


[ voicemail / hwang hyunjin ]

a (incomplete) collection of voicemails on a phone that hasn’t been charged for over a year. // if i could have this entire thing in italics i would but i won’t. anyways, something a bit different imo. idk how i feel about it tho yikes
warnings: implied reader death; please do not read if that will potentially put you in a bad mindset. ; alcohol

[ 11:23am ]

“hey, y/n. it’s me. i know you probably won’t hear these-”

an exhaled breath of laughter.

“‘probably’? i know you won’t. you never used to check your voicemails, anyway, but- but now you really never will.”

silence, and then muffled cursing.

“i knew this was a stupid idea.”


Keep reading

— Different Meaning —

+ pairing: kim seungmin x female reader
+ genre: fluff, enemies to lovers, florist!seungmin, best friend!felix
+ word count: 1.1k
+ requested as part of my Drabble Event #2
+ summary: Your plan was simple: get Kim Seungmin a flower bouquet that screamed how much you despised him. However, your plan fails after you meet the florist and understand that maybe flowers can mean different things to different people.
+ lia’s note: Hello, I hope you’re doing well. When I tell you I love this drabble, it’s because I do. I had so much fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it too! Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it! As always, happy reading!

[stray kids m-list] ● [join my taglist]

“What flower says I hate you the most?” You asked your best friend as the two of you stared at the flower shop window, looking over the different arrangements on display. “Do you think I should google it?”

“Why do you want flowers anyway?” Felix shrugged and messed his hair. “Couldn’t you get him, I don’t know, a box of spicy chocolates?”

“Those don’t say I hate you discreetly, Felix. Those are too straightforward. Besides, he likes spicy food.”

“How do you know that?”

You ignored Felix as you moved away from the window, grabbing your phone and quickly searching which flowers had the meaning of I hate you. You scrolled through a couple of the results and made a mental list of the flowers you’d consider: orange lilies and yellow carnations seemed like the best option. You’d be sure to ask the florist to make you a small bouquet with that.

“Let’s go!”

You grabbed Felix’s hand and pulled him to the inside of the flower shop. A soft melody played and your eyes got lost in the beautiful colours of the different flowers, their scents melting in the air beautifully.

“Welcome to the flower shop! How can I help you?”

Your dream was short-lived when you glanced at who was behind the counter. The disappointment you felt was probably not mutual because his smile didn’t fade. Since when did Kim Seungmin work at a flower shop?

“I’ll wait outside…” Before you could argue with your best friend, Felix was already opening the shop door and stepping outside, offering you a thumbs-up from the outside.

You shook your head and massaged your temples, not surprised Felix left you here on your own to chat with Seungmin. He always did this whenever you were together. Slowly, you made your way to the counter and placed your hands on it, glancing at Seungmin. As usual, he had a smirk on his lips that made your heart jump in your chest at an awfully fast pace. This was why you couldn’t stand Kim Seungmin. You didn’t like feeling this way when you were close to him.

“I’d like a small bouquet with… orange lilies and yellow carnations. You can make it ugly, I don’t care.”

“That bouquet is for me, isn’t it?” He chuckled and leaned on the counter, keeping his eyes on you. You glanced at his lips and back into his eyes, wishing you had the strength in yourself to look away. “Props to you for looking up the meaning of the flowers. Sadly, we don’t have those flowers in stock. Do you still want to offer me an I hate you flower arrangement?”

“Make me a flower arrangement with the flower you hate the most, then.” You leaned closer to him too, somewhat upset. “And I don’t care about how it looks. The more you hate it, the more I’ll like it.”

He shrugged. “I don’t hate any flower, Y/N. And I can’t possibly make it look bad, not even on purpose. I am that talented. However, it will never be as beautiful as you, of course.”

Here he was again, swaying you with his words. You didn’t like this at all, especially when you knew this was the most cliché pick-up line he could’ve used on you. Besides, he didn’t mean it. Seungmin charmed everyone around him with words, half of which he didn’t mean.

His words carried no meaning. He truly didn’t think you were beautiful no matter how much you wished he did.

As he got back to work on the flower arrangement you had requested him, you paced around the flower shop and glanced at the different shades and sizes, smelling a couple of them to get the full experience of their scents. Some were stronger while others were lighter, but you enjoyed all of them.

“Gardenia,” Seungmin said after a while. “Specifically the white ones.”

“Do you hate them?”

He chuckled and shook his head, glancing your way. “I don’t hate them. I just feel powerless by them.”

“Why is that?”

You started to walk towards the counter again, focusing on what Seungmin was doing. He had selected a couple of flowers and was working hard to prepare a flower arrangement. He was methodical in his work, quick too. You found yourself leaning on the counter, fascinated by what he was doing, admiring him from afar.

“I always wanted to give you a bouquet with them.” He stopped what he was doing and messed up his hair, quickly glancing at you. He was flustered, making you flustered in return. “They’re pretty flowers. But I always feared you’d know what they meant so I kept myself from sending them to you.”

“It’s ok if you despise me, you know? What do they mean, anyway?” You said that last part more to yourself than to him.

You got your phone out of your pocket again and searched for the name of the flower he had said. The more you read, the more confused you were. Most websites said positive things, lovely things. Seungmin couldn’t possibly mean that, could he?

“Like any other flower, they can mean different things. But if I ever gave you these flowers it would be to tell you that you’re lovely.”

Your eyes shot from your phone screen to Seungmin on the other side of the counter, extending a bouquet of white flowers to you. It took you a while to understand that the flowers in front of you were the same flowers on the images on your phone.

White gardenias. Seungmin had prepared a bouquet with white gardenias.

Slowly, you reached your hand towards the bouquet, unable to hide your smile. It looked pretty, not ugly as you had requested. And the flowers were lovely, maybe more lovely than you. However, you couldn’t help but wonder what you would do with it. You had asked him for a bouquet with the flowers he despised the most, but now that you knew what they meant, you couldn’t help but wonder if that wasn’t the message you wanted to get across to Seungmin, but couldn’t.

You’re lovely.

“So these are the flowers you loathe the most?” You asked, just be sure.

“I guess…” He shrugged and messed his hair, smiling at you afterwards. “Just let me know which meaning you’re giving to them once you offer me the bouquet later.”

You nodded, feeling your heartbeat increase the more you stared at him. Except, this time, instead of looking away or making a sarcastic remark pretending you didn’t care for him, you allowed yourself to smile and enjoy this small moment.

Taglist (join here):@clarakyunisageek@hannie-squirrel00@misah0e @wee-racha@soobin-chois@nattisbored@pwotsungs@lolalee24@lananhdn@dwaekkilover@late-minhours@gwynsapphire@squiishymeow

Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback!
©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved.Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work are strictly prohibited.

— Follow Me, Follow You —

+ pairing: hwang hyunjin x female reader
+ genre: angst, enemies to lovers, apocalypse!au
warnings: mentions of weapons, wounds, implied poor hygiene conditions, seungmin is sick, let me know if i am missing something
+ word count: 0.7k
+ requested as part of my Drabble Event #2
+ summary: There is always a time when a tough choice has to be made. However, you didn’t expect to get help from the one who always disagreed with everything you said or did.
+ lia’s note: Hello, how are you? This piece is something I’d like to explore in the future somehow. It reminds me of ya dystopian which is the genre that made me fall in love with reading and only increased my love for writing. Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it! As always, happy reading!

[stray kids m-list] ● [join my taglist]

The light that prickled through the windows wasn’t enough to light up the small space. The air smelled of gunpowder, sweat, and the last meal you all shared. No one dared to speak about the obvious, but the thought was in the air and hidden in the way you glanced at one another.

“We should talk about it,” you said, sitting on one of the wood boxes nearby, scratching the back of your neck. Everyone turned to look at you, wary of what you were about to say. “We need more supplies and food too. What we have won’t last us more than a few days. Besides,” you glanced at the opposite side of the room where someone laid on the cold floor, their breathing frail, “we need to find something to help him with the fever. There’s a couple of old pharmacies nearby, I’m sure we can…”

“You’re not possibly suggesting we go overground, are you?” You took a deep breath and glanced at him. He crossed his arms and shook his head. “It’s still not safe out there.”

