#hwang hyunjin imagines


Kinktober Day 21 - dacryphilia x Hyunjin (gn!reader)


“F-fu-”Hyunjingasped, hips shaking as your fingers ghosted over his dripping, bright red cock

“There something wrong, pretty?” You asked, cocking your head

“Please-” He started, voice shaking and lips trembling “Please touch me I-”

“Baby, it hasn’t even been an hour yet,” You smiled, a single finger trailing along his inner thigh, going ever-so-close to where Hyunjin wanted you most right now “You don’t seem like you’re in that much pain? I think after this we can go for another hour, hm?”

“Fuck-” He sobbed, voice cracking, and he squeezed his eyes shut, a tear leaving either eye as he did

You licked your lips, brows furrowing softly.

“What’s your colour, baby?”

Hyunjin blushed, wet eyes opening again only to immediately avert themselves from you.

“G-green-” He managed, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down rapidly

“Why so hesitant?” You asked, smile returning even more devilish than before “Is my baby boy embarrassed?”

Hyunjin didn’t reply

“What are you embarrassed about, pretty?” You continued, leaning forward, both of your hand going to his abdomen and running along it, eliciting a shiver

“I-” Hyunjin started, eyes still looking anywhere but you, and face getting redder by the second, knowing you weren’t gonna be giving up the question any time soon “It’s embarrassing…how much your torturing turns me on-”

“It turns you on so much that you’re ashamed to admit it?” You raised a brow “What a dirty pain slut you are,”

The boy whined, bucking his hips upwards. You bit your lip before harshly, finally, wrapping your hand around Hyunjin’s cock, and giving it a quick pump before taking your hand away again. A guttural moan left the boy’s throat, his hips rising off the bed, trying to follow your hand, and once again, you saw tears leave his eyes, and a choked sob leave his lips.

“Please- fuck-” He whimpered, cock twitching

“I thought you liked it when I tortured you?”

He let out another sob, tears beginning to flow freely down his cheeks now. You paused a moment.

“You sure you’re green, pretty?” You whispered softly

Hyunjin didn’t look at you, but he nodded immediately.

“Hm…you really are a dirty little bitch,”

Hyunjin whined, cock twitching again at your words.


“Let’s see how many more tears I can get out of you after I make you cum until you can’t anymore,” You cooed, softly taking his cock into your hand, and Hyunjin moaned, unable to believe the affect you had on him

Kinktober Day 13 - cum/spit play x Hyunjin (gn!reader)


“Ngh- fu- uahhh”Hyunjinmoaned, trying to swear, but unable to finish the word with his mouth hung open, a trail of drool leaking down the side of his chin as cum spurted out of his cock, and onto his torso

You bit your lip as you watched his hips buck upwards, his eyes rolled back, Adams apple rapidly bobbing up and down, and chest heaving as he tried to control himself.

“Such a pretty boy” You muttered, tracing a finger along his torso, scooping up a bit of the cum as you went, before stopping at his nipple, and circling your finger around it once.

Hyunjin immediately responded to the simple gesture, moaning throatily, his body twitching.

You lifted up your hand, going back and scooping up more of the cum, with three fingers this time.

“Might as well put that open mouth of your to use,” You smiled, bringing the fingers towards Hyunjin’s swollen lips

He whined at your words, but nevertheless took your fingers without hesitation, immediately beginning to lick and suck them, occasionally taking them out of his mouth and kissing the tips before wrapping his mouth around them again.

“God, you’re so fucking hot,” You growled, and opened your palm, looking to the boy expectantly

Hyunjin immediately got the message, and switched to gliding his tongue along your entire hand rather than just your three fingers. His desperation was all too clear in the way his arms were visibly struggling to stay on the bed- as you’d instructed him to do- and the way his cock was now fully hard again, pre-cum building up at the tip.

You took your hand away from his mouth

“Please…” He whimpered

“So, so pretty,” You smiled, bringing your hand down to his cock

Hyunjin’s thighs twitched as you wrapped your saliva-covered hand around him, giving a quick pump

“Aren’t you, baby?”

“Y-yes” He stuttered in return, gulping as he tried to meet your eyes

— Follow Me, Follow You —

+ pairing: hwang hyunjin x female reader
+ genre: angst, enemies to lovers, apocalypse!au
warnings: mentions of weapons, wounds, implied poor hygiene conditions, seungmin is sick, let me know if i am missing something
+ word count: 0.7k
+ requested as part of my Drabble Event #2
+ summary: There is always a time when a tough choice has to be made. However, you didn’t expect to get help from the one who always disagreed with everything you said or did.
+ lia’s note: Hello, how are you? This piece is something I’d like to explore in the future somehow. It reminds me of ya dystopian which is the genre that made me fall in love with reading and only increased my love for writing. Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it! As always, happy reading!

