#jerome valeska imagine


Let Gotham Burn

I lean back with my tablet propped up against my legs sketching a new floor plan for a house my company bought and are going to flip it. Suddenly my assistant rushes in with no words. “You need to see this!” He turns on my flatscreen and switches over to the station streaming from Gotham City.

“Buildings exploding! We can’t possibly go there! The convention is going to be cancelled!” I look closer to watch the live news feed. Then I hear the smooth voice of honey entering my ears. “Tick tock Gotham. You’re on my watch.”

The camera stayed on his being. Pale skin, flashing eyes that bore holes into your soul. If you started to long at him he would be able to see your entire story. He learned from the best of course. “Harley are you listening? You need to call-” “Pack the car. I’m leaving tonight.” My assistant laughs thinking I’m joking, but I’m deadly serious.

“Do as I say or you’re fired. I shouldn’t have to repeat myself. Now go.” I speak calmly standing up and making myself a sweet drink. I stare at the TV smirking. “See you soon J.”

I knock on the next desk to mine lightly. “Excuse me.” a boy with round glasses, red hair, and innocent eyes look to meet mine. “Yes?” He asks in a shaky manor. I smile sweetly at him. “Your bookbag is caught on your chair. I didn’t want you to get stuck.” The boy looks down at his bag adjusting the strap out of the bars. “Thank you.” He quickly says getting back to his work.

I scoot closer to him. “My name is Harleen. Harleen Frances Quinzel.” I stick my hand out for his. “Jeremiah.” “Just Jeremiah?” He nods his head quickly. “Alright. Well it’s nice to meet you just Jeremiah.” He smiles taking my hand and shaking it firmly. “You too Harleen.”

The red haired boy and I were inseparable since that day. No matter where we were we’d always find eachother. Went on for a long time as friends, but we both knew deep in our hearts we were meant to be something bigger. As I lay my head in his lap looking up at the stars I catch him staring down at me. “Whatcha doing there J? You’re missing the beautiful stars!” He smiles pushing a strand of my hair away. “I’m looking at the most beautiful star there is.” I giggle pushing off of him. “Such a sap. Can’t say I don’t love it though!”

“Oh look Harley!” A shooting star flies across the night sky. “I wish… to never leave you, and were separated. Let madness take over until we’re together once again.” Jeremiah let out a chuckle. “That’s a good one. Let’s hope you don’t get any crazier.” I flip my hair laughing. “It would only be for the better darling.”

So here I am today. Walking in a graveyard all lonesome. I hear sirens blaring all over the city. His crew comes up to me screaming and laughing like crazy people. I look at them rolling my eyes, but allowing them to take me hostage knowing they’ll lead me straight to him, and as my thoughts come to ring true I feel my blood pumping as they sit me in a chair waiting to get torchered.

Blood staining the cold concrete below my feet. “You guys should really learn how to keep a cleaner work space. Geez. You’d think a pack of monkeys would be living here… Oh wait…” I laugh looking at them. They start to get louder and louder until another voice emerges.

“Let me take a look at this one!” a blonde comes into view with face looking like… just like a face you want to punch.

She walks around me then smirks. “Take her to the grinder.” the minions grab me and start to drag me away. “Whoa wait a fucking minute!” This caught her attention making her look at me with her little clown mask. “Hey you. Yeah clown bitch listen to me!” I shimmy out of their hold and stand in front of the blonde. I walk around her smiling sanely. “I’m the only one who gets the wear that mask.” I whip my knife out and stab her in the stomach several times until she falls to the ground motionless.

I pick up her mask looking at her face. “Not even that pretty. Come on man!”

“Not as pretty as you I will say. Not as sane either. Got on my nerves rather quickly. She’s not the right… fit.” I look up the rusted stairwell to see him standing there proudly examining my work. “Then why’s you pick her huh? See this? Trash!” I grab the mask tossing it the the side at his followers. “Seems I got exactly what I wanted. Just another playing card that was run out.” I make my way up the steps as he comes halfway down meeting me.

“Hello Harley.” “Hey there J.”

His hand come out and pushes me against the metal bar trapping me. “And may the world go insane.” J smashes his lips against mine pushing all the lost time into one kiss.

“This is Harley. Harley this is everyone. Call them your subjects if you want. This is your queen everyone! Respect her or that…(Points at Echo) will be your outcome. Now follow love, we’ve got much to relish in.”


My father leads us both back to my car with Selina perched on top and Bruce on the hood. He grabs Bruce’s shoulder and my own. “I have to go. I might not see you both for a while, but I promise I will keep in touch.” “Where are you going?” I ask in a worried tone. “I have to find Lee.” His girlfriend. He’s leaving me to find his girlfriend.

“Do me a favor. Say goodbye to Bullock and take care of this one.” He ruffles my hair. “I can take care of myself dad.” “I know.” He smiles and pulls me in for a hug. “Bye darling.” He kisses my head and slowly walks away. “Bye dad.”

“Come along then Master Bruce.” Alfred says ushering his younger leader into the car. “You be safe Ms. Gordon.” “You too Alfred.” As they drive away Selina comes up to me and elbows me slightly. “So Gordon. What’s on the list now?” I sigh and smiles at my feet. “I’ve got an old friend to see.” She laughs and hugs me surprising me entirely. “Good luck Cat.” “See you around G.”


I shove my hands in my pockets and move along the dark street shuffling my feet. “Hey! Don’t you have somewhere to be?” A small voice makes itself present. I wheel my body to see the same little boy from earlier chewing on the candy bar I gave him. I narrow my eyebrows at him in confusion. “Could be asking you the same kid. What are you doing out here? It’s not safe.” He rolls his eyes and continues to enjoy his candy. “Then why are you out here?” He fires back laughing. “Because kid I’m able to take care of myself.” The child smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Couldn’t keep Jeromesafe.” the boy says getting up and running down an alleyway.

His legs carry him through the narrow dark space; me following him quickly. “Whoa! Wait! Kid wait!” I yell as he rounds the corner and is out of sight. I spin around in a full 360 trying to find the boy.

My brain clouds and I cannot think clearly. A searing pain in my temples causing me to fall to my knees weak and lean against the decrepit brick wall. My head spinning and feeling as it’s on fire. The pain continues and all I can do it grip my head and get as close to my knees as possible. I sit there for what felt like hours. Rocking myself back and forth trying to calm myself down. All I need is silence, but the world plays tricks on me and my body continues to resist the methods and fall deeper into the fire.

Barbra POV:
I walk down the sidewalk away from the club. “Where to Ms. Kean?” My driver asks as he opens the door for me. “Just to the house.” he nods understandably and closes the door. We ride along the streets of Gotham and come to one of the stop lights. I turn to peer out my window and see (Y/n) leaned up against the wall and looking exhausted.

After telling my driver to pull over I step out and walk up to her quietly. “(y/n)?” She moans lightly and lifts her head up revealing her face. She’s covered in sweat and she can hardly open her eyes. “What the hell happened? Did you get mugged?” I help my friend up and walk her to the car securing her safely inside.

After the shorter drive to the house and getting (y/n) inside I lay her on the couch. She looks at me and smiles. “You wanted to meet me?” She asks with effort in her voice. I nod and smile brushing her hair out of her face. She’s so beautiful! Have to say she looks like her mother. “I wanted to show you something.” I say and stand up making my way to the huge wardrobe. I open it and the box stood out perfectly. The old shoe box painted and doodled on held all the parts of (Y/n’s) life. Even the parts Jim wanted to keep away forever.

I walk back to her and see she is not sitting up and has gained some color back to her cheeks. “What is that? Looks like a kindergarten class went wild!” we laugh, and I pass it over to her. “Well that explains it because it’s yours.” (Y/n) looks at me shocked. “Why do you have it?” I shrug and sigh. “Jim didn’t want you to ever see it.” She nods and sighs looking down. She traces the colored streaks on the box and shakes her head laughing. “I’m not the same am I Barbra?” I shake my head looking at the confused young woman. “You used to be sort of like this, but that was when you were 15! People change, and, you certainly did.” “Was I a bad person Babs?” I grab her hands and shake my head in response. She directs her eyes to the box and runs her fingers over the colors before lifting the lid and exposing all her joyful memories she found important enough to keep.

“When you started making this box you were 16. I remember seeing you sit at the table for hours choosing a photo from each Christmas, birthday, and vacation. You put little cards in there that you got from close friends.” (Y/n) pulls out a packet of photos from our very last vacation. She pulled the photos one by one and looked at them smiling. Jim, (y/n), and I standing on the sand looking amazing! “That was such a good time!” (Y/n) shrugs flipping through more pictures. “At least you can remember it.” she tosses the packet of photos onto the coffee table across from us. I sit her up straight holding her by the shoulders. “I know this might be hard, but I really think this is what is going to bring your memories back.” (Y/n) looks at me with several emotions clouding her eyes. “Please show me. I feel bits and pieces of things every day! I can’t keep going knowing there is more. Everyone knows something about me that I don’t! That’s messed up don’t you think?!” (y/n) shouted laughing. “Okay. look at these ones.”

I go over to the wardrobe and grab a separate box. This one containing everything from her time with Jerome. I set the box in her lap. She wastes no time digging into the pile of love notes, letters from him, gifts, and pictures. She holds a picture of Jerome and herself. She quickly looked through the rest of the pictures throwing them everywhere. She drops the box on the couch laughing. “Holy shit.” she breathed laughing some more.

(Y/n) POV:
Picture after picture bubbles popped inside my head revealing the truth of my life. Jerome was there through everything. He set me free.

“Oh, wait you forgot something.” Babs laughs as she pulls out a smaller box. I lift the lid to find none other than my glass bowl Jerome and I smoked out of the first night we met. I smile at Babs and show her the pipe. “Know any good candy men Babs?” She laughs and pulls out her phone. “Only the best for the best.” She winked and walked off.

About an hour later both Babs and I are watching some soap opera and throwing our treats at the cast members we don’t like. I get up and stretch popping my back. “Oh! That felt good!” I laugh and spin around falling back on the couch. “I think I’m going to hit the sack girl. You good down here?” I smile at my best friend and nod happily. “I’ll be good.” Babs kisses my head and leaves the room.

I roll on my back and stare up at the ceiling. “(y/n) Gordon… Oh the places you’ve been.” I mumble and light up a rolled blunt inhaling and then exhaling feeling the numb and light feeling in my body. “Doesn’t look like you’re being good to me Ms. Gordon.” I roll off the couch in surprise by the voice.

I sit up on my knees and look to my left to see him. This kid keeps following me! I stand up a little frightened. “How’d you get in here?” The little boy laughs smirking at me. “You let me in (y/n).” He giggles cutely and sits closer to me. “What are you?” I ask going to touch his curly red hair. The little boy smiles and kisses my cheek. The boy hugs me close. He doesn’t move an inch as I try and sit back on the couch. As I get a quarter of the way to standing I fall back on the ground with little red still clinging to me.

I look to my right to see him. A picture of him. This little boy who is hugging me is in a picture flying a kite with a circus in the background. I take the picture in my fingers and flip it over.

Jerome’s 7th birthday. He loves his kite.

I let the photograph fall back to the ground and hold my breath. “Jerome?” I ask quietly. He lifts his head up and smiles at me. “We have a winner Doll face.”

Such a Joker (31/?)


Warning: swearing, drug use.

I shove my hands in my pockets and move along the dark street shuffling my feet. “Hey! Don’t you have somewhere to be?” A small voice makes itself present. I wheel my body to see the same little boy from earlier chewing on the candy bar i gave him. I narrow my eyebrows at him in confusion. “Could be asking you the same kid. What are you doing out here? It’s not safe.” He rolls his eyes and continues to enjoy his candy. “Then why are you out here?” He fires back laughing. “Because kid I’m able to take care of myself.” The child smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Couldn’t keep Jerome safe.” the boy says getting up and running down an alleyway.

His legs carry him through the narrow dark space; myself following him quickly. “Whoa! Wait! Kid wait!” I yell as he rounds the corner and is out of sight. I spin around in a full 360 trying to find the boy.

My brain clouds and i cannot think clearly. A searing pain in my temples causing me to fall to my knees weak and lean against the decrepit brick wall. My head spinning and feeling as it’s on fire. The pain continues and all i can do it grip my head and get as close to my knees as possible. I sit there for what felt like hours. Rocking myself back and forth trying to calm myself down. All i need is silence, but the world plays tricks on me and my body continues to resit the methods and fall deeper into the fire.

Barbra POV:

I walk down the sidewalk away from the club. “Where to Ms. Kean?” My driver asks as he opens the door for me. “Just to the house.” he nods understandably and closes the door. We ride along the streets of Gotham and come to one of the stop lights. I turn to peer out my window and see (Y/n) leaned up against the wall and looking absolutely exhausted.

After telling my driver to pull over I step out and walk up to her quietly. “(y/n)?” She moans lightly and lifts her head up revealing her face. She’s covered in sweat and she can hardly open her eyes. “What the hell happened? Did you get mugged?” I help my friend up and walk her to the car securing her safely inside.

After the shorter drive to the house and getting (y/n) inside I lay her on the couch. She looks at me and smiles. “You wanted to meet me?” She asks with effort in her voice. I nod and smile brushing her hair out of her face. She’s so beautiful! Have to say she looks like her mother. “I wanted to show you something.” I say and stand up making my way to the huge wardrobe. I open it and the box stood out perfectly. The old shoe box painted and doodled on held all the parts of (Y/n’s) life. Even the parts Jim wanted to keep away forever.

I walk back to her and see she is not sitting up and actually has gained some color back to her cheeks. “What is that? Looks like a kindergarten class went wild!” we laugh and i pass it over to her. “Well that explains it because it’s yours.” (Y/n) looks at me shocked. “Why do you have it?” I shrug and sigh. “Jim didn’t want you to ever see it.” She nods and sighs looking down. She traces the colored streaks on the box and shakes her head laughing. “I’m not the same am I Barbra?” I shake my head looking at the confused young woman. “You use to be sorta like this, but that was when you were 15! People change, and, you certainly did.” “Was I a bad person Babs?” I grab her hands and shake my head in response. She directs her eyes to the box and runs her fingers over the colors before lifting the lid and exposing all her joyful memories she found important enough to keep.

“When you started making this box you were 16. I remember seeing you sit at the table for hours choosing a photo from each christmas, birthday, and vacation. You put little cards in there that you got from close friends.” (Y/n) pulls out a packet of photos from our very last vacation. She pulled the photos one by one and looked at them smiling. Jim, (y/n), and myself standing on the sand looking absolutely amazing! “That was such a good time!” (Y/n) shrugs flipping though more pictures. “At least you can remember it.” she tosses the packet of photos onto the coffee table across from us. I sit her up straight holding her by the shoulders. “I know this might be hard, but i really think this is what is going to bring your memories back.” (Y/n) looks at me with several emotions clouding her eyes. “Please show me. I feel bits and pieces of things everyday! I can’t keep going knowing there is more. Everyone knows something about me that i don’t! That’s messed up don’t you think?!” (y/n) shouted loudly laughing. “Okay. look at these ones.”

I go over to the wardrobe and grab a separate box. This one containing everything from her time with Jerome. I set the box in her lap. She wastes no time digging into the pile of love notes, letters from him, gifts, and pictures. She holds a picture of Jerome and herself. She quickly looked through the rest of the pictures throwing them everywhere. She drops the box on the couch laughing. “Holy shit.” she breathed laughing some more.

(Y/n) POV:

Picture after picture bubbles popped inside my head revealing the truth of my life. Jerome was there through everything. He set me free.

“Oh wait you forgot something.” Babs laughs as she pulls out a smaller box. I lift the lid to find none other than my glass bowl Jerome and I smoked out of the first night we met. I smile at Babs and show her the pipe. “Know any good candy men Babs?” She laughs and pulls out her phone. “Only the best for the best.” She winked and walked off.

About an hour later both Babs and I are watching some soap opera and throwing our treats at the cast members we don’t like. I get up and stretch popping my back. “Oh! That felt good!” I laugh and spin around falling back on the couch. “I think I’m going to hit the sack girl. You good down here?” I smile at my best friend and nod happily. “I’ll be good.” Babs kisses my head and leaves the room.

I roll on my back and stare up at the ceiling. “(y/n) Gordon… Oh the places you’ve been.” I mumble and light up a rolled blunt inhaling and then exhaling feeling the numb and light feeling in my body. “Doesn’t look like you’re being good to me Ms. Gordon.” I roll off the couch in surprise by the voice.

I sit up on my knees and look to my left to see him. This kid keeps following me! I stand up a little frightened. “How’d you get in here?” The little boy laughs smirking at me. “You let me in (y/n).” He giggles cutely and sits closer to me. “What are you?” I ask going to touch his curly red hair. The little boy smiles and kisses my cheek. The boy hugs me close. He doesn’t move an inch as i try and sit back on the couch. As i get a quarter of the way to standing I fall back on the ground with little red still clinging to me.

I look to my right to see him. A picture of him. This little boy who is hugging me is in a picture flying a kite with a circus in the background. I take the picture in my fingers and flip it over.

Jerome’s 7th birthday. He loves his kite.

I let the photograph fall back to the ground and hold my breath. “Jerome?” I ask quietly. He lifts his head up and smiles at me. “We have a winner Dollface.”

Really need serious input!

As of this moment I am either going to release the new chapters of Such A Joker or trash the story and start a new series. Please let me know if you’re enjoying the series and I will continue to post Such A Joker.

Wayne’s Girl


Jerome is obsessed with Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend and decides she should be his.

(Kinda sucks)

Jerome POV:

She walks down the street. Her coat costing hundreds hugging to her body close trapping the warmth inside its fabric. Her hips slightly swigging as she struts down the sidewalk to her destination. A small coffee shop accompanied with other citizens of Gotham. She comes her every Wednesday to get coffee for her and that tool Wayne.

Once she disappeared into the shop I back away from the ledge and sigh. “For my heart longs for you… sadly the sting of the lost feeling still remains… for I will-“ “go on an adventure to win the princess back. Yeah yeah. Heard it all before. Now will you come on? If you want to do this it needs to be now!” Jervis Tetch speaks behind me interrupting my time with my lady.

I walk up to him angry and about to give him a piece of my mind! Wait… mind…

“Jervis. I need something from you.” He raises his eyebrow in wonder. “From me? Well I suppose I could be assistance in whatever game you play.” I turn around and look at the city below smiling as I see her again. “Oh this game will be fun.” I smile and laugh from the building top.

(Y/n) POV:

I sit on the couch in the Wayne study reading my book as Bruce does the same. My feet upon his thighs in a relaxed mood as we sit and enjoy each other’s company. Bruce closes his book quickly and stands up excited. “What do you think about going out tonight?” Bruce asks me dusting the lint off his black sweater.

I shrug and smile at him. “What did you have in mind Bruce?” He smiles taking my hand and lifting me up, walking me towards his desk and having me sit in the large leather chair. “Close your eyes (y/n). I’ll be right back.” I follow my instructions and close my eyes awaiting to see what Bruce has come up with.

Minutes pass and the manor is deathly still. “Bruce?” I call out into the dimly lit room. The sound of the floor creaking nearby makes me smile and giggle quietly. Oh what could he have planned? A nice dinner? A romantic carriage ride?

The door opens to the office and then closes. After that no more movement at all. Just silence. I huff and threatened to open my eyes playfully.

“I’m opening then in 3… 2… 1…” I open my eyes adjusting to the low light. I don’t see Bruce anywhere. Just a big purple box on the coffee table before the fireplace.

I giggle and walk up to it circling it. “Even got the wrapping my favorite color. You’re really trying aren’t you?” I pull open the lid and a set up of tea is all laid out.

“Don’t mind if I do.” I pick up the little cup in my fingers and take a sip. Instantly as the warm liquid flowed down my throat and into my body my head began to swim. I stumbled onto the couch and that’s when I see him.

Jervis Tetch. The mad hatter.

I point to him unable to rise up or speak. He laughs and pats me head. “Wayne’s little girl needs to go to sleep and not make a peep. Not long now will you be alone in the streets. No one to beat. Just him and him only for days to repeat. Goodnight sweet (y/n) just wait for your prince to wake.” He says to me softly swinging his watch in front of my eyes until they fall closed.


I roll over my head pounding. Did I go out last night? Oh man I can’t even remember last night! Am I still drunk? I roll again hitting a body beside me. Not alarmed I snuggle closer and in response have an arm wrapped around my waist. I go to stroke Bruce’s cheek but once I rest my fingers on the skin I realize Bruce is not here. My washed out state making it hard to sit up. I’m so weak. My fingers run over along the face to feel the scars. The scars of a feared man in Gotham. A man feared by the whole city. A man feared by my boyfriend.

I look up my vision clearing in and out. To think if this man is asleep I could make a run for it, but to my dismay he’s wide awake and smiling at me. “Ah look at you. Already awake! I’m so happy to see you (y/n).” Jerome says and hops in front of me. I wave my hands around still very confused and somehow extremely calm. My anxiety is like a fire in my body but my outside chamber is to weak to make sense of my emotions.

“How do you know my name?” Jerome lays a hand softly on my cheek and smiles. “I take an interest in the things I care about doll.” “If this is about Bruce please don’t hurt him. I’ll-“ “yeah I’ll do anything. Heard it before. Don’t care. You see he’s not going to get hurt. Not unless we break the rules lovely. You step out of line and Wayne gets crushed like roadkill under a 14 wheeler.” I gulp and nod in fear for my lovers life.

“Now this is your room! Do you like it? I know purple is your favorite.” Jerome asks as he pulls me into a huge room decorated to the exact way I love everything. Even Bruce couldn’t get something like this perfect.

Days after days and nights after nights. My fear lessened for the clown. He never hurt me. He never yelled. He never made me feel uncomfortable. He made me feel wanted. Which was surprising to me because after the times I can recall with Bruce he always had something on his mind. It was never just the two of us.

Weeks pass and my disappearance has flooded Gotham’s papers and news stations, but I’m not fighting to escape.

Jerome comes in my room holding a box wrapped all nice with a bow. I lay my book down and smile at him. “Jerome you need to stop giving me these gifts! You’re spoiling me.” He sits next to me and passes me to box. “It’s just a little something.” I open the lid and peer into the box to find a very beautiful handcrafted blown glass rose.

I gasp and hold it in my hands gently. “It’s so beautiful Jerome! I don’t know what to say.” He smirks and places one of his hands upon mine wrapping his fingers around my own. “Jerome may I ask you something?” He looks up at me and nods with a smile.

“Was my capture ever about Bruce? Or were you just jealous?” I giggle as Jerome’s face heats up and he laughs loudly. “Me? Jealous of that sack of buns? Please!” I smirk and cross my own given boundaries. I crawl on his lap still in my silk night shirt and underwear. “Then why did you take me Jerome?” I ask wrapping my hands around his neck and playing with the short sprigs of hair on his neck.

“I think I know. Even if you refuse to admit it.” Jerome scoffs looking everywhere but my eyes. I tilt his chin so he’s making direct eye content. “You Jerome Valeska we’re jealous of Billionaire Boy Bruce Wayne because he had the sweet girl Jerome craved. Am I wrong? I know what you could do! If I’m wrong get up and leave my room… and if I’m right all you have to do is kiss me.” I say biting my lip and running my finger along his scar.

Jerome grabs my hand and stares at me for a few moments. “Am I wrong?” I whispered giggling at the end. “No (y/n). You’re right as rain doll face.” He closes our space and kisses me deeply proving my theory in a most enjoyable way. “You’re my girl now. My doll. No more time for Wayne to enjoy what’s mine.” Jerome says spinning me and matching our lips again.

Part 54 Here!


I stop at the bottom of the staircase with a basket of clothes. “You two need to come down here or you’re going to be late. We have a set time, you know!” “WE KNOW!” The twins yell. Four feet hitting the steps quickly. “Can I give this to him?” Juliet opens a card reading a sweet love letter to her father. “That’s very sweet, honey. I’m sure he will love it.” Jeremy shuffles his feet pushing his glasses up his nose. “Do you have something for him, Jer?” He nods, pulling out a book about his favorite animal. “He loves tigers!” Jeremy’s eyes light up. “Really?!” “Yeah! Come on!”

I rush the kids to the car, buckling them into their seats before making way to Arkham Hospital. “Make way! We’re back!” Juliet screams as she runs to the door, swiping the entry card. The nurses stare at my family strangely each week. “Juliet, honey. Slow down.”

