

La Muerte están creativa que nos hace morir a diario, juega con su comida, juega con su presa, les hace creer que ella llegara algún día, sorpresiva, como el hada de los dientes o el amor de la vida de uno. La muerte jamás se aburre, siempre está jugando con nosotros, como ratones en una inmensa caja, jugando a burlarle y ella nos da la razón para seguir muriendo a diario.

- Fernando Bermúdez

A veces creo que necesitamos una dieta de letras, beber más tinta, saber más de uno mismo, aprender hablar con el corazón, a regalar humanidad, a sonreir con la cara muerta, a no dejar que nuestra vida sea un ataud que vive dejando deudas y oliendo a mártir.

- Fernando Bermúdez

Todos amamos con cierto egoísmo, con celos de nosotros mismos, con miedo de perdernos; todos amamos alguna vez sabiendo que moririamos.

-Fernando Bermudez

Las personas se borran solas, se vuelven espuma en el mar de la gente.

-Fernando Bermúdez

Hay tintas que solo nacen de batallas cuerpo a cuerpo.

- Fernando Bermudez

Las sonrisas no conocen clases sociales, no conocen momentos, no entienden de días o de tiempo, las sonrisas son el gesto más hermoso y eterno que tenemos.

-Fernando Bermúdez

La gente está dividida y subyugada por ellos mismos, se toman las jerarquías como un modo de vida. Comen, rezan y respiran como si ellos no merecieran el mundo.

-Fernando Bermúdez

Tengo atorada una mariposa en mi brazo izquierdo, a veces vuela queriendo salir, y yo no se que hacer; vivimos añorando ser libres, amados. Y estamos atorados en mundos ajenos a nuestros latidos, muriendo en tierras que nunca fueron nuestras.

-Fernando Bermudez

Cuando puedas ver al viento, podrás ver las palabras que siempre fueron para ti.

- Fernando Bermúdez

Comienzo a creer que me faltan tus astros, que en este día nublado no pude percibir tu sol y sentirte entrar por mi ventana arropandolo todo.

-Fernando Bermúdez

En la vida hay muchos rincones donde se puede esconder nuestra tristeza, y hay esperanzas abiertas donde la alegría juega y nadie puede verla.

- Fernando Bermúdez

Neptune in Houses

Neptun is planet of illusions, dreams, drugs, alcohol, karmic debt. It represents the ocean, some say Neptune is supposed to be the king of the ocean. It represents the confusion and fantasies we create in our heads. Idealism, hidden romance, sacrifice, spirituality, escape. Disillusionment -the thing we long for can sometimes feel out of reach, intensifying our longing or bringing sadness, disappointment, and a sense of loss.We can become disillusioned when the reality does not live up to the dream. But also represent our imagination and artistry

Neptune in 1st house- cover your bad qualities, good qualities come to the fore. People can see you as a dream person, spiritual, dreamy, you can emit fairy vibes. People with this placement can also have many pisces characteristics and their eyes can be larger and more accentuated. But Neptune can also cause confusion (for example: talking to someone and saying nonsense). This person is also uniquely gifted and mysterious. Neptune gives natives a special magnetism and a stare that could conquer anyone’s heart. They can read minds like others read books. Meanwhile, no one can see what’s really happening in their minds. Neptune also makes you an imaginative and artistic person.

Neptune in 2nd house- may have problems with debts, money. You can have too much unrealistic ideas. These people dream wealth. Natives can make a lot of money from painting or writing books. It’s often that people with Neptune in 2nd house give their last penny for tickets to a concert rather than keeping it for food or something else they may urgently need. You can have a lot of imagination about music. You can make dream music. Many people will be impressed by their vision and encourage their career or hobbies.

‍♀️Neptune in 3rd house- your voice can be gentle, calm, relaxed. People with this placement dream a lot and can spend a lot of times in their head. They love spiritual things. Their thoughts can often be chaotic, confusing. When you talk to them many times they may seem absent because they are always floating in their thoughts. This can also make them great actors. It influences the natives’ way of communication, their siblings, close-by neighbors. Which means they can have a confusing relationship with them many times. They can be great writers and artists as their soul is full of poetry and mind of philosophical thinking. But because Neptune affects your thoughts, these people can be subjected to substances many times. But they can also forget things many times. Also can have problems with studying because they can’t concentrate.

Neptune in 4th house- I would say this is one of the hardest placement to have for neptune & 4th house. Neptune is associated with illusion, dreams, unreality, lies, obscurity. This means that you can often feel misunderstood in the family. There can be many lies and secrets covered up. You may feel insecure and lost at home. Neptune in 4th house individuals will look for a safe home or perhaps the one they dreamed of as children. When you get older you will try to hide any memory relating to the places you grew up, in your subconscious. You may not felt warmth from your mom. You may also not have felt any connection to her, as if she didn’t care about you. Your father may probably the unemotional type, the parent who hasn’t been there for you when you needed him the most. Like I said Neptune can cause a lot of unpleasant problems in childhood. I have also seen many people have problems in the courts because of their family. But if Neptune is in good aspects then it doesn’t have to be that way. And in the end, you can create a much nicer family on your own than you had.

‍♂️Neptune in 5th house- good artistic ability, imagination is very rich and you are more romantic. Fantasizing about the ideal partner. You may may not see love as it actually is because you can have these rose-colored glasses when it comes to issues relating to love. Individuals are very good actors. It’s normal for them to have many friends and to change partners. Neptune here can also manifest in the longing to have a child and to feel totally fulfilled. Neptune here may also suffer disappointment and disillusionment when lovers or even children fail to live up to their dreams. You can also sacrifice a lot for children. Many people with this position have adopted children. Your love life involves a lot of fantasy, and often your deep need for drama can lead you to see things that you want to see. You might be attracted to lovers who you feel need to be saved somehow, but you could end up with people who are confused, distant, noncommittal, or dependent.

☔️Neptune in 6th house- individuals may have serious problems dealing with the everyday life as they think it’s not that important to follow a routine. Having this attitude and ignoring the most important responsibilities. They may suffer from some mysterious illnesses that can’t be diagnosed or have strange allergies that can’t be seen in others. They love animals very much. Neptune makes people chaotic, always late and dependent on others to do their job. Neptune can also make people dependent on drugs and alcohol. Could end up suffering from insomnia or panic attacks.Depending on what the aspects are. Neptune in this house can represent working with animals, spirituality. They can also be vegans.

Part 2 is comming

