



Do you remember that in the Steve and Jonathan fight in s1 Steve was starting to say “Your family is a disgrace to the entire-“ and then Jonathan punched him. Bro, teenagers don’t say shit like that. Steve was repeating something he heard from his dad (or his mom, I’m guessing his dad). GEE THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOMEBODY ELSE I KNOW.


hey guys

so my therapist and i decided it would be best for my mental health to take a short break from certain social medias for a bit. sadly, this includes tumblr. i won’t be responding to any messages or notifs until it’s over.

i hope y’all can understand. and please don’t worry. i still love y’all to death (that will never change), and i’ll be right back as soon as possible.❤️❤️❤️



Ever notice how when justifying a child’s misbehavior no one ever says stuff like “girls will be girls” or “she’s a girl”, but the list of things a “young lady” can’t do is almost endless?

You learn from a young age that masculinity comes with freedom; femininity comes with restrictions.


it’s deeply disturbing that people are so eager to associate mental illness with mass violence, yet refuse to associate misogyny with killing women


Always remember that women who call themselves feminists will be accused so many times of being man-haters, but when a man kills women just for being women, he is called mentally unwell, and a madman rather than a woman-hater or misogynist. 






hey guys psa regarding hospital bills

don’t just pay it. do not automatically pay the hospital bill when you receive it. call your health insurance provider and POLITELY say, “excuse me, i just received a bill for $1200 for my hospital visit/ER visit/etc., is that the correct amount i’m supposed to pay?” because hospitals bill you before your health insurance and they will take your money no matter how the amount due may change based on your health insurance looking at it. 90% of the time, if your health insurance is in any way involved in the payment of that bill, you do not have to pay as much as the hospital is billing you for. call your health insurance provider first, and POLITELY request clarification, always remember that the person you are talking to is human and this is just their job, and then you will very likely find out you actually only owe $500.

don’t shout at anyone about it, don’t get mad, just understand that this is The Way Things Are right now and call your health insurance provider before paying the bill your hospital just sent you. there’s a chance the hospital bill might be correct, true, but call your health insurance provider.

THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT. after my car accident last year the hospital billed me ~$8000. They sent me letters asking me to pay, and I called them back saying my insurance was processing the claim. This is also what I told the collection agency when they kept calling me about the $1000 emergency room fee (billed separately from the hospital fee, mind you). Once everything got straightened out, all I was actually liable for was my $200 emergency copay.

!!!!!!! things my ass didn’t know !!!!!!!!

Yes this is a life lesson my adulting ass didn’t know I needed and I’m out 80 bucks for an anti-nausea pill.

Reblogging for American friends.

Also, it is important [for people receiving medical care in the USA] to carefully read all of the items on the medical bill and look for errors and overcharges. I know that the normal feelings of avoidance and dread can make it hard to look at scary hospital bills, and that’s okay! But as the OP mentions, private orgs like hospitals don’t monitor overpayment of bills - they are motivated to charge you extra - and it is basically impossible to get your money back. Read the bill carefully and make sure that the charges are correct, using the links below for help if you need. If they haven’t sent you an itemized list, you can ask for one. Sometimes you will be charged extra for items or treatment you didn’t receive. Most people don’t know that you can dispute medical bills! But in 2009, Consumer Reports stated that 8 out of 10 medical bills scrutinized by a watchdog had errors, and generally you are not obligated to pay for someone else’s error.

You may be charged for using medication that you actually brought into the hospital with you - that’s easy to dispute! You may be charged for the consumables used during your stay such as sheets, gloves, gowns, etc - the hospital should actually cover that under its running budget. You may be charged for a brand name drug if the generic was available for cheaper - the links below explain how and when you can dispute this. You may be charged a surprisingly expensive “oral administration fee” (where a nurse puts pills for you to take in a little clean paper cup and then hands it to you) but that’s worth disputing if you were actually able to take the pill out of a bottle and put it in your own mouth. And so on.

