#i hate being sick


Being ill and having ADHD at the same time is like torture because you‘re too weak to do anything but there is still this shitty nervousness so you start overthinking.

Being sick got me like…

I hate this feeling and this crazy weather doesn’t help.

Stay healthy y’all!

Not feeling well.

Sir allowed me to go to the beach today with my mother in law and sister in law, and our son. And after we all *including my sir, father-in-law,and soon to be brother in law* went out to eat, and now I have an upset belly :( I just want to go to sleep. :( but we aren’t home yet, and I don’t know if sir is gonna want me to pleasure him or not.

So I’m on sick leave. My back is fucked because I’m a 26 year old in a body of a 90 years old…

And do you know what I realised? Imagine, just imagine in like 20 years Tumblr is still a thing and YOUR CHILD accidentally finds your blog and comes to you to shows you what they found and you’re like:

The shit just hit the fan. I am jobless and I officially have pneumonia. Life currently sucks! Stay safe folks!

Life update: So apparently that off feeling is actually an illness. Idk what kind, but apparently Hailey has it so bad she missed a final this morning.

Still have 2 journals to write, a bio assignment, and to study for bio. But the music has now changed to Brand New. And I broke down into tears for 20 minutes.

Problem: Can’t stop coughing
Solution: Chug some off-brand dayquil (I’m a broke college kid y'know) and pray for relief

When you feel like you crawled out of a trash can and straight into a dumpster, you know it’s time for bed. 

Took Nyquil. Hoping for good dreams. Also hoping I don’t feel as pukey in the morning because … this is not fun. At all. 
