

Before I painted this I had no idea what fireflies looked like before they became beetles. Then after I found out they just became even cooler!

Also here are some cool facts I found out when I was researching them:

1. They can glow at every stage of their lives. From the egg to pupa stage its usually like a faint glow and then in the adult beetle stage they flash or blink.

2. They stay in the larva stage for like 2 years until they pupate.

3. When they’re in the larva stage they eat all kinds of other insects even snails and slugs.

4. I just think they’re really cool. Also after I finished this painting I served seeing so many firefly larva it was so cool!!

Also I do have prints of this illustration in my etsy shop. It’s linked below.


I painted this little insect ID card for this moth I saw this summer. I had never seen one before. My favorite part was painting all the little stripes ans dots on the caterpiller!

Finally posting this Giant African Millipede. I finished it like 3 months ago lol.

Now for some millipede facts:

• Millipedes are omnivores the only eat leaves and other plants on the ground. They’re basically mini recyclers.

• Millipedes don’t actually have a 1000 legs at most they have between 30 and 400 depending on their size and how many body segments they have. Millipedes have 4 legs per body segment.

• The Giant African Millipede is the largest milipede in the world out of at least 10,000 know species.
