#james vega


You know what james vega is a good character. Y'all just haters

He knows his place, he respects shepard he never makes a romantic play he is the very definition of a friend. People say hes a one dimensional jarhead. Bull crap he plays a major heart of the team. Loyal unflinching and accepting (look at him and steve), people say his flirting is annoying, i have friends male and female who all our interactions is half assed joking and flirting, romance isnt even a thought we’re just ripping and playing with eachother, its called having a personality. He is a solid refrence point for shepard and brings military familarity and comradrie that never comes across with ashley and kaidan and i think hes the only one whos life isnt centralised around him/her. Ive seen people put him behind Jacob…..yes Jacob. Others say oh hes just copying shepard by being an N7. He applied for that way befor he met shepard only asking their opinion in the same way you’d ask a friend should i dye my hair or do that course or install that patio in my garden. He’s one of those people you can relax around because hes strong enough in who he is to help you carry your burdens. And he’ll do so without complaint. I’ve heard good and bad breakdowns on mass effect characters but vega is one of the better characters i dont think theres an argument that can presuade me otherwise. Top 7-9 at the very least out of the OT21 characters

@bigcheezey requested a character that makes me smile when i see them and first character(s) that ca

@bigcheezey requested a character that makes me smile when i see them and first character(s) that came to mind were james and steve <3

i love checking in on them in the shuttle bay after each mission and the biotiball game is one of my fav hangouts in the citadel dlc <33

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Shepard being under house arrest with James Vega is chock full of comedy potential. 

Shepard must have had a terminal case of cabin fever, and James Vega basically has to babysit this lethal ex-marine/war criminal/space Jesus for SIX MONTHS. 

No wonder LT Vega talks to you with zero deference once you’re reinstated, ‘cause he’s been trapped in an apartment with you for 6 fucking months and he knows the First Human Spectre is a nerd who collects toys miniature warship replicas and he KNOWS you farted that one time in the elevator and tried to blame him for it. 

Vega: How’s Shepard to work with?

Garrus: What have you heard? That bad guys would rather confess than be interrogated by them? That their steely gaze can cool a room by five degrees? That they can only be killed with a silver bullet, like a werewolf? They’re all true, except for the silver bullet part. It might give them indigestion or heartburn, but I don’t think it’d kill them.

Shepard: Rock, paper, scissors!

[Only Vega has put out rock.]

Vega: [to Joker] You’re doing shadow puppets? What the hell is that?

Joker: Can’t you see? It’s a crab. A crab.

Shepard: [has finger puppets] Well, this is better than last time…Your rock can’t stand up to my family here.

Vega: What family is that?!

Shepard: [moving the dad puppet] You should just admit defeat!

Vega: Goddamn it, it’s rock, paper, scissors!

Shepard: You lose, Vega. Work hard now.

Vega: Why do I lose?!

Steve: I’m MLM.

James: I don’t care about your essential oils.

A completed mass effect commission for @heroofshield! Thank you so much for the commission ^^

JamesLearnsToKnock.pngAfter the Asari Monastery, Kaidan and biotic Shepard try to teach themselves tJamesLearnsToKnock.pngAfter the Asari Monastery, Kaidan and biotic Shepard try to teach themselves t


After the Asari Monastery, Kaidan and biotic Shepard try to teach themselves to float all cool like Samara.

James counts his blessings that it’s definitely not the worst thing he could’ve walked in on them doing in her cabin.

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Sheps, Sheps, Sheps!

I haven’t showed them off, have I? :DD

I know, it’s a drawing blog, but I always drew them without a proper reference, so before I would buy ME:LE, I wanted to do a heavily modded ME3 playthrough to get some nice pics of them. :)

The commanders: Jane and Jocelyn Shepard. The photobombers: Garrus Vakarian, Liara T'Soni and James Vega.

Mods I used: armors,hairs,eyebrow,eyelash,Garry,Liara,James,ALOT

Character Master Post(link to all character comics)Javik is the embodiment of the pathetic.png catShCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)Javik is the embodiment of the pathetic.png catSh

Character Master Post

(link to all character comics)

Javik is the embodiment of the pathetic.png cat

Shepard never levitates/flies/floats in game (if picking biotic abilities) so I’m just over here trying to justify it.

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Happy April Fool’s Day xD My Pathfinder Ada Ryder against James Vega.Happy April Fool’s Day xD My Pathfinder Ada Ryder against James Vega.

Happy April Fool’s Day xD My Pathfinder Ada Ryder against James Vega.

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you know if jack in me3 has to have headlights i think it’s only right that james has some too

I’ll Help You With It: Garrus Vakarian, Tali’Zorah, Kaidan Alenko, Liara T’Soni, Dr. Chakwas

Yeah, Sure: Steve Cortez, Joker Moreau, Greg Adams

Bold of You to Assume I Did the Homework: James Vega

LOL, Nope: Ashley Williams, EDI, Urdnot Wrex (too busy running things on Tuchanka)

Wait, We Had Homework: Samantha Traynor

Read at 5:55 P.M.: Udina, Citadel Council, David Anderson (can’t respond due to lack of internet on Earth)

Bonus Answer

It Is Not Too Late To Throw Your Homework Out the Airlock: Javik
