#intentional living



It is time you stop daydreaming about the life you wished you lived and start making choices so that the life you have will become a little better, more enjoyable, happier. We cannot change lives with someone else, but it doesn’t mean our own lives can’t be exciting. It is time to stop daydreaming and to start living.


Dont get caught up in aspiring this luxurious lifestyle that you rid yourself of wonderful memories because they are absent of lavish hotels or plans. Go backpacking in Europe with your best friends. Go to the beach and swim in the ocean even if you just washed your hair. How beautiful is it to allow your inner child complete freedom to simply play. Luxuries will always be there. As you deserve the finer things in life, you also deserve to feel completely liberated.


i’m going to be living the peaceful pretty lifestyle for myself that i’ve envisioned. that is whats coming


there is something very romantic about sitting around sighing and having a rich fantasy life but —you know — it is much more satisfying to pursue the life you want to have and take it


What’s stopping you from becoming the woman of your dreams? The It Girl, that girl, your own dreamgirl? All of those excuses that just went through your head right now, darling why do you cling to them? Does the idea of finally embodying your highest self terrify you so much, and if so why? She should divinely inspire you. She’s unstoppable, she’s anything you want her to be. Let her out. Embody her, manifest her. She is ready. You are ready.
