#jace wayland

Posting both Clary and Jace because at least in this post, they’re together.Posting both Clary and Jace because at least in this post, they’re together.

Posting both Clary and Jace because at least in this post, they’re together.

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This is going to sounds insane, but this book is so gorgeous, even if you don’t buy it, go to the bo

This is going to sounds insane, but this book is so gorgeous, even if you don’t buy it, go to the bookstore, and just look at it…seriously none of the pictures do it justice it has gilded edges and tons of illustrations, way more than I ever expected…I’ll make a separate post with a couple photos of those, so that’ll be up in a little bit!

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Bisexual Confessions

Bi culture is being ready to fight anyone who says Jace Herondale is not bisexual/bi-curious. If nothing else, that man is bi for Simon Lewis.

@ me if you think Book!Jace was not a little (a lot) turned on by Simon’s mouth forever after the boat scene.

Don’t even get me started on all the Shadowhunters!Jimon flirting.

Book!Jace: tortured, dangerously self-sacrificing, dripping with sarcasm and good looks, loves with his full being, Hamlet-esque.

MalecFanfiction!Jace: dude bro supreme ™

THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS GIF HUNTS (5) Visit the GIF HUNTERRESS for more gif hunts. Visit the GIF HUNT


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Jamie Campbell Bower (Jace Wayland)

Jamima West (Isabelle Lightwood)

Kevin Zegers (Alec Lightwood)

Lily Collins (Clary Fray)

Robert Sheehan (Simon Lewis)


Someone missing? Request them!

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robert sheehan you will always be simon lewis from the hilarious yet underapperciated 2013 movie the mortal instruments: city of bones to me

TMI: Family Dinner lain iwakuraas Clary Fay ~*Артемида*~ as Jace Wayland (Herondale, Morgenstern, LiTMI: Family Dinner lain iwakuraas Clary Fay ~*Артемида*~ as Jace Wayland (Herondale, Morgenstern, LiTMI: Family Dinner lain iwakuraas Clary Fay ~*Артемида*~ as Jace Wayland (Herondale, Morgenstern, LiTMI: Family Dinner lain iwakuraas Clary Fay ~*Артемида*~ as Jace Wayland (Herondale, Morgenstern, LiTMI: Family Dinner lain iwakuraas Clary Fay ~*Артемида*~ as Jace Wayland (Herondale, Morgenstern, Li

TMI: Family Dinner

lain iwakuraas Clary Fay

~*Артемида*~ as Jace Wayland (Herondale, Morgenstern, Lightwood)

южный ветер. (Goku) as Alec Lightwood

@Seighin (me) as Isabelle Lightwood

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Q:What would Jace and Clary do during the quarantine?
D: Drinking.
K: And training.

Q:What type of project would you like to work together on and what roles would you like to have?
K: I’d like to di a period piece, especially to wear a hoop skirt.

Q:What kind of animal would Jace and Clary get and who would it love more?
D: Whatever animal it is, it would love me more.
K: That’s true.

Q:What would you put in a cocktail if you could create one for each other?
K: I like Whiskey. For Dom I’d make a spicy cocktail because he has a spicy personality. 

Q:What character would you pick if you could change yours?
D: Isabelle, she has the best costumes.
K: Jonathan because he’s my favourite characters from the books.

Q:Which kind of Shadowhunters related tattoos you’d do other than the ones you already have?
D: I wouldn’t do any others.
K: Probably another rune.
D: I’ve done one for every season and that’s it.

Q: What’s your funniest moment on set together?
D: I saw Kat falling asleep a lot of times, even while being on a chair. She fell asleep in my arms during a scene in the bed.
K: He fell asleep too later in the scene.

Q:What advice would you give Clary and Jace knowing their characters?
D: Jace should have ignored Clary and walked past her the first time they met because everything went down after that.
K: I would probably teel her to listen to the people around her.