“It will never be safe out there anymore, Hyunjin. Don’t you get that?” You stood up and wiped your hands on your dirty trousers. “The food we have might last us two more days, even if we eat only the essentials. Without any medication, Seungmin won’t survive much longer. And I know this place very well. It used to be my home.” You turned to face everyone else and gulped, your heartbeat increasing in your chest. “I… I’ll go.”

Murmurs erupted in the small crowd, but you knew none of them would volunteer to go instead of you. Still, even if you voted on who would go, you would probably be one of their choices.

“You won’t survive out there,” Hyunjin said. “You can’t aim a gun, you’re weak… how do you expect to carry food and supplies here on your own?”

Whether Hyunjin was mocking you, you couldn’t be entirely sure. The truth was, the two of you never got along very well, and often your values and opinions collided with one another. You didn’t understand how he could only think about himself. Even here, despite everything that was happening, he didn’t see the grand scheme of things. Still, you weren’t going to spend your energy arguing with him. It was no use.

“I’m not asking you to come with me. And if I don’t survive, there’s one less person to eat, right? That should make the food last a little longer for all of you…”

You moved past him and started to prepare your weapons to go to the surface. It wasn’t a task you were pleased about, but it had to be done. You picked up a few guns, feeling their weight on your hand before checking whether they had enough ammunition for you to carry.

After a while, Hyunjin joined you and, after glancing at the table in front of you, he extended a gun your way, not looking you in the eyes.

“This one’s better for you. It has less kickback and it works best with how you usually shoot and aim.” You glanced between the gun and his expression, biting your lower lip. When you didn’t accept the weapon, Hyunjin grabbed your arm and turned your palm upwards, placing the handle on your hand. “I don’t want you to die, Y/N.”

“I’m glad to know you still have consciousness,” you said sarcastically as you saved the gun in its pouch on your waist. You lifted your ways to look at him, serious and determined. “I’ll be back.”

“I’ll go with you.” He bit his lower lip and ruffled his hair, fixing it right after. It was too long now, he needed a bandana to keep it away from his eyes. “You may know how to move around on the surface, but you still need someone to help you out. Besides, I can help you carry stuff and… keep you out of trouble. I’m sure Felix can keep order while we’re away.”

You weren’t sure if Hyunjin was worried about you, but you weren’t going to be stupid and deny his help. He was right, you needed someone’s help. And from everyone around, he was the one better qualified to go with you.

“Fine,” you said, looking him in the eyes. “But when it comes to locations, you follow my lead. When it comes to cover and safety, I’ll follow your lead. We have to trust each other if we want to survive.” You gulped, knowing that your next statement would be too honest for you to pretend you weren’t saying it out loud. “I want to survive, Hyunjin. With you.”

Taglist (join here!): @clarakyunisageek@hannie-squirrel00@misah0e @wee-racha@soobin-chois@nattisbored@pwotsungs@lolalee24@lananhdn@dwaekkilover@late-minhours@gwynsapphire@squiishymeow

Unable to Tag: @purpleskzworld

Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback!
©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work are strictly prohibited.

— A Little Mischievous —

+ pairing: lee felix x female reader
+ genre: fluff, best friends!au, apple picking!au, non-idol!au
+ warnings: none
+ word count: 0.8k
+ requested as part of my Drabble Event #2
+ summary: Apple picking was something you looked forward to every year. After all, you got to spend the day with your best friend and that made up for how tiring the task was.
+ lia’s note: Hello, I hope you’re doing well! This one is super cute, I had a good time writing it! Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback! As always, happy reading!

[stray kids m-list] ● [join my taglist]

You and Felix made your way through the apple trees, feeling the sweet scent every step of the way. Everyone around you was hard at work, completely focused on their task. It was no easy feat, but in the right company, it was certainly easier.

“It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it?” Felix asked after putting down your empty container and looking up at the sky. The morning light pierced through the branches and greeted your skin softly. Thankfully, today the weather was nice and the soft breeze that blew kept the heat away.

“It’s a beautiful day indeed,” you said and fixed your hat, smiling at him. “Shall we get to work?”

“Of course!”

It didn’t take long for you and Felix to get fully absorbed in the task at hand. You carefully picked the apples from the tree, wiping them softly before placing them in the container. Every once in a while, the two of you would reach out for the same apple and when your hands met, you’d let out a soft giggle and spend a good minute trying to figure out who would pick the chosen apple.

“Go ahead,” you said as you gestured to the apple.

“No,you go ahead.”

More often than not, you’d be the one picking the apple while Felix moved to another tree or another apple to keep your flow of work uninterrupted. The two of you chatted about the most random things as you did this, occasionally breaking into a song whenever silence became boring.

Despite how tiring today would be, you loved doing it with Felix. It was a small tradition you had ever since you were children. Your parents tended to bring you with them and, instead of helping around the fruit farm, you’d run and hide behind trees, sometimes stealing apples and eating them right away in secret.

This place had seen the two of you grow up and no matter how apart you were or what was going on with your lives, you always knew that this was something that you’d never skip. And so, year after year, the two of you kept coming back to pick up apples together and spend a wonderful day in each other’s company.

“So…” He said as the two of you moved away from the trees, carrying the heavy container towards the small carrier nearby. “How many apples do you think we’ll catch this year? Think we’ll beat last year’s record?”

This was another part of your tradition, trying to outdo your previous record. It gave you no prize or award to catch more apples, but the pride and joy the two of you felt were worth it. Besides, the one that failed to guess the number of apples you picked together had to pay for dinner. And for two years in a row, it had been Felix’s turn.

“I think we’ll break the record but I won’t say by how much just yet.” Felix rolled his eyes and you let out a soft chuckle gesturing with your head to the carrier in front of you. “Shall we place the container there on three?” Felix nodded. “One, two, and…”

The two of you placed the container on the carrier with some effort and afterwards, you wiped your hands on your jeans, glancing around to see which area you should tackle next.

“Do you want to rest for a bit? What about we lay under some trees for a while?”

“Do you think they’d be ok with that?” You scanned the crowd, noticing everyone hard at work.

“It’s not like we haven’t done it before.” He reached his hand for yours. “Come on, let’s hide for a bit.”

As much as you wanted to say no to him, you didn’t want to skip out on the fun. This only happened once a year and being a little mischievous was also part of the tradition.

You grabbed Felix’s hand and it didn’t take long before the two of you started to move away from the crowd of people and disappeared in between the apple trees to where no one would find you for a while.

After walking for a bit, Felix and you sat side by side under a tree and you took a deep breath, closing your eyes. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and he pulled you closer to him, making you smile. This time, when the silence took over, instead of trying to fill it, you embraced it.

This was wonderful and peaceful.

“We’ll do this again next year?” Felix asked in a low voice and you nodded, looking at him.

“We have to. It’s almost like our personal New Year’s day.”

He hummed and sighed, resting his head on your shoulder. This was your favourite day of the year. Apple picking with your best friend. You laughed with him, you rolled your eyes at him, and you listened to him as well.

It was a small celebration of your friendship, one you looked forward to every year because spending time with Felix was one of the things you enjoyed the most in this world.

Taglist (join here):@clarakyunisageek@hannie-squirrel00@misah0e @wee-racha@soobin-chois@nattisbored@pwotsungs@lolalee24@lananhdn@dwaekkilover@late-minhours@gwynsapphire@squiishymeow

Unable to Tag: @purpleskzworld

Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback! 
©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work are strictly prohibited.

— Trust Me This Time —

+ pairing: han jisung x female reader
+ genre: angst, fluff, suggestive, exes to ??, college!au, badboy!jisung
warnings: mentions of drinking, reader is slightly intoxicated, let me know if i am missing something
+ word count: 1.5k
+ requested as part of my Drabble Event #2
+ summary:You knew Jisung’s promises tended to be empty and after what happened, you swore you would never be his again. However, it’s never too late to change, or is it?
+ lia’s note: Hello, how are you? So this drabble is very angsty, I’d say. I hope you enjoy reading it, I enjoyed writing it! Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it! As always, happy reading!