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The light that prickled through the windows wasn’t enough to light up the small space. The air smelled of gunpowder, sweat, and the last meal you all shared. No one dared to speak about the obvious, but the thought was in the air and hidden in the way you glanced at one another.

“We should talk about it,” you said, sitting on one of the wood boxes nearby, scratching the back of your neck. Everyone turned to look at you, wary of what you were about to say. “We need more supplies and food too. What we have won’t last us more than a few days. Besides,” you glanced at the opposite side of the room where someone laid on the cold floor, their breathing frail, “we need to find something to help him with the fever. There’s a couple of old pharmacies nearby, I’m sure we can…”

“You’re not possibly suggesting we go overground, are you?” You took a deep breath and glanced at him. He crossed his arms and shook his head. “It’s still not safe out there.”

“It will never be safe out there anymore, Hyunjin. Don’t you get that?” You stood up and wiped your hands on your dirty trousers. “The food we have might last us two more days, even if we eat only the essentials. Without any medication, Seungmin won’t survive much longer. And I know this place very well. It used to be my home.” You turned to face everyone else and gulped, your heartbeat increasing in your chest. “I… I’ll go.”

Murmurs erupted in the small crowd, but you knew none of them would volunteer to go instead of you. Still, even if you voted on who would go, you would probably be one of their choices.

“You won’t survive out there,” Hyunjin said. “You can’t aim a gun, you’re weak… how do you expect to carry food and supplies here on your own?”

Whether Hyunjin was mocking you, you couldn’t be entirely sure. The truth was, the two of you never got along very well, and often your values and opinions collided with one another. You didn’t understand how he could only think about himself. Even here, despite everything that was happening, he didn’t see the grand scheme of things. Still, you weren’t going to spend your energy arguing with him. It was no use.

“I’m not asking you to come with me. And if I don’t survive, there’s one less person to eat, right? That should make the food last a little longer for all of you…”

You moved past him and started to prepare your weapons to go to the surface. It wasn’t a task you were pleased about, but it had to be done. You picked up a few guns, feeling their weight on your hand before checking whether they had enough ammunition for you to carry.

After a while, Hyunjin joined you and, after glancing at the table in front of you, he extended a gun your way, not looking you in the eyes.

“This one’s better for you. It has less kickback and it works best with how you usually shoot and aim.” You glanced between the gun and his expression, biting your lower lip. When you didn’t accept the weapon, Hyunjin grabbed your arm and turned your palm upwards, placing the handle on your hand. “I don’t want you to die, Y/N.”

“I’m glad to know you still have consciousness,” you said sarcastically as you saved the gun in its pouch on your waist. You lifted your ways to look at him, serious and determined. “I’ll be back.”

“I’ll go with you.” He bit his lower lip and ruffled his hair, fixing it right after. It was too long now, he needed a bandana to keep it away from his eyes. “You may know how to move around on the surface, but you still need someone to help you out. Besides, I can help you carry stuff and… keep you out of trouble. I’m sure Felix can keep order while we’re away.”

You weren’t sure if Hyunjin was worried about you, but you weren’t going to be stupid and deny his help. He was right, you needed someone’s help. And from everyone around, he was the one better qualified to go with you.

“Fine,” you said, looking him in the eyes. “But when it comes to locations, you follow my lead. When it comes to cover and safety, I’ll follow your lead. We have to trust each other if we want to survive.” You gulped, knowing that your next statement would be too honest for you to pretend you weren’t saying it out loud. “I want to survive, Hyunjin. With you.”

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©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work are strictly prohibited.


  • Non idol! Hwang Hyunjin X fem! Reader
  • Part of the Heart wants what it wants Anthology
  • Prompt #31. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
  • 1k words, College AU, platonic, kINDA Soulmate AU, FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF.
  • Inspired by Kingdom dance from the Tangled Movie ! Do listen to it while you read <3

This was all your fault. 

Having no sense of time permanence and the need to get every detail perfect had driven you to shut yourself up in one of the many dance studios in the Arts building, huffing and puffing and cursing at yourself for being a lazy perfectionist. 

It was almost 2 a.m, but here you were, fixing the light skirt around your leotard and leggings as you took the short break your knees were begging you for. 

This project was one you had begged your department’s Dean for- the opportunity to choreograph and lead the annual showcase. You needed it to be perfect, exquisite, unforgettable. 

So you would suck up the pain and sleeplessness, you would bug that gorgeous senior Yunho into giving you tutorials on how to choreograph for groups, you would spend all your time thinking and visualizing and planning and dancing and perfecting until it was just right- 

“Oh. Hey.” 

Your train of thought sputtered to a stop when you heard the sound, turning to see Hyunjin standing at the door, dark hair and dark clothes. 