Q:What injuries did you get on set?
D: I had the most stuns, so it was very likely for me to get injured, the worst one is when I broke my ankle. I broke it on episode three and after that episode you can see Jace was only standing still.
K: I got hurt when I was fighting Aline.

Q: Which evil was the worst one between Clary and Jace?
D: I’d say Jace as the Owl killed more people, but Clary was twinned to Jonathan.

Q:What would you choose if you could travel to any imaginary world?
A: Can I have superpowers or do I have to be a mundane? I’d love to go to Hogwarts and be a wizard.
D: I would like to be in Matrix and have a wonderful perfect life.

Q: Which marvel or DC comics character would you like to play?
D: Alberto would be young Superman. He would be an amazing superman with his “wavy gorgeous dark hair”. I’d like to be Dick Grayson, I love his story.

Q:What was your impression of each other?
A: We met at the auditions where he was speaking as Jace would do adn I was confused because I was told he was British.
D: We bonded when we were in Toronto and started going out. He’s very passionate about all he does.
A: I thought Dom was a really cool guy.
D: The more you knew me, the more it went downward.

Q:If you could be a drink, what drink would it be and what would your cocktail name be?
A: My drink should be a fun one that you could drink anywhere, like a Gin Tonic with fruity elements to give flavour.
D: I’d like to be a Gin Tonic but also a Tequila Sunrise. 

Q:In a fight between Jace and Blake, who would win?
A: It would be a super even fight.
D: It would probably be Blake, because Jace would think that it is stupid to prove himself against a fire fighter. 

Q:Have you read “Red Son” and who’s your favourite character in Fortnite?
A: I haven’t, but Dom has.
D: I wanted to play to Fortnite with Alberto, we have a group of players [the Tomatoes].

Q:Did Jace’s friendship with Simon helped Jace?
D: Jace had a particular view on the downworlders and having a friend as Simon really helped him with the humanity.

Q:What did playing Jace meant to you?
D: The key thing about playing Jace is about the balance relating to the relationships.

Q:Which moment was the hardest to do and which one you loved the most?
D: One of my favourite moments was the scene with the parabatai oath because it was a very pure and honest scene. The hardest was the scene inside Jace’s mind.

Q:What did you learn from Jace ans what did Jace learn from you?
D: Jace learned that he should stay off for a day and chill out, I learned that I have to let people being part of my life.

Q:How have you being keeping up lately being in LA?
D: People usually think actors have a lot of parties but in reality we invest a lot of time in finding new parts.

Q:How do you recover from a day of work?
D: It truly is a recovery because after a full day at work we’re exhausted. I used to go out to dinner with Matt when we finished filming together.

Q:What’s your favourite (British) dish and what do you miss the most from the UK?
D: My favourite dish is the Sunday roast, my mum does the best one, and of course I miss my family the most.

Q: What’s your favourite brand of tea?
D: I like the tea very sweet and with milk. I don’t really miss it because I can find it here too.

Q:Which character would you have liked Jace to have more interactions with?
D: Meliorn. I really liked the scenes with him and Jade is amazing.

Q:What prompted Jace to be Alec’s parabatai?
D: I see parabatai as soulmates, like a missing piece of you. So when they realised that, being parabatai is the next step.

Q:What was it like playing Christian Ozera? And are there any similiarities with Jace?
D: I adored Vampire Academy and we had a lot of fun.

Q:If you could work with your cast mates, what project would it be?
D: Matt and I want to do space cowboys. 

Q:What is your favorite location among the places you have filmed in?
D: When I filmed Take Down we were in Wales, in the coast, and it was amazing. I’d love to work back home.

Q:Since it’s suicidal awareness month, what was your experience in Shadowhunters and has it made you more aware of your mental health?
D: It made me more profoundly aware about it, because suicide was a concept for Jace for a couple of times. On Shadowhunters the resolution was always the same, relying on your friends and family.

