#jeff goldblum

waititi:Jeff Goldblum & Taika Waititi ©Todd Williamson // Amazon Studios Holiday Party, Inside, waititi:Jeff Goldblum & Taika Waititi ©Todd Williamson // Amazon Studios Holiday Party, Inside, waititi:Jeff Goldblum & Taika Waititi ©Todd Williamson // Amazon Studios Holiday Party, Inside,


Jeff Goldblum & Taika Waititi
©Todd Williamson // Amazon Studios Holiday Party, Inside, Los Angeles, USA

Post link

WATCH NOW: Check out the first teaser trailer for Thor: Ragnarok.

Chris Hemsworth returns as the Asgardian Avenger to find his universe on the verge of destruction at the hands of Hela (Cate Blanchett). Powerless without his mighty hammer, he must first survive a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against his former ally, the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo).

Tom Hiddleston reprises his role as Loki alongside Idris Elba, Anthony Hopkins and new face in the franchise Jeff Goldblum.

Thor: Ragnarok in theaters November 3.

Spoilers for Jurassic World Dominion

This is the only spoiler I’ll share at this time:

The bad guy … gets eaten by a dinosaur.

That is all.
















i wonder if yu-gi-oh! fanfic authors realize that bringing back the pharaoh or the thief king in their original bodies would do way more harm than good because it’s been three thousand years and a completely different continent and i don’t think the gods are big on vaccines so even if they didn’t bring any ancient egyptian diseases back with them they’d probably die from the first breath of japan’s not-necessarily-unpolluted air or get an infection or something

Not if Yugi and Bakura get them into the doctor for their shots.

hello doctor this is my friend from ancient egypt and his mortal enemy they’ve been around for a while but now they’re corporeal so do you have a spare tetanus shot or are we doing this black market style

Of course, they’d have to come up with a fake background story and forged documents for them. Methinks Kaiba and Isis could help with that.

yuugi: hi kaiba those two ghosts you don’t believe in came back from the dead can you help forge some paperwork

kaiba: i don’t believe in any of this cra-

atem: i’ll duel you

kaiba: sign here and you’re legally a citizen

marik: isis can you-

isis: no

bakura: thank god i don’t care

rishid: you will when we all get measles

isis: ffffffffffffffffff

and everybody lived happily ever after mooching on kaiba because he didn’t care so long as yuugi dueled him and jounouchi was like five million yards away at all times

Listen but that’s most stories I’ve seen where they get their bodies back. If it’s not handwaved as they’re magical, Kaiba and Isis just do paperwork and get them vaccinated slightly questionably. Because this series is so wild, we know they actually would do this crap. And Malik is a mob boss. He could probably get a black market doctor/bribe one/pay one to give them shots.

This series has seen wilder.

you have better luck finding fanfics than i do, then

I mean, would it be so hard for them to go “these two were in an anti-vaxxer cult. They’re free and need vacinations pronto”?

yeah probably. this is yu-gi-oh! and your solution doesn’t involve even a single trading card game? unrealistic

Doctor: Yeah, okay, that’s a likely story. But I’ll tell you what. I’ll vaccinate you no questions asked…IF YOU CAN DEFEAT ME IN A DUEL *activates duel disk*

duel monsters: the only thing capable of overriding the hippocratic oath

4kids dubs dr malcolm practice to be a thinly veiled spoof of the jurassic park guy

it’s actually a joke i stole from the fifth artemis fowl book, not an attempt at tribute summoning jeff goldblum

w h o   d o   y o u   h a v e   t o   f u s e
i   n e e d   t o   k n o w

you fuse kozakyandnaturia fruitfly, obviously

this post went to sakaar to challenge jeff goldblum to a children’s card game















i wonder if yu-gi-oh! fanfic authors realize that bringing back the pharaoh or the thief king in their original bodies would do way more harm than good because it’s been three thousand years and a completely different continent and i don’t think the gods are big on vaccines so even if they didn’t bring any ancient egyptian diseases back with them they’d probably die from the first breath of japan’s not-necessarily-unpolluted air or get an infection or something

Not if Yugi and Bakura get them into the doctor for their shots.

hello doctor this is my friend from ancient egypt and his mortal enemy they’ve been around for a while but now they’re corporeal so do you have a spare tetanus shot or are we doing this black market style

Of course, they’d have to come up with a fake background story and forged documents for them. Methinks Kaiba and Isis could help with that.

yuugi: hi kaiba those two ghosts you don’t believe in came back from the dead can you help forge some paperwork

kaiba: i don’t believe in any of this cra-

atem: i’ll duel you

kaiba: sign here and you’re legally a citizen

marik: isis can you-

isis: no

bakura: thank god i don’t care

rishid: you will when we all get measles

isis: ffffffffffffffffff

and everybody lived happily ever after mooching on kaiba because he didn’t care so long as yuugi dueled him and jounouchi was like five million yards away at all times

Listen but that’s most stories I’ve seen where they get their bodies back. If it’s not handwaved as they’re magical, Kaiba and Isis just do paperwork and get them vaccinated slightly questionably. Because this series is so wild, we know they actually would do this crap. And Malik is a mob boss. He could probably get a black market doctor/bribe one/pay one to give them shots.