[stray kids m-list] ● [join my taglist]

The party wasn’t as fun as you wanted it to be. Despite the music playing and everyone’s efforts to keep you entertained, the truth was you were having a hard time. These kinds of places always reminded you of Jisung and he was someone you wanted to avoid and forget.

However, that was proving to be harder than you’d like to admit.

You still saw him on the campus grounds and whenever your eyes met, you had to look away and continue to walk. You couldn’t bear the pain in his eyes, but you also didn’t want to bear it. It was probably an act to him like most of your relationship had been. Did he ever love you or were you too enamoured to see the red flags?

Whenever the two of you crossed paths he’d try to talk to you. He’d try to say that he had changed and that he was willing to give all of what you had another try. Part of you wanted to give in and accept his offer, accept his words. But whenever you were about to do it, images of what had happened popped into your head.

It wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it. And yet, you couldn’t stop thinking about all of it.

As the party went on, you grew slightly tipsier. Whether it was your need to forget or your desire to enjoy a cold beverage, you weren’t sure. Your thoughts started to get muffled together, your words slurred. Even the music sounded slower and your dance moves were heavy and erratic. Your heart jumped in your chest and when your eyes landed on Jisung on the other side of the dance floor, you stopped what you were doing, unable to look away from him.

Tonight, he was alone. He leaned on the wall and sipped on his drink, raising his cup to whoever greeted him on his way to the upper floor. For a while, he was oblivious to your eyes on him. But just like when you were dating, he always found you. No matter how big the crowd, Jisung always found you.

When he started to make his way towards you, you considered turning around and joining your friends near the beer pong game happening, but you couldn’t. You waited for him to join you, watching as the lights changed and greeted his features, amazed at how he looked good under every single one of them. Han Jisung was certainly breathtaking.


You didn’t hear his voice but you read his lips. For the first time in a while, you pondered what it would be like to kiss him again. You wondered what it would be like to feel his arms around your waist as he kissed your skin, wanting you to be his. Had that been an act too? Part of you didn’t want to believe that tonight. Not now when he was this close to you.

“I’ve missed you,” you said, licking your lips as you stumbled towards him, a crooked smile appearing on your face. “I’ve missed you so much, Jisung. I’m so sorry, I…”

Your hands quickly found the back of his neck and you tried to pull him closer to you, but Jisung tensed up under your touch and shook his head.

“You don’t want this, Y/N.”

“How do you know?” You said, rolling your eyes. “You don’t know me. You don’t know what Iwant!”

“You’re drunk. I don’t… I don’t want you to do something you might regret later.”

You couldn’t help but laugh at him. Since when had Jisung started to care about your feelings? Since when did it matter to him what you felt? This had to be the funniest joke you had heard all night.

“You’re funny,” you booped his nose, not letting go of his neck. When your eyes found his, you expected them to be happy and eager for something, but this time, they were sad and cautious. You sighed. “Why aren’t you happy tonight?”

He pursed his lips and studied your expression carefully, his hand brushing softly against your cheek. You slowly grabbed it and intertwined your fingers together, a wave of electricity greeting you abruptly. His touch was certainly something else and you craved it more each day you were apart. And yet tonight, Jisung didn’t want it. Or maybe he didn’t want you. He probably had his eyes on someone else.

“It’s not just unhappiness,” he said over the loud music and let go of your hand, shaking his head. “I’m upset and disappointed with what I did to you.”

“We can move on from that, Jisung.” You tried to get closer to him again, to grab his hand, to pull him closer, but he stopped you. “We can…”

He started to walk away from you and towards the front door of the house and you followed him with wobbly steps. When you were outside, the music pounded behind you and you stopped briefly to consider whether or not you should go back inside. However, you found yourself climbing down the stairs towards Jisung as he messed his hair and paced around the empty road.

“We can chat about it.” You shoved your hands in your pockets and started to make your way toward him. “I’m not thatdrunk.”

“But you don’t want to chat for the right reasons right now. I know what you want right now.”

“And that is…”

Jisung pondered for a while. He glanced at the houses around the two of you as he ruffled his hair, somewhat desperate. You sighed and lowered your head, unsure of what to do or say. Maybe he was right, maybe you wanted to chat for the wrong reasons. Maybe you would say yes to everything he’d say to you in hopes that would get you closer to him, even if it was just for one night.

“I know you, Y/N. I notice the way you look at me. I know what alcohol does to you. You become touchy, emotional, needy. Trust me this time when I say you don’t want that. We’d both regret it.”

“Why would you regret it?” You chuckled as your heart sunk in your chest. “You’re done with me, aren’t you? You’ve found someone else now and they’re probably better than me, right? Where is she right now?” You started to look around trying to locate someone in the shadows or inside a car or just leaning on a picket fence. “Where is she, Jisung?”

“There hasn’t been anyone after you.” His voice was sombre and a chill went down your spine. You wanted to blame it on the wind, but when your eyes turned to look at him, you knew he was the one that caused it. “I have been trying to be a better person. Words mean nothing when you have nothing to back them up with. But I have been trying, Y/N.”

“Why?” That was the only word that left your lips whenever you spoke with Jisung tonight. “You could have anyone, you don’t have to change. After all-”

“Don’t you understand that I love you?” He took a deep breath and started to pace around, avoiding looking at you. “When we were together, I took you for granted. And then, I messed up what we had and that made me realise that I… I love you. I don’t think I have ever loved anyone as I love you right now.” He stopped pacing and turned around to look at you, heartbroken. “And sometimes, loving someone means to keep your distance from them, even when you don’t want to. More than anything I want to show you that I have changed and that I am willing to wait until you’re fully sober for us to talk about this. For to talk about… us.”

You couldn’t say anything to him. You got lost in his eyes, in this foolish hope that kept on growing in your chest and that you were expecting to burst at any moment, disappearing in a matter of seconds. However, that didn’t happen. This foolish hope refused to burst.

When you didn’t answer him, he shook his head and started to walk towards the party. He kept his eyes on his feet and a regretful expression he tried to conceal with a sad smile. This was why your hope hadn’t burst. This was why it kept growing.

This time, Jisung was giving you something more than his empty promises. He was doing what he told you he would do: he was making an effort to be a better person. And right now, as much as you wanted to tell him that it didn’t matter, this mattered to you more than anything he had ever done to you.

“Thank you,” you said and he stopped on his way up the stairs to look at you. You nodded. “We’ll talk about… us some other day. I’ll… text you?”

“Call me.” He smiled softly at you and you couldn’t help but reciprocate the gesture. “I like the sound of your voice. Good night, Y/N.”

You blamed the alcohol in your system for making all of your thoughts slower and your reactions delayed. Still, despite all of that, one thing was for sure: this time, you would trust Jisung.

Taglist (join here):@clarakyunisageek@hannie-squirrel00@misah0e @wee-racha@soobin-chois@nattisbored@pwotsungs@lolalee24@lananhdn@dwaekkilover@late-minhours@gwynsapphire@squiishymeow

Unable to Tag: @purpleskzworld

Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback!
©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved.Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work are strictly prohibited.

— A Slice of Love —

+ pairing: han jisung x female reader
+ genre: fluff, attempted humour, best friends (idiots) to lovers, non-idol!au, confession!au
warnings: mentions of food, reader LOVES chocolate cake, reader almost chokes on a piece of cake, let me know if i am missing something
+ word count: 0.7k
+ requested as part of my Drabble Event #2
+ summary: Your love for chocolate cake is quite massive, but there might be a certain someone you love more than this incredible piece of heaven.
+ lia’s note: Hello, how are you? I hope you have fun with this one. It’s definitely on the goofy side and I had a lot of fun writing it! I hope you enjoy reading it as well! Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it! As always, happy reading!

[stray kids m-list] ● [join my taglist]

“Tell me why you brought me here again?”

Jisung held your hand as he guided you through the busy street and inside a small bakery. As soon as you stepped in, the smell of freshly baked goods surrounded you and you took a deep breath, smiling in delight.

“I heard they have the best chocolate cake in town and…”

Chocolate cake. At the sound of those words, you scanned the bakery display with all of your attention, reading the labels on the different cakes and pastries until you landed on your target.

