#jason todd



Alfred “sass to deal with this” Pennyworth

Bruce “yes these are all my children” Wayne

Dick “I am like the mom of the friends” Grayson

Jason “I died once and will remind you often” Todd

Tim “I am too tired for this” Drake

Barbara “badass and smart” Gordon

Stephanie “don’t tell me what to do” Brown

Cassandra “you don’t stand a chance” Cain

Harper “I dare you to” Row

Kate “don’t doubt me cause I will kick your butt” Kane

Duke “I can do this” Thomas

Damian “I prefer animals over people” Wayne

After watching The Boys. Would like seem Jason Todd share bit personality of Billy Butcher. Both charismatic, persuasive nature and have hatred to superheroes (mostly Batman)

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I wish there was a red hood and then maybe him barb could get together

I wish there was a red hood and then maybe him barb could get together

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Really disappointed that they went with Dick Grayson as Robin. This means no Nightwing and no other

Really disappointed that they went with Dick Grayson as Robin. This means no Nightwing and no other robins will be added. Though I adore the Titans episode.

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Imagine Red Hood (Jason Todd) relationship with Girls is natural being nice to them but disagree on

Imagine Red Hood (Jason Todd) relationship with Girls is natural being nice to them but disagree on heroic codes. Jason be big brother to Barbara (both hate Dick),Jason and Diana buttheads time to time what is right? He have also naturally relationships with Zee,Jessica and Karen helped them out at time and Kara…That be another Confession to talk about

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[Red Hood and the Outlaws #18, 2018]

Yeah, it’s too much, Jason. [Red Hood and the Outlaws #21, 2018]

I like that Jason genuinely seems to care about Bizarro. [Red Hood and the Outlaws #22, 2018]

Surprisingly wholesome. [Red Hood and the Outlaws #17, 2018]

Such a sassy bat. [Red Hood and the Outlaws #22, 2018]

Why do I almost feel bad for Killer Croc? [Red Hood and the Outlaws #17, 2018]

Batboys: Rogue One

A/N: This was the start of a series, so I’ll put it out and if you want me to add the rest/continue hit up my inbox. lol guess who got inspired by Fast Five.

Also I finally got Instagram! Not relevant but it’s new to me.


“I know someone who can help.”

“In this situation? Doubtful.”

Ignoring the complete lack of faith his brothers demonstrated toward his unnamed ally, he chose to contact them anyway. Which was a chore in itself considering the company they kept.

“This is a private line how the fu- ooh, hey richboy~” It began with irritation and strain as his friend was apparently riding their custom motorbike, but the tone became sassy once noticing the caller despite the sharp shots in the background.

"Sorry to FaceTime you like this (Y/n) but I need your - are they gunshots?!” He flushed at the playful nickname, but soon became worried for your safety even if you weren’t exactly consistent friends.

“Yeah, anyway what’s up I’m not in the best place to chat right now.” Your voice cracked over the monitor but remained steady, your helmet hiding any expression as you evaded fire at a prediction of over 90mph.

Such a enigmatic character was enough to silence his brothers who now couldn’t shift their gaze from the monitor, meanwhile Tim explained the whole situation to you.

“Look I don’t think my help is the kind you want, and besides I’m in Miami Beach dealing with my own problems.”

“That’s actually perfect! Our guy is over there right now, we’ll meet you and I’ll text you the details.”

“Drake I swear to -” And he hung up, silencing your frustrations, next turning to find the shocked expressions of his elder siblings.

“Whothe heck was that?!”

Tim only sighed at the similar questioning, though he’d expected it considering your unlikely relationship.

“(Y/n) (L/n), a… friend.”


The rays of Miami would be bathing the trios skin if not for the shade of the outdoor bar, Tim had barely managed to confirm your attendance and his brothers were growing inquisitive with the passing time.

“Alright, in all honesty - how did you even cross paths with your friend, you’re literally opposites.” Dick curiously inquired, sipping his drink.

“Right? Tim shouldn’t know someone like that, (Y/n) is my kind of person.” Jason added, referring to your similarities that Tim certainly didn’t exude, especially when you originally met. Though Tim only rolled his eyes out of mild irritation.

“It’s really not important -”

“Thatstory involved a con, drag races, a gala and a rich boy. Maybe you’ll get it out of us one day, but not today.” A smug yet charming voice answered, one unfamiliar to 2/3 of the vigilantes.

Halting in your graceful glide beside Tim, he longingly embraced your figure immediately much to your surprise but you laughed none the less. He pulled away slightly, hands moving to your waist as he spoke to you with a spark his brothers hadn’t seen before and they quickly coughed to make their presence known. Tim immediately flushed out of embarrassment, gently releasing you and making necessary introductions.

“This is (Y/n) (L/n), and these are my brothers, Jason and Rich-”

“Richard Grayson, thank you for coming (Y/n), it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” The eldest interrupted his brother, gently grasping your hand to place a kiss to your skin.

However you raised a brow rather than flush like he’d anticipated, quickly flipping your hand over and pulling his knuckles to your lips thus reciprocating the greeting which only flustered the man much to Tim’s amusement.

“The pleasure is all mine Richard.”

“Ah - um, Dick is fine, you can uh - yeah call me whatever.”