We’re happy to say we’re in charge of Dominic’s official fanbook for Pandemonium Con 3 by Zarata Eve

We’re happy to say we’re in charge of Dominic’s official fanbook for Pandemonium Con 3 byZarata Events You can find all the information in the pictures below.

You’ll find the link to our accounts on our tumblr page.

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Q:What aspects of your character did you enjoy playing the most?
A: My character just kills everyone. But he wanted the best for his family.
D: Is that true? He tortured and murdered me. One my favorite scene with Alan was the one where Valentine kills Jace. In the script it was such an incredible scene and he stabs me through the heart with the soul sword, and then we get on set that day and they gave him a bottle knife and I thought “we’ve done two season and I’ve been nearly killed by thousand of different things and he’s gonna kill me with a bottle knife? That’s how Jace dies?”. The thing I liked the most is the money.
L: I liked that sometimes he was nice, sometimes he was crazy, and it was great.

Q:Would you have liked another season of the show?
D: Of course. We wanted to go on.
N: One of the sad things is how quick it they canceled the show. There were already a lot of conversations about what was going to happen next season, I was super excited about a lot of stuff. I’m very glad we were given the finale.
A: What surprised me the most was the reaction of the fans, with the hashtag “Save Shadowhunters”, the airplanes, subways, billboards.

Q:Is there any scene of Shadowhunters that was uncomfortable or difficult to shoot?
D: At the beginning of season two I remember reading the script and reading that I would have been tortured by Valentine and I was supposed to be naked. And that day I went to my trailer and I realized they were serious and it wasn’t a joke. But then the director went “you’re right, it’s weird”.
N: The only thing I found embarassing is that Maryse is a very classy lady and I’m not, I don’t use high heels or fancy clothes so I had to practice, walking back and forth with the heels, I fell down a lot of times.

Q:Who would be your favourite character to play and why?
D: James Bond. If any male British actor tells you they don’t want to play James Bond, they’re lying to you. In some point of my career I would like to play James Bond.

Q:Have you ever been called by your character’s name and what was your reaction?
D: Sometimes. I was out with a friend of mine in a gay bar and someone was staring at me and I heard them saying “that’s the guy who plays the gay guy on Penny Dreadful” or when I played the bad guy on “The Cut” and once someone told me “hey, you have to stop with you’re doing, you’re being a bad guy to those people” and I was so confused. I like when people recognise me but they don’t know from, so when they make eye contact they’re confused.

Q:Did you do anything weird during quarantine?
D: Not really, just surviving with my pets.

Q:You worked 6 months in Kenya, what did you do there?
D: When I was 18 I worked in the east coast of Kenya, I wanted to do something that benefits other people. When you get there they’ll assign you jobs and I worked in 3 separate orphanages. I was teaching, building, providing medical reliefs and whatever was needed.

Q:It’s inspiring to see someone so passionate about what they do as you, did you ever doubt if you wanted to do it anymore?
D: Yes, our field is so competitive, I lose jobs for a lot of reasons. There are times I ask myself why I am still doing this, why pushing it so much when I’m gonna lose for the wrong reasons? And for me the thing that keeps me going is that in my entire life there was only one thing I wanted to do, to be an actor and it means the world to me.

Q:Did you read the Shadowhunters books and what did you think about it?
D: I read the first one because I needed to understand the world, the scripts were really different from the books so for me it was to understand how the characters worked with each other. For example, if I read all the books I would have known that Jace wasn’t Valentine’s son and in your mind you conscience knows it when acting, so I avoided it. I have to learn how Jace learns and understands. 

Q:Are you a early bird or a night owl?
D: I’m not an early bird, I’m really bad in the mornings. I have to wake up when the dog wakes up but I don’t like it and I don’t like people waking me up at all.