“Chocolate cake…”

You let go of Jisung’s hand and walked closer to the display, completely enamoured by the cake. It looked delicious and your mouth was already watering at the thought of having a slice. If there was something you absolutely loved was chocolate cake: the texture, the taste, the smell. Everything made your senses tingle and you were on a life mission to find the best chocolate cake of your life.

“Thank you,” you said to Jisung and offered him a smile and a wink, “for continuing to help me on this mission!”

He let out a soft giggle and made the order for both of you. Jisung also asked for a slice of chocolate cake which meant he was willing to spend half an hour of his life hearing you talk about chocolate cake and how much you loved it. You didn’t know why he did it but you weren’t complaining. His company was the best and you wouldn’t trade it for anyone else’s. Not even for a slice of chocolate cake.

After the two of you found a table near one of the windows, you sat down and it didn’t take long for you to grab your phone to take pictures of your chocolate cake slice. You smiled the entire time, taking it from different angles that truly highlighted the beauty and delicacy of this piece of heaven.

“Ah,” you said, pointing to your slice of cake, “I want someone to look at me and care about me the way I look and care about chocolate cake. That is the dream!”

Jisung laughed again, messing his hair afterwards and glancing around the small place where a soft melody played to fill the silence.

“It’s a nice dream…” Jisung sighed and gulped. He ruffled his hair again and you glanced between him and the chocolate cake, unable to resist taking a bite. As soon as the piece of cake was about to reach your mouth, Jisung added, “What if I want to make it happen?”

“What?” You shoved the piece of cake in your mouth and at the explosion of flavour, you closed your eyes, enjoying every bit of it. “Oh my God… This is sogood.”

You could cry about how delicious this cake was. The velvety texture melted in your mouth and the flavour wasn’t too sweet nor too bitter. It was perfect.

“Isn’t it obvious that I want to date you?”

Your eyes widened in shock and you almost choked on the piece of cake you were enjoying. Jisung quickly got up from his seat and came to pat your back, helping you calm down and regain your composure. Did he say what you thought he had said?

“What did you just say?” You said, lifting your eyes to look at him, perplexed. “Did you say you wanted to date me?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “If I haven’t made it clear, I do like you and I want to date… you.”

You nodded, unsure how to form a coherent sentence to express your feelings. Inside of your head, you were jumping, screaming in excitement, shaking your legs up in the air. Here, however, you could only look into Jisung’s eyes as you tried to calm your heart down and remind yourself that you couldn’t stare at him for the rest of eternity. Or at least, now you could.

“Hm… the chocolate cake is good,” you said and shook your head right after. Could you for once in your life stop thinking about chocolate cake? You cleared your throat and glanced back at Jisung. “What I’m trying to say is that the chocolate cake is good, but this is much better. So much better. I mean it.”

And you meant it. Chocolate cake was great and all, but being loved and cared for by Jisung? Oh, that was divine.

Taglist (join here):@clarakyunisageek@hannie-squirrel00@misah0e @wee-racha@soobin-chois@nattisbored@pwotsungs@lolalee24@lananhdn@dwaekkilover@late-minhours@gwynsapphire@squiishymeow

Unable to Tag: @purpleskzworld

Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback!
©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved.Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work are strictly prohibited.

— Favourite Flavour —

+ pairing: bang chan x female reader
+ genre: fluff, friends to lovers, non-idol!au
+ warnings: mentions of food and energy drinks, let me know if i am missing something
+ word count: 0.9k
+ requested as part of my Drabble Event #2
+ summary: A late-night rendezvous to the grocery store with Chan takes an unexpected turn after your blunt question and his honest confession.
+ lia’s note: Hello, I hope you’re doing well! I hope you enjoy reading this drabble, I absolutely had so much fun writing this one, it’s super cute.Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback! As always, happy reading!

[stray kids m-list] ● [join my taglist]

When Chan threw a rock at your bedroom window asking if you wanted to join him on a late-night rendezvous at the local grocery store, you didn’t think twice. After grabbing your jacket and climbing down the stairs, you found him parked in front of your driveway, the engine breaking the underwhelming silence of the night.

You quickly joined him inside his car and soon enough, he was driving the two of you through the quiet and empty streets of this town, stopping at every red light only to increase the volume of the radio slightly so the two of you could sing even louder than before. These small moments were what you loved the most whenever you were with him. They were simple and happened in a blink of an eye, but their impact left you with memories that never faded. If anything, time only made them stronger and more precious.

After he parked his car at the grocery store, the two of you started to make your way towards the entrance.

“So… what are we buying this time?” You asked Chan as you walked backwards so you could face him. “Is it gummy bears again? Or have you upgraded and we’re buying other stuff now?”

He chuckled and messed his hair before putting his hood on. You turned around and started to walk alongside him, the yellow light from the grocery store sign reflecting in the puddles near the entrance.

“We’re buying gummy bears again and some popcorn too. I plan on having a movie night soon so I have to be prepared.”

“Do you have any beverages at home? You might need those too for your movie night…”

He nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets, glancing at the entrance door. You noticed the closing time and realised the two of you had more or less ten minutes to buy whatever Chan needed. This if they didn’t stop you from buying at all.

Inside the grocery store, an overplayed radio song blasted through the speakers louder than expected. The bright lights hurt your eyes slightly and you had to blink to get used to them.

Chan didn’t waste any time in the different aisles. After all, every time you came with him to the grocery store, he reminded you of a man on a mission. He went straight to the right aisles and only grabbed what he wanted. He never glanced at the same thing more than twice.

You, on the other hand, tended to get lost on the new products and whatever sale the grocery store had going on. This time, you got curious about the different colours of the energy drinks that were on sale. You didn’t need them, but buying one couldn’t hurt, right? Besides, they weren’t full price.

“Which flavour would you like?” You asked Chan, picking two different colours. You laughed at the bright blue one and extended it his way. “This one matches your hair. Maybe it tastes like you…?”

“I don’t think I taste like blueberry.” He took the bottle from your hand and started to read the label, keeping his head down. However, you noticed his cheeks slightly flushed and his best attempt at hiding them from you with his hood still on.

“What do you taste like, then?” You boldly asked, taking the bottle from his hand and gesturing to the rows of bottles next to you. “I’m taking this blue one to try, choose one and I’ll pay for it.”

He scanned the different labels as he patted his lip, reading them carefully before moving on to the next one. What you thought would be a quick decision on his part took longer than expected. At one point, he removed his hood and messed up his blue hair, biting his lower lip.

You gulped, unable to take your eyes from him as your heartbeat increased in your chest. Whether he was aware of it or not, Chan was quite wonderful to admire and there was always something new to discover in him. This time, you smiled at how his brows furrowed the more focused he was. Why was this so difficult for him?

“I’ll get going to the cashier otherwise they won’t let us pay. Don’t take too long to pick, alright?”

When Chan didn’t answer you, you sighed and turned around, making your way out of the aisle and towards the only cashier still working.

“What’s your favourite flavour?” At Chan’s question, you stopped in your tracks and turned around to look at him, confused. You moved closer to him again and scanned the different labels, trying to find the one with the flavour you tended to enjoy the most in other beverages.

“This one.” You grabbed the bottle from the shelf and showed it to Chan, smiling. “Why do you ask, though?”

After he put his hood back on, he shrugged and smirked, looking you in the eyes.

“Maybe I just want to taste like your favourite flavour, that’s all.” Your lips parted in surprise and Chan lowered his head, making his way out of the aisle. “Consider that one as my choice, by the way.”

This time, you were the one having a hard time dealing with his words. You tried your best to prevent his statement from getting to you, but you couldn’t help it. Your body was suddenly on fire and your heart couldn’t calm down, no matter how hard you tried.

You glanced at your hands, looking at the two bottles side by side, and smiled. Two distinct shades with different flavours, but you were sure they’d match well together, just like you and Chan.

Taglist (join here):@clarakyunisageek@hannie-squirrel00@misah0e@wee-racha@soobin-chois@nattisbored@pwotsungs@lolalee24@lananhdn@dwaekkilover@late-minhours

Unable to Tag: @purpleskzworld

Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback! 
©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved.Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work are strictly prohibited.

