


Matt getting his ass handed to him a thread

Do you think you can beat Matt in a fight? I do

Swagger: I you ever need me, I’m there for you 24/6

Matt: Don’t you mean 24/7?

Swagger: No, Saturday’s are my dates with destiny



happy fourth of july

The only independence video I care about

Ryan: Okay so we pretty much have the money to do a Japan trip-



iNoToRiOuS: I call dibs on the trip to Japan.

Ryan: But we-

iNoToRiOuS, already packed: Sorry, you snooze you lose.

iNoToRiOuS: How many Swaggers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Toby: Just one. The real question is: how many ladders does he need?

Swagger: [Offended noises]


Me: It’s No Nut November so that means iNoToRiOuS aka iNut isn’t going to upload this month, haha.

Me, internally: Please post something Matt, you haven’t uploaded a video in four months. I love your content and I’m real sad this month.

Swagger: You deserve an award for putting up with me.

Bee: You are my reward, Swagger.

iNoToRiOuS: You deserve an award for putting up with me.

Bordie: Hell yeah I do, you’re a real bitch sometimes.

iNoToRiOuS: What are you doing?

Swagger, standing on a chair: I live here, you know. I can stand wherever I want.

iNoToRiOuS: Where’s the spider?

Swagger: Under the table.

So I’m back on my bullshit and made more Misfits merch for myself. Props to my good friend @annamatics for the epic drawing, I gave her a concept of what I wanted and she just blew it out of the water.

this was lowkey sad ,,, swaggersouls kept this card given by inutt all these years for sentimental purposes and it got ripped :/

McCreamy: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?

Inutt: Well, maybe a bit tipsy

Toby: Probably drunk

Swagger: I would be smashed

Fitz: I would be wasted, honestly



Police: We’re pulling you over because you tried to fit three people on one motorcycle. License and p-

Fitz, with Swagger and Inutt standing behind him: Wait, three?!

Police: Yes? You, the one with the helmet, and-

Inutt: oh god.