Q:Favourite moment with Matt and favourite moment with Luke?
D: With Luke Baines was when Jonathan was inside Jace’s body and I had to act like Luke in this part and we sat down in a bar and discussed about it. With Matthew Daddario when he was about to tell me he’s engaged and because of the parabatai bond Jace already knew and that makes me happy.

Q: You have a lot of fight and training scenes in Shadowhunters, did you have any stage combat classes before?
D: In season one we had a stunt team and in season two we had a different stunt team, personally I felt like I had to cover my own martial arts so they taught me everything, working with them was amazing. There was a big change between season one and season two, Darren and his team elevated the fight scenes, the weapons, all.

Q: Do you miss the UK? And when you come back where do you leave your pets?
D: I haven’t been back to the UK since I got Dan so I didn’t have the opportunity to leave him. He stayed with my best friend a couple of times and he loves it. Rajah goes to a cat hotel which is ridiculous and expensive but she loves it. I miss home of course.

Q:What’s your favourite moment in Penny Dreadful?
D: The first time Michael and I kissed. We are two straight men unravelling something they were unfamiliar with, but Michael Gladis is such an amazing actor and such an incredibile person to be around that none of it felt odd. It was such a nice moment cause everything worked, I was with someone I was comfortable with, it was perfect.

Q: What was the most difficult thing to do in portraying Kurt in that period of history, being a nazi or being a gay man?
D: Gay man and women didn’t have the rights they should have had at that time and they weren’t respected the way they should have been still to these days. In 1938 it was illegal, so the scene where we had to go to the underground gay bar was beautiful because everyone could be who they are, doing that was obviously easier than the Nazi stuff, it was really hard work, difficult and something I completely disagree with. I had to think like him, a lot of times when I came home after work I had to cry and let my body get rid of all these feelings I had to feel on set.

Q:If your characters had to self isolate, what do you think they would be doing?
K: Clary would work on a rune to fix the whole situation.
M: I don’t think the Shadowhunters can get sick.
H: Magnus has seen a lot of other diseases so he knows about it.
D: We should have stolen masks from set. I had to wear a mask for the owl and when it rained I was almost drowning in it.

Q:When you signed for your role, did you know there was a big fandom?
K: I think we all knew from the books that the fandom was passionate but you did blow our minds.
M: I didn’t know. I found out later.
A: I dont think I knew before but after we got announced. 
H: It was incremental.
D: Everyone realised after, except for Kat.

Q:What did the show bring you personally?
K: A family.
M: Experience as actors, culture and the best fans.
H: It was cool to be part of a sci-fi show and how things happened there, how you could walk out and see someone dressed as an owl.
M: With wings?
D: No, it was like a trench coat.

Q:How long did it take to learn your lines and did you have any technique?
D: It depends cause sometimes they changed when we got on set.
H: If you know what the meaning of the lines is and what to say internally, it comes out even if sometimes you think you’ll forget them.

Q:What is the latest book you’ve read?
D: Do pamphlets count?
H: ”Night Man” by Brett Battles
K: “Beloved” by Toni Morrison
A: “The bluest eyes” by Toni Morrison
T: “The Library on Mount Char” by Scott Hawkins. 
M: Dom, do you prefer your books on tape or you listen to them?
D: ‘Cause I can’t read?
M: Do they describe the pictures to you?
D: No, I just color them and I do the characters’ voices.

Q:Which household chores do you hate the most?
D: The dog really likes the vacuuming robot while the cat hates it, it ends up being a battle.
M: Which do-it-yourself projects did you do during quarantine?
D: tables and a desk.
H: A soundproofing a room.
K: I built a treadmill.

Q:What’s your favourite underrated Clace scene?
K: The end of the episode where Jonathan glamoured as Jace, there was a lot of sweet scenes at the end, when they connected as people in a moment of calm before the craziness.
D: Here you go!

Q:Have you ever read any fan fiction?
D: I’ve read some, there was a weird period when there were fan fiction about me and Alexandra Daddario and we always got tagged in them and I didn’t understand where it came from, it was really weird. It was about her character in Percy Jackson and Jace. But I haven’t read any fan fiction about our characters.
K: I haven’t either.