— Late Night Drive —

+ pairing: seo changbin x female reader
+ genre: fluff, angst, enemies to eventual lovers, racer!changbin, mechanic!reader, bet!au
warnings: none
+ word count: 1.5k
+ written for D9W Writers’ Room - Week #61: write a scene set in a car!
+ summary: After losing a life-changing car race to Changbin, you have to join his team as a mechanic. However, you’re not making his life easier by giving him the silent treatment and he is also not helping you in the slightest by being charming and kind towards you.
+ lia’s note: Hello, how are you? Let it be known that I have been in my Changbin feels lately. And let it be known that this is a drabble of a future potential series if you are interested in that. I would love to write more of this, to be honest, but would you read more of this? Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it! As always, happy reading!

[stray kids m-list] ● [join my taglist]

You kept your eyes out of the window as Changbin drove the two of you away from the city you had grown up in. You couldn’t hide the frown on your face caused by your reckless decision the previous night.

Of course, you would lose the race. Of course, Changbin would win. And yet, you wanted to believe it otherwise. You wanted to believe you still had the talent, the mastery behind the wheel. Now, sadly, you only knew how to master an engine. It wasn’t as great as driving a car, but it would serve its purpose.

The silence between the two of you was uncomfortable, especially for Changbin. You were giving him the silent treatment and he didn’t like that. Every time he tried to talk to you or offer you a happy smile, you just ignored it. You focused on the dark skies outside where soft stars shone, prickling the sky softly. You counted the lamp posts under your breath to entertain yourself as they cast shadows on the highway.

“I’ll… turn on the radio,” he said as he pressed a button on the car’s control panel. Static soon filled the void and he chuckled, pressing the same button again. “Guess we’re stuck with silence…”

Good, you thought to yourself as you crossed your arms. Get used to it because this is all you’re going to get from me.

After a while, the lamp posts disappeared and you were at the mercy of the headlights of Changbin’s car to guide you through the road. The weather grew colder too and you found yourself rubbing your hands in your arms, hoping that would get them warmer. It wasn’t working.

“My jacket is on the backseat,” Changbin said, keeping his eyes on the road. “Take it and put it on.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’reshivering, Y/N. Stop being stubborn.”

“As if you could tell me what to do,” you said under your breath, shaking your head. “I’m fine. Just keep driving.”

Changbin understood the tone in your voice and sighed. He kept his eyes ahead and for the first time, you allowed yourself to glance his way. What you intended to be a quick gesture lingered for longer. You traced his features one by one, getting annoyed at how even in low light, he still looked good. He had the appearance of a champion and his smirk told you he had the confidence of one too.

“I honestly didn’t think you’d keep your word,” he said, glancing your way briefly. “I thought you wouldn’t be able to stare at me after I won the race. I’m glad you did.”

“So you like the silent treatment?” You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “Good to know…”

“I like your company and your presence. Why don’t we make an effort to be friends, at least? We’re going to be working together, after all.”

“For the record,” you started, turning your body slightly to face him better, “I am doing this because I don’t back down from my promises. And I don’t plan on becoming friends with you. I’m your mechanic now. Not your friend. All I care about is your race car and its health. I couldn’t care less about you!”

“You don’t mean that.” It annoyed you how calm he always was. His poise was so… irritating at times. “You’re just upset you didn’t win.” He glanced at you sideways and smiled charmingly. “You’ll warm up to me, I’m sure.”

If you could, you would open this car door and jump out. This was why you wanted to give him the silent treatment. That was better than listening to his voice and whatever sweet words he tried to use to enchant you. It wouldn’t work. You meant what you said, you couldn’t care less about him. You never did. He was nobody to you.

After calming yourself down, you focused on the view outside again, trying to fall asleep from how boring it was. However, because of how cold your skin was, you couldn’t. All of your thoughts were about Changbin’s jacket on the back seat and how warm it would probably be. You cursed under your breath your choice of clothing for this portion of the trip.

It was hot in your hometown during the day, but at night, the temperatures dropped significantly. You should’ve known that your outfit would not cover you enough for this temperature.

Suddenly, Changbin started to slow down on the road as he drove the car toward the side of the road. You raised an eyebrow at him, confused as to what he was doing. There was nothing around the two of you other than sand and a concrete road. You were still an hour away from the nearest town.

When the car stopped, Changbin sighed and reached for the back seat of the car, grabbing something and throwing it into your lap. You glanced at it and as you were about to speak, he beat you to it, upset. When his eyes met yours, you wanted to look away, but couldn’t. Was he regretful? If so, what was it about?

“I understand you’re pissed at me. I understand you don’t want to be here, let alone with me. I know you despise me. For what, I honestly don’t know. But freezing yourself and getting sick just because you refuse to accept help? That’s not you being stubborn, Y/N. You’re being an idiot.”

“So now you’re calling me an idiot?” You chuckled, ready to throw the jacket back at him. “What gives you the right to speak to me like that?”

“What gives you the right to treat me like crap?” He asked, leaning towards you with wide eyes.

“Oh, so now I treat you like crap?” You couldn’t help but laugh at his remark. “What did you expect? Forgiveness just because I am part of your team? Me saying yes to everything that comes out of your pretty mouth? You’re annoying.”

“You’re not much better.”

“I didn’t say I was.”

“But you’d like to be, right?” His eyes didn’t leave yours as he spoke. “You don’t like me because I am a better racer than you. That’s why you’re treating me like this. You’re upset because I’ll be the one driving while you’ll be on the sidelines. But you know what I know?” He sighed and licked his lips. “If I’ll get to race and win, it’s because you’re on my team. I wouldn’t trust my car with anyone else and you know why.”

Changbin gulped and took a deep breath, focusing his eyes on the road. He put his hands on the wheel and closed his eyes briefly, trying to calm down. This argument had unravelled both of you in ways you didn’t think possible. Still, and as much as you tried to make sense of his last words to you, you couldn’t figure it out.

“I don’t know why,” you said, somewhat defeated. You always had the answer, the comeback. This time, however, you didn’t. “Why do you trust me so much with that?”

Maybe it was the shakiness of your voice that caught both of you by surprise. Maybe it was the darkness outside that made everything feel smaller. Maybe it was the silence of the night that made your thoughts louder. However, when Changbin spoke again, you suddenly felt seen in a way you hadn’t before.

“You’re the best mechanic I know,” he said with such ease, you wondered how long he had believed in it. “And I trust you. I trust you will do a good job. Because you may despise me, but you love cars and engines.” He gestured to his jacket on your lap. “Try to sleep if you want. I’ll wake you up once we get to the motel. We have about an hour left.”

Without giving you a chance to reply, Changbin took a deep breath and started to drive again, getting the two of you back on the road. Your eyes lingered on his slight frown as he focused on driving, gripping the wheel with both of his hands.

You sighed and glanced at the fake leather jacket on your lap, biting your lip. Maybe he was right, maybe you had been an idiot. Maybe you were an idiot. You were certainly the idiot right now.

Reluctantly, you put the jacket over your shoulders, keeping your arms under it to try and warm them up. Changbin’s jacket carried the scent of his cologne, something you learned to recognise a while ago. However, now that you were so close to it, the soft notes of pinewood surprised you when they pierced through the intoxicating citrus smell and musk you associated with him. It was… refreshing. Surprisingly, it was comforting too.

As you kept your attention on the moving landscape, your eyelids grew heavier and it was harder to keep them open. After fighting yourself for a while, you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to drift into a light sleep, pulling Changbin’s jacket closer to your neck and smiling to yourself at the scent of his cologne.