“Daddy!” Juliet yells at the gate, flailing her arms around. “Welcome back, Juliet.” A guard by the name of Rick speaks up. “Thanks, Rick! Care to open the gate, good sir?” She bows to him playfully. As the doors slide, Jeremy walks through the patients calmly minding his business while Juliet attempts to make friends.

“Jules, honey, come on.” I laugh, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the table. Jeremy sits in front of his dad crossing his hands in front of him. “Hello, dad.” He smiles brightly at Jeremiah. “Daddy!” Juliet throws her arms over his neck hugging him.

Rick comes over nodding to us. “His room is ready if you’d like to escort him.” I nod, going behind Jerimiah’s wheelchair. “Thank you, Rick.”

The kids walk behind me as I push Jer to his secluded room on the end of the hall. “Jeremy, love, get the door for me, please.”

“Sure.” As my boy pushed the door open Juliet jumps on his bed. “Can’t we spend the night, mommy?” I scoff, “Jules, you know we can’t.” She crosses her arms. “Why not?” I bend down to her level. “Don’t you have something for him?”

She takes the card out of her pocket and pushes it towards Jeremiah. “I made this for you, daddy.” She places it on his leg. He just sits still, looking dead at the wall. “Are you going to read it?” Juliet looks at me. “He won’t read it if you’re in here, mommy. Can you step outside?” I give her a sad smile. “Honey, he’s… daddy can’t move.” She looks up at me confused. “That’s not true. I’ve seen him!” Jeremy walks over and leans to his father’s ear, whispering. Then goes to his mouth, listening almost as if Jeremiah is speaking back.

“Kids! That is enough! Jeremiah is not going to move. He’s not going to talk. All we can do is come visit and see him. We do not get a response. Now straighten up or-”

“Oh darling, you’ve gotten yourself all tightened up haven’t you?”

His voice cracking. Dry and horse. I turn around seeing Jeremiah standing out of his chair. “What? See a ghost?” He laughs spinning around. “Daddy!” The kids cheer running to him and jumping In his arms. “Oh, my boy and girl. I’ve missed you!”

I stood frozen as the kids interacted with him. He looks over at me. Scars and all, he’s still my love. “(Y/n), my wife. Come to me.” As a river flows one way, so does my heart. I reach for him, walking closer. “You haven’t aged a day. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner.” I rest my head on his chest letting out a breath. “Jeremiah. It’s been so long.” He hugs me close. “I know, darling. I know, but now we’re together again. As a family.” I back away from him slightly. “Why have you done this for so long? How long were you able to-” Jer shovels me in his arms, pressing myself against him, devouring my lips. “Everything is fine now. Unanswered questions are useless. Live with me, now, in the present.”


The kids and I walk into Arkham with smiles. “Morning, Rick.” He tips his hat to us, opening the gate. “A pure saint you are.” I internally roll my eyes. “I just want my kids to have their time with their father.”

I grab the handles on Jer’s chair pushing him forward towards his room. I kiss the side of his head. “Almost there, honey.”

The kids open the door letting me in and close it right after we make it through. Jerimiah sits still waiting. I stare at him confused. “Jer?” I question leaning down. “BOO!” He raises his hands scaring me. I jump back holding my heart. The kids laugh running to him.

Hours of laughing and playing with Jeremiah the sky has darkened. I put on my jacket and gather my kids. “Alright. Time to go home, loves. I still need to make dinner. Pops is coming over.” Jer frowns and hugs his two wild redheads. Juliet shuffles her feet. “Do we have to, Mommy?” “Honey, of course, we do. This isn’t a hotel.”

Jer kisses my head. “Not long now. We will all be home.” He rushes me out and closed the door leaving me to wonder about his plans.


Juliet and Jeremy sit at the table swinging their feet. I open the door with my hip, setting the roast on the table. “Now remember what I told you.” “Don’t talk about dad.” My children say out loud. “That’s right!” The doorbell rings and the two kids rush to it.

“You’re under arrest!” Jeremy says holding his hands like a gun. “Woah!” Jim throws his hands up. “Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot!” Jim scoops him up wrestling him on the couch. “We got you now, Pops!” Juliet says beating him with pillows. I smile looking at them. I get a cold chill against my neck making the hairs stand up. I rub my neck and turn around to see nothing.

Must be a draft.

“Alright, kids, Dad, come on and eat.”

All four of us around the table acting as a picture-perfect family. All that would soon change.


The children in bed asleep when my phone rings over and over and over and over. “What Dad? I’m getting-” “DID YOU KNOW (Y/N)?” I bite my tongue. “Know what? What’s going on?” “(Y/ N), Jerimaih has escaped!” My blood runs cold at the mention. I sigh into the phone. “I don’t know where he could go, Dad. He would come here if he knew where I was.” “It’s not you, he wants. It’s me.” “Do you need me?” He holds his breath. “I can’t tell you to leave the kids.”

I look over my shoulder at the doors. “I’m going to Bab’s to get Barbara Lee.” I hang up locking the kids behind both double doors.


At Barbra’s the lights and music suddenly turns on.

♪Now, I don’t hardly… ♪ ♪ But I think I could love her ♪ ♪ Crimson and clover ♪

“Turn around.” She speaks to the figure at the bar. “Turn around. I won’t ask again.”

A chilling voice emerges behind her. “Surprise.” She whips around to hit Jerimiah but is pushed into Ecco. “Easy. It’s just a surprise party. For you, Barbara Kean, queen of Gotham, business titan. How exciting. But there was another you, I… I seem to recall. Wasn’t there? Then again, there was, uh, another me, too. Oh, so hard holding on to what’s real. It’s… It’s enough to drive you mad.” He cackles over her. Barbara Lee comes running at Jerimiah, throwing a statue at Ecco.

Jeremiah looks down at her unamused. “Cute. Mine is better.” Jer simply shoots Babs in the abdomen. “Mom!” Jerimiah picks Barbara Lee up, “She has your eyes. For now.”

Echo whimpers, holding her stomach. “I… think she… nicked me, Daddy. I… oh, boy.” Jer stares at his assistant. “Oh, dear me. My sweet Ecco, no longer my echo. There will never be one like you. (y/n) will miss you dearly.” She smiles widely, “Really?” Jerimiah aims and shoots her in the chest. She smiles as blood pours down her chin. “But you were deceiving and in love with my wife. I suppose there are other employees available.”

“Let me… down.” Barbara Lee struggles in his arms. Jerimiah leans down to Bads on the ground, pistol-whipping her.

“Hush, little Barbaras, don’t say a word. Now we’re going to play a… little game. By now, James Gordon should have made it to your apartment and called his daughter. When he gets here, I want you to deliver a message.”


I park my car as I see Dad sitting alone. I run-up to the club seeing Bads laying down. “What happened?” She glares at me. “He took her! Your psychotic husband took her!” She reaches for me in anger. “He took her! That lunatic took her! He said you have to come, and if you don’t come, he’s gonna kill her.” “Where?” “The place where he was born again.” I rub my face in frustration. “Ace Chemicals.” I run down getting in my car and racing there. “Jer!” I call out loudly. “You can’t do this shit, Jeremiah!”

“Jeremiah? Is there a Jeremiah here?” I hear him call. I follow the voice to see him all alone. “So what should I call you?” I tilt my head, tears flowing. “Jerimiah.” “No, no. That’s a boy name.” “STOP THIS!” I scream. His facade falls slightly but never cracking.

“I call you the devil.” Dad appears behind me with his gun drawn. “Wher is my daughter?” Jer looks at him confused. “The Devil? No, Call me… Jack. Mm, no, no, no, that’s not right. J-Joseph. John. Jay. I-I don’t know. I just… I feel something new crawling from the primordial ooze that was me. Something… beautiful.”

“How long have you been pretending to be brain-dead?” “How long have you been pretending? That’s a joke. I know you’re not pretending.” I look up seeing Barbra Lee hanging over the tanks. “Ah, ah, ah, that’s far enough, (y/n).”

“But you still haven’t told me. Why? Why keep pretending?” I look at Jer in confusion. Why has he waited all this time?“ He smirks, "I was waiting for him to come home. We’re bound together, he and I. It’s the one thing I knew for certain, the one thing I knew was true. And then he just… abandoned us. Do you know how it feels to have the one, the only thing you love ripped away from you? It feels like this.” Jer pulls the rope releasing Barabra Lee. “No!” I scream grabbing hold of the rope, the fibers sliding my hands.

Clangs of metal are thrown at Jer, who dodges them. “Who’s there?! What do you want?! Show yourself! Show yourself!” I see a black mass whooshing over us. I gasp in realization. “You.” Jeremiah laughs before he’s knocked out cold.


“Now you give those kids kisses from their Pop.” I laugh as I hang onto my father’s arm as we walk to dark streets. “You know you could come over. They miss you. You make them laugh, dad.” He shrugs and kisses my head. “I’ll come over tomorrow night for dinner. Let it be a surprise.” I nod and open my car door sighing. “Bye, dad.” “Bye (Y/n). I love you. Tell Juliet and Jermey I love them too.” “Of course.” I finish, getting in my car and closing the door.

The drive home is never my favorite. Time alone is cruel to me. I still hear his laughter. Both of them are so different yet so loveable in their ways.

Juliet holds so much of Jerome in her. Especially her eyes. Full of joy and determination boxed up in two beautiful green orbs. Jeremy loves the books and brain teasers and puzzles like a certain Valeska who holds my heart.

I pull up to my small house upon a hill. The lights to the living room, kitchen, and kids’ room are the only lights illuminating the house. The sitter’s car was still parked in the driveway where it was hours ago untouched.

I unlock the door stepping into my house. “Jeremy! Juliet! Babes, I’m home!” I hear my daughter’s beautiful laughter from down the hall. “Mommy! Come here and look!” She giggles, creating a smile on my face.

Jeremy giggles and yells from the same room, “Juliet made a mess, Mom!”

Maybe they’re playing house, maybe even cops and robbers!

My heels click as they edge closer to the door. I grasp the handle smiling. “Did you two have a good time with Abby? I hope you were” I scream as the sight before me wounds my eyes.

Abby, the sweet high school girl who has watched my babies grow up now lays in my daughter’s bed with knives and pins stuck in her body.

My baby girl, Juliet, stands next to her, knife in hand, blood on her cheeks, and a wide smile spread across her lips.

I cover my mouth horrified. “Juliet. Honey.” she giggles and pulls out a pin of Abby’s eye. “We played Doctor, mommy!” She runs to me laughing and holding the weapons.

Jeremy runs in from the bathroom with a blood-soaked rag. “I’ll help clean, mommy!”

I fall to my knees letting a few silent tears fall. “Are you okay, mommy?” Jeremy asks with big eyes filled with worry. He walks over, hugging me by his sister’s side. “I’m sorry we ruined the floor. I told Julie we needed a sheet first.” Jeremy says, kissing my cheek.

Juliet wraps her blood-covered hands around my neck kissing my cheek like her brother. “Did Pop not come too? I miss him.” I smile holding my girl as Jeremy goes to clean the floor again. “Pop has a busy day tomorrow morning. He said he’ll make it up to you.” she nods and laughs again.

Jeremy takes the knife from his sister and holds it up to me smiling. “Do you want to play, mommy?” I see the joy in those eyes as she asks me. I see hope in her eyes.

“Yeah, mommy! Play with us!” Juliet jumps on the bed over Abby’s body.

I grab the knife and stare down at it.


“Yeah, come on, mommy. Let’s play.”

I look up and see Jerome sitting at Juliet’s vanity playing with a big brush for her play makeup. “Aw come on doll. Look at her. You’ll make her so happy.”

I turn my head to the right and see Jerimiah flipping through a children’s book. “Better than intoxicating their minds with this, darling. Think of how much they’ll admire you. Our little ones will look up to you as their hero. A hero they’re going to be told is evil in Gotham. Raise them right.”

Jerome grabs my hand and helps me grasp the handle of the knife. “For me doll. For Jeremy and Juliet. For you, (y/n). I know you miss it, doll. Go on.”

I walk over to the cold dead body and look at my little boy and girl between their fathers.

“Let me show you two something Daddy showed me.” Juliet runs over and hops on her bed next to her brother, standing in between Abby’s legs. “What mommy?”

“If you slice a clean cut from the corners of her lips… to her cheeks…” I slice the skin feeling my hands become lighter.

“She’s smiling!” Juliet giggles and jumps. “Isn’t she pretty, Jeremy?” Juliet asks, hugging her brother. He giggles and nods jumping on the bed.

I see my men both smile at me. “Let’s go get cleaned up and then we can call pop and tell him goodnight.” She nods and skips to her bathroom.

“You’re such a bad mom, (y/n).” Jerome purrs smacking my butt as I pass him. Jerimiah rolls his eyes and simply kisses my head. “They’ll turn out to be magnificent, darling. Even more than they are now.” I shrug smiling at them both.

“What can I say. They’re Valeska Twins." 

Part 53 Here!


“Who are you?” Bruce’s voice booms through the study. He stares at his newly crafted parents with confusion, and shock. His mind must be going in circles. “Well, look who decided to join us,” Martha speaks to her boy. “Hello, champ.” Thomas follows.

“Master Bruce!” Alfred pops in with a tray of tea and biscuits. Bruce looks at his friend in shock. “Alfred, how did you…”

“Look at the state of you. What have I told you about rolling around in the muck?” Bruce stares at everyone, Jeremiah and I hide away watching for the time being.

“Alfred, what’s going on? Who are these people?”

“Whatever do you mean, Bruce?”

“We’re your parents.” Silence from the billionaire boy Bruce Wayne.

“Right. Well, let’s get you spruced up. After all, we have guests.”

Jeremiah pulls us both out with smiles. His hand around my waist and his other raising a glass. “Welcome home, Bruce.”

“Jeremiah. You’re alive.” Bruce’s eyes travel to mine.

“Well, you didn’t think Selina could kill me so easily, did you? Or that I’d ever leave my wife and my unborn sprees? I just had to put you off my scent until I could finalize my… project.” Jeremiah pinches Martha’s cheek. Bruce lunges for him before Alfred stops him. “Manners, Master Bruce. Let’s not be rude to our guests.”

I look to Bruce with a slight smile. If I play along I might be able to stay safer if I play the victim. I smile kissing Jer’s cheek. “Especially when we come bearing gifts.” I present the bomb to them all on the table. “Oh, Mrs. Valaska. A cake. How exceedingly kind of you. Is it Italian meringue?” I look back at Jeremiah with a smile, about to burst into laughter. He shrugs his shoulder. “Sure.” Bruce strides towards me with fury, until Jeremiah pulls out the trigger.

“Now, now, Bruce, you come any closer and I blow up Wayne Manor, with all of us inside of it. I have a dozen more of these, uh, Italian meringues sprinkled throughout the house.” Bruce glares at me with ill intent. “What did you do to Alfred? And who are these people?” I roll my eyes leaving Jerimiah’s side and plopping on the couch. “Ah, glad you asked. Come.”

Jer strolls over to look at Wayne’s personalized smiles with Bruce. “Mommy and Daddy dearest were just an innocent couple I kidnapped based on… bone structure and, um… build. Just a touch of plastic surgery, and voila… Waynes. Alfred, I nabbed in the Green Zone.” Bruce waves his hand in front of their faces, connecting the dots.

“They’re hypnotized.”

“Well, I’m afraid there was no room for improv in our script. Today is a… very important day, Bruce. Just look at the way they’re dressed.” I walk around Martha, admiring her pearls. “I like these, J.” He hum. “I’ll get you some just like it, love, but these ones are important for tonight.” I giggle and kiss his cheek.

“It’s the night my parents were killed,” Bruce says with sadness.

“And I’m giving you the chance to experience it all over again.”


“Isn’t it obvious? Bruce… this…this was the most important day of your life. And I didn’t get to be a part of it. We didn’t get to comfort you on your big day. We need to rectify that.” I stretch my arms out, planting them on my swollen belly. “Alfred, is dinner done? I’m hungry.”

Jeremiah nods looking at Alfred. “Chop-chop. We’re on a very tight schedule. My wife needs to eat.” Alfred bows his head. “Of course, Mr. Jeremiah.”

Jeremiah pulls out a chair for me in the dining area. Very comfortable and quaint! Jeremiah passes me a plate full of fruits and toast. “Alfred told me such great tidbits about your childhood. Any jam, darling?” Jer paused to ask me. I shake my head, kissing his cheek. “No love.”

He nods, “Anyways, yes, How you used to eat here, in the kitchen, when it was just you and the family. My, how… homey and intimate. That’s exactly how I’m raising my children.”

Alfred walks over with Jer’s food. “Grilled cheese and Branston pickle sandwich, Mr. Jeremiah. Master Bruce’s favorite. My influence, though Thomas did add a dash of aioli for extra flair.” Jer looks at Bruce with judgemental eyes. “Oh. Come on, Bruce. That’s a weird favorite food for a 12-year-old.”

“I’m playing your game,” Bruce says smacking the plate off the table. “Now let Alfred and these people go. They’re innocent.”

“I’m sorry, Bruce, it’s just… it’s very important to me that I get every detail exactly right. Speaking of which… the final touch. What was it like… losing your parents that night? I lost my family, too, Bruce. The wound still hasn’t healed. I… think about it often.” Jeremiah falls into his thoughts, trailing off.

“None of this is real. You’re trying to manipulate me. It will never be real.” Jer smirks seeing the despair and sadness on Bruce’s face. “But you are thinking about that night. That’s all I need. I just want to be connected to you. I offered for you to be my best friend! You could’ve been the godfather to my children. But I’ve realized if we… can’t be friends… then we can be connected in other ways.”

“How?” Bruce asks frightened.

“You’ll see. In time.” Jeremiah looks at his watch humming. “I’m sorry to cut tonight short… but… your parents and I have a very important date …with destiny.” He laughs as we stand up and disappear with the Waynes. “You might want to find your faithful butler and leave. Quickly.” as we rush out of the home Bruce struggles to find his butler.

Jeremiah runs through the tunnels, dragging me behind. “Exhilarating. Isn’t it love?” I grab the wall as we near the end. “I… I need to slow down.” His face smooths and he presses his hand to my back. “Aw, my love, I’m sorry. Giving you a hard time today?” His hand comes to my stomach and the twins kick excessively. “When you’re around.” I laugh leaning onto the soft fabric of his blazer. Jer looks down at me with sad eyes. “This is dangerous. You shouldn’t be here.” I furrow my brows. “You brought me along!” “And it was foolish of me. Gents, for the rest of the night, keep my wife safe. At safe blast range.”


“Jeremiah!” Bruce calls in the theater. “Show yourself!”

The screen starts running a film. “Ol?! Hola, Bruce.” Jeremiah swings in the frame on the big screen. “Well, here we are, the theater where your mommy and daddy took you to see The Mark of Zorro. Ha-ha! I had heard you were obsessed with this man as a child. I wonder what was it

that intrigued you so? Was it the fact that he struck fear into the hearts of his enemy?” Jeremiah in his costume fights off his enemies on the screen.

“En garde! Take that, you villain.”

Jer looks into the screen. “Perhaps the movie was a bit too effective. Isn’t this the part where you became frightened? When you asked your parents to leave? I wonder what would have happened if you hadn’t done that. If you had conquered your fear. Maybe your parents would still be alive.”

“Well, on to the last and final stop down memory lane.”


Bruce runs out of the theater in a sprint. He stops in his tracks when he sees Jerimiah and I. “Stop! Stop! That’s far enough, Bruce.”

“Jeremiah. You don’t have to do this.”

“But I… I do. You see, I-I came to this realization. I realized that no matter what I did to bond us, some random gunman in an alley would be the man who you were tied to the most. The man you saw when you closed your eyes. I want to be the star of the show! Jeremiah says dramatically. "So if I can’t have you as a brother bonded by love, then we’ll just have to be bonded by hatred.” Bruce huffs at him in anger. “And you think killing two people that look like my parents will do that? It won’t.”

Jer tightens his grip on me. “Well, then it’s a good thing I already put a bullet in both of their fraudulent skulls.” I look up at him with furrowed brows. “You said-” “Oh, you’re both confused. How sweet.” I look back to the couple with their backs facing us. “Jer, who is that?”

“You’re wondering if I already shot them, then who’s this lovely couple?” I jerk away from Jerimiah in an attempt to see the two. “No.”

“Thomas, Martha…why don’t you turn around?” Tears well in my eyes. “Jer, why?” He looks down at me with venom. “It’s always been a roadblock, darling. Even for Jerome. With Jim in the way. No family of ours will survive. So why not have some fun with it, huh?” He winks at me. “No! You- you can’t. These kids need him.” “They need me,” Jerimiah says with a smirk. “And so do you, doll.”

“See, Bruce throughout our little adventure, fate brought to me James Gordon and Leslie Thompkins, and I thought to myself, why not… why not kill the man who you think of as your second father figure? And your dear, dear, dear friend Lee Thompkins. And when I do, finally, you and I will be bound together. Because you see…reunification with the mainland hangs on by a thread. Those fireworks go off and toxic chemicals rain down onto the city, and the government…cuts us adrift for good.” I let a tear fall. “Jeremiah, please. Don’t” He hold me tighter, never letting go of his hold.

Jer pulls me to the car, shoveling me in. “Dad!” I scream over his shoulder.

“I had Jervis Tetch hypnotize them so that they’ll wake up the moment these beautiful pearls hit the ground. I want you to see them realize what I’ve done to them as life drains from their bodies. Never forget, this is all for you, Bruce.” Jerimiah hops into the car with me, closing the door as we speed off. I stay silent. Sitting alone. “Aw, darling. Come on now. You know I had to. A wife can never live a life with two sides. You’ll understand one day.” He kisses my cheek while looking out the windows at his destruction.

“You know… I always liked him.” I look up across from me to see Jerome. “He got on my nerves, but he always kept it interesting, didn’t he, doll?” I push a smile out on my lips, nodding. Jerome leans over and kisses my forehead. “Cheer up love. Look down, look at our kids. Give them a laugh for me. Keep that one in check.” He winks before setting back and vanishing.

I shake my head pushing all the nerves back in my mind. “Jerimiah, love? Where are we going?” He smiles grabbing my hand. “To the finale.” Rounding a corner I see the big illuminated letters of ACE Chemicals. The inside reeking of strong odors.

“Jeremiah! Face me!” Bruce’s echoed scream bounced through the factory. “Here, Bruce,” Jer calls loudly. I stay behind pipes, hidden away safely as Bruce runs after my mad husband.

“Jeremiah! This ends. Tonight.”

Both gentlemen on the metal walkway above the vats of acid. Bruce hits Jerimaih making him stumble against the railing. “No, Bruce. Now it begins.” Bruce kicks Jerimaih down the catwalk, towering him. “You feel it.

The connection between us. You do. Don’t you? Bruce, you feel it.” Bruce punches Jeremiah as he continues. “Tell me you feel it.”

“You mean nothing to me.”

Jerimiah’s head butts Bruce before getting to his feet again. “Why don’t you understand?” Jer grabs Bruce pushing him against the railing, causing it to bend. “You need me. I’m the answer to your life’s question! Without me, you’re just a joke…without a punch-” Jerimiah throws his hand at Bruce, but Bruce moves at the right time causing Jer to miss. His arm follows through in the wind, his body hitting the railing hard causing it to break and Jerimiah to fall into the vat. “NO!” I scream running over. Bruce tugs me back as I try to reach down into the vat. “(y/n), no!” I cry holding to the broken railing. “No… no…” I lower my head into my hands. They’re both gone. I’m all alone now.

An ambulance rolls up fishing out Jerimiaha’s body from the vat. “Miss.” I continue to watch as Jerimiah’s body is laid on a table and carried away. “Miss.” I look up to see a nurse with worry-filled eyes. “I need you to come with me. You’ve been surrounded by hazardous chemicals. We need to make your child is okay.” I nod numbly. Passing Bruce, keeping my head down. “(Y/n),” Bruce calls. “Let me follow.” I nod without a word.


“Well, Mrs. Valeska. You’re set. Two healthy twins.” I nod standing. “Where is-” “Room 204. He’s unconscious.” “I don’t care.” I stand walking to the locked room, two guards on each side. “I’m his wife,” I say before entering. In the bed, Jerimiah lays still, wrapped up in bandages from head to toe. I feel my tears well up with tears. “He did it to himself, doll. Nothing you could’ve done.” Jerome kisses my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me. The ghostly feeling so comforting. I lay hand hands on his feeling the cold skin. “I wish you were here.” “I know, but someone else is.” The door opens and none other than my father walks in. “Dad.” “Oh, my god.” He covers his mouth, tears welling up, as he wraps me in his arms. “You’re okay.” I cry into his shoulder.

