
Gratuitous Close-up of baby Sukea with and without make-up from the last post bc my attempt in makinGratuitous Close-up of baby Sukea with and without make-up from the last post bc my attempt in makin

Gratuitous Close-up of baby Sukea with and without make-up from the last post bc my attempt in making this child cute has exceeded my wildest expectations.


The tables have turned.

Post link
Been working on other projects, so here’s a super old thing from the early 2000s that doesn’t make m

Been working on other projects, so here’s a super old thing from the early 2000s that doesn’t make me cringe (yet).

Post link
More Dance!AU headcanons I couldn’t stop thinking about. 
Kakashi just really wants to give her his More Dance!AU headcanons I couldn’t stop thinking about. 
Kakashi just really wants to give her his More Dance!AU headcanons I couldn’t stop thinking about. 
Kakashi just really wants to give her his

More Dance!AU headcanons I couldn’t stop thinking about.

Kakashi just really wants to give her his eye.

[EDIT: Fixed dialog on pg. 3]

Post link
Week 01 // Missing Nin // Devotion, Rendezvous, Predator (Part 2)Where Sakura finishes her business Week 01 // Missing Nin // Devotion, Rendezvous, Predator (Part 2)Where Sakura finishes her business Week 01 // Missing Nin // Devotion, Rendezvous, Predator (Part 2)Where Sakura finishes her business Week 01 // Missing Nin // Devotion, Rendezvous, Predator (Part 2)Where Sakura finishes her business

Week 01 // Missing Nin // Devotion, Rendezvous, Predator (Part 2)

Where Sakura finishes her business killing a daimyo. Everything is messy, friends have been killed, and she has to go on the run.

Part I

Post link
Week 01 // Missing Nin // Devotion, Rendezvous, PredatorA darker version of Sakura using Kakashi’s cWeek 01 // Missing Nin // Devotion, Rendezvous, PredatorA darker version of Sakura using Kakashi’s cWeek 01 // Missing Nin // Devotion, Rendezvous, PredatorA darker version of Sakura using Kakashi’s c

Week 01 // Missing Nin // Devotion, Rendezvous, Predator

A darker version of Sakura using Kakashi’s crush in our generation swap AU.

What better tool than a highly-skilled and neglected murder machine starving for affection?

Part II

Post link

cafrye017 replied to your photoset “A continuation of the last post because apparently I needed Kakashi…”

Do Naruto and Sasuke dance?

Yes. Naruto does hip hop and Sasuke does ballet. Sakura’s Tsunade’s protege.

Tsunade is the only one who knows Kakashi’s background in ballet and why he quit, which is why she can’t stand when Sakura starts talking smack about Kakashi’s class.

В моем отпуске наконец-то нашлось время для kakasaku, йееей Хотелось бы почаще их рисовать)

В моем отпуске наконец-то нашлось время для kakasaku, йееей 
Хотелось бы почаще их рисовать)

Post link


Happy 1st of November KakaSaku fam @kakasaku-calendar@moonlady9@thatpinkshinobi

Another month of gorgeous printed artwork, digital naughty by nature artwork and amazing stories. I ordered my 2022 KakaSaku calendar. I’m looking forward to the 2022 gorgeousness on the horizon.

We love seeing you guys enjoying the calendar and hope this years is even better!

Thank you for all the love and support!

Get your 2022 copy here!

We still have a long way to go to meet our goal. The closer we get, the more goodies and extras we can give you.

Thank you for all the love and support!



KS Calendar 2022

First off, we want to just say thank you. As always, we are so grateful for the wonderful support from everyone.

We wanted to do more this year and push ourselves since we had such a positive reaction last year. We added bookmarks and stickers this year. This year, we are taking inspiration from myths, lore, and legends. There will be a mix of soft wonder, romance to darker, sexier stories.

We want to also remind everyone that the first25 to order will get a free exclusive print with their order, and if we meet the goal of 50 calendars sold BEFORE November 20th, we will add extra surprise goodies to everyone’s order!

Purchase Here

We are at 11 sold so far, thank you for helping us reach double digits!!!

Here are some sneak peeks from the amazingly talented @thatpinkshinobi!

Reach out to us here or @moonlady9or@thatpinkshinobi if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you again!
Much love!

heeeey! how are you my lovely fam? I’m here just to remind you where you can get our calendar! I don’t want to give too many spoilers… but here’s a glimpse of one of the finished illustrations

I’m giving my 5792086% to give you the best illustrations! And if you could read @moonlady9 stories! DAMN! Perfect combo! ❤️

Both of us are really stepping up the quality this year! If you liked our stuff last year, you are going to be blown away with this year’s calendar!!

We still have a long way to go to reach our goal, and we really want to because if we do, it means we can do a few extra things with orders and we want to spoil everyone with goodies!

Thank you for all the love and support!


Repurposing 2020 hobonichi techo weeks. Originally a financial planner. I didn’t want to throw away due to liking the cover so much.

Washi tape + Watercolor + Fandom items.

Keep sakes

2021 Bookmarks from the 2021 Kakasaku Calendar event by @kakasaku-calendar.

Omg that looks amazing!!!!

Thank you for sharing! We’re so happy you found a fun use for them!!

KS Calendar 2022

First off, we want to just say thank you. As always, we are so grateful for the wonderful support from everyone.

We wanted to do more this year and push ourselves since we had such a positive reaction last year. We added bookmarks and stickers this year. This year, we are taking inspiration from myths, lore, and legends. There will be a mix of soft wonder, romance to darker, sexier stories.

We want to also remind everyone that the first25 to order will get a free exclusive print with their order, and if we meet the goal of 50 calendars sold BEFORE November 20th, we will add extra surprise goodies to everyone’s order!

Purchase Here

We are at 11 sold so far, thank you for helping us reach double digits!!!

Here are some sneak peeks from the amazingly talented @thatpinkshinobi!

Reach out to us here or @moonlady9or@thatpinkshinobi if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you again!
Much love!


The Shop is Open!!

In honor of KakaSaku day, we are opening the shop!!!

Head over toKSCalendar to place your order!

We have a few goodies in addition to the calendar and NSFW add-on. We have bookmarks and stickers this year!

Also, the first 25 to order will get a free exclusive print with their order, and if we meet the goal of 50 calendars sold BEFORE November 20th, we will add an extra surprise goodie to everyone’s order!

We are taking inspiration from myths, lore, and legends. There will be a mix of soft wonder, romance to darker, sexier stories.

We are both so incredibly excited to bring you a calendar again this year. We were blown away by how many people supported us last year that it was a no-brainer to do it again this year. We are so grateful to be part of this loving and wonderful fandom.

For any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us here or individually @moonlady9@thatpinkshinobi

Thank you and much love!


We appreciate all the love and support. From purchases, to notes, to reblogs, it all helps and lifts out spirits!

Thanks and much love!

The Shop is Open!!

In honor of KakaSaku day, we are opening the shop!!!

Head over toKSCalendar to place your order!

We have a few goodies in addition to the calendar and NSFW add-on. We have bookmarks and stickers this year!

Also, the first 25 to order will get a free exclusive print with their order, and if we meet the goal of 50 calendars sold BEFORE November 20th, we will add an extra surprise goodie to everyone’s order!

We are taking inspiration from myths, lore, and legends. There will be a mix of soft wonder, romance to darker, sexier stories.

We are both so incredibly excited to bring you a calendar again this year. We were blown away by how many people supported us last year that it was a no-brainer to do it again this year. We are so grateful to be part of this loving and wonderful fandom.

For any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us here or individually @moonlady9@thatpinkshinobi

Thank you and much love!

We at it again fam!

Thank you so much for everyone’s support last year and for those that took our survey. It means so much to us that so many people were excited about our calendar and wanted another year. We hadn’t thought that far ahead last year. At the time, it was just something we wanted to do for the fandom and ourselves, but here we are with another calendar and more merch.

So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

This year, we decided to do a collection of AU’s as the uniting theme. Some mystical, supernatural, fantasy, and other ideas will be the focus of this year’s illustrations and stories.

We will be working on the store in the coming weeks and will most likely do a presale to start ordering merch. We will do our best to put together some stickers, pins, and bookmarks to go along with our calendar.