Taglist (join here):@clarakyunisageek@hannie-squirrel00@misah0e @wee-racha@soobin-chois@nattisbored@pwotsungs@lolalee24@lananhdn@dwaekkilover@late-minhours@gwynsapphire@squiishymeow@kpoplover718 
Unable to Tag: @purpleskzworl

Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback! ©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work are strictly prohibited.

hot chocolate

❥ bang chan x fem!reader

❥ genre: fluff, friends-to-lovers

❥ warnings: mention of food, slight mention of feeling like you’re too heavy

❥ word count: 4.4K

❥ A/N: hehe sorry for being inactive. i’m on vacation. but i thought id drop a lil teenie weenie fic for y’all it’s like… kinda simple but hopefully you’ll like it? as usual, please reblog and leave feedback. it means so much to me.

this little idea was inspired by this lovely ficby@cieluvity ITS SO GOOD. all the little reactions for each member were so so entertaining and i really really hope you check their fic and their blog out!!

it all started with a little game or truth or dare at one of felix’s famous house parties, with all of your friends were sitting around the coffee table on sofas and bean bags, a spinning bottle deciding your fates.

after a pretty intense round of making jisung do 100 pushups while the others balanced random heavy objects on his back, things had gotten quiet for a moment until the bottle spun and landed in your direction, a devilish smirk spreading across several of your friends’ faces. two of them—felix and lalani—whispered among each other, the freckled boy giggling as she silently egged him on to execute his apparently “brilliant idea”.

‘alright y/n. truth or dare?’ asked felix, hands locked together as he leaned forward in his seat, staring at you with mischievous intensity, his lips pursed in an attempt to keep his expression neutral.

feeling a little concerned, you eyed your friends suspiciously. ‘why are you looking at me like that?’

‘just answer the question,’ lalani insisted. ‘truth…? or dare?’

your head tilted a little, the furrow in your brow deepening. why did she say “truth” like that? what was she going to get you to admit? was she– no… she wouldn’t.

would she?

you knew your friends were menaces but they wouldn’t force you to confess your crush over a game. but then again… they weremenaces…

yep. she would.

you took a look at chris, who looked rather clueless, fingers drumming against the arm rest of the sofa as he glanced between you and felix. catching your eyes, he sent you a warm smile, making your heart race a little as you smiled back, and you wondered how he’d react if your friends were to suddenly tease you and expose your crush on him. just the mere thought made your stomach drop a little—nervous butterflies fluttering around. you two had been friends for ages and as much as you wanted him to know… you were too afraid to ruin a good thing going on. so, against your better judgement, you made a choice to protect yourself from embarrassment.


wrong decision.

immediately your friends’ grins widened and a few of them huddled up, whispering something before snickering. pressing his lips together to appear serious, felix cleared his throat and turned to you.

‘alright y/n,’ he pursed his lips to stop himself from smiling too hard. ‘i dare you… to sit in chris’s lap for the rest of the night. until you have to go home.’

and there it was. the final blow to your fraying nerves, making them snap under the pressure, like power lines snapping and flailing about, sending sparks flying everywhere. your insides set alight, heat crept up your neck and settled in your cheeks.

oh… felix lee was a dead man.

‘wh– i am not doing that.’

‘if you don’t do that… you’ll have to do the forfeit.’

‘which is?’

‘text your crush,’ he shrugged.

‘that’s not fair!’

‘yes it is. i texted my crush,’ changbin chimed in innocently. he wasn’t in on the evil plan but he did have a knack for unknowingly playing devil’s advocate. shooting him a quick glare, you pouted.

‘that’s different.’

‘how so?’ asked felix as he sipped his coke, trying to hide a cheeky smile. you glared at the boy and he raised his eyebrows, challenging you. ‘well?’

well for starters, changbin’s crush wasn’t in the game and didn’t know what was happening. she wasn’t even that close to him. if you texted your crush (who was sitting literally on the sofa adjacent to yours) he would know immediately and that would be the end of your life (and your friendship with him) as you knew it! but of course… you could say that.

‘this is stupid,’ you crossed your arms. ‘you didn’t even ask chris for his consent. what if he’s uncomfortable?’

‘are you?’ felix turned to chris, catching the man off guard.

‘huh? o-oh um, n-no. but–’

‘he said no!’ the freckled menace cut in loudly, raising his glass.

‘wait hold on a second–’ chris attempted to salvage the situation, but you immediately cut in.

‘what if i’m uncomfortable?’ alright, maybe you weren’t that uncomfortable. maybe… it wasn’t such a bad dare. but you would die before telling any of your friends that. and regardless, it was still embarrassing and you were still a shy ball of nerves, and chris was still just a friend, nothing more. you didn’t want to put yourself through that.

‘it’s your dare~’ felix sang. ‘you gotta do it. or do the forfeit. them’s they rules.’

‘felix…’ you sighed with a whine and he stuck his tongue out, prompting you to throw a cushion at him, an annoyed frown on your face. instead of being upset though, he hugged the pillow and laughed.

‘alright, fine, y/n. if you’re too chicken, we can just move on…’ he drawled before taking another sip of his drink, and you glared at him.

biting your bottom lip, you stood up and walked towards the loveseat chris was sat on, the rest of your friends hollering and snickering in the background. your heart pounded against your ribcage as you approached him, eyeing his slightly flustered expression as he tried to keep a straight face, eyes struggling to hold your gaze.

‘are you sure this is okay?’ you asked as you stood in front of him, and he nodded softly.

‘i’m okay. but if you don’t want to… i can get them to stop.’

giggling a little, you shook your head. ‘it’s okay. i gave him a worse dare earlier. it’s only fair.’

you took a deep breath, and with an awkward smile, gingerly sat on the edge his thighs, a little closer towards his knees.

‘she did it!’ the little menace of the day cheered with a triumphant smile while the others clapped and whistled and shouted. ‘see, it wasn’t so hard,’ he teased, prompting you to flip him off.

felix lee was still a dead man. you were just waiting for the party to end.

while you sat there and plotted your revenge, two hands made their way to your waist, making you jump a little at the sudden sensation, eyes immediately snapping to glance behind you.

‘sorry, it’s just me,’ chris whispered, pulling his hands back.

‘no no, it’s okay. you just startled me,’ you smiled and adjusted your body a little, head turning to look at his face. ‘what happened? am i hurting you?’

‘no i was just going to ask if you were okay.’

you chuckled. ‘i should be asking you that. i’m not exactly light.’

he clicked his tongue. ‘not that heavy either. you sure you’re comfortable?’

you chewed on the inside of your lip. truthfully, you weren’t. with the way you were sitting, the beautiful man’s kneecaps were kind of digging into you, and you were sure it would leave a bruise if you sat like that for the rest of the night. besides, it was surely getting a little uncomfortable for him too.

so, swallowing your doubts and nerves, you asked: ‘can i move back a little?’

chris offered you a reassuring smile and nodded. he moved a little in his seat, finding a more comfortable position for himself and helped you sit properly on his thighs with your back flush against his chest. his arms moved to circle around your waist and he rested his chin against your shoulder. turning to look at him, he peered forward and flashed you a bright grin, calming your nerves as you rested your arms on top of his.


as the game went on, you found yourself feeling a little self conscious. the living room was full of laughter and chatter but all you could really think about was how tiring it must be for chris to have you in his lap. it had been almost 15 minutes, after all. and while he didn’t seem to mind, squeezing your waist every now and then to reassure you that everything was okay, you were sure he was just being polite. it had to be exhausting. it just had to.

so, without any further deliberation, you broke away from his hold and stood up, his attention immediately diverting to you while the others barely noticed a thing. chris raised his eyebrows in concern, a little worried look on his face, and you shook your head with a soft smile, trying to ease his mind.

‘move a little to the right,’ you whispered and gestured with your hand, the man complying immediately, leaving some space between himself and the arm rest of the sofa.

without another word, you climbed back into his lap, this time sitting on the sofa, with your legs across his thighs instead. feeling a small wave of relief wash over you as you felt your weight shift to push down on the cushion of the sofa instead, you let out a content sigh, not noticing the curious way chris was eyeing you. well, not until you glanced in his direction and immediately felt nervous at how close he was, now having a clear view of his face (and how it was inches away from yours).

he raised an eyebrow, an amused look on his face, and you shrugged. ‘it’s just more comfortable this way.’ one of his arms went to circle around your waist, while the other rested on your legs, fingers tapping at your calf every now and then.


the game went on and suddenly, the bottle spun towards you two.