Selina and Bruce arrive in the room. “I can’t believe he’s still alive,” Selina says with hatred, but I can’t blame her. “They’ve been doing scans, and he has no brain activity,” I say never taking my eyes away from Jer. “So, he’s no longer a threat to you. To anyone.” I turn around walking away from the room. “(Y/n),” Dad calls out. “Come home with me, honey. You need to be-” “Okay. I’ll meet you there.” I continue to walk out the doors into the dark night of Gotham, a quiet night. 

Part 52 Here!


I pack two sandwiches in my purse and proceed to cover my hair with the large silk scarf. “Where are you sneaking off to?” Babs asks walking past me and downing a drink. “Secret date? I figured you would get sick of the pale faced clown.” I smile at my hands. I could never tire of my boy. I’m as crazy as him, maybe more, but he would never turn me away, and I could never leave him.

“I’m married.” “Even better.” I narrow my eyes at her. “Babs, I’m going to see my dad.” She widens her eyes. “Now you’re asking for a death wish.” I walk out the door, my heels clicking every step. “If you say so.”

I walk into the GCPD and can sense the chaos and tension thickly canned in the air. Not seconds later two individuals start brawling over bread. “Hey! Break it up!” My father pushes them back. “For all the new people here… everyone is welcome in Haven, but there are rules. And one of them is we leave the fighting outside. Government already thinks we don’t deserve help. We have to show otherwise. Gangs want to tear themselves apart outside, that’s their business. In here, in Haven… we help each other survive."  I hum with a slick smile as the two dispute the issue and the tension falls. Saved for another day.

I walk up to him nudging his arm. "Nice speech. I think it worked.” He turns to me and gasps, but recovers quickly. “(Y/n). You’re so big. No… Just-” “Pregnant, dad.” He nods smiling. “So what happens when they find out the government abandoned them?” He sighs, shaking his head. I pat his back. “Come on paper man. You need some real food.” I pull him into his office and remove the disguise. “Italian sub for you, and tuna for me.” “You hate tuna.” I smile sitting down. “They don’t.” I pat my swollen tummy. “So there are two of them?” I nod smiling.

“And you’re happy? He treats you well?” I nod again smiling at him. “Of course he does. He’s not a monster, dad.” He grabs my hand over the desk and squeezes it. “I don’t… like him. You know this. He destroyed the damn city for christ’s sake, but he is the father of my grandchildren, and the husband of my only daughter, so I can promise you… I will never kill him.” I kiss his hand and smile. “Who knew that’d be so comforting to hear.”


I walk into the elevator with the smile ghosted over my lips. Crackling from the speaker erupts my mind causing me to shake and grab the wall in fright. “Aw, honey, I’m sorry.” Ecco’s voice pipes up from the speaker. I wave my hand in front of the camera with a smile. “No worries. All good here.” I laugh placing a hand on my stomach. “Where is Jerimiah?” “Working down below. Would you like me to get him?” I smile up at the camera. “Let me go down.”

“Uh… Miss, I think we should wait. He doesn’t want you around the-” I press the button to the bottom floor faster than light. “Oops,” I smirk up to Ecco as the elevator skips the main floor and descends below.

The two doors slide open revealing a steamed room with the funk of hard labor. I step on the uneven ground and see Jerimiah fanning himself as he watches his workers. I rest my hands on his shoulders and kiss his cheek. “You’re working hard.” He spins around with a glare. “And you’re not supposed to be here.” He grips my hips pulling me towards him.

“I missed you.” I nuzzle into his chest. He hums as we rock back and forth. “I missed you, my love. Come on. No lady should be exposed to this heat.” He places his hand on the small of my back leading me to the elevator.

Holding me the entire way up and then carrying me to our bed, never letting us go. “Are my darlings all suggled up?” He asks resting my head on his chest. The icy colored flesh proving wrong to the touch of fire on my fingers. “Yes, Jer.” I mumble feeling my eyes draw to a close. “Never will I go a day without my family… even your father.” He kisses my head before I can ask the question.


Jeremiah POV:

My workers work endlessly day and night to break the walls of the under the earth. Slowing down each day, getting on my nerves in the end. You’re pushing my men way too hard. “We’re not gonna break through for at least a couple more days. There is absolutely no way to make it on schedule.” The leader of the pack of sweat cogs comes in.

My wife doesn’t need to be kept in this filth any longer. How dare he disrespect my future.  “Well, not with that attitude, you’re not.” I slice the man’s throat, as he falls to the ground, blood flowing on the dirt.

“Now… everyone… let’s reach inside and dig… a little deeper, shall we? ‘Cause that’s the only way you’re all making it out of this hole.” I hum watching their fear thicken.

Two taps on my shoulder break my gaze from the project. “Oh, Echo. Are these all the recruits?” Skinny, no brains, slim Whitted. These are my soldiers?

“Well, I thought you would want quality over quantity. Not everybody can pass a .38 caliber test of faith.” I smirk thinking of the trials and tests they’ve suffered.  “Yes… you certainly have set a very high bar for devotion.”

“Oh. Almost forgot. Bruce Wayne and his sidekick Curls… Or is he the sidekick? Anyway, they tried to infiltrate our little operation here.”

“Oh?” “ Oh. And Curls can walk, really well, especially… for a paraplegic. Ah. And she wants to kill you.” I glare at her with a snarl. This doesn’t help that my wife is being cared for in the same building.

“A lot, FYI. If I see her, I’ll give you a shout. Oh… and kill her.” I nod rolling my eyes. Finish the job and move on for the better of my wife and children.


I walk into the GCPD questioning room with my scarf wrapped around my head, and my belly protruding out. Quite the look I must say. I open the door to see Victor Zsasz pushed on to the table by Harvey.

“Ow. This is a really nice table.” I snicker and take my glasses off. “You do realize her thrives on the pain.” The three pairs of eyes look at me.  “We got a dozen witnesses that saw you walk out of that building before it went kabooey.”

“Yeah. I heard some gangs had taken over.” Zsasz says turning his eyes to me.  “Figured, with you guys occupied, I might help myself to some of your supplies. Hey, do you guys have any canned peaches? Man, I’d trade an arm and a leg for that right now. Not mine, somebody else’s. Maybe little baby Maniax’s.” He laughs reaching for my stomach before Jim swats his arm down.

“If you’re innocent, why shoot up a city block full of cops?”

“Because it was full of cops.” Zsasz and I say at the same time.

“Who were also trying to shoot me. And, guys, those were warning shots. I mean, if I really

wanted to kill you… you’d be dead. You got a pen? I want to write this guy a thank-you letter. Do the math. If I blew up a building full of people, I would have covered

every inch of my body in sweet, sweet scars. Mrs. Valeska…  want to do a strip search?” He winks before my father punches him. “She’s married, pig.”

I lock arms with my dad and walk through the station. “Got Lucius on the horn for you, Cap.”

“Lucius, talk to me.” I grab the phone holding it close enough for the both of us to hear. “Haven wasn’t destroyed by a bomb. It was an RPG, like the one that took down the chopper.”

“You sure?”

I’m holding what’s left of it in my hand right now. We found pieces of it in the rubble. It was fired through the basement window, detonated the fuel oil tank. And we’re still trying to figure out exactly which rooftop it was fired from.



“Dad, the only angle you could hit this place from is above. Zsasz was on the ground. Looks like you need a new suspect. I think we need to-”

“Jim! Ah. I know the wheels of justice turn slowly, so I’m here to provide- a modicum of grease.”

Rushing up towards the front, Oswald, the Mayor of fallen Gotham, stands tall and proud.

“You need to leave right now.”

“Still claiming he’s innocent, is he?”

“Yes. And as much as I hate to admit it, the evidence is backing him up.”

Harvey busts out, “What the hell’s going on?” “Harvey, according to Lucius, Zsasz couldn’t have done it.”

Oswald huffs with a smile. “I did not expect you to go soft, Jim. Actually, I did. Behind a grandpa and all must’ve changed your ways. Which is why I didn’t come alone.” Several gunmen come out armed and ready to fire. My father huddles me close and shields me from the view of guns.

“Bring me Victor Zsasz!”

“Leave, (Y/n). Go home!” Jim pushes me away towards the doors.


Jeremiah POV:

I wave my hat fanning my pale skin placed upon the crippling bones. It’s so damp and hot in here, but I’m freezing. My heart has gone cold without her scent around. Not a touch, not a wiff, not a glace for days it seems. Where is my angel with my bundles of joy?

“You see, a river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence. So what do we do when we feel like giving up? Dig a little deeper. And what do we do when we can’t possibly go on any longer? Dig a little deeper. And what do we…” A sharp blade stabs into my side crippling my speech. I look down seeing the masked figure in the striped coat. I gasp feeling my footing slide as the attacker shoves the blade into my stomach further.

“Deep enough?” The individual removes the mask revealing the little pussy of them all. “Well, Selina, I must say…” She pulls the blade out plunging it back in sharply.

“Don’t say anything.” Over and over again the blade is shoved into my side. The light dimming, the hot steam hitting my brow, the devilish laughter of my brother. This is near my end? Maybe so…

“Selina!” The rat is stripped away from me causing me to fall to the ground barely clinging to the life of happiness I have.

“Selina!” Bruce Wayne holds the fierce kitty back. “Stop. It’s done! It’s over.”


The building is quiet. The entire place is quiet… Not one swing of an ax hitting limestone, making a light clink sound. Not the ring of my husbands voice calling to his men. Not even Echo meeting me at the door with my slippers and milkshake. Something is not right.

“Jeremiah?” I call out as if he could hear me from below. If not him then someone. One of the members at least, but no one came. I proceeded to enter the elevator only to see blood on the buttons and floor. They were having the graduation today, not everyone makes it.

The doors  open to the pool room and I could almost drop to my knees at the smell. Thick scent of blood coating the walls. I walk out of the elevator and down into the pool counting the dead. No Echo or Jeremiah. Good so far.

I make my way down to the tunnels where silence has taken over. Just a simple lone man sitting in a chair. “Where is Jermiah?” I panic pulling my jacket closer. Could he have left me?

“Mrs. Valaska!” “Where is my husband?” “He’s off in the tunnels. He’s got injured. I’m supposed to take you to him.” “Well, go on!” He shuffles his feet in a pace of nervousness, tripping over rocks and pickaxes. “How did he get hurt?” “Someone came in and just stabbed the boss. She was taken away by Bruce Wayne.” I feel fire ignite in my blood. Selina and Bruce. What a treat. Trying to kill my husband in my own home.

Down the tunnels I hear him. Groaning in pain as Echo stitches him up. “How could you let this happen?” I shout at her. “She was fast.” “And you’re supposed to be faster.” I glare at her as she cowers at my words.

“Don’t stress, darling. It’s not good for the babies.”

“Jeremiah.” I kneel down next to him grabbing his face. “Are you alright?” He places his hands over mine, kissing them each. “I’m still alive. One thing I’ve still got on my brother. How are you, my love? I’m sorry. You must’ve been wrecked with worry.” Jeremiah pulls me into his lap. I nod with my bottom lip out. “Yes, I was. I was so scared, Jer.” He pulls me to him. “Aw my darling. I know. I know.”

I shift my weight slightly causing him to jet in a sharp inhale. “Oh, honey. Stitches still sore?” He nods. “Never would have happened if you wore that armor I prepared.” Echo hums, causing me to roll my eyes. “That bullet makes you sentimental of the wrong things.” I huff out pushing her out of the view.

“Why would you not check who was working? You always do. You’re always prepared.” Jeremiah places his hand on my cheek again. “I had to let Selina thrust the knife into my flesh at least once. Verisimilitude trumps precaution, you see.” “They think you’re dead.” I think putting everything together.

Echo stands to the side bouncing with information. “What is it?” She giggles jumping on her heels. “All systems go.” Jeremiah lifts himself, placing a hand on the small of my back and leading us along behind Echo.

“You could’ve died.” I whisper looking at the dirt. “I didn’t.” “But you could have, Jeremiah. That’s my point. You have two children growing, and soon they’ll be out in this world. They need their father. You’ve kept me safely away, but that won’t mean shit if you’re not around to protect your children.” I move ahead of him in a fit of fire.

A hand grabs my shoulder spinning me around. Jerehimah dips me and pushes our lips together. His grip on my arm and hip so tight, keeping me pulled to him with no fight. He pulls away only an inch, looking at my eyes, looking into the soul. “Now, you may not understand everything I do, but I do it for you and these two kids. I think and I plan for hours. You sit up in the bed resting your feet like I tell you. When you start questioning if I’m going to make it, that’s when this will fall apart. You’re my darling. You’ve been mine for thousands of years. Never doubt me, (Y/n).” He places his hands on my stomach and pecks my forehead. “Come along now. We have things to do.”

Leading me through the tunnels I start to see less of the dirt and more solid grey rock already formed into tunnels. “Where are we?” Jeremiah giggles pulling me alongside.

“Doctor. I’m hearing good things.” Jeremiah says holding in laughter.

What is he up to?

The Doctor nods. “The bandages are ready to come off. Your assistant thought you’d like to see the results.” Echo shakes her head in praise like a dog while Jer nods his head. “Indeed, I would.”

He turns to me. “You won’t want to miss this, (y/n).”

The Doctor unravels the bandages on the individuals faces revealing a profile built from professional lifestyle and diets. This is Thomas and Martha Wayne before my eyes… ALIVE!

“Oh, you two look beautiful.” I smile looking down at her pearl necklace. “Down to the very detail with you.” Jeremiah kisses my cheek. “I love family reunions, don’t you?” “More than Christmas!” I cheer and giggle.

Part 51 Here!


I pack two sandwiches in my purse and proceed to cover my hair with the large silk scarf. “Where are you sneaking off to?” Babs asks walking past me and downing a drink. “Secret date? I figured you would get sick of the pale faced clown.” I smile at my hands. I could never tire of my boy. I’m as crazy as him, maybe more, but he would never turn me away, and I could never leave him.

“No. He’s my husband.” “Even better.” I narrow my eyes at her. “Babs, I’m going to see my dad.” She widens her eyes. “Now you’re asking for a death wish.” I walk out the door, my heels clicking every step. “If you say so.”

I walk into the GCPD and can sense the chaos and tension thickly canned in the air. Not seconds later two individuals start brawling over bread. “Hey! Break it up!” My father pushes them back. “For all the new people here… everyone is welcome in Haven, but there are rules. And one of them is we leave the fighting outside. Government already thinks we don’t deserve help. We have to show otherwise. Gangs want to tear themselves apart outside, that’s their business. In here, in Haven… we help each other survive."  I hum with a slick smile as the two dispute the issue and the tension falls. Saved for another day.

I walk up to him nudging his arm. "Nice speech. I think it worked.” He turns to me and gasps, but recovers quickly. “(Y/n). You’re so big. No… Just-” “Pregnant, dad.” He nods smiling. “So what happens when they find out the government abandoned them?” He sighs, shaking his head. I pat his back. “Come on paper man. You need some real food.” I pull him into his office and remove the disguise. “Italian sub for you, and tuna for me.” “You hate tuna.” I smile sitting down. “They don’t.” I pat my swollen tummy. “So there are two of them?” I nod smiling.

“And you’re happy? He treats you well?” I nod again smiling at him. “Of course he does. He’s not a monster, dad.” He grabs my hand over the desk and squeezes it. “I don’t… like him. You know this. He destroyed the damn city for christ’s sake, but he is the father of my grandchildren, and the husband of my only daughter, so I can promise you… I will never kill him.” I kiss his hand and smile. “Who knew that’d be so comforting to hear.”


I walk into the elevator with the smile ghosted over my lips. Crackling from the speaker erupts my mind causing me to shake and grab the wall in fright. “Aw, honey, I’m sorry.” Ecco’s voice pipes up from the speaker. I wave my hand in front of the camera with a smile. “No worries. All good here.” I laugh placing a hand on my stomach. “Where is Jerimiah?” “Working down below. Would you like me to get him?” I smile up at the camera. “Let me go down.”

“Uh… Miss, I think we should wait. He doesn’t want you around the-” I press the button to the bottom floor faster than light. “Oops,” I smirk up to Ecco as the elevator skips the main floor and descends below.

The two doors slide open revealing a steamed room with the funk of hard labor. I step on the uneven ground and see Jerimiah fanning himself as he watches his workers. I rest my hands on his shoulders and kiss his cheek. “You’re working hard.” He spins around with a glare. “And you’re not supposed to be here.” He grips my hips pulling me towards him.

“I missed you.” I nuzzle into his chest. He hums as we rock back and forth. “I missed you, my love. Come on. No lady should be exposed to this heat.” He places his hand on the small of my back leading me to the elevator.

Holding me the entire way up and then carrying me to our bed, never letting us go. “Are my darlings all suggled up?” He asks resting my head on his chest. The icy colored flesh proving wrong to the touch of fire on my fingers. “Yes, Jer.” I mumble feeling my eyes draw to a close. “Never will I go a day without my family… even your father.” He kisses my head before I can ask the question.

Part 50 Here!


I scan through paint swatches, holding it up to the walls of the nursery contemplating the vast difference in the outcome. “I like this blue.” Jeremiah picks up a swatch and tapes it to the wall. I smile as he narrows his hands focusing on the paint. He nods looking around the room. “We can put both the cribs against the wall here and place the changing station in the middle. Rocking chairs in either corner.” He smiles with his accomplished plan.

“What do you think, boys?” He asks kneeling at my stomach. I scoff smiling, “How do you know these boys of yours aren’t girls?” Jeremiah leans down pressing his ear on my swollen belly.

“Hmm. Yes. What was that? Of course, I’ll let mommy know.”

Jeremiah stands cupping my face. “You’re children don’t like the vitamin shake you drink.” I roll my eyes walking away and taping a light pink swatch of paint on the wall.

Jeremiah raises a brow smirking. “Really, (Y/n)?” I shrug beaming. “You never know, Jer.”


I look out the large window looking at the starved and rotten Gotham. I sigh sipping at my morning tea Ecco brought me.

“You’re sighing again.” I look over at her smiling. “You say that a lot.” “It’s because you sit there looking like a princess waiting for someone to come.” I shake my head at Ecco laughing. “You’re crazy, Ecco.”

She hops in front of me smirking. “We could be bad, ya know? Sneak out. Just for a little.” I narrow my eyes leaning in. “Keep talking.”


Jeremiah POV:

Coming up the elevator into the late hours of the night to finally take rest next to my wife. “The tunnel is coming along nicely,” Ecco says standing beside me. “Yes, there is much to do.”

“Ecco, does my darling ever speak of life before this?” Ecco nods at me. “Mrs. Valeska always loves to spend time thinking of the good days.” I hum reconnecting ways to make her happy. “I’ll have to send her on a little trip out of our little Dark Zone.”

I open the door to our room removing my tie and shirt and putting them away.

I walk over to my wife and rest my hands on her stomach holding my children. “We’re not supposed to be here.” I sigh resting my head against her. “I’m trying my best to get us out of here, loves.”

She rolls to her side causing me to chuckle. I kiss her head cuddling into her in our sheets, dreaming of escaping Gotham with my family.


“Remember, love. Tonight is another graduation for the troops. It is still too dangerous. Care to take a trip to the Sirens today? I thought about sending you to have a full week of fun.” Jeremiah asks as I cuddle into his side. “Yeah. I could use some girl time. If you’re alright with having me away that long.” Jeremiah holds my chin gazing into my eyes. “I love you so much, darling.”

“I love you, Jeremiah.” His smile warms my heart as he descends the elevator. “Behave yourself, loves.”


I step out of the car smiling at the large buildings all so familiar. “Hello, Sirens.” I grab the railing to step inside but am bumped by a force making me stumble.

“I - I’m so sorry, miss!” I look down at a little boy with bruises and scratches all over his body. I kneel gasping at his frame. “Oh, honey.” He looks behind his shoulder gulping. “You have to help me, please.”

I look up at the building thinking over my plans. Jeremiah told me to go here and only here, but it’s not like he knew I was going to run into an abandoned child!

I nod at the small kid getting back in my car. “Come on, kid.” He jumps in my car closing the door and gasping. “Thank you! Thank you so much, miss!” I smile sadly at the frightened little boy.

“Where are you going? Where can I take you?”

He looks at me with hopeful eyes. “The Haven.”

I’ve heard whispers of the spot concealed in safety for a couple of weeks now. “I have an idea of where it is. I’ll take you there.”

He nods smiling, “My name is Will Thomas.” He offers his hand.

“(Y/n) Valeska. It’s good to meet you, Will.” He smiles shaking my hand.


“Whoa.” Will gasps as the large caged in the apartment corner appears. “Yeah,” I say taking a look at all the people smiling. “Are you coming with me? I have to find someone who can help my brother and sister!” I nod turning off the car. “Yeah. I’m not sure who all lives here, but I can help you look around.”

Walking in the small compound many of the people were friendly in this trying time.

I walk up holding Will’s weak hand. “Excuse me, sir.” He turns to me confused. “Yes?” “This boy needs your help.” I try to usher him and scatter away but a hand reaches out grasping my wrist as I walk away from them.

I look up meeting my father’s eyes through the shades. “(Y/n)?”

I smile removing the glasses. “Jim.” he crumbles losing his balance. “Where have you been?” I shake my head tugging at my arm. “I-I can’t be here.”

I run away slipping out of the Haven untouched and back to my car as my father runs out screaming my name. I drive to the club again and entering as nothing happened.

“(Y/n)!” Babs screams running to me. “Oh, my! You’ve filled out!” I laugh pushing out my stomach. “Well, when you’ve got two fighting for space.”


Jim POV:

That was her. My girl. My beautiful daughter walking right in and then scurried away faster than wildfire. “Jim, was that-” I turn to Harvey with a smile breaking my features. “Yeah. That was (Y/n).” Harvey pats my shoulder. “I know you’re thinking you have to find her at this very second and trust me I do too, but we’ve got another pressing thing. Like this mystery kid.” Harvey pulls me away from my thoughts.

“Right. What do we know?”

“His name is Will Thomas. Parents died in a home invasion a few weeks after the bridges came down. Guys that broke in took him to some sort of factory where he was held alongside dozens of other stolen kids, all chained together.”

“God. Who are these guys?” “Call themselves The Soothsayers.”

“You ever heard of them?” “No. But who can keep track these days?”

“Which district?” “Granton. Near the water, he said. Had them digging some sort of tunnel. Will broke free from his restraints last night and walked nine miles through the Dark Zone and found Mrs. Valeska in the Sirens block. She brought him here.”

“What kind of tunnel?”


“There’s an abandoned waterworks by the old dock in Granton.”

“Detective Gordon?” The small boy asks. “My friends. You’ll save them, won’t you?” I nod at him holding a smile. “I’ll look into it.”

“The Soothsayers won’t be happy I escaped. They’ll punish

the others for it. Please, Mr. Gordon. I promised them I’d bring help.”


“Gosh, I can’t wait until I can drink again.” I laugh at Babara from behind the bar as she throws down a shot. “Oh, me and you both. Push those kids onto that pale freak and go wild!”

Feet away the crowd split and they still their ongoing conversations. None other than James Gordon walks over to Barbara. I duck under the bar hiding in plain sight.

“Barbara.” She looks down at me before turning to ace my father. “Jim, what brings you crawling out into the open tonight? Come to join the party? One last hoorah before someone wastes you?” She smirks taking another shot before slamming it down.

“I’m here to ask a favor. Maybe some information if you have it.”

“A favor plus info, right. Is this after you stood by and did nothing while my best friend on this Earth was stabbed through the heart?”

“I put him down.”

“You restored his limp.”


Jim sighs, “Barbara.” She cuts him off with her screams. “Everybody out! Now! I said move!”

As they file out and the music comes to a halt I shiver on my knees. Why am I doing this? Hiding from my blood.

“Planning revenge?” “Well, someone has to do something about that freak.”

“He has an army. It would be suicide.” “Look around, Jim. We’re all slowly dying. Just some of us get to choose how.”

“I’m sorry about what happened to Tabitha.”