If there are any other suggestions, please feel free to let us know, and we will do our best to see if we can.

@thatpinkshinobiand@moonlady9 are so excited to team up again and hopefully make an even better calendar than last year.

Thank you and much love!!

Time to start planning!

It’s crazy how fast time flies! It’s already the middle of the year! We had so much fun doing the calendar last year, but we want to start earlier this year and plan things better to give the people more of what they want.

It would help us so much if you could take a minute and fill out this quick survey. Whether you bought a calendar last year or not and are interested in purchasing one this year, feel free to let us know your thoughts!

2022 KS Calendar Interest Survey

We are so grateful for everyone’s love and support and hope to create something amazing again.

Thank you and much love!

Feel free to contact us here, or reach out to @moonlady9and/or@thatpinkshinobi


We are excited to gift a mini calendar and bookmarks to our US purchasers that supported us!!

Thank you so much!!

It’s not exactly what we had hoped for since we didn’t reach goal, but we still wanted to send something so this was the compromise.

Still, they came out so beautiful!!!

We hope you enjoy them!

Luckily the printer sent 2 extra calendars, and way too many bookmark sets. So for any more US purchasers that want to buy, the next 2 get a calendar and bookmarks, after we will send bookmark sets. (The bookmark sets are all 15 illustrations with a mini calendar)

If you didn’t buy the full calendar, you can still enjoy the beautiful illustrations with a set of bookmarks for $10.

**for purchasers in USA**

Again, Thank you for all your love and support we can’t thank you guys enough!! ❤️❤️❤️

(Also, Moonlady9 is almost done with the NSFW stories. The holidays just aren’t a party without drama lol)


Whumptober, Day 24 - Kakashi/Sakura

Prompt:One down, two to go (self-induced injures to escape, flashback,revenge)





Notes:Requested by @misschih I hope you enjoy it!


“Hokage-sama.” Kakashi glanced up at the urgency in Shikamaru’s voice. The man shut the door behind him and approached the desk. “You’re needed at the hospital.”

Fear slid into Kakashi’s chest, a building panic that pressed against his ribs. Exhaling, he laid aside the report that he’d been reading. “Who is it?”

Shikamaru didn’t answer immediately, holding the information back as if he could give Kakashi an extra moment of normalcy. Kakashi stood and removed the Hokage robe and hat while waiting. He wouldn’t be summoned to the hospital for anything short of a threat to the village or a close personal relationship. His breath caught. When he turned to face Shikamaru, the man nodded. “It’s Sakura.”

Kakashi knew, some part of him knew, that it would be Sakura from the moment Shikamaru entered his office. He resisted the urge to shunshin directly to the hospital. He needed to know what he was walking into. At Kakashi’s silence, Shikamaru continued. “She’s badly hurt, but Tsunade is with her. The rest of her team was killed in action.”

Killed in action. Over the course of his career, Kakashi had heard those words more times than he cared to remember. But, this time felt different. He knew Sakura’s team, watched them flourish under her care. Usagi hoped to become a medic like her sensei. She’d already entered the advanced program that Sakura started not long after the war. Nami had grown more confident and less soft spoken, standing up for her friends and teammates. And, Genki had learned to harness his energy toward teamwork and self-improvement rather than cutting remarks. Kami-sama, they were only kids.

Kakashi ran his tongue across his lips. “It was a C-rank mission,” he mumbled. This couldn’t be happening. “Sakura could complete those in her sleep, alone.”

“We may not have much time, Hokage-sama.” Shikamaru’s use of Kakashi’s title made the panic rise higher. He pushed open the door. “Please.”

The walk to the hospital seemed to drag on for an eternity, but Kakashi couldn’t remember moving. The same white halls and antiseptic smells that he’d grown used to while dating Sakura now seemed foreign and uninviting. Shikamaru knew where he was going, moving through the maze with practiced ease. He stopped beside one door wand knocked. Tsunade opened it, then her eyes slid past Shikamaru. She dipped her chin. “Kakashi.”

Machines beeped a steady rhythm beside the bed, but Kakashi only saw Sakura. She lay on her back, sheet and blankets tucked around her like she’d fallen asleep. His eyes slid over her face, then returned to her forehead. “Her seal,” he asked, turning to Tsunade. “Where is it?”

“She released the bound chakra.” Tsunade’s lips pinched into a thin line as she looked at her former student. “Her body hasn’t been able to restore her reserves.”

“If she used the seal, why is she dying?” Kakashi’s void didn’t shake as he fought to make sense of what happened. He moved closer to the bed. “It healed your entire body during the war. Sakura fought a literal god with it.”

Tsunade placed a hand on Kakashi’s shoulder, and he couldn’t bring himself to shrug away from it. “I don’t know,” the woman admitted. “I suspect she used it to try and save her genin rather than on herself.”

That made sense. Sakura would never allow her students in harm’s way unless there was no other option. She would have done everything she could to protect them. Kakashi’s eyes slid over her body, looking for the injuries. Tsunade had healed most of them, even the bloody reminders were missing except for the armor heaped beside the bed. “What’s wrong—”

Kakashi’s words caught in his throat as he looked at Sakura’s hand. Or rather, the space where her hand should have been. The world tipped sideways and he caught the bed rail to keep from collapsing. Sakura’s arm ended in a stump halfway between her elbow and where her wrist would have been. The rest was swathed in a cast.

Tsunade pushed Kakashi into a chair that she’d moved behind him. “Her arm was, is badly damaged. There are multiple breaks in the bone. I’ve set them for now, and done what I could to encourage healing.”

Kakashi felt like he was watching the scene from outside his body. “And, her hand?”

“Sakura did that herself.” Tsunade answered, voice soft. At Kakashi’s stare, the woman sighed. “The edges were perfectly uniform, done either with a scalpel or chakra, and the end was cauterized to stop bleeding. I recognize her work.”

Blinking, Kakashi looked between Sakura and Tsunade in confusion. “Are you saying that she cut off her hand? Why?”

“Probably to escape. I imagine she tried to break free with her strength, shattering the bones in her arm and shoulder. When that didn’t work, she cut her way out of captivity.” Something like awe slid into Tsunade’s voice, but Kakashi didn’t feel it. He wasn’t sure he felt anything . Tsunade took the expression as a question and continued. “The infection from the wound entered her bloodstream. I can’t heal that with chakra.”

There were no words left, no questions that Kakashi wanted to ask, so he nodded. He let himself stay in the pain for several trembling breaths, then he compressed the emotion to a tight ball in the back of his mind and stood. “I’ll need the records and information for her student’s families.”

“I can do it,” Shikamaru interrupted, shaking his head. “You don’t have to be the one to tell them.”

“Yes, I do. Our failure to categorize missions correctly got an entire team slaughtered. I want to know what went wrong. I want the mission summary on my desk in—” Kakashi barely got the words out before Shikamaru produced a scroll from his vest. Kakashi skimmed over the words, trying to understand how everything could have gone wrong.

Blowing out another breath, Kakashi nodded. “Fine, I want an Anbu team assembled.” He glanced at the clock above the doorway. “We leave in an hour.”

“You can’t—”

“You’re in no condition–”

Shikamaru and Tsunade spoke over one another, but the third voice stopped Kakashi in his tracks. A familiar face appeared in the shadows, eyes gentle but firm. Tenzo shook his head and repeated the single word. “No.”

Rage boiled through Kakashi’s veins, hot and sudden, preferable to the helplessness he felt sitting beside Sakura. “I’m giving you all a direct order. I want my team ready to move when I give the command.”

“I’ll get them,” Tenzo offered, sparing a single glance for the woman in the bed. Kakashi couldn’t get a read on his expression behind the mask. “Two four man teams versed in extraction and reconnaissance to make sure we get answers. But, you won’t lead them anywhere.”

Tsunade nodded. “You’ll want to be here if she wakes.”

If.The word put pressure on a broken place inside of Kakashi, shattering it. Shards burst through his lungs, making it impossible to breathe. “I can’t,” he gasped out. “I can’t sit here and watch her die.”

