#jem carstairs


aww how cute my 25 year old immortal sugar daddy comfort character thinks he’s old the audacity

Sometimes I wonder if there’s any hope for this dark and dreary world and then I remember Jem Carstairs exists

Petition for Jem and Tessa to adopt me pls.

Get this to them and I promise I’ll put in a good word for u ✋

Jem Carstairs didn’t just casually drop “you are home to me now” for ANYONE to say he’s their least favorite TID character

Jem Carstairs saying “you are home to me now” like the material gowrl he is

I lied. I don’t actually like sex. Put your clothes back on I’m going to explain why Kit Herondale deserves every single bit of happiness possible having fun and living life with his new family.

Chain Of Thorns Snippets

For my sanity and yours


The word echoed in Cordelia’s ears. Though she had clambered blindly into a fiacre with Matthew, though they were rattling quickly through some part of Paris, she still felt as if she were standing in front of the cabaret, hearing the guard refuse her entrance. I know what I know. You cannot come inside.

Because you are corrupted within, said a small voice inside her. Because you belong to Lilith, Mother of Demons. Because of your own foolishness, you are cursed. No one should be around you.

“Daisy?” Matthew’s worried voice seemed to come from far away. “Daisy, please. Talk to me.”

James wasn’t sure how he’d expected Lucie to respond to their arrival, but he was startled nonetheless at the fear that flashed across her face.

She took a step back, nearly knocking into the boy standing next to her — Jesse Blackthorn, it was Jesse Blackthorn — and flung her hands up, as if to ward them off. As if to ward off James, and her father.

Thomas nodded, not really paying attention. It wasn’t his fault, entirely. He knew that Christopher was simply working through his own thought processes aloud, and Thomas wasn’t really expected to follow along. More just produce the occasional encouraging “Oh, indeed.”

From upstairs, the doorbell chimed. Christopher, interrupted in the midst of explaining the science behind fire-messages, put down his stele, muttered about the interruption, and went upstairs to answer the door. 

It wasn’t Thomas’s intention to eavesdrop. But when Christopher’s voice drifted down to him, and he heard, “Oh, hullo, Alastair, you must be here to see Charles. I think he’s upstairs in his study,” he found he could focus on nothing else.

Cordelia and Matthew stood, arm in arm, watching the river flow beneath the bridge. The Seine rolled on from here, she knew, piercing the heart of Paris like a silver arrow just as the Thames did London. “We are not here just to forget,” Matthew said, “but also to remember, that there are good and beautiful things in this world, always. And mistakes do not take them from us; nothing takes them from us. They are eternal.”

She squeezed his gloved hand with her own. “Matthew. Do you listen to yourself? If you believe what you say, remember that it is true for you, too. Nothing can take the good things of the world from you. And that includes how much your friends and family love you, and always will.”

“Don’t just stand there, Alastair,” said Matthew. “Thomas needs you.”

“Daisy, I know you think that I’ve never loved you,” James said, “and that therefore you can’t trust my feelings. But I want to show you something.”

“James took a deep breath. “Daisy,” he said. “I wanted to say — I never apologized.”

She turned, laid the striped dress on the bed. Stayed there, fiddling with its buttons. “For what?”

"Daisy.” Matthew spoke in a low voice, his hand tightening on hers. “I know you are lost in thought. But – listen.”

There was urgency in his voice. Cordelia turned to look behind them, down the long tunnel of the quai – the river on one side, the stone retaining wall rising on the other, the city above them as if they had retreated underground.

Shhhh. Not the wind in the bare boughs, but a hiss and a slither. A bitter smell, carried on the wind.


“Daisy,” James whispered. “Do you have any idea what it would do to me if something happened to you? Do you?”

"Dear Alastair, why are you so stupid and so frustrating, and why do I think about you all the time?”

Matthew laughed a little breathlessly. “I am saying that with you, I have no armor. I feel everything. For better or worse.”

Jemma finds *something*

Jemma: how do I make this about Tessa & Jem and give them trauma that i obviously don’t understand???

Cassie’s Chain Of Thorns Cover Reveal Insta Live Summary

  • when in paris Cordelia is going to encounter a ghost of someone important in her life who’ll tell her a terrible danger is coming her way
  • JAMES IS GOING TO SHOW UP IN PARIS (at a bad time) and J, M & C will go back to London together because of tatiana’s escape and belial.
  • cover- grace, blackthorn hall, thorns, roses.
  • C- which character would cc like to embody from here on to end if she had to live one of their life, who would it be? CC- Lucie! (it does not mean whether she’ll live or die in tlh)
  • Lucie gets mad at Cordelia and ends up writing a book called “The Wicked Queen Cordelia” in COT. (jdjsjwjsjs i didn’t get what she said after that because of the laughing i heard “jess/just- djsksknsbd”)
  • CC only mentioned being able to speak to dead when talking about Lucie’s power ( we know there’s more)
  • Also Lucie can not control Vampires ❌
  • K- last hours road trip C- a description of the characters being chaotic. some dogs & cats discussion.
  • N- how will the fans feel about where everyone in the series ends up(?) CC-complicated feelings. happy about some characters, some “it’s just good that you survived”, some individuals (characters) whose story might not make people happy.
  • “When i first went into writing this book, these books, they were gonna have a really tragic ending like really really tragic and then with the pandemic i couldn’t do it. I actually softened the ending up. Because i was like there’s so much sadness, so much Grief, so much terrible stuff happened in the past couple of years that i don’t feel like i can sustain writing something that that’s sad.” “There definitely will be places in which you think people will be sad- well they’re gonna be a lot of less sad than they would’ve been”

optimism ✔️

  • Z- hates grace. wanted to ask if matthew gets his happy ending. (i love her). but since it’ll be spoiler we obviously can’t know :(
  • Z- instead, something abt him we don’t know. CC- matthew is kind of like a open book except for that one big secret. mostly truthful but likes making up complicated stories. some are true. some are not.
  • for example he tells Cordelia a story in beginning of cot which might or might not be true (a silly fight story in paris)
  • E- the number one song for chain of thorns CC- Lilith by Halsey (idk why CC said her playlist is not public yet because it is???has been for quite some time now..)

cc made playlists for her friends during pandemic, holly was one of the victims

  • June 2nd the reverse cover by Charlie Bowater.