Babs brushes off the matter scoffing, “So, these favors?”

“I need transportation. Trucks, maybe.”

“Where are you going?”

“It’s a police matter,” Jim says making me hold in a laugh. How could police exist nowadays?

“You know, they should really write that on your tombstone. They’re downstairs in the basement lot. Knock yourself out. Drive right into this nightmare you created. You won’t last a night.”

He stays quiet for a moment before asking, “Have you seen (y/n)?” Barbara chuckles, “And if I did, what makes you think she wants to see her father who turned her own happiness away?” I peer over the bar watching my father’s eyes drop and sadness fills his emotions. He turns away from the bar walking away. “Thank you for the trucks.”

I pop up resting my elbows on the counter. “You didn’t have to yell at him.” Babs turns to me locking eyes. She breaks shaking her head with a sad smile. “No, I guess I didn’t.” I come around the bar sitting beside her. “You really think he won’t last out there?” She turns to me smirking. “Not if he has some help. How long are you staying here?” I shrug, “Jeremiah doesn’t need me around when the church graduates. He said the tension in the air is stressful for the babies.” She scoffs laughing. “Right, because he’s Mr. smartypants.”


I sit on the couch watching TV as Babs strides through tossing my gun at me. “Load it and follow me.” I stand following her. “Uh, why do I need a gun?” She turns back to me as walks into the garage.

“We’re going to help Jimmy. You want to drive?”

I smile at her nodding. “Okay.”


“Wait, slow down! I hear something.” Barbara says causing me to stop the vehicle equipped with machine guns on the empty road. “I won’t say it again, freak. Gordon comes with me.”

I smile at her, “Jackpot!”

“I’ll tell you what! I’ll take his head, and you can have the rest of him!”

“NOW!” I scream as we whip around the corner and shoot down the punks. Barabra hops out fo the car walking towards my father.

“Hi, Jim. About our last chat… I may have been a little rash. This what got you all hot and bothered? They need a bath.”

“Crazy bi-” I stand from my seat shooting the armed man aiming at Babs. As I hit the target, my father does as well.

He looks at me in shock. “(Y/n)?” I smile sitting back and cranking the car.

“Oh, lookie there. I found her. Not all square yet though. You’re gonna help me do what we all know needs doing.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

“Kill Penguin.”


I gaze and smile a all the happy citizens in the Haven. “This is amazing.”

“Citizens are heading here in droves. This place will be full

by sundown.” Jim nods looking around. “Then we’ll find another.”

I look up at him. “I figured you left when the evacuation was called.” My father puts an arm across my shoulder pulling me to him. “You were still here. I was never going to leave without you. Especially now with these two.” He says placing a hand on my stomach.

A woman walks up with her younger ones grinning at Jim. “I just want to thank you, Captain Gordon. My family, we’ve been drifting from one place to the next ever since the blackout. You’ve delivered us.” She walks away beaming with joy, leaving my father with a raised head and confidence and honor beaming from him.

His moment soon ruined by Barbara scoffing, “Seriously?” She rolls her eyes looking at me. “You know he’ll be angry with you if he finds you here. You’re staying with me so my ass will be burned.”

I look back at Babs and my father. He grabs my wrist looking me in the eyes. “You can’t go back, (Y/n). Look at what he’s done!” I close my eyes gathering my emotions. “Jim, please let me go so I can go home to my husband. This will end ugly if you refuse.” He looks at me with shock and shakes his head. “No, I found you and now I’m going to keep the three of you safe from him.” I rip my arm out of his grip. “I came to you! I understand you’re upset, I do. But… Daddy’s little girl is gone, I married him, he is the father of my children, and that won’t change. You can either fight it and our contact will end, or…” I take out his pen from his pocket and grab his hand, writing my phone number. “You can accept me for the person I have become, and call me.”

Jim nods sadly. He places his hand on mine. “I love you, (Y/n).” I nod smiling at my father. “I hope so.” I back up walking next to Barbara.

“I’ll see you around, killer. We have some unfinished business, you and I.” She nods to him as we exit the gates.


“How was the day, darling? Have my twins kicked you anymore? I talked with them the other night.” I giggle over the line laying on the big bed in the guest room of Barbara’s home. “They’ve been fine, Jer. How was the first day of the graduates?” He sighs over the phone. “10 go in and only 4 complete the trial. It’s quite disappointing.” “I bet you’ll have more tomorrow. It is a new day after all.” “Indeed, love.”

I snuggle in my covers rubbing my belly. “Get some rest, Jeremiah. I’ll see you soon.” He hums in the line. “I do hope so, darling. I love you.” I smile feeling complete. “I love you too, Jeremiah.”

As the call ends it suddenly rings again. I pick it up figuring it to be Jeremiah, once more. “Did you forget something?” I giggle over the line. “(Y/n)?” Jim’s shaky voice comes through. “Dad.”

He sighs and speaks, “Hi honey. H-How are you?”

At this time I talk to my father and open the door that has been shut so long.

“Hey! How about we meet up for lunch when we can?” I laugh at him, “You’re going to act like everything’s normal and grab a sub?” “Why not? I’ve got my family back.”

A piercing giggle springs from the bathroom. Jerome walks out with sunglasses and posing in the mirror. “I’m going to tell.”

I shake my head at him as my father talks. Jerome cackles and runs to the door making me chase after him tripping him. “OW! Workers comp!” He cries.

He stands up giggling. “Ole Jimmy. Always slithering around and shitting on our lives. Brother will be mad, (Y/n), you know that.”

“Goodnight, Dad.”

I hang up rolling on my side and cuddling into the sheets. “He won’t find out, Jerome.” He scoffs cuddling close to me. “Lying to your husband? You naughty girl.”

I laugh into the pillow. “Goodnight, Jerome." 

Part 49 Here


Jim POV:

As I come out of my office I see a large number of cops watching Jeremiah sitting calming in the holding cell. “Don’t you all have work you should be doing?” I yell towards them as they scatter.

“Pardon me, Jim.”

I walk over to Jeremiah raising my brows. “What is it?” “I’d like to press charges against Bruce Wayne’s butler. I mean, just look at my face. I can’t have my wife seeing me like this.”

I scoff smirking with pure anger, “I think you look great.”

“And I’d like to speak to Bruce again. We couldn’t really talk before what with his girlfriend bleeding out all over him.”

“You tried to prove you’re better than your brother. But I’m still here. I’m searching for (Y/n), and the city’s still here. You’re a failure, Jeremiah. Enjoy Arkham. Your brother did. I’ll be the one to make sure (Y/n)’s visiting hours will be less than none.”

“Bring me, Bruce Wayne… I’ll let you speak with (y/n), and I’ll tell you where the other bombs are.” I walk closer engaging. “We have all your bombs.”

Jeremiah nods with an underlying smirk, “The maze bombs, yes. I mean the other ones. Jim, as an engineer, you expect systems to fail. So, you build in redundancies. And I am a very good engineer.”

“You’re bluffing.”

“Am I?” He smirks at me waiting for a reaction.

“You’re right, you know. I did fail. I didn’t yet understand the vision I was servicing, but, I do now. My eyes are open as will yours be. When you realize I’m not bluffing, bring me, Bruce Wayne. And I’d like a coffee. Black. Two sugars.”


“How many bombs are there? Where are they?” I challenge him again. “I want to talk to Bruce Wayne.”

“Tell me where they are, you son of a bitch. Who’s helping you?”

“Bruce Wayne.”

I grunt, shaking my head in frustration, “You are never gonna talk to Bruce Wayne. You hear me?”

Jeremiah shrugs smirking, “Then more people will die and you will never see (Y/n) or meet your grandchildren.” I look up meeting his icy eyes with cold blood. “What? You’re lying.” Jeremiah sighs, “My wallet, right sleeve, forth slot, a sonogram photo of my two twins. I don’t bluff, Jim. Why do you think I ask for your blessing? Wouldn’t want your daughter unwed and knocked up, huh? But once again you resented her happiness, and she ran right into my arms. You never were good at holding on to what you care about, were you, James?”


Bruce finally walks in as I’m strapped to the dolly awaiting transportation to Arkham. “Hello, Bruce. It’s great to see you.”

“Where are the bombs, Jeremiah? Where is (Y/n) Gordon?”

“Closer, please.”

As Bruce teds near I speak again. “Tell me. How is the young lady doing?” Of course no reaction. I smile switching subjects, “You know why we’re destined to be best friends? Because we’re very much alike. You are as I used to be. At war with your true nature. You must truly embrace it if you ever want to be free. I’m just trying to help you.”

“Trying to help me? By torturing Alfred? Trying to destroy Gotham?

By shooting Selina? You think we’re alike because there’s a darkness inside both of us. But the difference is, I know how to control mine.”

I scoff smirking, “I think you could be so strong. I see it. He sees it too.” Bruce looks at me confused walking closer. “What do you mean, "he”?“

"Where are the other bombs?”

I roll my eyes looking up at the camera playing the game, “What bombs?” “Bombs you planted around the city. You blew up the Mayor.”

“Ah, that bomb. Yes, that was the only one. But it did what it had to do. It got you here.”

“You said, "he.” Who do you mean?“

I smile gasping at Bruce. "The one who opened up my eyes. Who showed me that everything I was doing, was not to create a Gotham of my own for (y/n), and I, But yours, Bruce. The Gotham you need. Your dark island. And it will come to be, Bruce. Tonight.”

“Tell me his name,” Bruce demands empty-handed.

“What did the doctors say? Will the little bitch ever walk again? What vertebrae did I sever? I was hoping for the lumbar…” “TELL ME HIS NAME!” I laugh at his anger. “You already know his name. You’re his heir.”

Bruce gasps letting my suit wings go. “Ra’s al Ghul… No, it can’t…”

“Shh.” The lights flicker as the room goes dark and I am freed from this hold.


Enter the building I see (Y/n) waiting with Ra’s, overlooking the old city. “Jeremiah! Ra’s was just telling me he could marry us!” I grin walking over as the men get Bruce ready for the arrival.

“Could you?” Ra’s nods smirking, “Just say when my boy. I can-” “Now.” I pull out two solid gold bands passing mine to (Y/n). “You’re prepared.” She giggles. “I’ve been waiting.”

Ra’s chuckles offering off a quick blessing to us as a couple. “Do you Jeremiah Valeska take (Y/n) Gordon as your lawfully wedded wife?” “I certainly do.” I grin watching my love. “And do you, (Y/n)-” “Yes.” Ra’s gestures between us chuckling. “Wonderful, you may kiss your bride, Mr. Valeska.”

I scoop her in my arms kissing her deeply. I pull away as the men waltz a masked Bruce into the room. “Ah, hate you missed the ceremony, friend.” I walk over pulling the bag off of his head.

“How did you two…” “Find each other?” Ra’s finishes, “I’d like to think it was you, Bruce. You brought us together.”

Ra’s turns to me and (Y/n) as we look at the city. “I trust things went smoothly?” “Like clockwork. Did your men retrieve my bombs?” “They are en route to their positions as we speak. From here, we can take in the full majesty of Gotham’s destruction.”

“You’re both insane!”

Ra’s shakes his head in disappointment, “I know it’s difficult to fathom, Bruce. But Jeremiah and I are doing this for your benefit.”

“How is destroying Gotham supposed to help me?”

“Because I had a vision. That out of this crucible of blood and fire will rise the Dark Knight that your city needs. That I need.”

I scoff pulling away from (y/n) and joining Bruce and Ra’s. “To be honest, Bruce. Prophecies, visions. Not really my cup of tea. But our friend revealed something to me. That my twin obsessions, rebuilding Gotham and rebuilding you, are one and the same. You’re the brother I never had. The one Jerome never could be. We will create a legacy in this city. Gotham falls. We rise. Together.”

Barbara walks in passing each of us towards Ra’s. “Oh, hey, Bruce. Freak. (Y/n), looking beautiful!”

“Hello, Barbara. I’m really glad you came.” She sighs shrugging. “Bad news, baby. I’m not leaving. Gotham’s in my blood. And I don’t think I can let you leave either. You see, you say you’re leaving. But I’ve got a feeling you’re gonna be back. And I don’t like looking over my shoulder.”

“Need I remind you, Barbara. You’ve already tried using that knife. And also, you’re outnumbered.”

She hums smiling “Hmm. That Demon’s Head is really not working out for you, huh?” Suddenly Oswald yells striking us and the fight breaks out quickly.

Tabith tackles me to the ground as I search for (Y/n) in a blind panic. She holds her knife to my neck sneering, “So you know, this is for Selina.” I flip her overtaking the blade from her and pressing it to her skin. “In that case, it must be very disappointing for you to be dying like this.” She smirks and moves her arm. “I’m not talking about you.” She pulls her trigger making me search where the bullet traveled.

The bombs go off destroying the city as my wife falls bleeding from the bullet that pierced her. “No!” I growl rushing over. She cries holding her chest. “Jer-” “No, no, don’t speak. You’re going to be fine.” The city burns down as my love’s life source lowers.

“You’re going to be fine, love. We’re all going to be safe. Tomorrow is a new day,”


Staying by her bedside the entire night as the doctors work to remove the bullet, and stabilize her and the babies. “She should wake soon, Sir. The children are healthy. She’s lucky it wasn’t any closer to her heart.” I nod boring my eyes into her face.

“Thank you, Doctor.”

(y/n) mumbles and opens her eyes slowly. I smile leaning over, “Rise and shine, beautiful.” She looks up at me confused, then looks down at her chest gasping, “That bitch.” she sneers growling and trying to sit up. “No, no, don’t try that.” She gasps, putting a hand on her belly. “Jer-” “They’re alright, doll. You’re very lucky. All four of us are.”

She looks over to me putting a hand on my cheek. “What do we do now, Jeremiah?” I smile rubbing my hands on her stomach. “Now, my love, we enjoy our marriage, and wait for our children.” Her cheeks glow as I speak of our children. “I love you, Jeremiah.” “I love you too, Mrs. Valeska. Always.”

~ Day 87~

I sit at the radio discussing yet another call on the state of Gotham to the officials over the bridge. “Your people have decided to ignore evacuation orders.” “No, no, no, no. It is clear you don’t understand.” “What’s to understand, Mr. Gordon? I’m afraid you’re making your-” “For the last time… after the bridges blew and the government declared Gotham off-limits, the city was up for grabs. Given over to criminals and murderers. New territory is controlled by whoever has enough power to hold it. I mean, we have Penguins in City Hall, for God’s sake. Barbara and the Sirens control an area around their club. It’s the only place in Gotham not suffering for food or booze. Barabra trades mostly for information. It’s women only, but men can buy windows of time. To the west Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow. Victor Freeze is further north warring with Firefly. And to date, there have been no confirmed sightings of Jeremiah Valeska, or my Daughter, (y/n). Then there is us. The GCPD controls a ten-block area around the precinct, where we feed and protect 150 civilians. That number could grow as who knows how many others are trapped around the city. These are innocent people who couldn’t get out. The Government has a duty to protect them. You have a duty to help them.” I finish waiting for the response.

“We’ve been over this time and time again. No one is allowed in or out of Gotham.”

“People we are protecting are not criminals.” “And anyone who stayed after the evacuation order is no longer the government’s responsibility.” “We’re surrounded by hostile forces. We are running out of food, ammunition. There are children here. You need to evacuate them.” “A committee is being formed regarding the situation in Gotham.”

I huff shaking my head. “At least let us resupply ourselves.”

“We understand the situation.”

“You DON’T understand. If you did you would do something. Just say we’re on our own.” The radio waves stay silent as no response comes through. I nod gruffly and turn off the communication.

I look to the corner of the desk seeing a photo of (Y/n), along with the photo of the unborn twins. I sigh holding them to my heart. “Please be okay.”


“I like Jeremy,” Jeremiah says as we relax on the couch together. “And for a girl?” He hums thinking. “What if we stuck with the J name? I kinda like Juliet.” Jeremiah looks at me smiling. “I think that’s lovely.”

I stroke my small belly with love. “I just want them here already.” Jeremiah laughs kissing the top of my head. “They’ll be perfect.”


Months pass of us hiding, gaining followers, and then finally start to dig under the city for our escape. Fully 6 months pregnant and things are just seeming harder. “You’re sad,” Ecco says frowning. She scoots over massaging my shoulders. “Tell me what’s wrong.” I sigh stroking my stomach feeling a wash of sadness. “I miss my dad. I hate to say it, but I do. These kids won’t have a Grandpa.” Ecco nods sighing dramatically. “I am so sorry, (Y/n). I wish I could help.” I smile leaning my head on her shoulder. “How’s that bullet feeling in there?” I tease as she giggles. “It’s still rolling around in here!” She shakes her head, knocking the loose pieces in her brain. “I still can’t believe you did it.” She shrugs giggling, “Anything to help you, (Y/n).”

“Come on, let’s see how the boss is. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the progress.”

Ecco helps me down the steps into the area where they’re digging the large tunnel. “Wow! Looks, good everyone!” I yell, making the workers greet me with forced smiles. “Darling.” Jeremiah clams walking to me, placing hands over my stomach with a grin. “Ecco, you’re not supposed to bring her down here. It’s dangerous.” He glares at her. “Jer, I wanted to, she was obeying me.” He reluctantly nods waving her away.

I switch the radio station finding a slow song and smiling. “Dance we me, Jer.” I grasp his hand swaying with him to the music. “We’re close aren’t we?” I nod laughing. “Just three more months, Jeremiah.” He shutters with a smile. “I can’t wait." 

Part 48 Here


I walk in looking at the extravagant new home hidden away. “This is beautiful, Jeremiah.” I gasp looking over every inch of beauty crafted from the mind of my man. “The children already have an empty room waiting for them. I’ll have the workers gather some materials. From now on I would like you to stay here. If you must leave, please be with Ecco or Babara at all times.” Jeremiah speaks calmly sitting on the couch. “You trust me with Babs?” Jeremiah smiles nodding his head. “For now.”

I smile laying in his arms looking out of the large windows. “Are you happy you’re going to be a father?” Jeremiah pulls me close humming. “Of course. We’ll need to get married. I will not have my children be born Gordons.” I laugh kissing his nose. “They’re Valeska’s, trust me.”


I sit up covering myself with the silk sheets. Jeremiah stands in the mirror looking over his new attire. His hair has fully darkened and his lips are a brighter red in contrast to his pale tone. “I like it,” Jeremiah smirks at me walking over. “You’re adorable, dear mommy.” He leans down kissing me.

“Now while I’m out where will you be?” I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. “Right here, Jer. You don’t have to worry.” “Oh, I know. It’s others that worry me. Call me if you have any trouble, love.” I nod watching him walk away.

Hours later my phone rings as I’m going through my new wardrobe Jeremiah provided me with. “Hello?” “(Y/n)! How are you doing, love? Want to grab lunch before your boyfriend blows the city up?” I giggle at her as I hold up a shirt smiling. “So you’ve heard.” “Yeah. Care to chat?” “I can do that. I’ll send you the address.” “Great! I’ll get you a ride.”

Not long after the call ends a black car rolls up into the driveway. I exit the house getting into the car. Barbara sighs, “I’m sorry, (y/n). Nothing personal. We just need the upper hand.” “What?” Suddenly a bag is thrown over my head and my wrists tied together.

As we enter a warehouse I’m sat down in a chair and the bag is removed. I look over and see Jongleur has been captured as well.

Barbara kneels, smiling. “You look really good by the way. Glowing and all.” I turn my head away. “I’m still mad at you.” She nods, “Yeah, but we can’t have Gotham blown up.”

Only after a long ten minutes, Jeremiah walks down with his followers seeing us.

“Oswald Cobblepot. Barbara Kean. In my stronghold.”

“Not one step closer, Mr. Valeska,” Oswald says pointing a gun at me. Jeremiah’s eyes grow deadly cold. “And is that my dear Jongleur with my core relay in his hand and a grenade taped to his mouth? Not only that, but you have the future mother of my children strapped to a chair with a gun pointed at her head?”

“Indeed, it is.”

“Huh. Well, it seems you have the upper hand.”

“Undoubtedly. And now, we have our own demands…. $50 million.

Jeremiah widens his eyes in amusement. "That’s what you want?”

Oswald smiles nodding, “It’s a nice, round number.”

“I don’t quite have that on me right now,” Jeremiah says calmly. “You gave the mayor six hours to evacuate Gotham. An impossible task. Let him buy another hour. He will save thousands of lives. $50 million will seem cheap.” I laugh, shaking my head. “You’re playing him the villain, while you get away free and rich? Shoot me now.” I roll my eyes laughing.

Jeremiah smirks at me, giving me hope. “I get you the money, you give me back my fiance and my core relay.” Barbara hums smarting off, “That is usually how a hand-off works, yeah.” I look over my shoulder at her huffing.

“You drive a hard bargain, but I’ll see what I can do. Hold tight, darling.” Jeremiah pulls out his phone quickly. “Just like that? After knowing your brother, I expected something more…” Jeremiah scoffs, “Insane? I’m nothing if not sane and reasonable. Two things my brother never valued. That’s why I’ll be successful where he failed. Well, that, being vastly more intelligent and winning (Y/n). Now, to see about your money.”

He dials the numbers and brings his phone to his ear. “This is Jeremiah Valeska. I’d like to speak to the mayor. I have additional demands… Yes, really… 50 million, unmarked bills. I’ll tell you about the location. ”

Jeremiah chuckles looking at us. “Would you believe it? They put me on hold.” He bends down pulling out a bazooka. My chair is pulled out of the blast range from one of our followers as Jeremiah aims and shoots at the core relay blowing it up.

Jeremiah cuts me free holding me close. “Are you alright?” I nod into his chest.

“Are you out of your mind?” Oswald screams in shock.

“Why do you keep insisting I’m insane? What’s insane about having a backup plan, something Jongleur never knew about. And, so you know, this building is within the blast radius. And because of your interference, I’m going to detonate the bombs as soon as I’m far enough away to observe the destruction in peace with my family.”

“No, you promised the city six hours!”

“Whose fault is it that I changed my mind?”


“You’ve blown up the bunker and the Mayor already. How many bombs were you thinking of using, honey?”

Jeremiah lays his hand on my leg as he transports me home safely. “I need a blank slate. Everything must go. I want to be set up in the center and have the whole Gotham city park the backyard for the kids.” Jeremiah opens the door for me as we walk into the house. “I’ll be home soon. Take a tour of the barracks downstairs. Then tour the master bathroom with the newly renovated jacuzzi.” Jeremiah finishes halfway out the door. “I’ll miss you.” He sighs dramatically gazing at me. “And I you, darling.”


Jim POV:

I walked into the GCPD shocking every one of my colleagues. “Jim!” Harvey rushes pulling me in a hug. “Oh, Buddy.” I chuckle while pulling away wincing. “All right, easy there, big fella. Remember, I just got blown up.”

“How did you get out of the bunker?”

“It’s a long story, but what matters is, I have the locations of every bomb Jeremiah planted.” I hold up the plans from the bunker for everyone to see.

“Jeremiah wasn’t bluffing. There are at least a dozen bombs on this map.”

“But you’re saying, if we disarm one of them in the sequence, we’ll stop all of them from going off. And according to this, the closest one is just a mile away.”

Harvey starts rambling off plans for the squad to carry out, “Alert the bomb squad. Tell them to meet me there.” “Wait, Harvey. Let the bomb squad handle this. You don’t have to go.” He nods at me with the determination of prey. “Yes, I do. I need this, Jim.”


Jeremiah walks in the bedroom seeing me spin in one of the many new outfits he gifted me with. “Are we happy, (y/n)?” He asks strolling over and taking me in his arms as he looks at us in the mirror.

I nod smiling at my soon to be husband. “Are you ready to start our new life together, sweets?” He pulls my hair over my shoulder lining my neck with kisses. I turn away from him pulling him out the door by his tie. “If you keep that up we’ll be late.”

We enter the elevator descending to the followers’ barracks. As we enter they chant cleanly, “Jeremiah! Jeremiah!”

Jeremiah switches the denominator on his trigger; just one flick of that switch and its bye bye Gotham City.

“All my life I spent by myself, hidden away. I am so glad to be sharing this happy moment with you, (y/n), and all of you as well. Today marks the dawning of a new Gotham City. One where we will all be free. Now, shall I do the honors?”

Jeremiah makes his speech walking down the lined army of members, towards a TV with the news just waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly a familiar face appears on the screen. My father.