“And you can’t lead a mission,” Tenzo answered, voice sharp. “I will not risk more lives to satisfy your revenge.”

“I’ll support their decision with the elders.” Shikamaru looked between Tsunade and Tenzo, reading the situation in a heartbeat. “If you go, it’ll be considered a desertion of duty.”

Kakashi laughed, bitter and sharp. “Do you think I care? Hang the title and everything that it means. What good is it when I can’t save the people I care about?”

Angry tears stung the back of Kakashi’s eyes, and he turned away. Tenzo made a motion with one hand and Tsunade and Shikamaru filed out of the room. Kakashi’s long time friend moved to his side and stared down at Sakura with palpable sadness. He squeezed Kakashi’s shoulder. “We’ll get them.”

“I want them to pay,” Kakashi ground out, his voice hoarse from holding back the sob that rose in his throat. “Kill them all.”

Tenzo hummed without agreement and shunshinned from the room, leaving Kakashi alone with the soft beep of Sakura’s heart rate monitor.

Whumptober, Day 9 - Kakashi/Sakura

Prompt:Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated (presumed dead, (blind) rage, tears)
Author’s Note: This was requested by anonymous. I hope you see and enjoy it! (Story below the cut)

Angry streaks of lightning provided fitful light as rain rattled the window casement. Thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance. Sakura curled on the couch, a blanket wrapped around her like a cocoon. A dull pain in her lower back warned that she hadn’t moved in hours, but she couldn’t bring herself to shift position. It felt like too much effort. She welcomed the storm, wondered if she could step into it and simply stop existing.

A sharp pang flared to life in Sakura’s chest, one that she’d grown intimately familiar with. She hadn’t known that heartache could be a physical sensation, that it would hurt with the same symptoms of a heart attack. Thick bands squeezed her lungs until drawing breath cost more than it supplied. It wasn’t until she hiccuped through another bout of tears that she realized she’d been crying, again.

Sakura had thought the tears would run out eventually, but her body seemed to find new reserves every day. She’d held it together through the funeral, through the carefully veiled apologies and offers of support, through the crass remarks from people who didn’t know. It hadn’t even been the picture of Team Seven that did her in when she got back to her apartment: it was the orange book lying on the table, a scrap of paper marking Kakashi’s place. She’d dashed it against the wall in a fury, then clutched it to her chest as the tears fell. Sakura hadn’t been sure they would stop.

For years, Sakura had dealt with grief as an abstract emotion, something she helped other people through. It was necessary in her line of work. She’d felt it before, of course, but not like this. Those instances were a puddle beside an ocean; the water closing over her head. She hadn’t been to work or left the apartment in over two weeks. Ino had brought food and a shoulder to cry on, and Naruto had tried his best to be optimistic, but Sakura shunned it. Tsunade had tried to shame her into honoring Kakashi’s memory by pushing through the grief. Sakura hadn’t answered the knocks since.

Thunder rattled the door in its frame, then came a second time. Sakura frowned at the sound, taking several heartbeats to realize that it was someone knocking. She wrapped her arms around her ears to shut the noise out. There was no one out there that she wanted to see, no one who could erase the pain of her loss. The sound stopped, only for the door to swing inward. Icy wind and rain swirled into the apartment and lightning silhouetted a figure in the door. Sakura’s lungs seized.

Kakashi limped into the room, silver hair slicked to his forehead by the damp. Sakura threw off the blanket and rose on shaky knees. “You’re dead.”

“Not quite,” Kakashi chuckled. “It turns out that rumors of my death have been greatly—”

Kakashi’s words died in a whoosh of air when Sakura punched him. The man curled forward in pain, but caught the second attack in his hand. Sakura’s open palmed slap staggered him to the side. Tears or rain blinded Sakura, but her hands connected with Kakashi’s armor and chest. A sob lodged in her throat. “I went to your funeral. I saw your name—”

Arms closed around Sakura, trapping her fists against Kakashi’s chest. The embrace made it hard to breathe, but somehow didn’t feel tight enough. “I’m sorry,” Kakashi murmured.

“You’re sorry?” Rage and relief fought a knife-edged battle in Sakura’s chest. “You’re fucking sorry?”

The grip around Sakura tightened, and Kakashi kicked the door shut behind him with one foot. “Yes,” Kakashi answered, releasing Sakura and taking a step back. “If I could have let you know sooner, I would have.”

“Don’t ever do that again,” Sakura growled, accenting every word with a sharp poke.

Kakashi winced and wrapped an arm around his middle. “Okay,” he agreed, sagging forward. “But, we should talk about it later. I’m pretty sure you reopened at least two of my wounds and added a few more.”

A flush heated Sakura’s face as she pulled Kakashi toward the couch. “It’s no less than you deserve,” she grumbled, but the heat had gone out of her words.

Lowering himself to the couch, Kakashi nodded. He closed his eyes and relaxed against the cushions, entire body going lax. Sakura smoothed her hand over his forehead and drew a deep breath in preparation for healing. It felt like the first one she’d taken in weeks.

Whumptober, Day 7 - KakaSaku (mostly Sakura)

Prompt:My spidey-sense is tingling (helplessness, numbness, blindness)
Kakashi, Sakura, and Tsunade
This was requested by @birkastan2018 and it’s already spawned a full 3,000 word story. I couldn’t have the whole thing done by today sadly, so he’s the blip that started it.

Something surrounded Sakura, denser than water yet lighter than air at the same time. She was floating, a feather caught in the breeze or a leaf in a river. It would be simple to be carried away, easier than fighting the current. A familiar voice called Sakura’s name, but it came from a long distance. For a second, she considered ignoring it. The submersion was comfortable, familiar even. Still, she knew she didn’t belong here. Sakura stretched toward the sound, but she couldn’t brush the surface.

The call came again, annoying in its insistence. Sakura struggled to burst through the bubble of unconsciousness. Awareness returned in gentle waves, sense by sense. Sakura would have laughed at the irony if she’d had control of her voice; she’d always hated the sound of the heart rate monitor, but it was the first concrete link to the real world that she had. Her eyes were too heavy to open, but the machine maintained a steady thrum beside her. That was enough for now, the rest would come.

Focusing all of her energy, Sakura drew a breath into her tender lungs. It was shallow and weak, but it was real. She felt, rather than saw, someone shift from her bedside. The machine behind her picked up in rhythm, increasing with the beat of her heart. A door opened to her left. Sakura turned toward the sound, anxiety stirring in her stomach.

A hand touched Sakura’s shoulder, then caught her wrist to check her pulse. “Sakura? Do you know where you are?”

“The hospital,” Sakura answered. Fear rose like bile in the back of her throat. She recognized Tsunade’s voice, but she couldn’t see the woman. Trembling hands rose toward her face, but someone pulled her arms down. “I can’t see anything,” she whispered.

Tsunade hummed from an alarmingly close distance, and Sakura shied away from the sound. “Do you remember what happened?”

“I,” Sakura opened her mouth to answer, then realized that she didn’t. She shook her head, trying to stop the overwhelming panic that threatened her consciousness. “What’s wrong with my eyes?”

“There was an explosion and your eyes were injured, from the container, the substance inside, or maybe the smoke. I don’t know yet, but chakra doesn’t seem to help. I’ve bandaged them for now.” Tsunade rested a hand on top of Sakura’s head, smoothing her hair. “Now that you’re awake, we can take them off.”

The relief that washed through Sakura’s stomach was so powerful that it almost made her sick. She nodded, then stilled as Tsunade unwrapped the gauze around her head. The process seemed to stretch for hours, but eventually cool air caressed the overheated skin. Sakura exhaled as Tsunade spoke in soft, careful tones. “I’m going to remove the patches now. Take your time, and open them whenever you feel ready.”

Not trusting her voice, Sakura nodded. The medic removed the final barrier with a tug of tape against Sakura’s eyebrow. For two heartbeats, Sakura didn’t move. Then, she opened her eyes. Frowning, she tried a second time. By the third, terror gripped her lungs. A pen light clicked to life by her ear, but she never saw it. “I can’t see anything,” she exhaled, voice trembling.