This series has seen wilder.

you have better luck finding fanfics than i do, then

I mean, would it be so hard for them to go “these two were in an anti-vaxxer cult. They’re free and need vacinations pronto”?

yeah probably. this is yu-gi-oh! and your solution doesn’t involve even a single trading card game? unrealistic

Doctor: Yeah, okay, that’s a likely story. But I’ll tell you what. I’ll vaccinate you no questions asked…IF YOU CAN DEFEAT ME IN A DUEL *activates duel disk*

duel monsters: the only thing capable of overriding the hippocratic oath

4kids dubs dr malcolm practice to be a thinly veiled spoof of the jurassic park guy

it’s actually a joke i stole from the fifth artemis fowl book, not an attempt at tribute summoning jeff goldblum

w h o   d o   y o u   h a v e   t o   f u s e
i   n e e d   t o   k n o w

you fuse kozakyandnaturia fruitfly, obviously













i wonder if yu-gi-oh! fanfic authors realize that bringing back the pharaoh or the thief king in their original bodies would do way more harm than good because it’s been three thousand years and a completely different continent and i don’t think the gods are big on vaccines so even if they didn’t bring any ancient egyptian diseases back with them they’d probably die from the first breath of japan’s not-necessarily-unpolluted air or get an infection or something

Not if Yugi and Bakura get them into the doctor for their shots.

hello doctor this is my friend from ancient egypt and his mortal enemy they’ve been around for a while but now they’re corporeal so do you have a spare tetanus shot or are we doing this black market style

Of course, they’d have to come up with a fake background story and forged documents for them. Methinks Kaiba and Isis could help with that.

yuugi: hi kaiba those two ghosts you don’t believe in came back from the dead can you help forge some paperwork

kaiba: i don’t believe in any of this cra-

atem: i’ll duel you

kaiba: sign here and you’re legally a citizen

marik: isis can you-

isis: no

bakura: thank god i don’t care

rishid: you will when we all get measles

isis: ffffffffffffffffff

and everybody lived happily ever after mooching on kaiba because he didn’t care so long as yuugi dueled him and jounouchi was like five million yards away at all times

Listen but that’s most stories I’ve seen where they get their bodies back. If it’s not handwaved as they’re magical, Kaiba and Isis just do paperwork and get them vaccinated slightly questionably. Because this series is so wild, we know they actually would do this crap. And Malik is a mob boss. He could probably get a black market doctor/bribe one/pay one to give them shots.

This series has seen wilder.

you have better luck finding fanfics than i do, then

I mean, would it be so hard for them to go “these two were in an anti-vaxxer cult. They’re free and need vacinations pronto”?

yeah probably. this is yu-gi-oh! and your solution doesn’t involve even a single trading card game? unrealistic

Doctor: Yeah, okay, that’s a likely story. But I’ll tell you what. I’ll vaccinate you no questions asked…IF YOU CAN DEFEAT ME IN A DUEL *activates duel disk*

duel monsters: the only thing capable of overriding the hippocratic oath

4kids dubs dr malcolm practice to be a thinly veiled spoof of the jurassic park guy

it’s actually a joke i stole from the fifth artemis fowl book, not an attempt at tribute summoning jeff goldblum




obsessed with the fact that loki in the series is literally avengers loki who just finished up doing a bunch of murder and evil then mobius snags him and he just fucking drops his edgy persona within like 48 hours. attacked the wholeass planet a couple days ago and now he’s like can you take me to dennys :)

loki before and after the dick made him go stupid

all this emo phase dramatics and in the end the only thing loki needed was a sugar daddy:

exhibit a: loki became good in ragnarok after being “in the company” of the grandmaster.

exhibit b; loki became good in his own show after a dilf called him smart

you know i’m right

silver-haired dilf with an air of authority

Tell us Loki has a ✨type✨ without telling us Loki has a type.

A bohemian mountain-dog. Slender face, sleek ears, and a ballet-dancer’s overly nimble gait. He has seven missing teeth and a consumptive dry cough. He is Duke.

Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs opens in select theaters March 23. GET TICKETS


On the Isle of Dogs, every season is Dog Flu season.

So cover your muzzle. 2.23.18

Welcome to the Isle of Dogs


Jeff Goldblum rocking Prada bowling shirt
