#i like how this turned out


Heyy besties sure would be a shame if you took a little dip in the pond ooooohh that shape there looks a bit like your favorite long dead Blorbo would be such a shame omg

Trying to do more. Whatever this stuff is!! It’s fun!!! I’ve got a cabinet man piece planned out that I’m gonna doo and I’m gonna try and put an Animatic here too but we’ll see

When we first met

I saw your pain

And I understand it

I helped you be happy again

I achieved my goal though

Sometimes it’s the hero that needs saving

Even the happy ones

I hate love songs, but I can’t seem to stop listening to them. My metal heart beats faster every time I imagine myself running to this none existing lover. To be able to grip their shoulder so hard that you fall into their warmth. I want the love where you walk around town and smell something that reminds you of them. Oh, how my heart swells for that but, I understand it’s not for me…

It’s over. That feeling, love, has broken me and saved me, but the only thing that brought me love is gone. He’s gone, and i never got to tell him.

“I was never in love with him.

I fell in love with the Idea of love,

but sadly

I never thought that in reality

it is not so beautiful.”

Sleep will never be enough if it is your soul that is tired.