“That’s Jim Gordon! He’s not dead.” The followers cry out in a tantrum.

“This is a message to the followers of Jeremiah Valeska. Jeremiah claims to have killed me. Well, bad news, I’m alive.” My father smiles smugly on the screen.

Jeremiah turns back to all of us shaking his head trembling. “No. No, it’s a trick. I killed him.”

“So, just know, you’re worshiping a fraud. A pale imitation of Jerome. You did your worst, Jeremiah. And I’m still here. And I’m coming for my daughter.” Jeremiah turns off the TV in a rushed frustration.

“Doesn’t matter whether he’s alive. When I hit this switch, you’ll hear the sounds of a new world being born. Our world. Now… Listen.” He hisses as he flips the switch. I smile awaiting a reaction, but nothing changes. I tilt my head confused and look at Jeremiah turn the switch over and over.

Every one of the false followers starts to gang up on Jeremiah, “He’s a fake!” “He’s a liar! Liar!”

“SHUT UP!” He screams, slowly making his way to the door. He makes his way to me grabbing my hand and kissing it. “I want you all to know I find your fickleness quite hurtful… And more so, very predictable. Come, love.” Jeremiah pulls us out, locking the room shut with the followers inside. He pulls open the box on the wall pressing the large red button engraved with PURGE.

The room soon engulfed in horrid screams and bright flames as they burn in the chamber. He sighs watching them through the window. “Well, that is disappointing.”

I grab his hand pulling him towards the elevator. “Don’t focus on that, what we need to do now is go to your office and figure this out.” “Darling, I adore enthusiasm, but I haven’t gotten started in the office. This was supposed to work out.” He groans frustrated.

The elevator takes us up a floor to a large room I have started to make into his office. He walks in seeing a desk there with his plans and breaks into a smile. “You didn’t have to do this, darling.” He removes his blazer, tossing it on his chair while I move to sit on the desk.

“I know, but I wanted to. If this is going to be our home I want you to have your spot to work again.” Jeremiah rolls out the map smirking, “Well then, let’s get to work.”

We spend hours looking over the plans for flames and or issues, but I can’t think of anyone who would’ve taken the chance between the two triggers.

“I got it!” I laugh lowering my feet from the desk. “ If you had Jim in your office with the prints he took them when he escaped!” Jeremiah nods gathering along, “Gordon found one of the bombs, and sabotaged the sequence… I’ll have to start again.” Jeremiah nods looking down at the map of the City.

“You’re tenacious. I like that.” A ghostly voice runs along the walls of the room. Jeremiah pulls me behind him pulling out his gun. “Who are you? What do you want?” He speaks calmly.

“I had a vision of Gotham in flames. Together we can make that happen.” A man from the upper half of the platform speaks. “Well, I say we appreciate the offer, but recent events have convinced me of the benefits of working alone.” Jeremiah shoots at him, but the man moves too fast.

I stifle a giggle pulling out my gun. “Your shot is horrible.”

“Don’t be so rash. Your dream of a new Gotham fit for your family will come to be, with my help.” This man speaks again from the other corner of the room. I raise my gun shooting at him, but he vanishes.

Jeremiah sighs laying a hand on my hip. “You’re behind me, aren’t you?”

We turn around meeting this mystery man with the plan. “I can conquer Gotham on my own. What makes you think I need your help? Whoever you are.”

He smirks walking closer. “Because, my boy, all this is not just about Gotham. This is about Bruce Wayne.”

I gasp giggling. “This just got interesting.”


“You’re going to get arrested!” I fight Jeremiah as we go over this plan. He shrugs dusting his hat. “Love, I’m escaping. Can’t you focus on that?” I huff crossing my arms. “I want to go with you.” Jeremiah laughs shaking his head. “Have you forgotten you’re carrying twins, my love? I am going to be shooting people. Use your head.” I laugh pulling at his tie. “I’ve been thinking of names.” “Oh? Want to tell me as we watch Gotham burn?” “Root beer floats will be waiting.” Jeremiah rolls his eyes. “You and your cravings.” “Blame your kids!”


I walk into Wayne’s home leaving the door wide open. I walk to the study smirking as I hear the ongoing conversation.

“Why do you think he’s so obsessed with you?” Selina Kyle asks Bruce. “Jeremiah said, "All it takes is one bad day to drive a person insane.” I wonder if my parents dying made me a little insane? Maybe he sensed that. Maybe he wanted to bring it out.“ I smirk nodding my head. "Smart boy.”

“Well, you proved him wrong.”

I roll my eyes entering the room. “To be fair, the day’s not over yet.” Selina stands up going to attack, but I simply pull the trigger of my gun shooting her in the lower abdomen.

Bruce screams as I am tackled to the floor by the butler and brutally beaten. Just one bad day Bruce.

Part 47 Here!!!


“Alright Ms. Gordon, this is going to be a bit cold.” The doctor places the gel on my stomach. Barbara holds my hand smiling.

“and there it is.” I watch the doctor point at a small dot. “wait. What is that?” Barbara asks squinting at the screen. “Ah, good eye Ms. Keen. Congratulations (y/n), you’re carrying twins.” I look at Barbara gasping. “Twins.” Barbara smirks and covers her mouth. “I guess this is what happens when you get with two brothers!” “Hush Babs! That’s not how it works!”

The doctor smiles as we watch the two dots dance alongside each other.


I walk into Jeremiah’s office smiling at the photo of the babies. “And right here we can use the commanded wire so it will transfuse- darling - you’re back.” I look up in a daze seeing Bruce and Jeremiah both in the office working on the project.

“Oh! I’m so sorry to interrupt! I’ll come back, boys.” Bruce shakes his head. “No, no, Ms. Gordon. Please.” Jeremiah walks over with a kiddish grin. “How is it?” I smile at the picture before handing it over to him. “They are just fine.” “They?” Jeremiah stares down at the picture showing the two babies. “Twins, Jeremiah.” He smiles engulfing me in a hug. “Mother always said twins are better because you have double the love.” I laugh rolling my eyes.

“Congratulations, (y/n). On the engagement and the child.” Bruce says hugging me. Jeremiah shrugs placing an arm over Bruce’s shoulder. “I may have told him earlier.”


I knock on my dad’s door tapping my foot. “(Y/n)!” He opens it hugging me tightly. “Hi, dad!” I enter sitting on his couch. “I’m just watching the game. You want a beer?” I shake my head, placing my hand on my stomach unconsciously.

“What’s that?” “What?” My father picks up my hand with my engagement ring. “Oh! Actually what I came to talk to you about. Jeremiah proposed. Can you believe it?”

My dad scoffs, “Son of a bitch.” “Aren’t you happy?” “Are you sure you want to do this, (y/n)? Marriage is a big step. Then you’ll start a family, and you don’t know the first thing about how to raise a child. I just think you should slow down a little.” I stare at Jim with disbelief. “Slow down? That shouldn’t matter if I’m happy with him, dad.”

“I know you like him, and he is a good guy, but are you sure he’s the right one? His brother was a-” “He is nothing like Jerome!”

Jim shakes his head, sighing. “I think you should rethink this.” I stand up walking to the door. “Is it your plan in life to kill my happiness? You can’t control me anymore. I shouldn’t have even told you.” I open the door exiting the home as my father calls out for me into the Gotham sky.

“Who needs him.”


Late into the hours of the AM, I awake by the sound of laughter echoing through the halls. I reach for Jeremiah only to find his spot empty. “Uh oh. Better check on him. Make sure he hasn’t gone overboard!” Jerome laughs as he covers up in his brother’s spot in the bed.

I follow the echo towards the living room and upon entering I see Jeremiah sitting in front of a camera and applying makeup with a mirror.

“What are you doing?”

Jeremiah turns to me patting his face with my beauty blender. “Do you just take all my things?” “What’s yours is mine, darling.”

I look down at the table looking at the different things spread out. I pick up strips of false skin and look at Jeremiah. “What are you planning?”

He looks at me and sighs pulling out a colorful notebook. “That is Jerome’s.” He nods humming. He opened it and pushed towards me showing me a crazy plan to terrorize Gotham.

“I’ve only taken ideas from him here and there. He’s far too insane for anything to work. Look where it got him. He was obsessed with killing me, Bruce, and Jim Gordon.”

I huff rolling my eyes at the mention of my father. “Yeah, he had a habit of pissing people off.” Jeremiah smirks at me as I speak poorly of Jim. “Read through it. You’ve played in this game before. I want your advice.”

I read the whole plan twice over before looking up at Jeremiah smirking.

“You’re going to throw a wake for Jerome at the GCPD?” All while you are what?“ He nods putting on the fake scars. "Wait, babe. You’re crooked.” I move, helping him apply the fake face of Jerome.

“I need those crazed fans of his to handle the chaos while I get some things done for the future. They’re my distraction. I need you in the GCPD making sure it plays out.” I smirk patting the foundation on his face.

He smirks up at me and shrugs. “Once you start to show I need to keep you safe throughout this process. It’s going to be messy, darling.” He chuckles looking in the mirror.

“Ecco could be your sidekick after I’m out. She can wear my stuff.” Jeremiah smirks, grabbing my wrist. Turning to face me with his icy eyes. “Trust me, love. I’ve got everything laid out. She’s already agreed to stay by our side, love.”

Jeremiah sits at the camera composing himself. “Ready, Jer?” He nods, closing his eyes and giggling.

“3… 2… 1… ACTION!”


“Ecco, tie me up will you?” She rushes behind me tightening the back of the black top. “You look amazing.” She says smiling at me from over my shoulder. “She does, doesn’t she?” Jeremiah smirks from his seat as he gazes at me.

Ecco clears her throat backing away emotionless. “You have everything you need, love?” I stand in front of Jeremiah pulling out the recording, megaphone, and my gun. “Locked and loaded, baby.” He grins nodding at me. “Such a good girl.” He snakes his arm around my waist and walks me out to my motorcycle.

“Now I want all three of you to be safe.” Jeremiah places his hands on my stomach kissing my forehead. “So cheesy.” He smirks at me smacking my bottom quickly. “Get on the bike. Mrs. Valeska, and come home quickly. Your husband will need you.”


I roll up as the leader of the gang is speaking full-hearted words of my lost lover. “Brothers and sisters, let’s raise a glass to our fallen leader. To Jerome!”

“To Jerome!” They chant, then spit on Jerome’s grave. I giggle stepping out. “To Jerome. He will be missed. Certainly by me.” The gang giggles and looks at me questionably.

The leader walks up to me looking me over. “This affair is invitation only.” “Hm. Well, I have to say I’m a bit upset you didn’t invite me.” I remove my mask and they all gasp. “Ms. Gordon!” “It’s her!”

The leader gasps getting on his knees. “I am so sorry! I meant no disrespect.” I scoff rolling my eyes. “Stand up. I’ve got something to say.”

“The Queen shall speak!” Followers help me upon a grave acting as a small stage. I lift the megaphone and recorder playing the message. “Why so sad, bozos? Did you think they could get rid of me so easily? Well, okay. So, they did. I’m dead, but let’s not dwell on negatives. I have one last party to throw. But first, on the to-do list, dig me up. Dig me up!”

“You heard him!”

“Come on, clowns! Dig him up!”

“Get Jerome!”

I laugh at the idiots giving the direction to invade the GCPD bright and early.


I walk into the GCPD, passing the investigation room, and seeing Lee of all people. I laugh walking to meet my father yelling at Harvey.

“Get out of here.” “What?” “I don’t need that crap thrown in my face right now. Get out of here!” I walk up laughing. “Wow, mad because your ex got arrested? Tough case.”

“(Y/n). What are you doing here?” I shrug sipping my coffee. “I was in the neighborhood. Can’t I stop by and see my father? Or are you still mad at me for being happy?” Jim looks down avoiding eye contact. “Can we please not do this here?” “Want some help then?” I walk in the door of the investigation room before Jim can stop me. I turn to Lee smiling, “Hey there, lady. I’ve heard you’ve been having some real fun.”

She looks me over grinning as she analyzed my frame. “(Y/n), I wasn’t expecting you. Your… glowing.” I wink at her sitting in one of the chairs.

My father walks in sitting down across from her heatedly. “What the hell, Lee?”

Lee raised her brows, “I don’t suppose this is where anyone expected our story to end.” “So, it’s ending?” “Hard to imagine what’s left.”

My father sighs, “I wanna help you.” “How?” “Give up Nygma.” I gasp slamming my hand on the table. “You and Ed? Oh my gosh! So cute! How about this. You could just return the money, right? We can ask the DA for supervised probation.” Lee shakes her head. “I’m not betraying my friend.”

“They can call you "the Doc,” you can rob banks, fight gangsters, but I know you. You’re Lee Thompkins. And all this, this is just a… A way of helping people. I understand that. Who doesn’t want to be Robin Hood? But you’re still breaking the law.“

"Jim, you wish you could do what I’m doing. Helping people without the straitjacket of the law? As if the law means anything in Gotham. Look at your daughter free and running around after she committed murder.” I glare at her. “I’ve got my sane papers to prove it, T.”

“You want to send me to Blackgate? Go ahead!” Lee challenges loudly. “I don’t want to send you to Blackgate! It’s the last thing I want to do! Don’t you know I wish I could let you walk out that door, turn my head.”

I look at my father tilting my head. “Then what’s holding you back, Jimbo? Maybe if you’d let her go, you’d let yourself go, too. You could let me go.” Jim furrows his brows fighting with himself.

Suddenly the tension is split with knocking on the door. Harvey pops his head in, “Sorry to stick my face in your business, but something just came up.”

I walk into the big office stealing the chair at the desk. “What’s this all about?” “Your ex-boyfriend twice over has just granted us with a gift. Any clue on what it is?” I shake my head playing along. “How could he have planned this? You don’t think he might still be alive, do you?”

Harvey turns to Mr. Fox, “What were the autopsy results, Lucius?”

“Dead when he came in, more dead when he was eviscerated, and his brain was sliced up.”

The screen on the TV focuses and Jerome appears on the screen. “Hello, Jimmy! If you’re watching this, things must not have gone well for me. Shucks! I know my dear, doll is crying herself to sleep in my brother’s arms. I can only pray, I gave as good as I got, and left ample carnage in my wake. But I don’t want to fixate on disappointments. Jimmy, I have one last teensy request for you from your ole late son in law. I want you to throw me a wake at the GCPD. Don’t worry about the guest list. I’ve already sent the invitations.”

A car horn sounds loudly outside and the rumble of the gang outside rises. “I don’t like the sound of that,” Harvey says looking around the room.

“Lockdown everything, now! Everybody listen up! Lock it down! Lock it down, now!

The mod bangs against the door risking the chance of invading the GCPD. I look over the panic of the cops biting my lip. "What are we going to do? We need to hit them! Get them away from here.” I say frustrated.

“We’re not. We’re going to let them in.” Jim says, making me look at him wide-eyed. “Have you lost your mind, dad?” “(Y/n), you know how Jerome works, dead or alive. He uses distractions.” I look at the door that is about to bust wide open to the freaks on the outside. “We’re just going to let them come in and party?”

Jim nods gathering us around. “This wake is just intended to distract us, while his followers hit the real target.”

“Which is?”

Well, we’re never gonna figure that out if we’re inside, fighting off these maniacs, are we? Look, they come in the front door, right? You fall back, get a few shots off, make it look good. Meanwhile, the entire precinct sneaks out this old service door as quickly as possible. Once we’re outside, we surround the building, cordon it off.“ I smirk at my father’s plan. "You’re trapping them inside!”

“Correct. They blow off some steam. We hit ‘em with teargas, and knock a few heads.”

“There is the issue with figuring out what the real target is. Got a plan for that, dad?”

Jim smirks. “I do.”


Jeremiah POV:

“I didn’t think you could get the generator program working so quickly,” Bruce says admiring the tower. “You ready for a demonstration?”

“Okay, you hit that switch there, and the facility will be disconnected from the power grid.” Bruce flips the switch on the wall allowing the tower to take over the power ridge completely.

The generator hums lowly and glows, seconds later the lights in the building return and the tower is stable. “Ambient energy. No cables or wires of any kind. It’s clean and stable. Harvested from micro tremors and air density shifts, it’s… It’s virtually without costs.” I hum looking over my work.

“And with the prototypes at Wayne Labs, we can power all of Gotham?”

“You’ve kept this project a secret, yes?”

“No one outside of Wayne Industries knows it exists.”

I mumble walking towards my desk. “It’s the ones who are closest to you that you have to keep your eye on. I know better than anyone.” I pull out Jerome’s diary chuckling to myself. “Arkham Asylum sent me Jerome’s personal effects, and amongst them, I found his diary. It’s a catalog of his fantasies and goals. Every twisted vision he ever had.” I turn a few pages seeing the horrific drawings.

“Maybe you shouldn’t spend so much time reading it.” I nod, “(Y/n) says that too. He was obsessed with torturing and murdering me, James Gordon, and you, and if he had been
just the least bit sane, he would have destroyed us all. And Gotham would be in ruin.”

Bruce walks over placing a hand on my shoulder. “Your brother’s dead, Jeremiah. It’s time for you to come out of this bunker and join the world. You’ll be a father soon, and you can’t expect your kids to have their father living underground.”

I shutter and nodded in agreement. “Yes. Yes, he’s dead. I still have trouble believing it.”

Bruce picks up his phone suddenly.



“Thank you, Alfred. I’m on my way.” Bruce faces me again, “Lunch plans… That was a lie.”

“You’re lying to me, Bruce?”

He sighs, shaking his head. “You’re right. I’m sorry. It seems some of Jerome’s followers are causing trouble.” I shutter in panic. “Oh, my God. I was right.”

“No, Jeremiah.”

“I was right. He’s not dead. Bruce, he’s not dead. He’s alive, and he’s coming after me and (y/n)!”

Bruce grabs my shoulders holding me steady. “Jeremiah, easy, easy. You’re not thinking clearly. Come on, this isn’t like you.”

I sigh looking at my friend letting everything play out. “Bruce… Bruce, I need to tell you something. After Jerome died, he left one last final trap for me and (Y/n)… He sprayed both of us with his insanity gas.” Bruce backs away slightly.

“It’s a special mixture just for you, brother,” he said. I can’t stop seeing him. Clawing his way out of his grave, coming for me, and even though I know it’s not real, it feels real. And I can’t control myself.“ Bruce nods coming forward again. "What if I could show you
he’s dead and buried?” “How?” “We go there, to his grave.”

I shake my head frantically. “No. No, no, no.”

“Jeremiah, listen to me. Your brother took away your greatest strength, your mind, and turned it into a trap. But if you can see the reality, you can be freed from that trap.” I stare at him in hope. “You really think that would work?” He nods his head. “I do.”

“Then I’ll try. You’re a good friend, Bruce.”


The freaks in the GCPD cause chaos as we try to escape. “There’s too many of them.” I scramble on my feet down the hallway and into the locker room with my dad.

“We have to go!”

I race to the door only to be knocked down by a cult member. She smirks at me and I wink at her going along with our little act. “Hey, there little thing!”

“Well, look at us. We caught ourselves Captain James Gordon and his little girl! How fantastic!”

“Hi, guys.” My dad grins at them.

“Don’t try and get chummy with us, Gordon. We’re gonna carve you up.”

“Yeah, no, I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to them.” Jim says pointing behind us towards Harvey. “Hey, man, you like to dance?” Harvey tases them.

“Let’s you and me talk outside, what do you say?”

They stuff the poor guy in the trunk and tase him every few minutes for an answer.

“Long live Jerome!”

Harvey groans, tasing him once more. “All right. One more time, sunshine. Did Jerome leave any other instructions?”

“I’ll never- AH!”

“All right, look, this is how it’s going to go. You’re going to start talking, or I’m gonna stop caring whether you can talk, you got it?” He groans and nods looking at Harvey with fear.

“I’ll talk! It’s too late, anyways. They’re already dead.”

“Who? Who’s dead?” I challenge with worry. He giggles and replies in a sing-song voice. “Jeremiah and Bruce Wayne.” I shut the trunk frustrated.

“He can’t be telling the truth, can he? Dad, if Jer is gone…” “Don’t worry about this. I want you to go to your apartment, (Y/n). I’ll bring Jeremiah to you. I’ll go to the bunker.” I nod sighing. “Be careful.”

As I walk away from the GCPD I call Ecco. “It’s a go. He’s heading there now.”


Jim POV:

“Bruce? Jeremiah?” I call out into the stone bunker. I walk into Jeremiah’s office seeing the large generator creating a static buzz.
The monitors on the wall turn on revealing a static picture of Jerome. “Hiya, Jimbo!”


“Ah! Don’t bother talkin’ to me. This is a recorded message, and plus, I’m still dead. Just more posthumous fun. Look, I knew you’d see through all those shenanigans at the station. I’ve given all my fans a script for them to follow. See, I wanted to bring you here. Oh!” Suddenly a gun is pressed to my head from a masked figure. “Don’t mind her. She’s just here to make sure there’s no talking during the movie. And, trust me, you’re gonna wanna pay attention, so the twist makes sense at the end.”

Jerome laughs easily. Two hands reach around his neck strangling him allowing me a chance to fight off the masked women. Once battling her to the ground I remove the mask. “Ecco?”

Jerome goes limp on screen only to have him pop up on the other. He pulls his sleeves up smiling, “I tell you, suicide really takes it out of a guy.” He pulls out a red cloth and wipes his face with it. “Huh. What’s this?” Jerome peels the skin from his face smirking at the screen.


He holds the cloth over his face concealing his features. “Jerome is dead.” He removes the cloth revealing a pale-faced Jeremiah. “Long live me.” He speaks with a calm smirk as his icy eyes burn into mine.

“I apologize for the deception, Jim. I needed to ape Jerome in order to persuade his followers to throw that macabre celebration at your police station. They are a pathetic lot, but not without their uses.”

Ecco gets up and exits the room locking the door in a split second. I pull against them in an effort to escape.

“Ah, sidebar, that is a self-perpetuating generator. It can store a phenomenal amount of energy. I would hate to be within a mile of it if it were to overload.”


“Now do you believe I’m not your brother? Jeremiah, listen to me! Jerome’s followers are doing this! Nothing else makes sense. He sent them instructions to torment you.” Bruce cries out as I examine my brother’s face. I scoff, “How fake. Yes, I can see quite clearly where you cut off poor Bruce’s face, and stitched on your own. But I am a man of science. So, let’s have some evidence, huh?” I pull out a knife lunging at Bruce.

“Let’s go, brother. Let’s pull off that grotesque facade.” I giggle, swiping the blade at Bruce. He twists my arms and grabs me in a locked hold.

“Jeremiah! Do not let him turn you into him! Do not let Jerome win this battle! Think about your kids! Think about (y/n)!”

I giggle in his grip, “Jerome, beat me? That’ll be the day.”

The followers come out ripping us apart chanting.

“Long live Jerome! Long live Jerome! Long live Jerome!”

A member holding onto me yells, “Jerome is victorious at last!” I roll my eyes whipping my gun out from my sleeve and shooting him dead. Blood splatters on me as he falls and the yard grows silent. “Jerome victorious? Are you serious?”

I look down gesturing to his dead body. “He’s dead. Haven’t you been paying attention?”

I sigh pulling out a rag and wiping the olive tone cover off my face allowing my pale skin to come to the light.

I smirk walking over to Jerome and kicking him back in the grave. “I am the one who’s victorious.”

I turn back to Bruce and the cult smirking. “Look, Bruce, like everything Jerome set his mind to, his insanity gas failed. Other than some mild cosmetic effects, he might as well have sprayed me with water. You all need to see Jerome for the utter dud that he was. So, I donned the mask of madness to show you how feeble that is compared to actual greatness. Behold, the face of true sanity. But looks aren’t everything. I have a compendium of Jerome’s obsessions and goals. I will outdo every one of them.”

(Y/n) stolls out reading Jerome’s diary. “Jerome wanted to turn Gotham into a madhouse. But Jeremiah taught me to build something, you must first tear down what is already there. Start fresh.” She smirks looking over the pictures.

“Jeremiah, the gas worked. Both of you are insane!” Bruce fights against the hold of the followers. “Think about it. You want to carry out Jerome’s crazy plans sanely? What could be madder than that?”

(Y/n) steps up, pinching Bruce’s cheek. “Madder? Bruce, you’re so misled.”