Panic rose in Sakura’s throat, hot and rancid. She swallowed the taste of vomit. Tsunade was talking, her voice rambling through medical terminology that might as well be a foreign language for all that Sakura took in. I’ll never practice medicine again, she realized with a start. I’ll never go on another mission. I’ll never watch the sun rise over the training fields. I’ll never see—

“That’s enough,” Kakashi rumbled from Sakura’s right. She turned blindly toward the sound as a second wave of pain locked her lungs. His hand touched hers, an anchor in the sudden sea of unfamiliarity. “Take a breath. You’re okay.”

“I am not okay.” Sakura bit off the words as the scenarios in her mind spun out of control. She’d never see Ino’s wedding dress or watch Naruto don the Hokage robes. She’d never have a normal life. “It would have been better if I died.”

Kakashi’s hand squeezed hers with an intensity that was almost painful. “Stop it,” he growled.

“We don’t know that this is permanent”

“He’s right.” When Tsunade thumbed Sakura’s left eye open, there was no change to the darkness that surrounded her. “It’s early, still. I didn’t want to intervene before we knew the extent of the damage.”

Sakura laughed, the sound sharp enough to slice her throat. “And, now you do.” She jerked her hand away from Kakashi. “Can both of you leave, please?”

Tsunade started to speak, but Kakashi said something too soft for Sakura to hear and the woman fell silent. She couldn’t see what he did, and her stomach clenched when she realized that this was what the rest of her life would look like. Tears stung her eyes, and she wanted to laugh at the irony of feeling the liquid on her skin. After a moment, two pairs of footsteps retreated, and the heavy door clicked into place like the sound of a coffin lid closing

Sakura rolled onto her side and knew a moment of terror when her arm met open air. Her stomach lurched with the dizzying sensation of falling, and she realized that she wouldn’t be able to move without assistance again. Tears welled against her lashes as Sakura curled into a fetal position. In the darkness, Sakura sobbed into her pillow.

Writing Update 6/6/22

  • All or Nothing (KakaSaku, SasuSaku)- the next chapter is with my beta
  • Healing Hands (Tenzo/Sakura) - next chapter is almost ready for beta
  • Disaster (KakaSaku, Prequel to I’ll be the Moon) - rewrite is finished, it’s ready for editing
  • Losing Control (Genma/Sakura, Kakashi/Sakura) - current chapter is being rewritten/expanded on
  • Heart in a Silver Cage (Genma/Setsumi (OC) - chapter is waiting to be edited
  • Duty (Itachi/Sakura) - this is a developing story based on this one shot, it has several scenes but it’s not ready yet.

I think that’s everything I’ve been working on the past week or so! Let me know what you’re most looking forward to seeing updated!

5/31/22 - Writing Update

  • The next chapter of All or Nothing (KakaSaku) is currently with my beta
  • I finished the rough draft of Disaster (KakaSaku, a prequel to the events of I’ll be the Moon and All or Nothing)
  • I’m currently writing the next chapter of Healing Hands (which needed an expansive update from the original. So far I’ve added three new scenes to this chapter and several thousand words)

How Can I Fight Someone Who Isn’t Even There? (All or Nothing, chapter two)


The second chapter of All or Nothing is available below the cut or at the websites above! This story is an emotional mess, you have been forewarned! It deals with the fallout of Kakashi and Sakura having an affair while she’s married to Sasuke.

If you like what I do, feel free to support me on ko-fi!

Sarada spent fifteen minutes rearranging her room to include her gifts, laying the weapons on the small table beside her bed while Sakura hung her clothing up. Kakashi watched from the doorway, feeling like an intruder in a private, family moment. Sakura glanced in his direction from time to time, but she didn’t speak or invite him closer. For her part, Sarada ignored Kakashi entirely as she skipped around in an attempt to put off bedtime for as long as possible.

“Come on, let’s get changed for bed time,” Sakura called, pulling a pair of red pajamas from a drawer. “Teeth, story, then bed.”

“But mom,” Sarada began, voice edging toward a high pitched whine.

Sakura playfully swatted at the girl’s bottom with the pajamas. “You’re already up later than you normally are. Come on.”

Sarada scooted away from her mother, pausing in front of Kakashi. Her dark eyes slid over him with far more appraisal than they should have. “Are you spending the night?”

Kakashi coughed, warmth flooding into his cheeks, as Sakura growled her daughter’s name. “Sarada-chan,” she warned, looking exasperated. “Kakashi and Mama need to have a talk after you go to sleep, then he’s going home.”

“But it’s already bedtime time,” Sarada chirped, pointing toward her darkened window. “Why didn’t you talk during the day?”

“Because someone had a birthday party,” Kakashi answered, forcing his tone to false playfulness. “And, we were busy with that.”

Sakura put a hand on Sarada’s head and turned it toward the bathroom. She pressed the pajamas into the girl’s hands. “Go, brush your teeth and get changed.”

Kakashi scrubbed a hand through his hair the way he did when he was nervous as Sarada moved down the hallway. Sakura leaned one shoulder against the wall, watching the girl before turning back to Kakashi. “She didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Does that make you feel better about it,” Kakashi asked, voice pitched to a low whisper. Sakura’s lips compressed into a thin line, but he shook his head before she could speak. “She’s right. I should have gone home at the same time as Naruto and Hinata.”

“But you stayed,” Sakura pointed out, turning to glance toward the bathroom as water splashed into the sink. “Why?”

Kakashi chuckled and shook his head. Because I’m an idiot, he thought, though he held the words close to his chest, offering a shrug instead. “Because you asked me to.”

The water turned off and Sarada padded down the hallway in her pajamas. Kakashi offered a tight eye smile. “Goodnight, Sarada-chan.”

The girl dipped into a quick bow without looking at Sakura to see what she was supposed to do. “Goodnight, Kakashi-san.”

“Let me get her to sleep, then we can continue this conversation.” Sakura met Kakashi’s gaze over Sarada’s head, warning him to stay put.

Humming in agreement, Kakashi dipped his chin and wandered back downstairs so that he wouldn’t intrude on their privacy. The sound of Sakura’s voice drifted down the hallway, regaling Sarada with some kind of fairy tale with talking mice. Kakashi shook his head and walked toward the entrance, wondering if he’d be better off to pull on his sandals and leave. He’d run away the last time, and it had been better for both of them.

Kakashi paused by the empty space where the photograph of Sakura and Sasuke had hung. He wondered why Sakura hadn’t replaced it. Peeking back at the stairs to make certain the woman wasn’t coming, Kakashi slid open a drawer in the small table near the door. It was the most obvious place to put the photo, and he wasn’t surprised to find it there.

Running his fingers across the image, Kakashi remembered the day with a bittersweetness that left him sick to his stomach. Sakura looked beautiful with the pale pink kimono and white flowers dotting her hair. Sasuke looked much as he always did, a shadow against Sakura’s brilliance. Kakashi studied the boy’s face, looking for the happiness that should have been there.

“I always loved him more than he loved me.” Sakura’s soft whisper came from behind Kakashi. He spun to find the woman standing at the base of the stairs with a sad smile on her face.

Kakashi closed the drawer with his hip, flushing at being caught. “I’m sure that’s not true.”

Sakura crossed the space between them and rested her hand on Kakashi’s arm for a moment, then leaned past him to turn off the light in the hallway. He frowned as she moved toward the door, locking and bolting it. When she turned back to Kakashi, the shadows did something that made her eyes look haunted. “Sasuke never,” the woman paused, searching for the right word, then shrugged. “He never knew how to show emotion. Honestly, I’m not convinced he feels them in the same way other people do. They’re concepts for him, ideas rather than realities.”

And that’s what you chose to spend your entire life chasing? Was he worth the effort once you finally caught him? Kakashi wanted to ask, but he was afraid of the answer. Sakura had loved Sasuke for as long as Kakashi had known her. It had been a simple crush when they first met, then it turned into more. Kakashi wondered if Sakura understood love any better than Sasuke did. It wasn’t the obsessive desire to win someone or the insatiable urge to hold them. Sometimes, love was letting go.