Q:On a satisfaction scale between 1 and 10, where are you right now?
D: 11. Its tough to not be happy when you have a golden retriever wrapped around you.
K: 9, because it’s awesome with you but I wish it could happen in person.

Q:Did you steal anything from the set?
D: Yes, a lot of stuff. So much stuff. Everything I could get my hands on. At the wrap party I was pretty drunk and my dad was me and I wanted to show him a thing in Jace’s room but it was locked, I kicked the door and got all things on myself, my dad asked “what are you doing?” and a security guard came and told me I shouldn’t be there.
K: I didn’t steal anything. I was given the Clary’s art figure signed by the crew.

Q:What was the most difficult scene to shoot?
D: The scene in Jace’s mind. I had to cry for hours and I went home exhausted.
K: For the same reason, it was the Lake Lynn stuff for me.

Q:What was the biggest challenge playing these character?
K: I don’t think it’s ever easy, especially in worlds like these, but we were lucky to have an amazing team and we got along together quickly.
D: I agree.

Q:How many steeles did you break?
D: In season one they were poorely made and I broke 13, one per episode. And in season two I stop having them, because I broke so many. But in the books Cassie wrote Jace plays with his steele when he’s nervous so I did the same, but every time one fell it broke.
K: I had one in my back pocket and I it snapped when I sat down.

Q:If you could write a scene for Clace, what would it be?
K: Seen the end of the show, to see them going back to the institute and to see Clary not understanding things while having to learn things from day one and start over again.
D: And see for how long Jace can be patient.

Q:If you could choose any scene that was in the book but not on the show, what would you choose?
K: The battle scene in book 6 with the Endarkened, it would have been amazing to shoot and to see on screen.
D: You talked a lot about the war and I’d have loved to shoot that.

Q:How long did take fight scenes to shoot and did any of you get injured?
K: We didn’t really have much rehearsal time in the scene with Clary and Aline. 
D: I got hurt a couple of times. In the fight with Simon, Alberto didn’t have any experience but he was annoyingly amazing, He broke one of my knuckles in that scene, I broke one of my tendon in my ankle in season one and half a tooth on the same day.

Q:How do you prepare yourself for a character that is from different from yourself?
D: I write a journal from a point of view of the character and it helps me explore how they think. I wanted to do it with Kurt but I realised these weren’t right things to write down in public so I started doing it privately. They have hundreds and hundreds of pages.
K: For dark Clary, I started thinking with Jonathan’s mind.

Q:Dom, how’s the relationship with Bob?
D: I don’t like him. People who knows me, know that I hate one thing: dummies and wax figures. I’m scared of them.

Q: If you and your characters were teachers, what would you teach?
D: Jace teaches martial arts, I’d teach animal training.
K: Clary would teach art and I would teach maths.

Q:Would you like to act in a foreign movie or show and would you be able to learn a new language for work?
D: That would be amazing, it also depends on the language because I don’t think I would be so great at mandarin in a short time in a movie. All these cool skills like martial arts and languages are amazing.
K: I’d love that, a dream come true.

Q: If you could add just one more scene to each other’s characters what would you like to see?
D: Someone invented a rune to make Alec loses all his coordination and he’s really clumsy and would walk into things all the time. 
M: It would be great for Jace to get what he really deserves, which is to find the love and life he always wanted and not to be suffering all the time. 

Q:If you could only visit one place in the world where would it be and why?
D: My favorite place that we visited together was Snake Creek.
M: The best place to visit is where the people you love are; for Dom it would be London because of the proximity to the people he loves.

Q:Since both of you use an arrow on screen, which one of you shoot best?
D: I have the archery set in my garage, next time you’re in Los Angeles we’ll see. I’m waiting for Kat to send me a video, because she and a couple of her friends  were around for July 4th and we hung a lime in front of my archery target and I nailed it with an arrow.