Cordelia: Who is Matthew to you?

James: The reason I wake up every morning

Matthew, earlier in the morning, barging into James’s room while blasting music: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE WAKE UP

Thomas teaching Matthew math

Thomas: If you had 10 hairbrushes and James asks for 2, how many would you have?

Matthew: 10. James knows not to ask for my hairbrushes

Thomas: Ok then. If you had 10 hairbrushes and James forcibly takes 2, how many would you have?

Matthew: 10 and a dead James

Yin Yang Jem Carstairs

Let me explain this card like I did for Will’s.

Thankfully I was able to finish this in time for Jem’s birthday even though I’m posting this late as hell.

The Yang shows his passion for music. I used Tartini’s “The Devil’s Trill” in the background because it reminded me of him at certain points of his life. The violin and his cane are also there.

The additional parts are the Carstairs symbol, which is a castle or a tower. The silver box, and the jade pendant he gave Tessa.

The Yin side shows the darker and sad part of his life caused by the Yin Fen. The red chains symbolize the restraint the drug has affected him as he cannot grow old, marry, and have kids and he has accepted that his life was going to be short, therefore he cut every desire or chance to get those things because he would part sooner than later.

This took a while because I was between projects and I got too stressed. (You’d be surprised how much I insulted him and the other stuff. Art makes me so aggressive for my perfectionist ass.)

Anyways, the next one in line will be Tessa. But I think I’ll start her mid-late November, latest early December.

“I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain.”

— Jem Carstairs

This took a good three days and transferring from a tablet, to my PC, to my phone just to get this done. Not going to lie, I’m proud. And i think I might stick with this kind of style for a while.

Anyways, love to our sweet boy Jem.

I’ll try to think what to do next.

Feeding Ducks

Jem: They’re adorable.

Will: They’re monsters.

Jem: Let’s adopt one.

Will: Traitor! Bringing the enemy home!!

zoyalais: top 50 characters of all time: 9 -  jem carstairs  we are all pieces of what we remember zoyalais: top 50 characters of all time: 9 -  jem carstairs  we are all pieces of what we remember zoyalais: top 50 characters of all time: 9 -  jem carstairs  we are all pieces of what we remember zoyalais: top 50 characters of all time: 9 -  jem carstairs  we are all pieces of what we remember zoyalais: top 50 characters of all time: 9 -  jem carstairs  we are all pieces of what we remember zoyalais: top 50 characters of all time: 9 -  jem carstairs  we are all pieces of what we remember 


top 50 characters of all time: 9 -  jem carstairs  

we are all pieces of what we remember 

Post link


They say you cannot love two people equally at once, and perhaps for others that is so. But you and Will—you are not like two ordinary people, two people who might have been jealous of each other, or who would have imagined my love for one of them diminished by my love of the other. You merged your souls when you were both children. I could not have loved Will so much if I had not loved you as well. And I could not love you as I do if I had not loved Will as I did.


I’m really getting annoyed now with people who really don’t get the Shadowhunters Chronicles, what part of CHRONICLES you don’t get!!!

Someone i know read The Infernal Devices for the first time a couple of days ago and then she said “I really loved the books however i will not read the rest of the book series as they will be boring and repetitive, the same things will happen in every book again and again and that will make the story boring and unauthentic, and why is Magnus going to have a major role his character is soo flat and boring and has no depth”

and i was like “whatever scenes Magnus had in TID are NOT enough for you to get him or what he’s been through because literally nothing about him is said in the books”

And then she told me “okay fine what about Jace and Clary for example why do they have to make apperances and take part of the story when their series is over, see it’s very repetitive” by which point i really gave up on the conversation.

So people here’s the thing a CHRONICLE is supposed to be about the past, present, and future of a certain world and guess what!!! Characters stories are supposed to be entertwined through the books ALL the books not just their books that’s what makes the world whole. Don’t judge characters that you’ve read about in like four or five scenes, or characters you’ve read nothing about at all.

If you want to open up your mind to the world well that is great, but if you don’t want to well please pretty please don’t judge what you don’t know, don’t guilt trip what people like just because you don’t know what you’re talking about because honestly when she was talking about my FAVORITE books and characters like this I honestly felt attacked. I get that people have different tastes and intersts and i respect that so in return respect ours because this song is getting really old.


So I’m sitting in my bed peacefully reading when out of nowhere it hit me, we have only 3 trilogies left in the Shadowhunters chronicles just THREE my heart honestly clenches at the thought because imagine this, your sitting in your favorite reading spot holding the last book as if holding on to dear life, crying your soul out (because let’s face it, it’s Cassandra Clare we’re talking about), you turn the page and there’s a dedication to the fans and that’s it. No more witty remarks from Alec, heartache from Magnus’ kindness, heartwarmth from Jem, Tessa, baby Jessa, absolute love and devotion from Julian to his family, stunning badass moments from Clary and Isabelle, love quarrels between Jace an Simon, and every other character we came to know and love with all out hearts. I really can’t and don’t want to comprehend that though.