“May I, love?” I take the book from (y/n) turning to a page full of insanity fueled ideas. “Ah, here, for example. Jerome wanted to slather you in honey, and have you eaten alive by corpse beetles… Now, that’s mad. Me, if I wanna kill you, I’ll just do it. I’ll shoot you in the head. Simply and sanely.” I finish aiming my gun at Bruce and smirking. “But I don’t want to kill you.”

All the followers groan with disappointment. “Are you gonna listen, or are you gonna behave like children?”

“See, I don’t want to kill you, because I wanna show you how much I’ve changed things. How much we’ve changed things. Because I could not have done any of this without your help.” Bruce furrows his brows.

“My help?”

(Y/n) smiles leaning against me. “Should we tell him, Jer?” She giggles looking up at me. I kiss her head sweetly.

“I feel very indebted to you, Bruce. See, those generators that we built with your money… they work even better as bombs.”


“That sound you’re hearing. That is a very bad sound. One which, I’m afraid, makes you something of a guinea pig, Jim.”

I look behind me seeing the generator buzzing louder each second. “Killing you will help secure the loyalty of Jerome’s minions, but more importantly it will keep you out of (Y/n)’s life. Now, she doesn’t know this yet, but it’s for the better. And, well… That is that. Goodbye, Jim Gordon.”


Suddenly an explosion goes off in the direction of the bunker. Jeremiah smiles watching the gas cloud. “That’s one down. Jim Gordon is dead.”

“What?” I look up at Jeremiah shocked. “You didn’t tell me you were going to do this. T-That’s my father, Jer.” He sighs pouting his lip towards me. “Love, I understand, but he was never going to let us be together. Now, we can be a real family. Wouldn’t that be nice?”

Aww, now,that’s actually cute. Son of a bitch finally did it! Be happy he’s not controlling your life anymore, doll!” Jerome’s voice flashes in my ears.

I gulp looking in the direction of the smoke. “I think I’m more upset about our home.”

Jeremiah smirks looking at me. “I’ve set us up, darling. Don’t you worry. Everything important was moved last night.”

Bruce fights against the follower’s hold. “(y/n), how could you do this? He is your father!”

Jeremiah waves his hand, hushing Bruce. “Sorry, Bruce, but progress requires sacrifice.”

“I’m going to stop you.” Bruce sneers. I sigh, shaking my head. “I really hope you don’t try. I would hate to have to kill you. In fact, I can honestly say, you are my very best friend.” I walk over hitting him over the head with my gun, and throwing him in the grave with my brother.

I wrap my arm around (Y/n) walking away from the graveyard. “Well, that was fun.” She said giggling. I smirk holding her close. “Yes, it was, love. Long live us.”

“Jeremiah! Jeremiah!” The followers chant behind us as we file out.

Ecco follows behind us as (Y/n) and I walk down the dark hall towards the generator base in Wayne Enterprises. “Good evening, gentlemen.” I speak waltzing towards them.

“Hey there, Mr. Valeska. You and (Y/n) alone or is that Mr. Wayne behind you too?”

“No, Mr. Wayne. She’s just a little help.”

(Y/n) pulls out a gun shooting both men dead. “Nice shot.” Ecco praises her as I open the doors revealing the many bombs. I grin overlooking my projects. “Look at these. The gifts of true friendship. Ecco, let’s load them on the trucks. It’s time to give Gotham City its new face.” I pull (Y/n) to me smiling. “It’s time I build a city good enough for my Queen.” I place my hands in her stomach getting jitters. “And for my heirs.”

Part 46 Here!!!


“Okay. It’s okay. All you have to do is go to the store and pick up a test. Maybe some ice cream if they have it.” I speak to myself in the mirror as I apply my makeup.

I pull my hair up and huff as I look at myself. “I think you look pretty hot,” Jerome says coming up behind me and placing his hands on my belly. He rests his chin on my shoulder and smiles at me. “I want a little girl, (y/n).” I roll my eyes moving out of the grip of his ghostly fingers.

“Stop this.” I shake my head wanting to bang it against something to help make him leave. “You have to give in one way or another.” I shake my head groaning.

I move to my closet grabbing a T-shirt and jeans. Jerome starts to sing loudly in my ear clogging my brain.

“Oh, I know what you really missed!” Jerome cackles and hides behind the bathroom door. Seconds later a younger redhead emerged. I shake my head and turn my back to him. He laughs climbing onto the bed and jumping up and down. “If you can’t stand me I can’t wait to see how that little baby makes you feel!” I scream, picking up my pillow and attacking the child vision.

“(Y/n)! What are you doing?”

Jeremiah tangles himself with my arms and holds me steady as I catch my breath.

“Darling what is it?” Jeremiah slightly laughs at my frustration. “Was there a spider?”

I look at him and point to the little child cackling on the bed. “This little shit won’t leave me alone!” Jeremiah looks over to the bed and back to me. “Jerome?”

Jerome starts to kick his brother trying to tackle him. “Yeah… kinda… he is 9 right now.”

Jeremiah gives me a look of sorrow pulling me towards him into his arms. “Focus on me, love.” He sways us calmly running his fingers through my hair.

“What has got you so worked up? Ecco has told me you’ve been rather stressed and you’ll zone out when she’s trying to talk to you.” I sigh laughing into his chest.

I can’t tell him Jeremiah about the possible pregnancy now. He would go fully insane if I opened that can of worms. Just the thought of it trying makes me sick with worry. What would my father say?

“(Y/n), is everything okay?”

Quick. Think of something to say!

I look up meeting Jeremiah’s green eyes smiling. “It’s dumb.” “What is it? Have I done something? Ecco told me it might be because of me.”


“No, Jeremiah. I did something…. and it has me stressed.” “Well you know you can tell me anything, love.”

I nod huffing. “I’m stressed because… um….” don’t tell him, (y/n).“ I shrug laughing. "Ecco kissed me when we were drunk!”


Jeremiah stares at me only to smile and start to laugh. “What?” He holds his chest laughing even harder now. “I-I knew it! Oh my god! I knew she liked you from the moment I asked her to look after you!”

I smile laughing with him. “You’re not mad?” He reaches for my hands again bringing me close. “Now why would I be angry? You’re still my girlfriend. Ecco knows her place now and is here to assist me in my business and to protect you when needed. You’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. How could I blame her for a slip of lust, huh?” Jeremiah’s voice deepens and his words slip out like honey.

His grip moves down my waist and grips me tightly pulling myself to him. He smirks darkly turning to the small Jerome. “Are you going to leave? Or watch me fuck your ex-girlfriend, brother?”

Jerome smirks patting his brother’s shoulder. “Nah, I’ll leave you two insane love birds to do the dirty work.”

I look at Jeremiah seeing a new shade of confidence washed over him. He does this often now. He will switch from a timid man who works too hard to this confident individual who takes what he wants.

“You saw him?” Jeremiah smiles at me cocking an eyebrow. “Moment of weakness into the spray. It feels… good. Don’t you think?” Jeremiah quickly retreats his confidence and shelters into sanity again.

He adjusts his glasses laughing lightly. “I’m sorry, (y/n). I’m not giving into him. Into that person Jerome poisoned me with. Anyways! Are you going out?”

I nod smiling at him with worry. I can see how hard Jeremiah is trying to hold himself together. “Do you need anything, Jer?” “Would you mind getting some more of the foundation? I’ve already run low on the first bottle.”

Jeremiah refuses to show any part of his new porcelain skin. Last time I had seen it his cheeks were while leaving half of his face peach. That was 3 weeks ago.

I kiss him quickly, giggling as he tries to hold me back again. “Oh! I forgot! Bruce is coming to work with me.” “Do the best friends need snacks?” Jeremiah shrugs laughing, “it’s never a bad idea, love!” I peck his cheek shaking my head. “I’ll be back!”

“I love you!”


I scan over the different tests frustrated. “7 days earlier? How can they know that?” I pick up the box looking on the back.

I place it in my cart and walk away quickly bumping into someone falling down. I look up seeing someone I’ve missed dearly. “Barbara!”

She grins down at me helping me stand. “Well, well, well, Ms. Gordon in the flesh!” Her eyes scan the floor and pick up the one thing that had fallen out.

She waves the test in front of my face with wide eyes. “You want to tell me something?” “No.”

She smirks, “Smart. How about an exchange. I buy you lunch and you tell me why you’re buying this.” I stare at her biting my lip. “I feel like I don’t have an option.” She hums, locking arms with me. “You don’t.”


“With Jeremiah? His twin?” I chew my slide of pizza nodding. “I mean it could be his.” Barbara tilts her head, tapping her nails on the table. “I didn’t know you were that type of girl, (y/n).” “I’m not! I could be his… or Jerome’s.” Barbara slams her hand on the table laughing. “Should I play Mama Mia and sing to you?” “This isn’t funny!”

She laughs grabbing my hand. “Come to my place and let’s take it. Then we go from there.”


I close the bathroom door looking at myself in the mirror. “Okay.” I take the test and set a timer waiting for it to pass. “Ugh, could this take any longer?”

“I could help pass the-” “Don’t.” I point my finger at Jerome.

After what felt like hours my phone beeps sounding the end of the timer. “Aren’t you going to look?” I look at Jerome shaking my head. He rolls his eyes.

He pushes me over forcing me to look at the small stick. The small white stick holding two solid blue lines proved my fate.

I picked it up in shock. I sigh feeling a smile making its way to my lips. I stare in the mirror with unplanned happiness taking over. “Okay, momma. You’ve got some work to do.” I place my hand on my stomach smiling.


~5 Weeks Ago~

Jeremiah POV:

It was all a scary dream. I was working too hard and slept on the floor. That’s what happened.

I shake my leg as I try and focus on the words of this book. “Come on, brother. We need to have a little chat.” I flick my ear shaking my head. “It’s not real.”

Jerome’s laugh fills the room making me jump. There he stands in front of me smirking with his scars. “Ah! There he is!” He laughs sitting on my desk. “Alright, Jeremiah. There are a few rules you’ll take in when this kicks in!” “What are you-” “HUSH! Number one… You never get (y/n) hurt. Number two… Jim Gordon will end up hating you blah blah blah. Kill him. And number three… Burn it all down, and make it suitable for our queen. What do you say, Jeremiah? Do it for (y/n)? For love?” Jerome places his hand out for me to shake it and in a moment of weakness, I reach for it.

“You’re not real.”

Jerome huffs tailing towards the door. “Whatever. You’ll find out soon enough.”


I twist the cup of coffee just so a few words of the book title would show. After finding out about the baby I planned a way to tell Jeremiah in a day. I bought him a new book about parenting.

“A book? You’re telling him by a book? No streamers or fireworks?” “He’s not you Jerome.” He rolls his eyes vanishing.

The door unlocks and Jeremiah and Ecco walk in. “(Y/n)! How are you?” Ecco waltzed over hugging me. “I’m good! Great actually.” I smile not being able to contain my giggles.

“Darling? What’s got you so excited?” Jeremiah places his notebook on the table and sits in the seat at the island. “I got you a new book.”

I slide the book and coffee over with a growing grin glued to my face. Jeremiah lifts the drink looking at the book and laughing. “Very funny, love. Yes, my work is my baby. So clever.” Ecco stares at the book and then back at me.

“You’re not.” I smile at her nodding. She yells hugging me happily. Jeremiah looks at us confused. “What’s going on?”

“I thought you were smarter than this, Jer. Think about it.”

I watch as Jeremiah’s mind turns and his thoughts roll over each idea. He drops the book on the counter staring at me with wide eyes. “Oh.”

“OH!” Jeremiah runs around the counter and picks me up in his arms. “You’re pregnant?” He says into my shoulder.

He looks at me with tears streaming. “Yeah. I’m pregnant!” He hugs me again tightly crying into my form.

“Oh my! I-I have to go do something! Don’t move- well you can move… just…. I’LL BE BACK!”

Jeremiah runs out the door leaving Ecco and I alone. She smiles at me resting her hand on my shoulder. “I am so happy for you.” I smile hugging her. “You know you’ll have to help me.” She nods laughing. “Of course I will!”


Jeremiah POV:

I knock on Jim’s door, quickly stumbling with the ring in my pocket. The door swings open revealing Jim Gordon. “Jeremiah? Is everything okay? You look pale. Is (y/n) okay?” I laugh putting my hand on the back of my neck. “Yes, Jim. We’re fantastic. I just… wanted to talk to you about something.” He narrows his eyes but opens the door allowing me in.

“What can I help you with?” I turn to Jim smiling like an idiot. “I love (y/n), Jim. I want to make her happy for the rest of my life.” Jim nods smiling. “I’m glad you feel that way, Jeremiah. Where is this headed?”

I sigh, grabbing the ring box from my pocket. “I’d like your blessing to ask (y/n) to marry me.” I open the box revealing a lovely ring holding a diamond rock in the center.

Jim stares at the ring in shock. He clears his throat nodding. “Wow. It’s not been… long has it? It’s been what? 7, 8 months? Don’t you think it’s a little fast?” My hopes die and my blood runs cold. “I love her.”

Jim nods patting my shoulder. “I do too. I just want to make sure this is the best thing for her, Jeremiah.”

“But I love her, Jim.”

He sighs nodding. “Let’s sit on it for a few days. Alright? Then come talk to me. Over dinner!” I stir the ring in my pocket shielding my disappointment. “Of course. Goodnight, Jim.”

I run down to the car sulking in my sadness.

“Are you really going to listen to that bozo?” I look in the mirror seeing Jerome in the back seat. “He is her father.” “That she doesn’t listen to. It’s not his choice. One thing I learned from dealing with Jimbo is he never will make the right choice for (y/n)’s happiness. In short, words, fuck Jim Gordon.” I laugh, shaking my head at his comment. I open the ring box staring at it.

“You really spoil her.” “I do what you couldn’t.” He hits my shoulder laughing. “Good one. Now, what do you say we go ask for a wife?”


I wander into the house and see (y/n) sitting on the couch. She looks up smiling at me. “Hey, where’d you go?” I bite my lip pushing her down and connecting our lips. “I love you so much.” I kiss down her neck feeling a wash of control take over.

“Jeremiah.” she gasps against my hold, making me growl and crave her even further.

I look up at her face, but a slight patch of makeup is wiped on her shirt. She places her hand on my cheek running her fingers over the newly revealed skin. I panic removing myself from her.

“No Jeremiah.” She crawls on me straddling me. “Show me.” “(Y/n), it’s horrible.” She shakes her head kissing the pale skin along my neck. “I want to see you, Jeremiah.”

I nod removing myself and going into the bathroom. I wipe all the foundation off allowing the porcelain skin to shine through. I take off my glasses and take out the green colored contacts.

The icy shade pierced into my soul as I stare at my new appearance. “Jeremiah?”

“I’m coming, love.”

I grab the ring box and stuff it back into my pocket. As I enter the living room her eyes rake my figure. Her eyes widen as she takes in the new me.

I sit down across from her and look away. “I told you it was horrible.” (Y/n) crawls into my lap again grabbing my face. “No. Just like I said. Still handsome.” She leans down connecting our lips.

I pull away smiling at her. “Before we get too busy I need to ask you something, doll.” She nods removing herself from my lap.

“You’ve brought me so much joy and happiness into my life, (y/n), and I never want it to end. You’re going to give me a child who we can watch grow, but I want to do it right.” I get down on one knee in front of her and pull the ring box out opening it.

“(Y/n) Gordon, will you marry me?” She covers her mouth as she gazes down at the ring. She nods her head speechless. “Yes?” “Yes, Jeremiah!” She cries and kisses me passionately.

I slide the ring on her finger and admire the band. “Mrs. Valeska. I love it.”

Part 45 Here!!!


As we arrive in town Jeremiah holds my hand tightly. I lean on his arm smiling up towards him. “You’re going to be okay.” He nods letting out a shaky breath. “I know. I’m worried about what he will say about you. He will be mad.” I nod looking away. “He won’t know. I’ll be going straight to the roof.” His eyes grow sad as he gazes at me. “I won’t see you again will I?” I smile at him and rest a hand on his cheek admiring his green eyes. “I don’t know, Jer. I hope Jerome is going to be locked up and then we can move on. For the better.”

Jeremiah nods placing his hand over my own. “Then this is goodbye, (Y/n).” I sigh look upon the sea of frightened citizens. “Until we meet again, Jeremiah.” He grabs me smashing his lips upon mine. As my father pulls him away from me he calls out, “I love you!” I cover my mouth smiling.

I quickly run-up to the roof seeing both Bruce and Jeremiah hooked up to their bombs.

“No parent will admit it, but everyone’s got their favorites. Right, brother? The one who cleans their room does their homework, doesn’t try to kill everybody. Little Mr. Perfect here. Yeah. He was that guy. He got adopted by rich folks. I went to the top schools, then, a top college. Meanwhile, I got dragged through the circus by my depressed alcoholic mother. Forced to clean up elephant dung every day! Do you know how big those things are, folks? But I know something that Mommy and Daddy, they never knew.”

Jerome smirks at his brother as he tells their tragic story. “You’re as crazy as I am. It’s in your DNA. See, we got the same blood running through us. We are practically identical. You are a killer. It’s your nature. Stop trying to fight it. You changed (y/n). Pumped lies into her head of sanity. Took her away. I’ve got a plan for both of you.”

Jerome opens a knife and slides it into Jeremiah’s hand. “This is your chance, brother. Take your best shot.”

Jeremiah screams lunging at his brother. Jerome simply doges it and punches him in the face. Gunfire rings out from the streets below. I lean over watching the chaos and losing sights on Jerome and Jeremiah.

As the panic increases, a blimp glides over the Square. The door to the rooftop burst open and a bleeding Jerome stumbles over to me laughing. “Look at her! Isn’t she beautiful?”

Jerome looks to me pulling me to dance with him. “I’m not dumb, doll. I know where you’ve been.” He squeezes my side sharply causing me to flinch. “You’ve been shot, Jerome.” “Aw, what about that.” He walks me over near the edge standing up on it and overlooking at his creation.

“Hands up.” My father’s voice rings out from behind us. Jerome turns around chuckling. He pulls out his phone raising a finger, “Just give me a second. Got to call the pilot. Tell him he’s in position.” In a split second Jerome’s wrist is shot making him drop the phone.

“Not cool.” He groans glaring at Jim.

“Jerome…” I state watching him with sad eyes.

He shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. Too late, anyway. Bombs away!” He shouts as another gunshot sounds. I scream as it enters his abdomen.

Jerome looks down at his wound. “Funny.” He falls back making me run after him. “No!” My father grabs me as we both view Jerome dangling.

Jerome looks at me and smiles. This is where we end.

“You gonna let me fall and die? Or are you gonna pull me up and arrest me? What’s it gonna be? Lawman or murderer?” I reach down but Jerome doesn’t reach for me. “Dad… Please.”

Jim reaches down but Jerome laughs swatting his hand away and hanging onto the pole with just his hands.

“Ah. Good ol’ Gordons. The two of you! Always playing by the rules. That’s why I’ll outlive you. That’s why I’m loved. It’s why she loves me! ‘cause I don’t give a damn about the rules.” He chuckles looking at the both of us.

“Jerome, grab my hand.” He shakes his head smiling.

“It’s a long way down. You sure you’ll outlive me?”

“Oh, I’m sure. 'cause I’m more than a man. I’m an idea, a philosophy. And I will live on in the shadows within Gotham’s discontent. I’ll always be a part of you won’t I, (y/n)? Say… Let my bro take care of you.” He cackles blowing me a kiss. “You’ll be seeing me soon. Au revoir!” Jerome lets go falling to the ground and onto a parked car ending his last seconds in Gotham.

My chest burns as his smile stay wide. His eyes looking up at me. I cry into my father’s chest as he holds me. “It’s alright, (Y/n). I’m here. I got you.”


As we get down to the ground people are gathered around Jerome’s body. “GCPD. Everybody get back!” Jim yells causing others to thin out.

Only leaving a few including Jeremiah. I walk over pulling on his sleeve. “(Y/n). Oh my god.” He wraps his arm around me tightly. “I’m so sorry.” I shake my head. “It’s okay. He’s in peace now.”

He looks down at me with puffy eyes. “Can I come home?” I ask quietly. He smiles and cups my cheek nodding. “Of course you can. I wouldn’t have you anywhere else.”

“Mr. Valeska. Ms. Gordon. I’m sorry for the loss.”

“Jeremiah, I meant what I said about your work being of importance to this city. Let Wayne Enterprises fund your work with a grant.” Bruce offers with a nod.

“Thank you,” Jeremiah says nodding. “We’ll be in touch, Bruce.”

As we walk away together I can’t help but feel light. I look over at Jeremiah looping my arm in his. “Promise me that we will keep each other sane?” Jeremiah kisses my head nodding. “I promise, love.”


I walk on the cold ground barefoot leading to the office. I knock twice before entering. “You know you need to go to sleep.” I sit on the desk smiling at him as he scans his work. “I have slept.” I pinch his nose rolling my eyes. “That kind of sleep doesn’t count, Mr. Valeska.” He shrugs coming around the desk and standing in between my legs.

“Alright. How about we open these and then we go to bed?” He passes me a small ring box with a tag while he holds a wrapped box. “Who are these from?” “Bruce Wayne.” I giggle shaking mine. “Must be expensive.”

As we tear into our gifts the tension is thick. “Same time?” Jeremiah asks like a child at Christmas. I nod smiling with excitement.

As I open the lid a tube spays me the purple gas. I cough falling on the floor. “Ahh, honey, do you smell that cooking?” Jerome’s voice cackles in my mind. “You know how it feels love. It’s just like a drug. Let it in. Let it flow. Let us grow.” He laughs in my ears as I scream covering my ears.

Jeremiah thrashes around screaming as well. He soon starts to laugh and his smile grows wide. “Jer!” I scream as he falls on the floor.

I start laughing remembering all the things that made my blood-red hot. The screams of the victims I’ve taken. The wide fearful eyes of citizens.

“You wanted a new life, doll? You’ve got one! BURN IT DOWN!”


~Two Weeks Post Spray~

I sit on the couch keeping myself occupied with my phone as Ecco strolls in, sitting beside me. “Hey girlfriend.”

“Hey Ecco! What are you doing here? I’m sure Jereminah gave you the week off.” She shrugs smiling. “He did, doesn’t mean I can’t spend time with you, right? It’s been a while since we hung out.”

I look at the time seeing it’s close to dinner and lock my phone. “You want to grab some drinks?” She nods standing. “It’s a date. I’ll drive.” I laugh putting on my shoes and walking towards the office.

I peek my head in and see Jeremiah reading. “Hello (y/n).” He spills out my name like honey. He looks up smiling at me.

“Hi.” I swoon as I walk over to him, resting on his leg. “I’m going to have a girls night with Ecco. Want me to get anything for you?” Jeremiah closes his book and removes his glasses. “You and Ecco?” I nod confused.

“We’re good friends, Jer. She’s looked after me for a while now.” He hums smirking. “Would you rather me stay with you today?” Jeremiah shakes his head laughing. “No darling. Go out and have fun tonight!” He pats my hip standing me up. “Save some fun for me later, doll.” He growls in my ear twirling me out the door.

I wink and salute to him. “Yes sir.”


I laugh slamming my empty shot glass down. “Another!” Ecco shouts ringing us another round of shots.

I lean my head on her shoulder feeling foggy. “This- this is great! I haven’t been able to just let go, ya know?” Ecco nods, “You out of everyone I’ve known deserves to drink.” “What do you mean? My life isn’t that nuts!” Ecco’s eyes widen and she dies in laughter.

“R-really? Are you joking?” “I mean it’s unusual, but not nuts! At least I’m happy.”

Her eyes fall and she nods. “You’re really happy with him?” I nod smiling. “He’s great to me.” “He’s always working.” Ecco agues.

“He makes time for me.” Ecco scoffs muttering something under her breath. “Huh?” Ecco smiles shaking her head. “What do you say I get you home?” I nod standing and stumbling to the car.

“Heels are never a good idea when I’ve been drinking! I don’t think I can- Whoa!” I trip falling.

Ecco grabs my waist catching me as I giggle drunkly. “You’re so waisted!” She cackles leaning me against the car.

She opens the passage door letting me fall into the seat. “Hey Ecco.” I whisper pulling her close. “Yes?”

I turn to her smiling, “think you could do me a favor?” She places a hand on my thigh gazing at me. “Anything (y/n).” She leans in awaiting. “Awesome. Can you take my shoes off? They’re so far away.” I slump back in my seat closing my eyes.