‘hmmm… they’re kinda both sitting in one place, i can’t tell who’s turn it is,’ jisung quipped, making the rest of the group laugh while you rolled your eyes, a playful smile ghosting on your lips. glancing a little to your left, you noticed chris trying to maintain a neutral expression, a small tint of pink brushed on his cheeks, probably from all the eyes boring into his skull. ‘who’s it going to be?’

‘y/n,’ felix called, his cheeky smile widening. ‘truth or dare?’

you glared. ‘truth.’

‘are you… enjoying sitting so close to mr. heartthrob over there? hm? hm?’ his eyebrows quirked up and down and you sighed internally.

‘felix i’m this close to killing you.’

‘hey, it’s an innocent question. do you like it or no?’

you kept an annoyed gaze fixed on the boy, his own eyes narrowing as he stared you down. a beat passed and his eyes narrowed, brows furrowed and raised, while heat slowly crept up your neck—you cleared your throat.

‘yes,’ you murmured, looking away.

‘i’m sorry, what?’

‘felix stop bothering her,’ chris finally spoke up in an attempt to get your friends to stop, but you immediately cut him off.

‘i said yes! now shut up and continue the game.’

felix’s threw his head back in a roaring laugh and raised his arms up in surrender before mouthing “you’re welcome”, sending a wink your way. you made a face at him and looked down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers.

dealing with an overly excited felix who’d gotten tired of you whining about your crush was pure torture. he’d warned you that he’d force you to confess, and force you he had. and now you kind of wished you never taunted him, nor challenged him to give you his best shot. because really, how were you going to look chris in the eyes after admitting to enjoying being perched up on his lap?

lost in your thoughts, you jumped slightly when heard a slight whisper by your ear, warm breath slightly fanning the side of your face.

‘just fyi… i like it very much too.’

‘huh?’ you blurted out, turning to look at his amused expression. he simpered, brushing a lock of your hair behind your ear.

‘seriously,’ he nodded, snapping you out of your daze, and you giggled while biting your bottom lip, smacking his chest lightly.

‘shut up,’ you mumbled, curling into his body a little more, your head moving to rest on his shoulder. his chest vibrated a little with silent laughs as he pulled you closer, cheek slightly nuzzling against you.


you weren’t sure when you fell asleep, but when your eyes fluttered open, the entire living room was empty, only the soft whirring of the air conditioning, and someone’s soft breathing left to fill the silence. blinking your eyes a couple of times, you tried to sit up, and that’s when you realised:

you were still curled up against chris.

glancing at him with a surprised look, your heartbeat picked up a little as you noticed his head tipped against the back of the sofa, his hand resting limply against across your lower stomach. he looked so peaceful, all the lines on his face softened as soft breaths left his slightly parted lips. smiling, you moved a stray curl away from his forehead, making his eyes twitch as he stirred awake.

chris let out a small groan as his eyes fluttered open, focusing on your face under the dim light.

‘you’re awake,’ he breathed out, sniffing as his blurred vision finally cleared.

‘i’m sorry, i didn’t realise i fell asleep.’

‘it’s okay. we just watched a movie after the game. then everyone left. you didn’t miss much.’

that wasn’t why you felt sorry. ‘what time is it?’

‘hm? i don’t know…’ he murmured, reaching over to the side table to grab his phone. ‘3.35.’


‘no, p.m. of course a.m., y/n—what else would it be?’

‘ohmygod it’s that late?!’ you pushed up from his shoulder, finally registering how long it had been since you dozed off. though the man a few inches away from you didn’t seem bothered one bit—simply nodding with a drowsy smile.

‘it’s okay.’

‘okay for you. you live here.’

‘want me to drive you home?’

‘no… it’s okay. it’s pretty late. i’ll just go in the morning.’

chris hummed in acknowledgment. ‘wanna go back to sleep then?’

‘like this?’ you joked, giggling a little as you gestured at your position on his lap.

‘i don’t mind,’ he shrugged, and you laughed out loud, making his dimples pop out as he sleepily giggled along.

‘please, that would be too much. i’m sure your legs are tired. besides, don’t think i’ll be able to go back to sleep. i feel wide awake now.’

‘honestly? same. i can make hot chocolate and we can go sit outside?’

‘sounds like a plan.’


sitting on the balcony on a bamboo chair resting in the corner, you stared up at the starry sky overhead. it was a clear night, the moonlight lighting dousing your skin in silver light, the soft wind kissing your face, sending a small shiver down your spine.

you heard a tap on the glass door and stood to slide it open, meeting with a smiley chris and two mugs of steaming hot chocolate.

‘your drink, madame,’ he said in the fanciest voice he could manage, placing the mug on the glass table between the two outdoor chairs.

‘oh why thank you, kind sir,’ you played along, sitting down to take a sip. ‘ah… man, you really make the best hot chocolate.’

chris let out a high pitched laugh, like he always did when he got complimented. ‘it’s an instant packet.’

‘yeah, but whenever i make it, it never tastes this good.’

‘what can i say?’ he shrugged cockily, ‘i have a gift.’

‘you really do,’ you mirrored his grin, holding his gaze for a little too long than you should, admiring how pretty he looked under the moonlight. ‘mmm!’ you tried to snap out of your thoughts. ‘look at how clear the sky is!’

‘hm?’ his eyes suddenly widened, head stuttering a little as he turned to look at the sky. ‘oh yeah. you can see all the stars. oh look! the northern cross.’

you hummed in question and leaned forward to look. ‘oh yeah… wait, you can actually see the whole constellation!’


‘yeah. it’s an asterism—part of cygnus, the swan. look! you can see the wings.’

chris furrowed his brows and then gasped as his eyes finally noticed the stars forming a skeletal shape of a bird mid-flight. ‘wow. that’s so cool!’

‘right? and that’s another constellation called lyra beside it!’


time went by with the two of you stargazing and chatting until a comfortable stretch of silence bloomed, both of you sighing in peace and sipping your drinks. chris tapped his feet to rather fast beat, before moving in his chair a little and clearing his throat, catching your attention.

‘by the way… i wanted to ask you something.’

‘oh yeah? shoot.’

‘would you,’ he cleared throat once more, readjusting in his seat. ‘would you like to go out tomorrow– i-i mean today. since it’s already past midnight.’

‘yeah sure. where?’

‘no i mean–’ his voice faltered, and he fiddled with his thumbs. ‘like… a date…?’

your heart dropped, and then its beating quickened. pressing your lips in a lip to hide your smile, you leaned forward, resting your chin on your palm. ‘a date? like… a datedate?’

he nodded, meekly meeting your eyes with a nervous, but hopeful glint, and you smiled.

‘mr christopher… are you implying that you… likeme?’

chris sputtered a little, mouth opening and closer before he took a calm exhale and bit the side of his bottom lip, a smirk ghosting on his features. ‘i’ve always liked you.’

‘always?’ you faked a gasp. ‘that’s a biggg claim. and probably a false one.’

he let out a hearty laugh, turning his head to the side, eyes briefly scanning the skyline before returning to yours. ‘i’m serious!’ he exclaimed between laughs.

‘even when i spilled juice all over you?’

he pressed his lips together and chuckled. ‘yeah.’

‘and when i accidentally elbowed you in the nose?’

he winced a little. ‘yeah that kinda hurt. but yes. even then.’

your smile faded just as quickly as it widened. ‘even when i told you about my crush on that guy i met?’ his smile dropped a little too, an earnest look in his as he peered into yours.

‘yeah,’ he nodded softly. ‘even then.’

you felt guilt bubble up in the pit of your stomach, and you chewed the inside of your lips anxiously. ‘i’m sorry,’ you whispered, looking away.

‘what for?’

‘it was… a stupid way to get a reaction out of you—but you didn’t really act like you cared. and i know that it’s not an excuse but i’m sorry if it uh– upset you,’ you rambled, immediately regretting jumping to conclusions as you quieted down. just because he liked you, didn’t mean he cared enough to be hurt about you possibly liking someone else. but you did feel bad about rubbing it in his face. nobody would have enjoyed that.

a short silence loomed over you two, and you glanced over to see him already looking at you, lips pressed together in an obvious attempt to hide an amused grin.

‘so… what you’re saying is that… you did all that to make me… jealous…?’