Q:If Alec and Jace had to be in lockdown together what would irritate each other the most?
M: Alec likes thing in a certain way and Jace doesn’t.
D: Agreed. I think it would be the same with Matt and Dom.

Q:A song you always listen to and you never get sick of?
D: Matt’s is ‘Babe I’m gonna leave you’ by Led Zeppelin. Mine is 'Danger Zone’ by Kenny Loggins. Doesn’t matter what the opportunity is, I will listen to it. 

‪ | #DomSherwood attending Showtime Emmy Eve Nominees Celebrations (2019)‬

Q: Is there something in common between Jace and Kurt?
D: How old are you? Because there’s something inappropriate that’s gonna happen. Is there something they have in common… well, no. Cause Kurt is a nazi and Jace is a good guy, so no. Kurt is a bad guy and we’re gonna find out a little more about him as the story goes on in relation to why he thinks what he thinks and feels they way he feels and some about his romantic interests. There’s no similarity between them and that is one of the main reason why that is a very challenging role. Being a gestapo is a horrible thing, you have to try to understand from the point of view of your character, and some of the villains of this world thought this way and still do. It’s something I haven’t ever done before and it was a real challenge to me.

Q: What was your most difficult challenge on your journey to being an actor?
D: I’m quite sensitive, so in our auditions we get a lot of “no” and no one is gonna tell you why, if you did the wrong reading or the wrong choice. What you have to do is to move on to something else and I find it really difficult, especially at the beginning. In Shadowhunters I was on other side of the casting process cause I was casted first, and then I got to watch all these Clary and listen to the opinions of the producers and the cast directors. You understand that is not personal in any way, in fact cast directors want you to come in and do a good job cause they want to cast you and that’s their job. But it took me a while because it was hard to be told that you’re not good enough for this role.

Q: If the Coronavirus was in the shadow world, what would you think the role of the Shadowhunters would be?
D: I think there would be diffferent roles… Isabelle would be working on a vaccine or a cure as the smartest of all of us, Jace would be making sure people are social distancing and that everybody’s safe, Simon would probably be home freaking out, Alec would probably be overseeing everything and making sure the shadowhunters are safe and they’re doing their jobs and everyone is protected. Magnus would be either be helping Isabelle with his magic or he would probably be doing something spectacular like making sure everyone’s garden has flowers in it or that the moon and the sun are spectacular every night, making everyone’s isolation beautiful.

Q: What’s the first thing you’re gonna do after quarantine?
D: The first thing I’m gonna try to do is get home to see my family… and I was supposed to be back in February but I ended up being locked down in LA.

Q: What ridiculous thing someone tricked you into doing or believing?
D: Some tricked me in skydive… well it was something I wanted to do but they told me it wouldn’t be scary in any way and that’s not the truth at all, it was horrifying but it was probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever done in my life. And the man with me tried to talk to me but I was like ‘please don’t talk to me, I’m about to throw up”. They sort of shuffle you out and I was right at the back which is the worst place. But you’re in the air it’s the most beautiful experience.

Q: Who are your best friends of Shadowhunters in your real life?
D: From the show Alberto and Matt, we stayed very very close. I’m very close with most of the people that works on the show and with us, because we did it for 3 years. Matt is in New York right now and Alberto lives right down the street from me but  we can’t see each other right now cause it’s not safe. I talk to Kat and Luke very often and I stayed very close to them because they’ve been a profound part of my life.

Q:How are you? What was your favourite scene in Shadowhunters? 
D: I’m good, thank you very much. My favourite scene is not about Jace at all! when Simon had to tell his mom that Simon had died. I think that was beautifully written and so wonderfully acted. 