Seconds later my bare feet hit the floor mat and Ecco raised. I open my eyes checking on her, “Ecco, are you-” Her lips press flush against mine and she places her fingers in my hair.

She pulls away breathlessly. “Don’t go back to him, (y/n). He doesn’t give you enough.” I stare at her confused. “You’re drunk, Ecco.” I giggle pushing her away softly.

She grabs my chin and she pecks my lips lightly. “Okay, (y/n). You’re happy and I’ll keep it at that.” Before I close my eyes she mutters three words I never expected.

She buckles me into the seat, kisses my head, whispers “I love you.” Then closes my door starting the long ride home.


I sit up groaning and fall back into the silk pillowcase. A sharp giggle causes me to open my eyes seeing Jerome sitting at the edge of the bed. “You got a little frisky last night didn’t you?” I tilt my head looking at him. “What do you want?” He crawls up the bed kissing me cheeks.

“How is my dear brother? Any sign of insanity yet? Yours is kicking in nicely, but he’s a tough cookie isn’t he?” I roll my eyes covering my head with the pillow. “He’ll never give into it.” Jerome pulls the pillow off my face smiling. “You never used to be this naïve.” He sighs rolling off the bed and hitting the floor. “Enjoy the sanity while you still can, doll. Dark days are coming for Gotham.” Jerome places a hand on my stomach smiling. “But there is always a spark of light in the dark isn’t there?” He giggles, vanishing as he leaves the pressure on my stomach.

I shake my head standing, but as soon as my feet hit the floor a rush of sickness washes over me. I run to the bathroom throwing my insides into the bowl.

Jeremiah rushes in kneeling next to me. “Oh, honey, too much fun last night?” I lean on the wall breathing hard. “It must’ve been.” Jeremiah nods helping me up. “Jim called.” “I missed his call?” “No, love, he called me.” I smile leaning against the counter.

“For?” “He invited us over for dinner tonight. He said something about starting up the Weekly Gordon Dinner Fest and convinced me it was going to be amazing.” “Wow. He’s inviting you over. You know what that means? He likes you.” Jeremiah shakes his head. “He likes that I keep his daughter safe.” I giggle kissing his nose. “Nope. He likes you, Jeremiah. I can feel it.”


“Do I need to dress fancy or is this purple tie too much?” Jeremiah asks, turning around to face me. “Purple? That’s new for you.” Jeremiah nods tugging at it and smirking. “It is. Makes me feel fresh. Do you like it, love?” I waltz over to him with his blazer. “You look great.” Jeremiah slides his jacket on and wraps his arms around me. “And you… look darling in red.”

He swings me around and I laugh leaning into him. As I hold my hand on his chest I notice the skin around his neckline is extremely pale. I pull at the collar looking at the ghostly skin beneath. “Something wrong, doll?” I looked up at him and for a moment his eyes were light as snow. I blink rapidly only to see them a healthy green again. “You’re just… pale. More than usual.” Jeremiah smiles, shrugging. “I live underground, (y/n). Sunlight isn’t my best friend.” I nod as he walks us away from our home.


“I just can’t believe you made this all alone, dad.” I laugh as I help set out the spread my father had made for tonight. “I’m not completely helpless.” He says picking up a plater. “Here Jim, let me.” Jeremiah takes it and sets the food on the table.

My dad nods smiling. “You did good this time, (y/n).” I nod smiling at my favorite men. “Oh, almost forgot!” Jeremiah pulls out a bottle of scotch and passes it to my father. “Can’t come without a gift.” My father pats Jeremiah’s shoulder nodding. “Thank you Jeremiah. Care for a glass?” “Please.” Jeremiah chuckles pulling out my chair.

As dinner runs on course everyone smiles and laughs. I gaze at my family with a smile. “Would you look at that?” Jerome strolls out of the kitchen drinking from the bottle of scotch. “That could’ve been us.”

Jerome makes faces at the two of them as he downs his drink. “Just look at you. Such a happy family. Why don’t you have a drink to celebrate?” Jerome starts to poor scotch in my glass but looks up at me with a smirk. “Oh wait… that wouldn’t be healthy for the little babe, would it? Ah more for me!”

“(Y/n)?” I shake my head looking at my father. “I-I’m sorry. What?” “Are you okay, honey? You look like you’re going to be sick.” I place my hand on my stomach, but remove it quickly, placing it on the table. “I’m fine, Dad.”


As I’m drying my hair, Jeremiah walks in the bathroom. “Are you going to tell me what happened at dinner?” I sigh looking at him.

“I think we need to go back two weeks and take a recap. We never talked about it.” “About what?” “The spray, Jeremiah! We both got a spray special for us and woke up like nothing happened!” Jeremiah’s eyes flash with fear as he looks at me. He trembles moving towards the bed. “I-I thought it was all a dream. I’ve been seeing him everywhere. I thought maybe it was just a way to cope.” He holds his head in his hands.

I sit in front of him removing his hands. “What has he done to you, Jeremiah?” He holds my hands shaking. “I hear everything he says. He’s always in the back of my mind just picking away. Putting thoughts in my head. Bad thoughts. It’s getting harder to resist, (y/n).”

I took off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt revealing his pale chest. I run my fingers over it furrowing my brows. “It started at my legs. I hate to think what it will do when it gets to my face. I’ll look horrid.” I laugh shaking my head. “No. You’ll look just as handsome.”

Jeremiah laughs, grabbing my hands again. “And you?” I smile and sigh. “Just like all of your work was reversed. I can’t even force him out of my mind now. He’s just mocking me about everything. How happy we are. How Jim likes you.”

Jeremiah holds me in his arms as I run my fingers over his ghostly skin. “No matter where this takes us we stay together.” “Always, Jeremiah.”


I gasp sitting up in bed. “You got about 1 minute.” “Until what?” Jerome leans on his hands smirking at me. Suddenly a rush of sickness strikes me causing me to invade the bathroom once more.

Jerome laughs strolling in. “If it’s a boy can you name him after his daddy? Jerome Valeska the second! Has a good ring don’t you think?” “Y-you’re not the father.” Jerome smirks backing away. “You sure about that? I bet he’ll even have my eyes!”

I wipe my mouth and crawl back in bed. He’s not that father. I’m not pregnant at all.

“Or for a girl we could go for-” “SHUT UP!” I scream throwing a pillow at the figure.

Part 44 Here!!!


I adjust the mask sitting on my face and smile at myself in the mirror. I could get used to this again. I could convince Jerome to leave with me to terrorize Central City. We could start over. He could laugh at frightened civilians while I make his favorite foods. No chances of an ending, only growth.

“Well don’t you look dangerous.” Jerome lays his chin on my shoulder peppering my skin with kisses. “You know what I’ve noticed?” “Hmm?” “You’ve been very loving lately.” Jerome meets my eyes. “I’ve missed you?” “Try again.” “I love seeing you laid below me?” He smirks chuckling. “Temping, but I can tell you’re lying.” Jerome huffs shaking his head. “I’m just seeing what might happen if I try to possibly have a tiny kid with you.” My heart skips as I look deep into his eyes. “You want a kid, Jerome?” He shrugs walking away. “I don’t know. A little. Don’t you think it’s time we-” “Yes.” I nod my head smiling at him from the mirror.

His green eyes rake my form. “Yes?”

I look at myself in the mirror before sighing, taking the mask off, taking my hair down, and setting the gun and the mask on the table. I run my finger over the think black mask before turning to Jerome nodding my head. “Yes.”

Jerome breaks out a smile and grasps me in his arms. He laughs in my shoulder. “I’ve never been happier.” He whispers in my ear. I hug him tightly smiling. “Jim will be pissed.” Jerome cackles loudly. “Yeah. He will be.”

He looks down at me grabbing my cheeks. “I’m going to keep you safe, love. All of us.” He says placing a hand on my stomach. “Jerome, there isn’t anything there yet.” I laugh shaking my head at him. He bends down kissing the place where his hand was. “You don’t know that!” He argues smiling.

“You better go before you’re late.” “THAT’S SHE SAID!” “JEROME!” He laughs walking out the door. “Oh! I almost forgot. You’ll be on the rooftop waiting for me right? I want you to see the show!” I tilt my head smiling. “I’ll be there, Jerome.”


Jim POV:

“Hello?” I say into my phone looking over several maps. “Have you found her? Any signs?” I sign over the line. “Jeremiah, I told you when I know you’ll be the second one to know.” “Don’t you think we should try harder to-” “No one is working harder than me to find my daughter. Now you can ruin your chances now or you can hold off and let me do my job.” Harvey holds his laughter as he shakes his head. “I’m sorry Mr. Gordon. I-I just… I care about her. I love your daughter Jim.”

“I know you do. You and your brother. Which is why I know if Jerome took her, she’s safe. He wouldn’t hurt her, Jeremiah.” He huffs in frustration. “Well, whatever I can do to help please let me know. I can’t lose her.” “You and I both.” I hang up the phone sighing as Harvey laughs. “This is why I don’t have kids.” “Oh yeah? That’s why?” “Hey, pal, what’s that supposed to-” My phone rings again causing me to roll my eyes. “Jeremiah I told you I’m looking for her!”

“Gordon. We need to talk.” Oswald speaks in the line. “Oswald?” “I’m outback. Come alone.” “Yeah. All right.”


“Well, this is a first.” He scoffs waddling over. “Are you doing anything about Jerome?” “We’re looking for him. Have you seen (y/n)?” “I saw her this morning. She’s fine.” “Do you know where she is?” “And if I did, do you think I would just tell you? Have you march in there, guns blazing? He needs to be stopped. He has everyone under his thumb… Freeze, Firefly, Hatter. They are all part of his plan. A dark, terrible plan.”

“Which is?”

Oswald caves slightly. “Scarecrow has made a gas for him.”

“Like a fear toxin?”

“Worse. Much worse. I saw it turn someone into a maniacal, cackling, violent animal.”

“And what does he plan to do with it?” “He’s smart. He hasn’t shared the details of his plans with anyone.” “I bet (y/n) knows.” Oswald shakes his head. “He’s told her the least. He doesn’t want her involved.” I sigh. “Frankly that’s a relief.”

“Instead, we all have a separate task to perform.” “Such as?”

“He has yet to give me my role.”

“Why did you come here if you’re not gonna help me?”

Oswald yells shaking, “He scares the living hell out of me, okay? I mean, I was willing to play along with him for a while. Perhaps he had a way to make us all rich? A return to the good old days, you know? But nothing good will come of this.”

“Or maybe you just don’t like the competition,” Oswald smirks at me before reaching into his blazer. “I’m not the only one who is worried.” He passes me a note in my daughter’s handwriting.

Dad, I hope you’re okay. Just know I am. I hope Jeremiah is good too. I need you to stop Jerome. This isn’t the Jerome we saw before. He’s broken and completely insane. When he was reborn he lost every bit of sanity he was gripping onto. He’s planning something bad. I’d rather see him locked up safely than killing hundreds this way. Do whatever you can. I love you, dad.

“She wanted to come. She’s not allowed to leave without telling Jerome.” “Where is he? Where is the gas?” “He only tells you what he needs to when he needs to. I just know he has to be stopped.”

“Jim! Hey! You down here?! Jim?!” Harvey yells for me as Oswald disappears. “A uni just spotted Jerome near Paisley Square. Said (y/n) was seen being escorted to a rooftop.” “All right, let’s go!”

I call Jeremiah as I sprint towards the car. “She’s in Paisley Square on top of the roofs. Stay where you are. I’ll bring her to you.” “But Gordon-” I hang up speeding towards the Square.


♪ Time has come today ♪

♪ Young hearts can go their way ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Can’t put it off another day ♪

♪ Time has come today… ♪

I smile watching the show from the top. Jerome comes out dancing on stage and steals the mic from the lead singer.

“Hey, buddy, beat it, will ya? I’m trying to work here!” He pushes Jerome causing him to laugh and knock him down with the mic stand. Many scream and run as the rest of the legion of horribles take their place on stage.

“Whoo! Where’s everyone going? Ladies and gentlemen, we are the Arkham Asylum Lunatics. We came here to blow some minds! Whoo! Sorry to interrupt your little show, but you are gonna love this next one.”

Jerome walks over to the side of the stage pulling out the line of hostages. “Introducing Mayor Pritchard, Commissioner Reynolds, Archbishop McGregor, and this lady… whoever she is. This is everybody. Everybody, say hi. Now, as you can see, we’re still waiting for two guests of honor. But in the meantime, let’s go over the rules of tonight’s entertainment, shall we?”

“Dynamite.” Jerome refers to the collars they wear. “Trigger.” He waves the small box in his hands. “I don’t get what I want? Boom. Headless people. And if any of you are thinking of going anywhere, you’ll die, too. Snipers on the rooftops. Now, the one man who can give me what I want…” Jerome smirks before yelling out proudly.

“Calling Gordon. Calling Captain James Gordon.” Jerome cackles loudly in the camera.


Jerome pulls out his phone and seconds later mine rings. “Hello? I think you’re reached the wrong number.” “Haha. Very funny. Remember I know where you sleep, doll. How’s the view?” “Beautiful. You overdid yourself.” “Had to get the best seat in the house for my future wife.” “Future wife? I like the sound of that.” Jerome giggles looking at me from the stage. “I bet you do. Keep watching, doll. You don’t want to miss the fun.” He hangs up welcoming my father to the crowd.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as I live and breathe, my soon to be father in law, James Gordon is in the house!” Jim shakes his head making his way closer to the stage. “Don’t be stupid, dad.”

“I’m not talking to you until I can get up there and check on the well-being of your hostages, and talk to my daughter.” “First of all, Jim, you’re late. Secondly, I think I’m the one who should be making demands, and thirdly, no.”

“What you’re doing is an act of terror, Valeska. Ask our mayor what this city’s policy is on negotiating with terrorists.”

“Terrorist? Frankly, I’m offended.”

Jerome turns looking at the chairs then looking at Jim. “I got two empty chairs here. You haven’t even asked me who they’re for yet.”

Jim shrugs, “All right, I’ll bite. Who are they for?”

“Come on, James. I learned early your family has an eye for finding clues. You’re a detective. Do some detecting.”

“Jeremiah, your brother.”

“Bingo. That’s one. And the other?” “My daughter? I assume you’re a tiny angry with her.” Jerome scoffs laughing. “Dumb guess. MOVE ON!”

“The only other… irksome do-gooder who’s ever spoiled my fun in this town. Bruce Wayne!”

“No!” My father yells. “You can take me. I’ll sit up there with one of those things around my neck, but I won’t let you have him.”

“Well, I don’t want you, Jim. I want my brother and I want Bruce. I want them now!”

I lean over the edge watching my father search the area, he looks up meeting my eyes. I wave frantically smiling. “All right. Let me get these people out of here, I’ll come up there…”

“You are not listening to me! And that is forcing my hand.” Jerome looks down at his remote.

I shake my head feeling guilt well in my chest. All these people don’t deserve this.


He shakes his head. “No…” He presses the button and one of the hostages heads exploads causing everyone to scream.

“Bring me, my brother. Bring me, Wayne. Bring ‘em now.”

I shake my head looking around. “I can’t let him do this.” I leave my seat running down to the streets and away from the show.

I love Jerome. I do! I wish we could live a life together, but not like this. Not with him wanting to kill every moving thing. What would he teach our children if we had any?

I run down the street running in front of a car. It honks and stops inches from me.

“(Y/n)!” Dad gets out of the car running to me and engulfing me in his arms. “Dad.” I cry into his hold. “We have to do something. We can’t let him just-” “Shh. I know, but I need your help, (y/n).”

I nod wiping the tears. “Let’s go.”


I knock on the Wayne manor door waiting. “So… You and Jeremiah are-” “I don’t know, dad.” “Well you and Jerome have been-” “Dad. Please.” He raised his hands. “I’m just trying to find out how you got two brothers to fall in love with you.” I look up smiling at him. “Me too.”

“Do you… still love him?” I look down at my feet. “Which one?” “Both?” I look at my father sighing. “I do. I love them both in different ways. I can’t see Jerome hurt himself like this though. He’s going to get himself killed.” “And Jeremiah?” I smile thinking about the quite brother. “Jeremiah’s sane, he showed me how to help myself, and I think that’s why I’m not falling in line with Jerome’s plan.”

Alfred opens the door allowing us in.

“Master Bruce, we have visitors.”

I step forward speaking, “Bruce, we need your help.” “What happened?”

My dad turns on the TV showing Jerome’s show. “Don’t you know it’s rude to keep a guy waiting? Bring me my hostages, James. My trigger finger is getting itchy.”

“The hostages he wants are his brother… and you.”


As we pull up to the Maze I smile. “He’s home?” I smile nodding hand jumping out of the car. “Where else would he be?”

I open the door with my code and run through the maze coming to his office with the others far behind me. I step in looking at him hunched over the desk. “"Jeremiah.” His eyes shoot up meeting mine. “(y/n)?”

He runs towards me holding me up in his arms. “I thought I lost you. I’m so glad you’re okay.” As he puts me down I place my hand on his cheek smiling. “He would never hurt me. He might after this, but I’m okay.”

“What are you-” I crash my lips against his feeling light and free. I wrap my arms around his neck sighing into the kiss. Jeremiah pulls away holding me at arm’s length. “Wait. wait. wait! Why are you here right now? Aren’t you engaged to Jerome?”

I look in the hall and see my father, Fox, Bruce, and Alfred. “We need your help, Jer.”

Jeremiah looks at my father with fear.

“I watch the news. And you must be out of your mind if you think I’m gonna be led like a lamb to slaughter.” “Jeremiah, I know you’re scared, but we need to do something. He doesn’t bluff.”

“If we ignore his demands, there’s no telling what he might do. If he finds out (Y/n) slipped away to do this he might lock her up for good. We wouldn’t see her.” Jeremiah looks at me with soft eyes. “You said he would never hurt you.” “And he wouldn’t. But he’s not letting me go anywhere. He told me he was going to put me somewhere I couldn’t be heard.”

“We can block his remote’s signal with this. If you and Bruce can get within a few feet of him, it will disable his remote… He’ll be a sitting duck.”

“For God’s sake, Gordon, you have to know what he wants. To… murder us both on live television.”

Bruce steps over offering his hand. “Mr. Valeska. I’m Bruce Wayne. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise. I… wish the circumstances were better.”

Bruce looks at the large generator raising his brows. I smirk as Jeremiah’s face shows stress. He gets so caught up in his work.

“May I ask what it is you’ve been working on?” “Um, yeah. It’s a compact electrical engine. It generates power. (Y/n) has a good idea of spreading them out across Gotham. It would wipe out the other company.”

“Fascinating.” I nod wrapping my arm around Jeremiah. “My boyfriends pretty smart, huh?” Jeremiah blushes, pushing his glasses up his nose.

“How much power?”

“Just two could light up every building south of Westward Bridge.”

“I understand if you choose not to help us today. But I trust that Captain Gordon and Mr. Fox will see that no harm comes to me. But even if it does… maybe, by facing Jerome… I can show the people of Gotham that standing up to terror is the only way to take its power away.”

I nod clapping, “If you ever lose your money Bruce, motivational speaking could work for you.”

Part 43 Here!!!


I roll over in the large bed cuddling into Jerome. “Ah, just like old times.” He mumbles wrapping his arms around my bare frame. I giggle running my fingertips over his chest. “We’ve been through it all, huh?” Jerome sighs letting his eyes fall closed again. “More than one lifetime.”

“So…” I sit up covering myself as I face Jerome. “Who was better?” I narrow my eyes in confusion. “What?” “Oh, come on now doll. Don’t act all innocent. You gave my brother one wild ride, didn’t you?” I stare at him with my mouth dry. “I-I didn’t know- We just- I’m not-” Jerome cackles loudly holding his head.

He stops and looks at me with his stunning green eyes with seriousness. “Aw, honey, it’s alright. Lucky him!” Jerome flips me over on my back pinning me down by my shoulders. “But… you ever do it again… I’ll keep you locked away where not even Jimbo will be able to hear you. Okay?” I stare into his eyes, my body welling up with pure fear. He has never threatened me before.

His smile disappears. “Wrong approach? Don’t be scared, (y/n). You have to know I’d never hurt you. I just can’t have you being torn away from me again. All those weeks you never showed took a toll on me, doll. I’ll never let you out of my grasp again. You’ll have to live by a couple of restrictions, but that will change over time when we get settled. Okay?” I gulp nodding my head fearful of the wrong answer. “Okay, J.” He smiles wide, leaning down and kissing me.

Jerome rolls out of bed getting dressed. “Alright sweets, coming down for the test subject?” I nod sitting up with the sheet. A quick flash catches my attention. Near the door Jerome stands to hold an old camera; much like the one he owned before.

“Jerome!” I laugh covering myself. “Oh don’t whine! I’ll need a good look on the bad days.” He looks down smiling at the photo developing in his fingertips. “Bad days?”

Jerome’s head snaps up meeting my eyes. “Everyone has them… You will. I will. Jimbo will.” He trails off looking in the distance. “What is your plan, Jerome?” “I’ve got it all worked out, doll. I just want you to sit back and enjoy the show.” “You’re not telling me?” Jerome shakes his head looking down at the photo again. “I can’t spoil the twist.” He opens the door leaving the room cold.


I wander down the steps, buttoning my shirt. As I step foot in the living room I’m startled to see Gotham’s top-rated villions chilling in the area. “Oh! Hi!” I laugh feeling my nerves well up. Firefly stands walking over to me smirking. “You served me once.” “Uh, sure.”

I walk past her and sit next to Jerome as he plays with his gun. “There you are. You’ve met the crew.” I nod looking around at everyone. “Yeah. Here and there.” Jerome grabs my hand kissing each of my fingers dramatically. “Are you ready to see what I’ve been cooking?” He giggles causing me to smile. “I’m very excited! If anyone can make the city mad it’s you, baby.”

Jerome leans in ready to kiss me but sighs backing away. “Ugh! So many things to do to you and such little time on my hands.”


Scarecrow walks in a trembling man. “An unwilling businessman.”

Scarecrow walks closer mixing a vile and pouring it in his spray device. “No, no, no. No, please, please. Please don’t hurt me.”

“Oh, this… won’t hurt a bit.” Scarecrow spays the man in the face with the purple mist. In seconds the man’s face contorts and his lips stretch into a wide smile. He cackles and grabs at his face in a blind panic. My breath catches in my throat. This isn’t a plan to get money or even raise our status in Gotham. This is just pure madness.

“Oh, we’re gonna need a lot more of this!” Jerome nods jumping out of his seat and laughing at the man. “Are you seeing this, doll?” I nod laughing lightly. “It’s very… joyful!” He continues laughing allowing my worry to grow.

Sure Jerome was mad before, so was I, but this is different. This is mindless planning. Maybe when he was brought back he lost a part of himself. Maybe it was because I didn’t come to visit him.

Part 42 Here!!!


Jerome POV:

I open my eyes seeing nothing but cemented walls entrapping me. I run my hands along the towering stockades laughing. “Oh, you are incorrigible, but then again, you always were. Oh, wait. Or was that me? Sometimes I get so confused, I… I can’t remember.”

I look up at the camera and smile widely. “You didn’t have to run away like that. I would never hurt you… Xander. I love you. I just know you’d be a good uncle to my future giggling phycos. Can’t wait to see ya! You’ll get to meet my doll! She’s a sweetie, but be careful… She’s one hell of a wild card. Did you think about me? I know that you did.” I giggle and crawl up close to the camera giggling. “Oh, I’m gonna squeeze you until you pop!”

Jeremiah POV:

“Oh, I’m gonna squeeze you until you pop!” I shiver as Jerome chuckles evilly on the screen. I pour another glass of scotch and sigh. “Your sweetie. Your doll, huh?” I hum watching him entertain himself.

“Let me tell you a little about her, brother.” I huff plopping in my seat. “She’s the most breathtaking angel I’ve ever seen. Psychotic and beautiful. If she knew I was here, boy, she’d get really mad. Haven’t been home to please the lady, you know how that is.” He giggles making me clench my fist.

Does he know? Does he have the slightest clue I’ve cured (y/n), she’s sane, and in my protection?

“Jer?” Her small voice echo’s from the cemented halls. I turn off the monitors just in time as she walks into the office. She wasn’t supposed to wake for 4 more hours. She was supposed to stay asleep until the job was done.

