#i mean seriously



So, since it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, I knew now that my masterlist wasn’t working. And since I changed the name of the blog, it was kind of expected (if you got here when it was all bush and desert, you’re a veteran and I love you as part of my family).

So I basically had to relearn how to update my blog again and update my masterlist and link to every fanfic ever posted, because apparently tumblr doesn’t do this job alone.

So here they are. Duly updated and functional. I have a separate list for Diana Prince because at the time I got a lot of requests for her, so..

Masterlist Diana Prince x reader


I also intend to update the fanfics and change the name of the reader (yes, I use a name, because Y/N hits a visual nerve of mine, besides not being practical for people who use screen reader). At the time I chose the name Angel, it had to do with the blog name and because, you know, angels are neutral and have no gender or race and I thought that way I would be including everyone and not offending anyone. However, Angel seems to be a common name in the US (in my country it’s used as a pet/nick name, like ‘honey’). I’m probably going to use a name making it up (like Atara) and I don’t know, you guys can make a petition too, I don’t know. Let me know what to do to make you happy.

What on gods green earth has given people the right to treat nurses like they’re literal servants and have no voice of their own? I was told this morning by a patient that they hoped I died on the way home in a car accident. You know why? The department had Pepsi instead of Doctor Pepper and I told the patient she needed to stay in her room to get her prescribed antibiotics instead of going to the cafeteria. I didn’t have a rolling pole, I couldn’t send anyone to get a doctor pepper and I had 5 other patients. In the ER mind you, so I couldn’t go do it myself. But I’m literally expected to just turn the other cheek and let her yell at me. She spewed this kind of vitriol for 2 hours and when I finally walked out of the room and accidentally slammed the door it got even worse. And yet I can’t say anything back? No other profession is like that. This job has made me hate people, and I’ve lost all sympathy I had for anyone. People used to tell me I was too nice, and that I was too kind hearted to be an er nurse. Let me tell you what, this job kills your soul.

I give up, I’m going to cosplay as the alien that I feel like

Guys, I think we all assumed that Jim would wield Excalibur, but I’m a little scared. I mean, they put something that huge in the TRAILER. Your telling me there’s things even bigger than Jim lifting out Excalibur?! What else are they hiding?

(Either that, or they’re like “ah frig it, they already know Jim’s gonna wield Excalibur, just show them what they want )

Hey guys

You might wonder what happened to Kuu and what happened to Lary and what are we doing -

I mean it’s obvious, we’ve been saying, swearing, commenting and subtly nudging everyone about how IRL sucks.

And there you go - that’s the answer you need.

We’ve been busy with work and having a life. So sorry about that.

But hey - I wouldn’t even want to update this tumblr without saying old news right?

But - here’s the reason for me updating. A lesson for everyone.

You know sometimes when you wonder if people blocks you and you don’t know, and eventually you wonder whether they do block you in the first place?

Especially when you don’t really know whether they blocked you?

Well - protip - if you keep sending people messages and hoping they reply, they will eventually block you.

So —



I know you have-

Okay fine, I’ll be diplomatically correct and very blunt.





How do you call the angle between a 3/4th and a profile? A 7/8th?? Truly ludicrous.