Kakashi knew that he should say something in response, or offer solace in the face of Sakura’s pain, but he couldn’t think of anything. Sakura moved past him without waiting for an answer, catching Kakashi’s hand in hers like it was the most natural thing in the world. Her gentle pressure nearly pulled him from his feet as she walked back to the kitchen with a determined step.

Sakura released Kakashi’s hand and pulled two glasses from a cabinet. She filled them both with the sugary concoction from Sarada’s party, then, without asking, she pulled out a bottle of clear liquid from the freezer and added a healthy splash in each cup. Kakashi marveled at how easily Sakura moved around him; tension squeezed his chest, but the woman didn’t seem to notice or care. Kakashi envied her ability to change so easily between one person and the next. He’d never had that skill.

Holding the electric blue drinks, Sakura came around the counter and set them next to Kakashi. She took a long sip from one of the glasses, then gave her head a small shake. He didn’t move toward his cup, well aware that that drinking would lead to something that he couldn’t take back. It already had, multiple times.

Sakura tipped her head to the side, studying Kakashi as her tongue collected the sticky moisture from her lips. Then, she leaned forward and hooked a finger in the top of his mask, dragging it lower. Kakashi captured her wrist, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop her. The fabric slid down his nose, across his lips, and puddled against his chest. Kakashi expected Sakura to hold the drink up to offer him a sip. Instead, the sudden fullness of her mouth stole his breath. His hand fell away, dropping to his side as he sagged backward onto the stool behind him. Hard stone met Kakashi’s back when Sakura took another step toward him without breaking the contact.

Tipping his head up and away, Kakashi murmured Sakura’s name in a warning that sounded breathless even to his ears. His pulse pounded through his temple, erratic as he blew out a breath. Sakura exhaled with a slight smile. “It’s good, right?”

It took Kakashi several moments to realize that Sakura meant the alcohol, not the kiss. He managed a weak laugh, shaking his head. “I’m not sure that’s the most effective way to taste it.”

Sakura reached for her glass, taking another long pull of the liquid. Before the woman could seal their lips together a second time, Kakashi brought the other to his lips. The sugary sweetness flooded his tongue, cut by the burn of alcohol. It left Kakashi’s head spinning as he mumbled some kind of agreement. Sakura stood between his knees, her body the closest that it had been in months, trapping him on the stool.

Humming under her breath, Sakura looked up at Kakashi through her lashes. Every instinct in Kakashi’s body told him to pull her closer and kiss the delicate pout on her lips. He could lift her and switch their positions, fitting their bodies close enough that not even air could interfere. Nearly a month of pent up desire clamored at the back of his mind, memories overlapping fantasies that left him dizzier than the alcohol.

Sakura rested her hands on Kakashi’s thighs, leaning in a second time. Shuddering, Kakashi raised his chin just out of the woman’s reach. He lost his breath in a whoosh when Sakura planted light kisses on his neck instead. His entire body responded, humming and twitching like an electrical current coursed through it. “Stop,” he panted, resting his hands on her shoulders. “I don't—this isn’t why I came today.”

“No,” Sakura asked, voice heavy with desire despite Kakashi’s words. “That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy being together again.”

Kakashi blew out another breath, able to think more coherently now that Sakura had moved back half a step. He shook his head. “I meant what I said the last time we were together. This isn’t what I want.”

Sakura’s eyes dipped down for a moment, a careful smile decorating her lips. “Are you sure?”

Heat flamed in Kakashi’s cheek as he pushed Sakura back another step, just enough to get his feet beneath him. “Yes,” he managed, though the word sounded strangled. Kakashi tugged at his pants to adjust the fabric, then gave it up as pointless.

To Kakashi’s surprise, Sakura turned to take his seat instead of following him around the counter. Brilliant green eyes studied him, though. “You still want me though,” she observed after a tense moment.

Kakashi chuckled and tightened his hand around his drink, tempted to down the sugary alcohol and throw caution to the wind. He ran his tongue over his lips instead, savoring the aftertaste of Sakura’s mouth on his. “I want more than just that part of you.”

Sakura didn’t answer, taking another drink of her alcohol in the space between them. The nearly empty glass left a shimmer in Sakura’s eyes and a soft flush on her cheeks as she considered the words. “Why can’t you just be satisfied with what I can offer? You have to miss it.”

“Because I’m selfish,” Kakashi admitted, resting his palms on the cool stone of the counter as if it could keep him grounded in reality. “Because as much as I enjoy the sex, there’s more to you than that.”

“You’re asking me to give up everything,” Sakura began, shaking her head as she hopped off the stool to make herself a second drink.

Disbelieving laughter rumbled in Kakashi’s chest. “This is everything? An empty house and a birthday party you have to pretend not to feel sad during? Being alone every night while you wait for someone who could be here if they wanted to be? He doesn’t have to take these missions all the time, he could—”

The angry words poured out, dousing the desire Kakashi felt moments before as he struggled to hold back his bitterness. Sakura’s eyes never left Kakashi’s as he spoke, hardly reacting to the accusations until they slowed. Then, a cruel smile crossed her lips. “Who said I’m alone every night?”

Kakashi’s heart did a painful double beat, then stopped. The idea that there could be someone else had never crossed his mind. He stared at Sakura like he’d never seen her before, but before he could formulate the question, she sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

The sentiment couldn’t be recalled, however. Kakashi felt sick with the realization that what he and Sakura had shared could simply be a dot in a string of dalliances while Sasuke was away. He’d never considered that he wasn’t the first and only man she entertained outside of her husband. How many others were there? Who were they? Jealousy, despair, and anger rippled through Kakashi.

A soft touch drew Kakashi away from the darkness in his mind, and he realized that Sakura held his hand. “It’s only ever been you,” she murmured, eyes flashing up to meet his gaze. There was no guilt or deception there, but Kakashi still felt as if the woman had pulled the rug out from under him. Warm fingers caressed Kakashi’s cheek. “Even if I wanted someone else, it wouldn’t be the same.”

Catching Sakura’s hand, Kakashi lowered it. “Thanks, I guess.”

“It’s so easy for you,” Sakura accused, shaking her head. “You have nothing to lose if we don’t work out. You just go back to your life like it never happened. I have to think about Sarada, about the appearance of us together, about my job.”

Sakura ticked off the reasons, one after the other, a litany of why they couldn’t be together. Kakashi nodded with each of them, having told himself the same things dozens of times. When she’d finished, he shook his head. “This isn’t easy for me. Do you know how hard it is to watch the person you love throw themselves away for someone who never deserved them? To cling to something because it’s the safest option?”

The question hung in the air, but Kakashi didn’t need Sakura’s answer. It had always been Sasuke for her, and it would always be. The idea that she was in love with Sasuke had been ingrained in Sakura too long ago for Kakashi to wash it away, no matter how ridiculous it was.

“The person you love.” Sakura repeated each word as if she was enjoying the taste on her tongue.

Kakashi sighed and pushed his fingers through his hair. “Yes,” he answered, refusing to defend the statement further. Sakura knew how he felt, though he’d never said it outright. She had all but accused him of being in love with her the last time they were together.

“Do you think I have anything less to lose?” Kakashi scoffed, shaking his head. “Even if we work out, I’ll always be seen as the man who ruined your marriage. As the creep dating a former student, a woman young enough to be his daughter. Hell, that alone is enough for the elders to question my suitability as the hokage.”

Sakura hummed as if she’d thought the same things. “But?”

“But,” Kakashi repeated with a humorless chuckle. “But, I’d endure all of that in a heartbeat if it changed the way things are.”

Exquisite pain shattered through Kakashi’s chest at the admission, sharper than the ribs he’d broken so many times before. He gestured around the house, refusing to meet Sakura’s gaze. “This is the life you chose for yourself. I can accept that, I have to accept it, but don’t expect me to agree. You deserve better.”

Kakashi started to turn away, but unspoken words weighed his lungs like lead. He exhaled in a ragged burst. “I don’t know if what we could have would be any easier, but at least you’d never doubt that I loved you.”

“Don’t,” Sakura growled, hand slapping hard enough on the counter to crack stone. “Don’t ask me to choose.”

A sad smile crossed Kakashi’s lips. “You already did.”


