly in that sleepy, euphoria, at-peace state when you explain how much I mean to you. I don’t ever want to ruin what we have now, so I’ll never tell you how much more you truly mean to me. 

Slytherin: “Starry Eyed” love- I see galaxies in your eyes but I know you’d never take time to stare into mine. You were my most painful unrequited love. We never stood on solid ground together in whatever relation we had. You always kept me guessing, but I loved you with my whole chest I always knew you’d go on to change the world and leave me behind. Loving you was an inevitable occurrence, just like how I always look at the stars when I’m outside at night. I just wish you were always around like the stars are.


Waits for you- Slytherins always want to be first in whatever group they’re in when on the move, maybe its a pride issue but anyway they walk pretty fast. However if you’re someone they care about and they see you falling behind the group they’ll slow their pace down or even come to a full stop to let you catch up.

Confide in you- Yes this is technically something all people do when they trust a person but its a bit more serious in Slytherin’s case. Slytherins are all about self preservation and basically refusing to look weak. Showing insecure, sad, or unsure thoughts also comes with a lot of vulnerability. If a Slytherin opens up to you, you should really cherish that they trust you so never betray them. If you do betray them, there’s plenty of dirt they have accumulated on you, intentionally or not.

Keep your secrets- Kind of falling in line behind Slytherins confiding in you, if a Slytherin loves you, they will carry your secrets to the grave (unless you do something really bad to them, like betray them) Slytherins have a bad habit for gossip. Its not that they always seek secrets out, sometimes they overhear conversations or some people will just tell them everything, not realizing exactly the possible consequences. However if a Slytherin loves you they would never pass on your secrets to others for fun, advantages, other secrets, or the trust of those other people. Just don’t betray them, that’s one of the worst things you can do to a Slytherin.


Surprises you- It doesn’t always have to be a big surprise like a party or something. Sometimes Hufflepuffs will just show up, drop a little gift in your lap (the majority of the time food) and give you a smile. They truly enjoy doing these things for you because Hufflepuffs know better than anyone that everyone needs a pick me up from time to time. It’s their way of checking on your stress levels as well.

They will defend you- Hear me out. Hufflepuff will always defend anyone who is being targeted unfairly, that’s just their nature. The thing is though, most Hufflepuffs (in my opinion) will do this with a relatively level head. They will seek out the root of the problem and try to solve whatever argument in before them. However when it comes to someone they love being targeted they can show a bit of the Hufflepuff temper that they usually have reigned in. If someone is just genuinely being rude to you and won’t back down, Hufflepuff’s loyal nature takes over and they aren’t afraid to join a yelling match to protect you. It most likely won’t end in anything physical because most people know Hufflepuffs are usually good natured and just the fact that they are angry may tip the instigator of the problem to back off, but Hufflepuffs aren’t afraid of a fist fight. Later they may feel bad about causing you trouble because of their anger, but that’s when the reassurance that they are a good person should kick in for you.

They will comfort you- Hufflepuffs are always low-key worrying about the people they love. So when you come to them late at night with a shaky voice and wavering eyes, they won’t hesitate to scoop you up, find a comfortable place to sit, and hold you while you tell them what the problem is. This house is particularly good at remembering all the little things that calm you down like trailing their nails lightly over your skin or playing with you hair. After you’ve calmed down and explained everything they will spend the time afterwards trying to cheer you up with maybe hot cocoa and a movie.


Will take your criticism- Ravenclaw don’t like to be told they’re wrong. Nothing annoys a Ravenclaw more than unwanted criticism, but if someone they love (*ahem* you) tries to help them learn from their mistakes, they know you truly want what’s best for them.

They let you calm them down- Ravenclaw tend to get anxious and stressed more easily than other houses, in my opinion (except maybe Hufflepuffs). If they go into panic attack mode, they tend to shut down or lash out on the people around them. Its a defensive mechanism that many Ravenclaw acquire because they never want anyone to see them not as their best. But when you comfort them they’re willing to lean into your arms and try to match their uneven breathing to your steady one.

Will ramble to you- Ravenclaws rambling about the things they love to the people to love is my aesthetic. They get a sparkle in their eye and a excited smile. They know you won’t judge them for being slightly nerdy about whatever they want to tell you. When they love you, they instill their trust in you that lets them feel comfortable enough to talk on and on, which can normally be difficult for some Ravenclaws as they can be people of few words. When they do ramble onto you, you’ll get to see one of their softest sides.


Will shower you in affection- This can be different for many types of Gryffindors. The stereotypical loud ones will usually become an affectionate fluff ball who tends to cling onto you like a koala. These are the types who will shout complements to hype you up and have absentminded soft smiles when they look at how beautiful you are. Quieter Gryffindors will show their affection in good morning and good night texts or giving you shy complements daily. Their eyes show how in love they are with you.

Looks for you in a crowd- Gryffindors tend to be social people or, even if they’re not, a fair amount of Gryffindor introverts get dragged to social things. You tend to be a touchstone for any type of Gryffindor. In a crowd of people their eyes are scanning for you and they will smile in relief when they find you. It really shows that you are the person they care most about.

They respect you so much- Now don’t get me wrong, all the houses respect their s/o’s but Gryffindor really takes the title for it. Chivalry isn’t dead (for either gender) and they will be the most polite endearing people by opening doors, carrying your things, and protecting you for mean people. They seriously respect you so much and will never take anything to far if you are uncomfortable in any way. Their admiration for you also falls under this category but they seriously admire everything that you do in general: your work ethic, they way you treat people, your beauty. They will never waste your time by showing up late to a date. They will never flirt with anyone else. Gryffindors love with their whole heart and the way they treat you honestly shows it.

Hufflepuff- Morning. When the sun peaks over the horizon and the sky is painted colorful pinks and yellows which fade into peaceful pastels. There’s a cool breeze and dew drops are hanging off of tree leaves and grass. There’s the faintest smell of rain from the night before and your skin feels smooth as you mindlessly kick off your covers to get up and start the day

Gryffindor- Afternoon. The sun beating down after twelve o’clock. Drinking cold beverages as a way to cool down outside. The blacktop parking lots and cement sidewalks are too hot to walk on barefoot so you opt for the grass. Getting tan lines from just playing around outside. Getting a little bit sweaty so you go back inside and sit in front of a fan and speaking into it so your voice is altered

Slytherin- Evening. When the sun is saying goodbye and leaves you with deep purples and reds. The air cools down but laughter and music don’t stop. People whisper their deepest secrets into your ear and sly smirks are exchanged as you sit on your driveway in a circle. The neighborhood cat makes its way out of the bushes to curl up next to you and flick its tail against your leg. You crack open a can of soda and wish that you would never have to leave

Ravenclaw- Night. Sometimes there are clear starry nights when you lay under the stars and pick out all the constellations you know. Sometimes there are thunderstorms with irregular flashes of lightning that draw your attention from the window. Everything is cool now and the only sounds heard are crickets or the occasional passing car. Thoughts of the past, present, and future run through your head as you wonder why you’re not asleep yet