“What are you doing here?” 

The question ( albeit slightly rude) escaped your mouth before you could control it.

“I didn’t know where else to go.” 

That’s when you noticed the dark bags under your best friend’s eyes, his jet-black hair limp and falling gracelessly around his face. His shoulders were slumped under his hoodie, his normally graceful frame suddenly looking small, almost like he was folding into himself. 

It was a bad night. 

The kind of night Hyunjin liked to slip into an empty studio and dance his anxiety away, letting the precision of his movements carry his pains away. 

The sight nearly made you tear up.

How had you not noticed how tired Hyunjin had been looking lately? 

Were you seriously that focused on one of your own projects that you forgot about the people that mattered the most to you?

Nothing was more important to you than Hyunjin-  your childhood best friend, your soulmate, your partner from the beginning till forever. He was the reason you even found your love for dance- and here you were, disregarding him for god knows how long, all because you were trash at managing your time. 

What kind of a best friend were you?

Suddenly, the annual showcase didn’t matter. All you wanted was to see your best friend’s lovely smile stretch over his lips,see  his eyes scrunch in that endearing way they always did, see his dramatic reenactments and faux cringe away from him. 

The studio had settled into silence as Hyunjin slid to the floor next to a corner of the walls and mirror, presumably setting up his own playlist or stretching. 

Your feet moved to the bluetooth stereo system before your mind could catch up. Whether you realized it or not, you knew exactly what to do. The opening strains of the music instantly warmed your body- you didn’t realize you felt cold and empty until the melody filled the void in you with warm, buttery sunlight. 

Your limbs sang with the need to jump into an easy dance as you made your way to Hyunjin, who was yet to notice you or the music building around the studio.

“Dance with me!” You grinned, reaching a hand out to Hyunjin where he sat on the wood floor, fixing his shoelace.You had missed this piece, you realized, letting yourself listen to the familiar music. You and Hyunjin had spent late studio nights like this twirling each other around the hardwood floor until you were out of breath but irrevocably exhilarated. Hyunjin looked down at your outstretched hand, then at you, his head cocked as he listened to the music, feeling the energy, the familiarity- 

And you had grabbed his hand and hauled him to his feet, sweeping him into a messy hop-twirl-waltz around the studio. An incredulous laugh escaped Hyunjin as he caught his footing, barely able to keep up with you- but the only sound that escaped you was one of pure joy. 

The music swelled and wrapped around the both of you as Hyunjin twined an arm around your waist to stabilize the both of you, a grin finally breaking out across his face. The music was like joy trapped in a sound, the building, soaring rhythm and beats needing no effort to follow- it was like the tune urged the both of you to move to the music, pushing you to truly feel the glorious thrill in the notes. 

“TWIRL!” You yelled, but Hyunjin only laughed at you before releasing his grip on your waist to let you twirl out and away from him. A gleeful laugh escaped you as your skirt flew up around your body, the sheer ease and flow of every movement suddenly feeling so normal, so familiar to you. 

Not seconds later, you were twirled back to Hyunjin , but this time he was the one leading the messy waltz as the music reached its peak, the air light and bright with your joint laughter and the delightful harmony.

And for those glorious seconds, all was good with the world- it was just you and Hyunjin in each other’s arms, dancing the night away and everything felt like it was perfectly as it should be. 

As the music began, so it must end- and it did, with the both of you collapsing onto each other in a fit of giddy laughter, clinging to each other as you slid to the floor. 

As the giggles trailed off, you swatted at Hyunjin’s chest. 

“I’m sorry I spent the last few days disregarding you.” 

Hyunjin’s smile was like the sunrise after a dreary night, much like the music that the both of you had come to love. 

“Hey, we have forever together, what’s a few days?”


hyunjin drabble…

“Why don’t you just ask her out,” Changbin had suggested after you had went downstairs to grab the food.

Hyunjin shrugged, “I don’t feel a need to.”

Changbin fixed him with a funny look.

“Don’t you have feelings for her?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then why not make things official?”

To Hyunjin things already felt that way. You knew he loved you and you loved him in turn, but the two of you were happy with the way things were now. There was no need to label anything between the two of you.

To anyone that didn’t know them, they would think you were dating. The two of you were always attached at the hip. If Hyunjin felt lonely he’d call you, if he needed a companion on one of his spontaneous late night trips you were there. Soon the two of you realized that the friendship between you had grown into something more.

You had both confessed to one another but nothing had gone further than that. Your romance was slow paced sure, but it was a pace that both you and Hyunjin were comfortable with. You had shared soft pecks often but nothing had gone further than an innocent press of lips from time to time.

You and Hyunjin loved one another in your own special way and you were content with that.