Kakashi calculated his words to hurt, and they shot through Sakura like a kunai. She huffed out a breath, determined to defend her choice of Sasuke. Kakashi had never looked at her until she’d been married; they’d hardly been friends until the past couple of years. He’d never said anything about caring for her as more than that, and he’d never offered her anything beyond the same casual acknowledgement that he gave Naruto. There hadn’t been a choice when it mattered.

That’s not what he meant, and you know it, a small voice whispered in the back of Sakura’s mind. Guilt swam through her stomach as she looked up at the man across from her. Pain filled Kakashi’s dark eyes, even as he offered a smile to soften the blow of his rejection. Every inch of his face screamed heartache and the longing for something he couldn’t have. Sakura knew it well; she’d felt about Sasuke for years.

“That isn’t fair,” Sakura managed after a couple of pain laced seconds. “I didn’t know how you felt when I married Sasuke. Hell, you probably didn’t know how you felt.”

Kakashi tipped his head in acknowledgement. “You’re right, but we know what we feel now. Or at least, what we felt. This was never just a casual friend with benefits fling, not for me.”

Sakura knew that. She’d known since the first morning that she woke up in Kakashi’s arms. Half hungover and dizzy with guilt, she’d waited for the man to apologize for letting their flirting get that far. Except, Kakashi hadn’t. He’d trailed his fingers over her arm, across her hip, and down her leg. He’d looked at her like he was memorizing every inch of the skin that she’d bared to him the night before.

Then, Kakashi kissed Sakura again and made her body do things she’d only read about in the trashy romance novels that Ino liked so much. Fully sober, Kakashi had chosen Sakura again and left her breathless and desperate for more. He’d been an addiction that she couldn’t see herself stopping. Kakashi was the type of lover that blocked out every question, every doubt, and every insecurity. He looked at Sakura like some goddess, worshiping her body in ways that left her aching for more. At least, he had, until he put a sudden end to their relationship a month ago.

“You were never a fling for me either,” Sakura whispered, though she tasted the beginnings of a lie in her words. She’d used Kakashi at least as much as she’d helped him over the course of their relationship. “Besides, you’re the one who ended things between us.”

Kakashi laughed in disbelief. “I was tearing myself apart for you, and you didn’t notice. Or, if you did, you never cared.”

“Are you happier now,” Sakura shot back, surprised at the venom in her voice. “Is this what you wanted? Our relationship might not have been perfect before, but it was better than this.”

Some emotion crossed Kakashi’s features, but Sakura couldn’t pick up what it was. He exhaled in a steady stream and reached for the drink she’d made him what seemed like an hour earlier. Holding the glass in one hand, Kakashi shook his head and downed the entire thing like a shot. He closed his eyes against the burn of alcohol, and Sakura couldn’t help but think how easy it would have been to step into his space and plant kisses along his jaw. He wanted her enough that his body responded, even if he fought off that attraction. Sakura remained where she was.

“That was the mistake,” Kakashi said, thumping the glass onto the counter. A soft laugh rumbled in his throat. “You’re so young that you can’t tell the difference between love and obsession.”

Sakura wasn’t conscious of moving until her palm connected with Kakashi’s cheek. His head snapped to the side. “Don’t you dare blame this on me,” she growled. “Don’t speak down to me like I’m a child who doesn’t understand how life works. I’ve seen more life and death than most people two and three times my age.”

Kakashi opened and closed his mouth as if testing that his jaw still worked before responding. “It was my fault. I knew better; I knew that this was a mistake, and I did it anyway. I’ll never be satisfied with having one part of you, but that’s all you have left to give.”

“Why did you come today,” Sakura half shouted, trying hard to moderate her tone so she wouldn’t wake Sarada. The girl should have been exhausted from her party and playing all day, but kids were tricky. “Why are you here if you don’t want to fix things between us?”

“I didn’t come for you.” Kakashi’s mouth tightened, the pink outline of Sakura’s handprint starting to show on his cheek. “I knew we’d probably have this conversation, but today wasn’t about you.”

Sakura blinked, pieces tumbling into place with a clarity that left her breathless. Nausea nearly dropped her to her knees. “That present wasn’t from Sasuke. You bought it and put his name on the tag. Why?”

“Because I’ve fought my whole life to make Konoha a place where kids can have both their parents in their lives,” Kakashi shook his head. “We bled for the idea of peace and hope for a better future, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let him ruin that for her. Not yet.”

The words hung in the air like the smoke after a paper bomb. Sakura stared at Kakashi as if he was a stranger. Her voice failed when she tried to ask why, replaying the joy on Sarada’s face when she opened the gift she thought was from her father. Sakura should have thought to do what Kakashi had done. She should have been the one protecting her daughter from the cruelty of the truth, but she’d been too wrapped up with the million things that needed to be done.

Sakura tried to speak a second time but only managed a weak croak of Kakashi’s name. Then an uncomfortable realization settled in her gut . She studied the hardness of the man’s features and shame roiled through her like a thundercloud. “You’ve never talked about your parents,” she realized, whispering the words aloud.

“You never asked,” Kakashi shot back in an uncharacteristic show of temper. He rubbed a hand over his face and sighed.

Stepping closer, Sakura rested a hand on Kakashi’s forearm. “I’m asking now.”

Kakashi squeezed his eyes shut as if the question was too heavy to bear, and Sakura saw the same flash of humanity in him that she’d seen so long ago. He wasn’t a superhuman, above emotion and feeling, he’d just learned to bury those parts of himself. Sakura knew that, she’d seen it when they were together, but to see it brought out again made her sad in a way she couldn’t explain. She realized how little she knew about Kakashi’s past despite the years they’d spent together as friends, then the months as lovers.

Sakura tightened her fingers against Kakashi’s arm. “Tell me about them.”

“I don’t want to do this,” Kakashi breathed, voice tight with pain. He exhaled hard like they’d been training for an hour and shook his head. “I can’t have the thing I want, and the rest of it doesn’t matter.”

“I want to understand.” Sakura rose with Kakashi, following him as he walked toward the door. He put his shoes on in silence, and she felt an overwhelming sense of loss at the idea of things going back to the way they had been. “Please, I can’t go back to how we’ve been treating each other.”

Kakashi’s shoulders sank, and he paused with one hand on the door. For a minute, Sakura didn’t think he would answer. Then, a sigh rumbled in his chest as he turned. “And, I won’t be your secret any longer.”

Sakura opened her mouth to say that Kakashi had all of her, that she wanted to give him everything, or that it was more complicated than he realized, but the admissions clung to her throat. He offered another smile. “Goodnight, Sakura.”


The room spun, tipping and turning around Kakashi as he fumbled a bottle back onto his nightstand. If he closed his eyes, he became less aware of the spinning. His stomach heaved, unhappy at the amount of alcohol that he’d dumped into it without food or water to cushion the blow. Tired and angry as he was, Kakashi couldn’t bring himself to care. Each breath was a physical pain that seared through his chest like a knife.

Kakashi had gone to Sarada’s party knowing that it was a mistake. He’d waited as long as possible, hoping against hope that Sasuke would wrap up his mission in time to be home. Kakashi convinced himself that he could leave Sakura and Sarada behind if Sasuke was there to take care of them. But, he never was. It had been four weeks of empty days and long nights. Weeks of staring at his phone, wondering if he’d made the right decision when he left Sakura.

The pain hadn’t dulled with the passage of time. If anything, it had grown sharper. Kakashi and Sakura had gone for weeks without talking before. He understood that her life was busy with a young child, a blossoming career, and a sometimes husband. The fact that the latter hadn’t been an issue didn’t make things better. Kakashi knew that he’d hurt Sakura when he left, knew that she wanted to go back to the way things were, but he couldn’t. Now that he’d faced that demon, he knew the truth. He loved Sakura too much to be happy with just half of her, no matter how amazing that half was.

Is this what you wanted? Kakashi had waited for those words a month, but Sakura didn’t follow them up with anything that meant they had a future. She wanted Kakashi to be a convenient friend who made her feel the things that her husband didn’t. But, she wouldn’t risk her image or marriage to make it permanent. Kakashi would always be the shadow behind Sasuke.

