#im not normal

im not normal
That moment when you look so proud of something but is just your friend that take a multiple picture

That moment when you look so proud of something but is just your friend that take a multiple picture of you meanwhile you’re eating potato chips…life is so sad…

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#friends    #potato chips    #summer    #so proud    #so glorious    #just a fake    #somebody halp me    #im not okay    #im not normal    

And then you find the notebook where you wrote the characters of your Ocs, where you describe one as a “professional killer who basically has the brain of a lemur suffering from senile dementia” … ok…at 00:42 am….

So I’m on sick leave. My back is fucked because I’m a 26 year old in a body of a 90 years old…

And do you know what I realised? Imagine, just imagine in like 20 years Tumblr is still a thing and YOUR CHILD accidentally finds your blog and comes to you to shows you what they found and you’re like:

can i beat the persona 5 protagonist allegations

#fanart    #persona 5    #persona 5 royal    #ren amamiya    #persona 5 protagonist    #akira kurusu    #ann takamaki    #shuann    #goro akechi    #shuake    #akeshu    #shuakeshu    #im not normal    