I smile seeing her half-lidded eyes, baggy shirt, and messy hair. “Come here, love.” (Y/n) smiles grabbing my hand and sitting upon my lap.

“You’re drinking?” She asks cuddling into my frame. I sigh looking at my drink. “I am.” “Why? Are you stressed?” I brush her hair back kissing her head. “Jerome went to visit my office today. Killed a lot of my employees.” She gazes down at me with sad eyes. “It’s not your fault, Jer.” I nod understanding.

“How was your nap?”

(Y/n) lifts her head and kisses my cheek. “I had a dream about you.” “Yeah? Was I nominated engineer of the year?” “No. We got married, had a beautiful boy with red hair. He was extremely smart.” My heart skips as a smile grows on my face. “You dreamt of that? With me?” “Is that a shocker?”

I cup her cheek in my hand and smile. “I just never predicted I would be as lucky to have you in my life.” She leans up kissing me. “Well, Jeremiah Valeska, I’m here to stay.” I chuckle basking at this moment.

“Sir, you have visitors pulling into the property range.” (Y/n) huffs looking into my eyes. “You’re always so busy.” I brush her hair behind her ear smiling. “It looks like your father has come to visit,” I say looking over to the screen from the outside camera. She gasps watching as the car pulls up and two men exit.

Jim POV:

I bang on the metal door sighing. “Have you heard from her anymore?” Harvey asks next to me. “She called telling me she was with her boyfriend.” “And she’s safe.” I shrug fighting the thoughts of danger in my head. “She said she was.” Harvey shrugs smiling. “Alright Partner. I just know she’s like you. Reckless.”

The door opens and a young blond stands to look at us. I flash my badge, “James Gordon here to see Xander Wilde.”


She leads us down many long hallways full cemented. “So this whole joint’s underground?” “Mr. Wilde values his privacy.” “How long has he lived here?” “He finished construction six years ago.”

She walks up to a door inserting a code. “Echo. 496.”

“Welcome, Ms. Ecco.” A robotic voice sounds out opening the door. “He’ll see you now.”

Harvey and I walk in seeing a man with his back turned. “Thank you for seeing us, Mr. Wilde.” “I expected you might come, Captain.” He turns around and my blood runs cold as the face of insanity looks into my eyes.

Harvey and I pull our guns out aiming it at Jerome.

“My God. There’s two of them.” Harvey gasps looking over the Valeska brother.

“Dad! Stop!” I look behind me and see my daughter. “(Y/n). What are you doing here? You told me you were with your-” My eyes avert from (y/n) and land on Xander. “Boyfriend.”

Xander lets his lips slip into a tiny smile as he nervously looks at the gun. “May I put my hands down now, gentlemen?” I look over at (Y/n) confused. “Are you kidding me? Put your gun down!”

Harvey and I lower our guns as I stare at my daughter as she walks over and makes sure Xander is okay. “Apologies, Mr. Wilde.

You took us by surprise.” He nods and smiles at my daughter. “That’s understandable. It’s happened before.”

“You can call me Jeremiah. That’s the name my mother gave me. You solved her murder, Captain Gordon. I owe you a debt of gratitude for that and for putting Jerome in Arkham, where he belongs.” (Y/n) holds his hand in comfort as he explains. She’s not fazed by him talking about what Jerome did. Has she finally let go and found security?

“He never mentioned you before.”

“No, I suppose he wouldn’t have. From the letters my mother sent me, he never spoke of me after I left.”

“Left where?”

“The circus. They hid me away to protect me from him. See, we were always different, Jerome and I. From an early age, I showed a proficiency for maths and design, and Jerome, mainly the mutilation of alley cats. On my tenth birthday, he held a cake knife to my throat. A few weeks later, he lit my bed on fire. It was like living in a nightmare. I’m grateful he was never able to hurt (y/n). My mother knew eventually one day he would succeed, so one night, my uncle came to my room while Jerome slept, and told me that he was taking me away. I had no idea where, but I kissed my mother good-bye, told her I loved her, and I never saw her again.”

“He took you to St. Ignatius.”

“Got a new name, a new life. And I was finally able to live without fear. But in my heart, I knew one day Jerome would come for me.”

“Well, that day is today, pops,” Harvey said walking closer.

“What do you mean, Harv?” (Y/n) asks looping her arm with Jerimiah.

I stand closer, explaining. “We have reason to believe Jerome knows where you are. (Y/n), he’s already been by your apartment, and now with you here you’re in even more danger. We need to move you both to a safe location until we can apprehend him.”

Jeremiah shakes his head holding my daughter close. “That won’t be necessary, gentlemen. I’ve spent the bulk of my life preparing for this eventuality. I am the safest here in my home. I can keep (y/n) safer than any secretive location in Gotham.” (Y/n) nods looking at us. “He’s right, dad. I feel safer here with Jeremiah than the GCPD.”

“Not anymore. Jerome knows the name of your proxy. He got it from your boss just before he executed him.”

“I heard about Jerome visiting Allen Hayes. It’s tragic, but the proxy’s name I gave to Allen was a fake.”

(Y/n) POV:

As Jeremiah speaks his arm tightens around me causing me to look up at him confused. Why is he so tense?

“You’re lying.” It hits me as my father says it. I remove myself from his side looking up at him. “I beg your pardon?” I narrow my eyes at him crossing my arms. A liar knows a liar when they see one.

“Jer? What are you hiding?” As his eyes meet mine I see the panic living in them. What has he done? “Jeremiah. Honey, is there something you want to tell me?” He reaches out for me with a shaky hand. “N-no, love. Your father is just intimidating.” I hum patting his chest.

Jim and Harvey walk around the small office scanning over the many things scattered over the desk.

“(Y/n). Come here, please.” I walk over to my dad sitting on the desk facing away from Jerimiah. “Yeah?” “Why the hell didn’t you tell me before?” I roll my eyes sighing, “He’s fine. Lord, he can’t even hurt a fly.” “Besides the point, overprotective father, we get it! Now, let’s dig, anything weird about him? Something he could be hiding?” I look back over to Jeremiah as he paces his office fixing his glasses each time they fall to the bridge of his nose.

“He said he’s intimidated by you.”

“And you believe that?” I scoff lowering my voice. “Of course not.”

“Yeah, there’s something about this guy that’s fishy.”

“What about the security cameras outside.” “What about them, dad?” “They were turned on, (y/n).” I look over my should looking at the bank screens of the monitors.

“Jeremiah, how come the monitors are off if the cameras are recording?” My dad asks walking closer to Jeremiah as Harvey walks near the monitors.

“I don’t see why that’s any of your concern, Mr. Gordon. Now, if you excuse me, I’m a very busy man.” Jeremiah says stuffing his hands in his pockets. Harvey touches buttons on the monitors trying to find the right on.

“Please don’t touch that.”

I stand and walk over hitting the small red button causing the TVs to light up with life. “That’s very sensitive equipment.”

The screens clear and as the pixels match, I cover my mouth locking my eyes onto the screen. Jerome stands in a small room performing yoga. He looks up at the camera and waves causing me to shutter. I turn to Jerimiah with tears brimming my eyes.

“Oh, yeah. I’d say that’s pretty damn sensitive.” Harvey says watching Jerome.

I storm the short distance to Jeremiah glaring at him. “Why would you do this?” I sneer at him. He closes his eyes with his head leaning towards the floor. “(y/n). I wanted you safe.” “And you think by bringing him closer to me was going to keep me safe?”

Jerome’s giggle causes me to focus on him. “You know, brother, it has been a while since I’ve seen my sweets. Say, you wouldn’t be keeping her from me, would ya?” My father glares at the screen shaking his head.

“You need to take us to your brother.”

“I can’t do that.”

“What if he’s nuttier than the other one?” “Harvey!” “I’m nothing like Jerome.”

“You want me to put you in a cell next to his with zero visitation? Because that is where this is heading!” “Dad, stop! Calm down!” I say grabbing my hair in stress.

“And then what, Captain Gordon? You couldn’t hold him. Arkham couldn’t. I can. And I will make sure Jerome never escapes again. I am making sure he never hurts (y/n) again!”

“Jeremiah, I am thankful for that, but that’s not going to work. Jerome comes with us, and if you want to make this easier on yourself, I suggest you stay the hell out of the way.” I push myself between my father and Jerimiah. “I get this is a big deal, but this isn’t the way to-”

“Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. The loonies are outside.”

Harvey points at the monitors showing Scarcrow, Jervis, and Ecco following blindly.

Jeremiah rushes to the screens panicking. “No. No. How’d they find me?”

“They must have followed Jerome.”

The lights shut off leaving us in a blood-red hue from the emergency lights. Jeremiah grabs my hand pulling me close to his side.

“We need to move, now. Is there another way out of here?” “Yes, but we-” “You can’t leave, Ecco!” I cry in a panic. “The loonies will use her against us, (y/n)!” I shake my head removing myself from Jerimiah’s hold. “No. She’s my friend and has done so much for me. I’m not letting her die.” My father nods placing a hand on my shoulder.

“She’s devoted her life to helping Jerimiah. She’s too important, dad.” He nods looking at Jeremiah and I. “We get you two out first,

then we can come back for her. Deal?” I nod pulling Jeremiah out into the halls.

“As a child, I was obsessed with labyrinths, so I designed my house like one.” My dad and Harvey follow close behind. “You mean this place is a maze?” Jeremiah nods leading the way.

“Easy enough to get in; (y/n) and I are the only ones who know the way out. Stay close to me.”

We pass another Conor as the maze twists. “The maze is built on a hundred acres. There are 73 dead ends. I once invited the top

maze designers in the country to try to solve it… one did. It took him three days.” “Then how did I do it in an hour?” I giggle jogging ahead.

As I round a wall I see Ecco walking towards me. “Ecco! You’re alright!” She grabs my neck and slams me against the wall. “Ec- Stop!” I gasp as she clenches my airway shut.

I kneed her in the stomach pushing her away. “Alright. I can play.” She lunges at me causing me to doge and swipe her legs knocking her to the ground. She stands up taking me down to the ground.

“Ecco. What are you doing?” Jeremiah rushes as he sees me on the ground.

“Hey, hey, hey, she’s hypnotized.”

Ecco charges towards him and knocks Jerimiah down. “E-Ecco, it’s me. It’s me. Ow!” I stand up punching her in the face and knocking her down once more. Jeremiah looks at me surprised. “I didn’t know you could do that, love.” I laugh breathlessly turning to him quickly as Ecco fights off my dad and Harvey.

I help Jeremiah up but am pushed into the wall as Ecco grabs him and walks in down the hall away from us. “Gordon! Help!”

“Dad!” I yell looking after them. “Come on.”

Jeremiah POV:

“Ecco, please. Where are you taking me? (Y/n) will be alone!”

“I’m taking you to Jerome.” He speaks in a monotone voice gripping my arms. “No. He’ll do horrible things to me. Ecco…”

“Stop!” Detective Bullock yells charging Ecco. Harvey falls and out of nowhere (Y/n) comes from behind the wall pushing Ecco and knocking her out.

I have to say… It was hot!

“Come on!” I grab (y/n) hand and run towards the exit fearful of the end. “Jeremiah, what are you going to do?” He shakes his head breathing heavily. “I don’t care. I just want to get you to-”

“Hello, brother.” Jerome pops out in front of Jeremiah halting our tracks. Jeremiah blocks my frame holding my wrist tightly. I peer at Jerome with wide eyes. His eyes meet mine and he smirks growing a giggle. “There you are, dollface. I’ve been searching for you too. Looks like I killed two birds with one stone, huh?” “Jerome I-”

Jerome yanks my arm bringing me close to him. He holds my waist and smiles down at me. “I’ve missed you.” He leans down planting a passionate kiss upon my lips before throwing me behind him. “Whoa! More of that later!” He chuckles before turning back to his brother who is watching my every move with growing worry and rage.

“So, how ya been? Oh, you look great! To think I used to be the handsome one, right? I see you’ve been taking care of my doll here… Not cool bro.” Jerome glares at Jeremiah.

Jeremiah shutters looking down. “How’d you find your way through the maze?”

“Oh, bro, we might not look the same anymore, but we still think the same. Exhibit A!” Jerome gestures to me cackling. “Plus, you used to draw those stupid things all the time as a kid. I paid attention to.”

Jerome throws his head back sighing. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for 15 years. Ever since you ran away in the middle of the night, like a coward.”

“You’re insane.” Jeremiah states.

“And I tried telling Mom, but she didn’t want to listen to me. You blame me for everything that’s gone wrong in your life. But the truth is, Jerome, you were born bad.”

Jerome turns to me smirking. “Why the long face, love? Don’t worry our little ones won’t be as he so rudely says born bad.” He pinches my cheek gazing at me with love. My stomach churns as I fight all the past urges to let go of my responsibilities and be with him again, but I couldn’t do that the Jer.

Could I?

“So that’s why you made her think that I tried to kill you?”

I look over Jerome’s shoulder watching as Jeremiah grew more nervous.

He wouldn’t have lied about that, right? His own brother?

“What was it again? What was it? I put a blade to your throat. No, no, no, no, no. I tried to… light you on fire!”

“We both know you wanted to!” “Yeah, that was a funny story, wasn’t it?” Jerome sneers at his brother. I step out glaring at Jeremiah. “So you did lie to me. You lied about everything.” “N-no, (y/n). Jerome did! He’s keeping you locked under his belt! He made you think you were crazy for seeing me! Can’t you see he doesn’t love you as much as I do? I’m trying to protect you!” He cries out reaching for me, but I pull away shaking my head.

“Maybe it didn’t happen exactly like that, but… but I didn’t have a choice, and I was right. You killed our mother.”

“She did deserve it though. Didn’t she, (y/n)? You saw how horrible she was. After that whore hid you away, she gave up on me. Poisoned by your stories. You turned everyone I ever loved it against me. Living proof right here!” Jerom points to me.

I glare at Jeremiah and stand in front of him. “(Y/n)-” I slap him across the face making Jerome laugh and hold me back. “You used me! You only wanted me so you could get back at Jerome! How could you play with my feelings like this? Make me feel like I was crazy? Like I was alone?”

“Alright, firecracker, cool it down! We can talk about punishments later.” He pushed me behind him facing Jeremiah again. “Yeah, I guess it’s like what they say. We all could go insane with just one bad day. I guess with you, it’s more like one bad spray. You’ll see.”

“What are you gonna do to me, Jerome?”

“Come on. I’m gonna kill you. Of course. But, first, I’m gonna drive you mad. But don’t worry, you won’t be alone. All of Gotham will be joining you, too. I’ll be keeping (y/n) safe, don’t worry.”

“No, Jerome, Please, let her go and-”

“Must go! Must go! They’re after me and the Scarecrow. Sprint with us Ms. Gordon!” Jervis rushes past us grabbing me and pulling me down the hall with them.

“(Y/n)! No!”

As we all jump into a car I can’t help but release my pent up laughter. I look over, seeing the other two watch me confused. “Sorry gentlemen. I’ve had a sane few months. Have to get back into the swing of this!” I push all my emotions of pain and anger away as Jerome sprints towards us.

“Ah, what a night, huh?” He giggles holding me. “What do you say, doll? How about we make this night unforgettable?” I smile at his crazed eyes feeling the light shine within me.

How can I love two men who cause me to act like two separate people?

“I’ve missed you, Jerome.” He cups my cheeks as we drive like madmen down the road. “I sure hope so, (y/n), because you’re not leaving me until my end.” I lean in sealing the deal with a kiss. “Until the end, Jerome.”

Part 41 Here!!!


I scan over the old photos sitting next to Jerimiah. “You look beautiful there, love.” He points to a photo of me and my dad at the beach. I nod smiling.

“You’re quiet today.” Jerimiah trails his finger across my jaw. “I worry about him. He’s probably angry with me.” Jerimiah sigh cupping my cheek. “I know this is hard for you, (Y/n), but for you to get better this needs to be done.” I nod holding in my tears.

“Repeat what I told you.”

“Jerome lies. He is infected. He’s manipulative. He’s evil.” Jerimiah nods stroking my cheek. “It’s alright, darling. We say this enough and soon it will start to sound better. I’m here for you, (y/n).”


I stir the pot of boiling water adding the pasta. “(y/n)!” Jerimiah calls as he closes my door. “Kitchen!”

He walks in tearing off the scarf, hat, sunglasses, and large coat causing me to laugh. “I rate your disguise a 3.” Jerimiah chuckles and comes over kissing my cheek.

“I want to meet your father, (Y/n).” I sigh looking at him. “He just got shot by his ex-girlfriend and then saved by his ex-ex-girlfriend. Now isn’t the right time to be confusing him with the twin of Jerome.” Jerimiah shrugs kissing my forehead. “If you say so, darling.”

Jerimiah pulls out a chair and sits down looking at me smiling. “What’s the look for?” “You’re amazing.”

I laugh shaking my head and blushing. “Anyone can make pasta, J.” “No, no, no. You’re recovered. You’re healed, and I am so proud of you.” I shrug smiling. “I had a good helper.”

This whole time has been hell. Forcing myself to grow and realize what was right.

Do I still love Jerome? Yes.
Is it practical? No.
Did I need to move on? For my health, yes.

So many factors lead me to give up the life on madness. My life with Jerome. I could never grow like that. I could never grow with him.

I can only hope he could understand one day.

“I want you to move in with me,” Jerimiah says from the table. I turn around staring at him with wide eyes. “What?” He smiles standing up and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Move in with me. I can watch over you properly. Plus I can cuddle you whenever I want.” “Jer-” “I know you’re scared, but please. We both want this. I want to start something new with you.”

I sigh cupping his face as he gazes at me with hope-filled eyes. “Jerimiah Valeska. You pack my things and we’ve got a deal.” He pulls me tight kissing me.

He pulls out his phone giggling like a child. “Yes. She agreed. Sure. Go on and bring the boxes up.” He hangs up swinging me around.

“You have Echo waiting outside with boxes?” Jeremiah smiles tilting his head. “No?”

Echo opens the door and toss’s piles of boxes on my apartment floor. “I’ve been waiting out there! What if she would’ve said no?” Jerimiah leads me to sit on his lap on the couch. “She wouldn’t have.” He kisses my cheek and holds me tight.

So this is love?


I lean over the desk looking at very extensive blueprints for a generator Jerimiah is developing. “So… this is going to what? Git rid of the powerlines or put Central Power out of business?” He whirls his arm around my waist and places his chin on my shoulder kissing my neck softly. “It’s going to provide Gotham with double to power getting rid of several competitors. Just better for the environment.” “Just don’t blow yourself up.” I laugh kissing his cheek.

“You know I’m smarter than that, (y/n).”

I move out of his arms and move to the other room turning on the TV. “This just in! Arkham breakout just hours ago has caused the city to go into lockdown. We know criminals such as Jervis Tetch, Jonathan Crain, Jerome Valeska, and several others have escaped. You’ve been warned, Gotham. Stay indoors and keep the locks glued shut. We will update you as this problem is solved. Goodnight, from Gotham City News.”

I stand still watching videos and pictures of the breakout. “What is all that-” Jerimiah looks up at the screen seeing his brother’s evil grin and becomes silent.

“He escaped, Jer. He’s going to come for me. He’ll be so mad that I didn’t-” “No, no, no, (y/n). He won’t. I’m going to take care of it.” He turns off the tv and pulls me into his arms. “How?” Jerimiah shakes his head. “No. Don’t worry about that. All I need you to do is call your father, tell him you’re safe, and then stay locked up in here until I say so.”

He rushes away and out the door leaving me alone. I turn the TV back on and watch several newscasters tell the same story.

Echo rushes through the house holding a dog crate. “What are you doing with that?” “My job believe it or not. Stay inside. Jerimiah’s orders.” I nod flipping through the channels.

I pick up my phone and dial my father. “(Y/n)! Where-” “I’m safe, dad.” “Where? At home or-” “I’m with Jerimiah, Dad. He’s keeping me safe.” My father sighs through the phone. “Okay. You promise you will be safe?” I smile watching Friends. “I’m being the safest I can be. Cuddled up on the couch with a blanket behind a locked door. I’m safe.” “I’ll have you thank your boyfriend whenever I meet him.” I laugh nervously agreeing. “Be safe, dad.” “Love you, kid.”

I sigh getting comfortable, but that doesn’t last long as my boredom starts to take over. I stand and make my way to Jerimiah’s office snooping around to entertain myself.

I open a drawer and find nothing but business receipts and reports. I sit in his chair spinning around and end up hitting a small stand down. As it falls the content on top falls to the floor along with the table. I sigh laughing at myself as I pick up the mess. As the table is sat upright items move around within the wood.

“But there’s no drawer.” I furrow my brows looking at the simple table. I move it and hear things rattle again. I flip the table on its side and search every part until I found a small tab protruding a centimeter.

I push it in and the whole top of the table pops off revealing the mystery. An old photo, a book, stashes of cash, and a gun. I open the notebook seeing the small scratchy hand writtings of a young boy.

Stories upon stories of the twins, all from Jerimiah’s point of view. He provides the thought of him living a hellish life during his childhood.

I pull out the photo revealing the two boys. Jerome’s face smiling as he hugs his brother, but unlike Jerome, Jerimiah’s face was scratched out with cruel words carved into the photo.

I shake my head in sadness and I place everything back. “Poor Jerimiah.”


Jerome’s POV:

I bust in her apartment humming. I run my finger over the table with loose papers lying around. “You need to dust, doll. Daddy doesn’t like coming home to a dirty house. Maybe something else dirty, but we can save that.” I giggle jumping over her couch and strolling into the kitchen being met with silence.

“(Y/n)? Honey, don’t be scared. I’m not mad. Disappointed and sad, but never mad, love. Come on out.”

Seconds go by without a peep. I giggle leaning against the door frame. “You do know I love a good game. What happens if I find you, huh? Do I get a surprise?” I open her bedroom door and walk inside. I scan her bookshelves for anything new meeting the frames holding photographs of loved ones.

“She’s not here.”

I spin around to meet a woman sitting on (y/n)’s bed. I tilt my head looking over her. “Is she experimenting?” I lean down on the bedpost smirking. “Because I’d love to watch.”

She rolls her eyes and stands up. “No, but she’s had someone keeping her company. We were wondering when you would come. I had noticed you’ve already broken into my home. Only a matter of time before you got here.”

I narrow my eyes at her and tie everything together. I start laughing shaking my head. “Oh, that little rat is going to get it. How dare he bring her into this? Where is she, huh?” “I won’t tell you.”

“Oh yeah?” I pull out a dagger smiling. “Well, I can be very persuasive.”

I walk over to the opposite side noticing a large crate.

“She get a big dog or something?”

“No. That’s how I’m going to transport you.” She throws a punch making me hit the ground, the last thing I see are the tips of her shoes before everything goes black.


Jerimiah’s POV:

“Darling!” I call for (Y/n) as I enter my home. “(Y/n), love!” She pops her head up from the couch smiling. “Hey J!” she stands up and jumps into me hugging me tightly. I laugh returning the favor.

“I wasn’t gone long.” She nods her head in my chest. “I know. I stilled missed you.” “I’ve got a surprise for you.” She looks up with joy.

“Really?” I nod and pull out a tub of ice cream. She gasps grabbing it. “It’s not even the weekend.” I shrug going to get a spoon. “You can cheat today. You deserve it, love.” I kiss her head and walk to the couch settling down.

“This is so good!” She hums eating the treat. “I made sure to get your favorite.” She giggles and kisses my nose. “Good-man. Do you want some?” “No darling, thank you. I just wanted to surprise you.” She smiles and cuddles up to me enjoying her treat.

After 5 minutes I look down and see her eyes start to set. “Are you tired, love?” (Y/n) looks up at me lazily and nods. “Just a little.” She stands up and stumbles across the floor. “Jerimiah?” I stand and walk behind her catching her as she falls. “I’ve got you, darling.”

“W-what’s happening?”

I lift her in my arms as she groans and lays her head back. “J. Something’s wrong.” I sigh looking down at my beautiful woman. “Nothing is wrong, (y/n), but with him so close within range I have to protect you.”

I lay her down on our bed and she rolls over, reaching for me weakly. “Jer-” “Shh. Darling you’re just going to take a nap. A long nap. Okay?” I cup her cheek smiling at her and playing with the ends of her hair. “Are you okay with that, love?” She nods weakly closing her eyes. I kiss her head whispering to her, “Sleep well, (y/n).”