Taking another swig of whiskey, Kakashi allowed himself to wonder about Sasuke and Sakura’s marriage. He knew that she felt abandoned and disappointed more often than she felt cherished. If not, she wouldn’t have come alive under his touch. She’d gone from throwing herself into dangerous behavior in Kiri because she was hurt to flourishing. The haunted expression left Sakura’s eyes and her smile came more often. She laughed the way she once had, without a shadow of sadness in every movement. Or, maybe that’s just how she’d been around Kakashi.

The memory welled in Kakashi’s throat, and he wondered if he’d left Sakura better than he’d found her. The idea that he’d made things worse for the woman left a sick taste in the back of his throat. He had ended things for the right reasons, for the same ones that should have stopped her from entering his hotel room all those months ago. But, being right didn’t seem to matter as much as it once had. The ache didn’t care whether it was right or wrong; Kakashi missed and wanted her despite the sacrifices that he’d have to make.

Kakashi fumbled his phone off the nightstand and opened the messages, skimming over the past two texts that Sakura had sent. Even if someone had seen them, they were innocuous, carefully crafted to show nothing. She’d apologized and asked if they could talk about things, but she could have just as easily been talking about a disagreement over patient assessment as the end of their relationship. Even the text about missing him was veiled in friendship, suggesting it had been a while since they’d seen each other and they should catch up soon.

“Then, I had to go to the party,” Kakashi slurred to the darkness of his bedroom. He’d wanted to get Sarada a gift from Sasuke, not because he cared what the girl thought about her dad in specifics so much as generalities. He could have offloaded it on Shikamaru and asked the man to take the package with no questions asked. It would have made sense, having the Hokage’s office looking after the children of shinobi currently out of the village, especially a former student. He supposed that they’d both gotten good at hiding things in plain sight.

Kakashi had wanted to see Sakura though, no matter what reasons he came up with for attending the party. He’d wanted to see how she was doing, and how she’d fared after the split between them. The woman had been worn down, exhausted and overspent with the party. Kakashi saw the tension of her shoulders, the breathy, sharp quality of her words, and the way her eyes pinched in exhaustion. The past few weeks hadn’t been easy on her, but she’d soldiered on as she always did. Without either Kakashi or Sasuke, Sakura kept going, and she always would. The woman’s resilience was one of her most attractive features.

If Kakashi had been stupid to go to the party, he’d been stupider to stay afterwards. When he closed his eyes, he could feel the sticky warmth of Sakura’s lips against his. The contact alone had been almost enough for Kakashi to ignore every reason not to sleep with her. He had wanted to pull Sakura against his body, spin their positions and settle her on the counter he’d been leaning against. His body ached for the contact, even now with the memory brighter than the reality had been. Sakura would have surrendered to him without question. The sex had always been the easiest part of their relationship.

Even now, the buzz of desire left Kakashi dizzy under the alcohol’s influence. He checked his silent phone once more and considered typing out how much he missed and wanted Sakura. Kakashi was too drunk to go back to her apartment tonight, and she needed to stay with Sarada anyway. Kakashi could call her, he supposed. They’d done that once when she’d been away for work and he’d stayed in the village because there was no reason to follow her. Sasuke had been out of town then, as well.

Kakashi’s body gave a soft twitch at the memory of Sakura’s voice over the line, full of heat and desire as she described what she’d been doing, and what she would have done to him if they’d been together. Exhaling through his nose, Kakashi stared down at his phone. It would be easy, and it wouldn’t cross as many lines as actually sleeping with her. Steadying his breath, Kakashi let his hand slide lower, imagining the ways Sakura had touched him so many times before.

Closing callused fingers around himself, Kakashi used the other hand to swipe to Sakura’s contact information. He shuddered, body oversensitive after so long without any contact. Kakashi’s left thumb hovered over the call button, then raised to brush over her picture. The screen lit up, enlarging the small icon to the full image. Kakashi stared into those sparkling green eyes that had captivated him for months, maybe even years.

Kakashi’s hand moved of its own accord, body responding without waiting for his permission or conscious thought. It would be as easy as dialing the number, his mind suggested, through its alcohol induced haze. She’ll answer and you can remember what it felt like again. The way she felt on your body, her mouth around you—groaning against the pounding of his heartbeat in his ears, Kakashi dropped the phone face down on the bed beside him and jerked his shirt toward his chest with his free hand. Warmth splattered across his stomach as his hips jumped in his hand.

The high wore off almost instantly, washed away by a tide of frustration and emptiness. Kakashi opened his eyes to the loneliness of his bedroom, and the fantasy that he’d created scattered in the darkness. A sob caught in his throat as he reached for his phone and threw it across the room.


Thick clouds cloaked the village of Konoha, the deepest hours of night providing the darkness that Sasuke preferred to move in. His chakra brushed against the invisible barrier that protected the village only because he allowed it to be picked up. There was no reason to hide his return, at least not this time, but he still moved in the shadows of the silent streets. Midnight had come and gone, a distant memory that left him closer to dawn than dusk. Sasuke hardly noticed; a sleep schedule wasn’t something that he cared to keep up with.

Only a handful of lights filled the windows at this hour, but it wasn’t unusual in a shinobi village. Much like Sasuke, shinobi had missions and tasks at all hours of the night. But, the single light glowing from the home that Sakura had chosen for them was strange. Sasuke stared at it for a moment, wondering if something was wrong, but he didn’t sense any danger.

Sasuke unlocked the door and slipped inside, removing his sandals at the threshold. There were no voices in the house, so Sakura had probably left the light on by accident. She was likely asleep in their bed—the sound of glass clinking against stone brought Sasuke up short. He padded through the entry, wondering what made the noise. He couldn’t imagine any scenario where Sakura would be out of bed at this hour unless something was terribly wrong.

When Sasuke rounded the corner, Sakura sat at one of the hgh stools beside the island counter. She leaned heavily against the surface, a glass held in one hand. An open bottle of vodka waited beside her. The sight made Sasuke’s eyes widen; it was an expensive brand, not the swill that she and Ino mixed into fruity cocktails. A clear, sticky patina shone on the side of the cup; she’d been drinking the alcohol straight.

Sakura pushed into a sitting position, staring at Sasuke through red, puffy eyes. He frowned, wondering how much she’d been drinking to look as disheveled as she did. “You’re home,” she mumbled after a couple of awkward seconds.

“Yes.” Sasuke nodded, closing the distance between then in three easy strides. “What’s this about, then?”

“Could you have been here,” Sakura ignored the question without seeming to hear it. An undercurrent of anger heated her voice, bright and deadly. “Did you miss it intentionally?”

Sasuke opened his mouth to answer, then stopped and considered . It? What was itsupposed to mean? He wasn’t the best at keeping up with dates when on mission, usually because he was so far from civilization where things like that mattered. He stared at his wife with a blank expression until a bitter laugh spilled out of her. “You don’t fucking remember, do you?”

Sakura dropped her feet to the polished tiles of their kitchen floor and made a move to storm past Sasuke. The alcohol left her off balance, and she stumbled. He caught his wife with one hand on her shoulder. Growling, Sakura ripped away from him. Sasuke stepped back, giving her the space she so clearly wanted.

As he did so, the man’s eyes scanned the house with a critical eye. It was almost perfectly in order, but a pile of unused paper plates rested on the table next to matching napkins. A stray balloon, bright pink, clung to the ceiling in the corner of the room along with a curled spray of ribbon. The type you’d use for a birthday. Shit.Sasuke felt the air leave his lungs in a soft whoosh of disappointment.

“I missed your birthday,” Sasuke reasoned aloud, starting to reach for Sakura. If he could take her in his arms, he might be able to make her forget the annoyance. Though, he wasn’t good with that part of their relationship either. Sasuke usually just let Sakura work out her anger whenever she was ready rather than trying to fix it himself. “I’m sorry.”

Sakura stood with her back to Sasuke, not speaking. A fine tremble of emotion worked through her body, strong enough to feel without chakra or touch. Sasuke had missed birthdays before, and she’d always been reasonable about it. Of everyone in Konoha, Sakura understood that he had to sacrifice some things for the good of others. She’d never been angry about it before, never… Sasuke’s stomach tightened with realization. “Sarada.”