8 Things You Should Know About Challenging a Medical Bill(FORBES) (includes links to sites that help you calculate how much a procedure/treatment usually costs in your area, if the costs seem super high)

7 Tips for Fighting and Paying A Huge Medical Bill (FORBES) This explains briefly how to negotiate costs, and payment plans.

10 Common Medical Billing Overcharges You Can Prevent (Bill Advocates) A breakdown of errors and overcharges to double check.

Check medical bills for errors: Overcharges are fairly common, and correcting them can save you thousands of dollars (Consumer Reports) More of the same with links to some groups.


Ok this isn’t normally the type of thing I post, but for the new stuff going on with the tags of IOS tumblr, I found something that might be able to help y’all. I am very very much not tech savvy, but I’m 99% sure this overrides the new changes for the IOS stuff.

Instead of using the app itself, you can create a shortcut of the website version by doing this:

And then it should show up on your Home Screen and be easily accessible. I tried it out myself and it seems to work! Hope this helps!



This is my second go at making this blog. The first time, I got shadowbanned immediately for writing a post with these words on it, so I’m going to have to link to a google doc instead.

You can find my current list HERE

If you’d like to contribute tags you’ve found, please send it via an ask or submission so I can double check and add it to the list.

EDIT: Right now many of these are only banned on IOS, but that really doesn’t make it better

The fuck is this are we on fucking club penguin




Earlier today we announced to the press that we are running a beta test program for Post+, Tumblr’s newest add-on subscription tool. Post+ is a completely optional tool that will allow creators to make some of their posts exclusive to their paid subscribers. You can read more about it right over here on our @postplus Tumblr. This feature is being tested by a small group of incredible creators on Tumblr.

We want to hear about what you like, what you love, and what concerns you. Even if it’s not very nice. Tell us. We can take it. We WANT that feedback. It helps us make Tumblr better.

What we won’teveraccept is the targeted harassment and threats these creators have endured since this afternoon. These creators are some of the most talented people around, and all they’re doing is testing out a feature. These are the people who graciously agreed to pilot a program to help us discover bugs before we open it up to all creators. These are the humans who are testing a feature that we hope will soon help thousands of Tumblr creators feel empowered, get rewarded for their efforts, and find support within their community.

OurCommunity Guidelines are clear: Don’t engage in targeted abuse, bullying, or harassment.

Anyone in violation of these guidelines will be dealt with swiftly and will be forced to contend with the appropriate consequences. It’s okay to tell us how you feel. It’s not okay to bully someone because you disagree with their choices.

Hi I just filled it out and said essentially no to everything. Let me make this perfectly clear, I don’t want my content to be monetized. I don’t give any consent for that.

shemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, whyshemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, whyshemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, whyshemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, whyshemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, whyshemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, whyshemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, whyshemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, whyshemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, whyshemumbledsomething: 小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges.  ※I can’t read japanese, why


小説おそ松さん 前松 缶バッジ付き限定版
小説おそ松さん 前松 - without badges. 

I can’t read japanese, why should I buy this? - To show monetary support for the show. The BDs and CDs are costly but these books, as well as the character books, are a more wallet-friendly way to show demand for more info, content and stories. Also great-blaster has offered to translate it for the fandom so you will be able to read it! Thank her here.

Support Osomatsu-san ! ☆

Post link


so many white people don’t get this

so i was looking through my old iPad that i haven’t used in ages and i guess u could say 2012 was a

so i was looking through my old iPad that i haven’t used in ages and i guess u could say 2012 was a rough year

Post link


being friendly with a boy you aren’t romantically/physically attracted to and him developing feelings for you isn’t your fault, nor does it mean you were “leading him on”. you are under no obligation to date him.


just a reminder that:

  • yes, you can identify as bi if you have no experience with other people of your gender
  • yes, you can identify as bi if you have a preference for one gender over others 
  • yes, you can identify as bi if your attraction to different genders is different
  • the only person who decides if you can identify as bi is you. nobody needs to give you permission.


raise your hand if you’re part of one of the diana fanclubs