Q:Do you have any new hobby now that we are in quarantine?
D: I moved out, which was really hard work and I just got a bicycle so I’m riding a lot more than I was, and I started to learn Spanish but it turned out Spanish was really hard but I’m working on it. There’s such a  huge Latin culture in my new show so it would be really nice to communicate with a lot of my co-stars in their first language.

Q:How was the transition from a show like shadowhunters, supernatural, to a different show?
: What’s really interesting about that is that even in a supernatural show you have to see it from a very natural setting, otherwise you will see something is strange but it’s not like Jace sees it because that’s the world he lives in, in Penny Dreadful from the point of view of Kurt there’s nothing supernatural, he doesn’t know that magda is this supernatural force and she will become less a part of his life. The key thing is to treat it as if it is normal.

Q:Would you like to make a duet with Kellie Rose?
D: No, I don’t think so. I think she’s an incredible singer and artist and I think that’s her thing. I’m an actor and I wouldn’t consider myself to be massively musical and that wouldn’t be something I’d put effort into.

Q:I have noticed that you have dealt with negativity, how do you handle that?
D: The negativity I faced was due to me making mistakes, and a mistake that was across the border and unacceptable, due to language that I didn’t know the profundity of how offensive it was which is not an excuse in any way, cause I was a part of that world and I should have known, so a lot of that was based on that. I think that no matter how upset or offended or hurt you are by something, it’s never something I would do and I don’t think it’s something to support cause it doesn’t achieve anything. That being said, I had to rethink about who I was, cause if I was the cause of anyone’s pain or hurt, that’s not the person I want to be in any shape or form and I had to educate myself on things that I didn’t know but I should have known more profoundly. Moving on from this, being an actor, I think that one of the greatest thing about arts is that you get both sides of it, from people that like or don’t like what you do. So if people didn’t like my portrayal of Jace of the story… the negativity has to exist for the lights to exist as well. So I think, as hard as it is, that’s somebody’s opinion and that’s cool and I encourage to express their opinion but more importantly those opinions lead to something positive to balance, so that’s okay. I don’t take it fro granted and I love what I do, I work my ass off trying to make the best I possibly could and if that’s not good enough for some people then that’s really okay cause you’re supposed to have your opinion and it’s important.

Q:With all this quarantine stuff and social distancing, how you deal with it?
D: Having Dan around helps. Social distancing has been tricky, not being able to see my friend but the big thing I found really hard is the inability to go home cause I’m not allowed to go back to the UK to see my family anymore and I would have seen them for a couple of weeks, but the fact that I physically can’t go is quite scary, things like zoom have been very helpful, me and my friends talk to each other and I play with my family once a week and that’s very helpful but I think the fact that we’re all in this together, the solidarity thing in the entire world, watching people getting through it… in America unfortunately too often people don’t seem to take it seriously as they should and the issue with that is that is selfish, if you go out to see your friends or family or whatever, you don’t only put yourself at risk but also your friends, their friends and their family. The important thing is to remember that all of us are doing this to protect each other, not necessarily to protect ourselves.

Q:When you played Jace in Shadowhunters, did you read all the books and if there were some scenes you wanted to do but you couldn’t because of the script?
D: I read the first book and I didn’t go any further than that, it was intentional because it was really important for me to focus on the version of Jace we were doing cause otherwise through the book everyone get a different version of what that character is, what is important to me is that I understood the world, different type of downworlders and all of this things, but I didn’t wanna know for example, that valentine was my father and this stuff because if I knew that, that would have been a part of me reminding that while I was performing - reference to the stars wars iconic line ‘I’m your father’ and how it happened.

I feel like Shadowhunters whump is under appreciated like it has everything, possession, hospitals, drowning, kidnapping, you name it

Like in season 3, the main tough guy is literally begging to be killed so he doesn’t hurt someone when possessed while crying. Glorious.

Ace’s reply: YOU’RE SO RIGHT!! I loved the show and the books so much. There’s great whump in both. For so many characters. It’s all so good.