Jason never really bothered with getting to know fleeting allies to the point of continuing communication after a mission, but with that little stunt you had his full attention. He liked you already and Tim could tell by the quick up and down flick of his gaze and the genuine appeased smile that followed.


They needed to get into Black Masks personal documents which required a handprint due to high security measures, you’d recalled that from the briefing Tim had given when trying to coax you into joining them and you understood the importance of preventing a gang war. Your friend had gone to scout the area leaving you with his brothers, he was the eyes of the operation to minimise suspicion and give relevant information on numerous targets.

“The handprint can be on any object right?” Your head tilted as more than 30 minutes had passed without any progress as you remained seated with Dick and Jason drinking as well as getting acquainted.

“We can’t exactly take the chair with us, nor his glass because no man is getting close enough with that level of security. We don’t have time to wait it out either.” Dick explained, giving an exasperated sigh before looking to you with a curious expression.

You were silent for a moment, analysing the entrance and where Sionis’ gaze lingered then a proud smirk befell your lips.

“Maybe you shouldn’t let a man do a woman’s job.”

“What do you…” Jason flicked to you, his attention instantly captivated as the kimono slid down your shoulders revealing your stunning figure in a ravishing bikini with confidence that’d be enough to make any man drop to their knees. Or in Jason’s case, derail their train of thought. Leaving your shawl on the table, now making your way over to the bodyguards and your target with the art of seduction in every stride and a hand running through your hair. The False Facers moved to block your entrance, implicating how you did not have the authority to be here but you’d captured the gaze of Roman who’d studied your body language before personally escorting you inside himself.

“I think I’m in love.” Jason muttered, the pair watched whilst you perched on the arm of Masks chair, legs crossed and leaning forward as he spoke with a flirtatious laugh here and there - his hand making its way from your lower back to your ass. Now you wanted to slap him, but by god you needed that handprint as your fingers edged toward his glass. Within an hour you walked out empty handed, somewhat frustrated - the waiter had taken the empty table wear, Roman not ordering another or touching anything steal-able. Though not the cause of your overthinking, you had your own reasons for talking with Mask for so long.

Upon your return, you met your rag tag team at the designated rendezvous point after getting pulled aside by Tim on your way to change clothes explaining how you’d managed to get the handprint despite original perceptions. Smoothly you pulled up to the local cafe on your motorcycle, walking to the outdoor table that already had (preferred drink) before an empty seat.

“Thanks Timbers~”

“How’d you know it was him? I could’ve taken a very well educated guess.” The biker smirked, leaning forward in feigned offence.

“Huh, where was that logic an hour ago?” You sassily remarked, matching his smug gaze and referring to your more applicable initiative when attaining prints.

“Well Jason spent the whole time looking at your assets so he was out of commission.” Dick chuckled, nudging the broader shoulders of his brother who only rolled his eyes, turning away to hide his blooming skin thus ending your little contest.

“More like keeping an eye on where that bastards hands were going.” The underlying protectiveness in the rebel was endearing but you it shrugged off.

“I’m used to it.”

“You shouldn’t have to be.” Now that mutter from Jason caught you off guard too, you were sure you misheard him, as were his brothers.


“Nothing. How’d you manage it then smartass?” Jason brushed off their knowing smirks, nodding to you in curiosity but it wasn’t until you handed Dick a plastic evidence bag did they realise.

“What’s wrong, never handled ladies panties before Dick?”

“None that didn’t end up on my floor, and I was hoping you wouldn’t be an exception (Y/n).” Dick smoothly replied, putting the bag containing your bikini bottoms away to scan the print from them later much to your amusement.

“Always have a back up plan don’t you.” Tim mischievously quipped, likely speaking from past shared experiences but you couldn’t help the genuine smile that graced your lips.

“That why you haven’t caught me yet richboy?” You playfully winked at him, though Tim only shook his head with a light laugh.


“We’re heading back to Gotham tomorrow, would you like to come with us?” Dick inquired once friendly conversation had died down, Tim offered a hopeful glance but dared not ask you himself.

“I don’t have anywhere -”

“Manors got plenty of space (Y/n), room next to mine is free.” Jason stretched as he spoke, Dick sending a pointed but cunfused glance at his nonchalance. Did that mean Jason would be staying too?

“Ido have business in Gotham, so if you’d have me I’ll pay you.”

“I think after your spontaneity, it’s free. Plus a friend of Tims is a friend of ours.” The eldest offered a sincere grin, one that conveyed his unspoken gratitude too.

“Is breakfast included?”

“I can whip up some cereal for us.” Dick hopelessly shrugged, Tim smirking as he added his own addition.

“I know exactly how you like your (tea/coffee/other) in the morning (Y/n).”

“Tch, don’t listen to them just knock on my door if you’re up earlier than me and I’ll cook whatever you want alright?” Jason stood up, giving you a wink before heading back to his motorcycle with little more than a lazy salute.

Dick and Tim exchanged confused glances, though the latter more interested in your reaction to his brothers unusually generous offer…

How could you refuse?





John Boyega wants to play Jason??? Oh godddd plsss this will be the softest boy in the whole world plssssssssss

I can’t imagine that man angsting. But I want to see him yell at Ben Affleck or Robert Pattinson really baddd plssss

god the power that John would have as Jason. He has the range; I’d kill for this casting

I had to very quickly show or stress how much I need this

You thought I was done. FOOLS!!! I need this and I need it now.