‘n-no! i mean– okay maybe a little,’ you pinched your thumb and index finger together, closing one eye. ‘i just– i thought that maybe i was being too transparent about my feelings a-and you never really reciprocated and i didn’t want you to think i was obsessed with you or anything so i just–’ your babbling got cut off by a loud roar of laughter.

‘oh yeah, totally not obsessive to purposely wanna make someone jealous but constantly calling some random guy perfect, amazing, super hot and your favourite person,’ he said the last two words in a mocking tone, a look of disgust on his face, and you smiled a little.

‘well it’s not like it affected you.’

‘who said that?’ he knit his brows, looking a little offended.

‘so it did affect you.’

‘huh?’ he blurted out suddenly, noticing the mischievous sparkle in your eyes. he sunk a little in his seat, his ears changing colour. ‘m-maybe a little bit… didn’t like you calling him your favourite person,’ he pouted, small lines of discontentment between his brows, and you nodded in understanding.

‘what if i told you that whenever i was saying all those things about him… i was actually talking about you?’

chris quirked his brow. ‘i’d say it’s a little unfair that you used some other guy’s name instead of mine.’

‘aww i’m sorryyy…’ you pouted and stood up, immediately moving over to sit on his thighs once more, surprising him. he let out a disbelieving laugh, and you flashed him a cheeky smile.

hot chocolate,’ he warned, quickly placing the mug on the table before moving his hands to hold your waist and thighs.

‘no but, i really am sorry. i just didn’t know how to… deal with my feelings. and you’re really good at hiding yours.’

‘am i?’ he raised his brows. ‘i always thought i was a little tooobvious.’

‘since when?’

‘since forever. how many people do i treat the same way i treat you?’

‘ummm… everyone?’

he raised his brows even higher, grip tightening around your body. ‘yeah? i stay up all night listening to everyone’s little stories about their day?’

you giggled. ‘yes. you don’t sleep.’

‘yeah but i’m usually doing something. not glued to my phone.’

‘how am i supposed to know? you’re always on your phone.’

chris clicked his tongue and shook his head. ‘not around you,’ he whispered with a gentle knock of his forehead against yours.

‘i– okay good point. but that’s just the polite thing to do.’

he shook his head again. ‘i leave my work just to talk to you because i need a break. you’re like… my energiser.’

you giggled. ‘okay i knew that. but i’m everyone’s energiser’ you leaned back and shrugged. ‘you’re not the only one to say that.’

‘who else is calling you their energiser?’ he asked, brows furrowed in playful suspicion, and you threw your head back in laughter, arms holding his shoulders for support.

‘why? you jealous?’ you teased.

‘um…yes? i think we’ve established that already.’

‘all of my friends say i bring them comfort,’ you simpered, knocking your foreheads, then simply resting your head against his.

‘hmm but that’s not the same,’ his hand squeezed around your waist. ‘for me… you’re like… a warm cup of hot chocolate,’ he said, and you little out a small noise of confusion. ‘i so much as think about you, and my whole body fills up with warmth—and i can’t help but smile. you remind me of every comforting thing in my life. you remind me of home.’

getting a little emotional, you pushed against his shoulders. ‘alright, stop. you’re gonna make me cry,’ you half joked.

chris looked at you with a fond smile. he wanted to say more—wanted to confess all his love. but it would be too much for one night. so, biting his tongue, he settled for simply bringing a hand up to your cheek, softly brushing his thumb across it.

‘you’re very pretty, you know that?’ he whispered, prompting you to look away shyly.

‘you know…’ you started, eyes trained on the swaying leaves of the houseplant at the opposite corner of the balcony. ‘you remind me of home too.’

plucking up the courage to look at him again, you held his lovestruck gaze, his pupils dilated, a shy smile spread across his lips.

‘yeah?’ he whispered, and you nodded.

time stopped for a moment and chris switched his gaze between your eyes and your lips. and soon enough, he was pulling you towards him, his lips brushing against yours, tentatively testing the waters. his fingers made their way to your jaw, stroking the soft skin with his thumb, eliciting a small sigh from your lips.

not able to wait any longer, you moved to press your lips against his. he leaned up, tilting your head a little as he deepened the kiss, hand grasping at your waist, pulling you just a tad bit closer. lips moving in synchrony, your hand travelled from his shoulder to settle at the nape of his neck, pulling him impossibly closer, unable to get enough.

after… however long it was (not like you were paying attention) you broke away to take a breath, forehead pressing against his. he took a deep breath and hummed, a satisfied smile on his face. ‘you taste like hot chocolate too.’

your head fell on his shoulder, body shaking as loud laughs racked through your chest. ‘shut up,’ you managed to slip out, hitting his body lightly as you felt your cheeks and ears heat up. chris giggled along with you, arms closing to hold you close in a hug until both you caught your breaths.

for a moment the two of you just sat there, basking in the warmth of each other’s embrace—eyes closed, breaths even, heart steady.

a comfortable silence stretched and bloomed before either of you decided to say anything, and even then, it was the sound of an oncoming car zooming by down on the road that really cued one of you to speak.

‘so,’ chris spoke up, rubbing circles on your frame. ‘you never answered.’

‘what?’ you mumbled against the soft skin on his neck.

‘will you go out with me?’

‘don’t we always go out? why do you need an answer?’

‘you know what i meannn,’ he dragged on, fingers moving to tickle you slightly, making you jump with a small yelp.

‘okay, okay. yes!’ you said with a small giggle, head moving back to face his. ‘but i’m expecting something special.’

‘you got it,’ he smiled, pecking your lips, and you gasped loudly when he pulled away, shocking him a little.

‘should we go ice skating?’

‘y/n, you don’t even know how to ice skate.’

‘exactly. you can hold my hand and teach me,’ you beamed.

‘you just want an excuse to hold my hand, huh?’ chris mumbled, leaning in to press a soft kiss against your lips, while lacing your hand with his.

‘i mean… you’re not wrong…’ your fingers tightened around his. ‘but i also just want to skate,’ you said with a little grin, making him giggle.

‘second date? i kind of had this whole dinner thing planned out in my head.’

this time it was your turn to quirk up your eyebrows. ‘so sure there’ll be a second date? we haven’t even gone on the first one.’

‘you’re the one who always tells me to be optimistic, yeah?’

you nodded with a giggle. ‘second date it is. i’m going to hold you to it,’ you pointed at him sternly before tapping his nose.

‘aye aye captain.’ you smiled and pinched his cheek, moving to get off his lap. ‘wait, where are you goingggg,’ he whined, holding your waist, pulling you closer.

‘spent hours sitting on your legs already. they’re going to get tired. i’m not exactly feather-light.’

‘they won’t.’

‘and what if they do? i’m not taking you out with sore legs.’ you kissed the tip of his nose and stood up with a small chuckle. ‘come on, finish your drink.’

chris flashed you a childish frown as he picked up his mug to take a sip, head snapping to the side to show his discontentment.

‘aw come on… don’t sulk.’

his pout only got exaggerated, and he shook his head like an angry toddler, making you laugh. you reached over to pinch his cheek, his expression remaining the same.

‘you’re so cuteeee.’

‘you’re not,’ he turned to look at you, frown deepening, lips pressed into a thin line.

‘later. i promise. i’ll give you all the cuddles you want.’

‘really?’ his eyes suddenly lit up, all the displeasure leaving his body, a smile creeping its way to his lips. you giggled and nodded, thumb stroking his cheek a little.

‘okay!’ he grinned, doing a little playful dance, sipping his hot chocolate. you shook your head, bringing your own cup to your lips, eyes trained on the pretty man before you.

he was like a warm cup of hot chocolate to you too—sweet, warm, irresistible.

tag list: @fylithia@john-joong@haechanight@at1nys-blog@lost-leopard-beanie@laikaya@theirbbygirl@helo-xx@channies-luv@g-bbzz@rosesarentme@wrongbitch24@ddaengpotate@cookiemonstermusic258@dani41@daydreaming-my-life-away@lee–felix@woofwoofbangbang@notonehorangdan@baekhyun-is-my-aesthetic@softnyams@herclementine@seo-nabi1
