#incorrect misfits quotes


Swagger: My fellow Americans.

Swagger: It is with a heavy heart that I say that the Aussies and Kiwis have beaten us to the next year again. As a red blooded American and true patriot, I say that we must not let this stand

Swagger: I you ever need me, I’m there for you 24/6

Matt: Don’t you mean 24/7?

Swagger: No, Saturday’s are my dates with destiny

Manager Ryan: What kind of tea is this?

Tobi: Oh, I just boiled some Gamer Supps.

Fitz: What are you looking at?

Swagger, doing a Buzzfeed quiz to find out what kind of scented candle he is: Porn.

Swagger: Is life just about sex?


Toby: Yes! I love you

Swagger: What no!

Mason: What else would it be about?

Swagger: Getting High!

Zuckles: Ah yes baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.


Fitz: Ignore him.

Fitz: You need a hobby.

Toby: I have a hobby.

Fitz: Being cute isn’t a hobby.

Ryan: Okay so we pretty much have the money to do a Japan trip-



iNoToRiOuS: I call dibs on the trip to Japan.

Ryan: But we-

iNoToRiOuS, already packed: Sorry, you snooze you lose.

iNoToRiOuS: How many Swaggers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Toby: Just one. The real question is: how many ladders does he need?

Swagger: [Offended noises]

Bucks: I have a question, what is thanksgiving?

Swagger: It’s where all the Americans come together and be thankful for not being British anymore.

Swagger: You deserve an award for putting up with me.

Bee: You are my reward, Swagger.

iNoToRiOuS: You deserve an award for putting up with me.

Bordie: Hell yeah I do, you’re a real bitch sometimes.

iNoToRiOuS: What are you doing?

Swagger, standing on a chair: I live here, you know. I can stand wherever I want.

iNoToRiOuS: Where’s the spider?

Swagger: Under the table.



Fitz: If you’re new to our channels I’ll just summarize what you’re dealing with here

Fitz: I’m awesome and handsome and everyone’s jealous of me.

Fitz, points to Toby:Racist

Fitz, points to Zuckles: Loud and annoying but his dumbassery kind of makes up for his personality

Fitz, points to McCreamy: Actually kind of decent

Fitz, points to Kugo: That one’s good too. He’s a swell guy

Fitz, points to Bordie: The rare gamer girl

Fitz, points to Swagger: Crazy and usually high and fun to mess with

Fitz, points to Smii7y and Kryoz: As for them

Fitz: I once watched them have a snowball fight where all they did was yell ‘yeet’ and ‘borther’ for an hour.

Fitz: Welcome to the shit show