For a second, the word hung in the air between them. Then, Sakura scoffed. “I’m surprised you know her name.”

Sasuke had taken more wounds than most men over his lifetime, but the accusation in Sakura’s voice cut deeper than any of them. He reached for his wife’s arm, half to apologize and half to pull her against him, as if their bodies could smother out the pain. But, his hand never completed the journey. “That isn’t fair,” he whispered.

Sakura wobbled when she spun to face Sasuke, nearly falling when her feet tangled. “No,” she growled, voice sharp enough to draw blood. “You do not get to say that. Don’t talk to me about fucking fair. I have sacrificed everything for this family, for you. And, for what?”

The woman gestured around their meticulously groomed home, taking in the perfect photos on the wall and the shiny white cabinets in the kitchen. She scoffed at the back of her throat. “You know what isn’t fair? Someone else bought your daughter a birthday present, pretending it was from you. Everyone else came to her party to celebrate. I cooked and bought and planned and decorated and cleaned and everything else it took.”

“And you, you couldn’t even remember the day,” Sakura’s fury built to a fever pitch that almost reached a shout. “It isn’t fair that you tout this line about saving everyone else while you ignore the cost to our daughter.”

It’s not a line, it’s the truth, Sasuke thought, but he pulled the words inside and held them there. Sakura wouldn’t appreciate the realization or the cool indifference with which he delivered it. He exhaled. “I’m making the village safe for her too,” he offered instead.

Angry tears filled Sakura’s eyes, clinging to her lashes and spilling black streaks down her already darkened cheeks. “And, it’s still not enough.”

A sob rose in Sakura’s throat as she stumbled from the kitchen, navigating the steps to their bedroom by muscle memory more than anything else in her inebriated state. Sasuke watched her go, wondering if he should go after her. He suspected that she wouldn’t welcome his presence, much less his touch at the moment. He’d failed, again.

Sighing, Sasuke turned back to the counter and picked up the cap for the vodka and spun it on the top. He wasn’t concerned about Sakura drinking, not really, though this had been more than a little. The woman’s medical ninjutsu and seal helped her metabolize the alcohol more quickly than most people, much like Tsunade. But, he wondered at the timing. Had she been that upset about him not being here for the party, or was there something else?

Sasuke recalled Sakura’s bloodshot eyes when he’d first walked into the room. She’d been crying before he got home, not because she was angry at him. At least, not from the fight that left her presumably sobbing on their bed upstairs. Something else had upset her, or she’d been already upset over the accusations that she’d lobbed at him when he got home. Sasuke wasn’t sure that he wanted to know which.

Carrying the vodka across the kitchen, Sasuke put it away without taking a drink. He had no desire to lose himself in the heat, everything hurt enough already. Sakura’s glass had thumped to the counter when she spun away in fury, lying on its side on the granite surface. When he reached for it, Sasuke noticed the second glass. He frowned and picked it up, inspecting the drink like it might reveal some answer.

Sasuke decided that was a question for another day. He ran both glasses beneath a stream of warm water and left them in the sink. Drying his hands on a towel on the counter, Sasuke glanced toward the stairs. He wished that he could erase the distance between himself and Sakura with a few easy words, but it had never been that simple.

Walking to the front of the house, Sasuke slipped his feet back into his sandals. Naruto had an open couch policy as long as Sasuke was willing to talk about what led him to the man’s door. The blonde had an unshakable belief that Sasuke and Sakura would make their relationship work out in the end. Sometimes, Sasuke thought the blond’s faith was the only thing that kept him believing in his marriage.

Sighing, Sasuke stepped back into the night.


All or Nothing - You Know I’d Fight For You (KakaSaku)


This is the newest installment of the mess I started with I’ll be the Moon. It’s not going to be for everyone. Make sure you check the tags before you read! I’m going to tag @birkastan2018 simply because I’ve been teasing this mess for a while.

Full chapter below the cut!

Keep reading

Second Chances, Epilogue - Fantasies

Part One - The Setup
Part Two - The Date
Part Three - The Next Morning
Part Four - Concussions and Coffee
Part Five - Six Months Later
Part Six - Pillow Talk and Proposals

Final chapter of my KakaSaku Valentines story for the event that @bouncyirwinand@empress-nariko ran. It’s a day late, but I tried lol

Groaning, Kakashi stared at the paper in front of him and forced himself to read it less critically. Midterm was always exhausting because most of his exams were conducted in essay format. This year’s English 101 students had been exceptionally challenging, and despite his best efforts to rally some sense of urgency in them, most of the papers were pointless regurgitation of sources instead of critical thinking.

Tossing the current essay aside, Kakashi removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He’d finally given in to wearing them for computer work and reading, which meant he wore them almost constantly. A headache was building at the base of his skull, but he needed to finish at least a dozen more papers before he called it a night.

A loud knock at the closed office door pulled Kakashi’s attention from his current problems. He glanced at his watch; it was at least an hour past his usual hours, but the light through the frosted glass inset was hard to miss. “Hatake-sensei,” called a muffled voice from the hallway.

Kakashi considered ignoring the request, but he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if it was important. “Come in,” he answered, replacing his glasses and folding his hands across his stomach. When the door opened, Kakashi did a double take. “Sakura? What are you—*

"I know it’s really late,” Sakura murmured, glancing up at Kakashi through mascara darkened lashes. Her almost shy expression made no sense. “But, I was hoping there was some way I could get a little bit of extra credit before the end of the semester.”

Kakashi’s lips pulled into a confused frown. “What are you talking about?”

“I just have to pass this class.” Sakura’s voice dropped to a low purr as she closed the door behind her. “There has to be something I can do to bring my grade up.”

Kakashi rolled his eyes at the woman across from him. “Sakura, what is this? It’s late. I have a dozen papers to read, and a full schedule of classes to prepare for before tomorrow.”

“You must be so tired,” Sakura crooned, sliding around Kakashi’s desk. Her hands came to rest on his shoulders, gently massaging the muscle beneath. “Is there anything I can do to take your mind off things?”

Turning his chair so that Sakura’s arms slid off, Kakashi frowned up at her. “I appreciate that you’re here, but what are you doing? What’s with all of this?” He gestured vaguely toward her makeup and the heavy coat that protected Sakura from the winter chill outside.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Professor Hatake.” Sakura leaned close until her lips almost brushed Kakashi’s ear. “I just need to know how I can raisemy grade.”

The implication behind the words brought a blush to Kakashi’s cheek despite his effort to remain aloof. Sensing that the only way to get Sakura to back off would be to play along with her little farce, Kakashi crossed his arms over his chest. “You really should have put in more work during the semester if you wanted to pass.”

“I’m willing to work harder now,” Sakura offered with a small private smile. “If you can think of anything I could do.”

Sakura’s voice trailed off, but her fingers dropped down to brush over Kakashi’s hand. He eyed the invitation in her gaze with a hint of dismay. Sakura misread his silence for something else and leaned in again to whisper by his ear. “Anything at all.”

Kakashi blew out an exhausted breath and raked his fingers through his hair. “Please tell me you see how this could be read as inappropriate. This type of behavior is the exact ethical objection people would raise about our relationship.”

“Except, you aren’t really my professor,” Sakura pointed out with a pout on her glossy, pink lips. “It’s just roleplay, and nobody will know unless you tell them.”

“I’ll know,” Kakashi growled, exhaustion momentarily forgotten at his annoyance over Sakura’s actions. “I don’t have student and teacher fantasies because even flirting with that line is practically the same thing as crossing it in my mind. And it doesn’t matter that I’m not your professor now, because I was in the past.”

Sakura’s lips twisted momentarily, and Kakashi knew that she was considering launching into another argument, most likely to point out that they’d been sleeping together for months. And, while Kakashi knew that was a valid point, it didn’t change that the whole idea of roleplaying as teacher and student left a sour taste in his mouth. It wasn’t something he’d ever fantasized about.

Sakura gazed down at Kakashi with a mix of amusement and frustration. He gave his eyes permission to rove over her body. She’d selected a long winter coat that tied tight around her waist. Sakura’s long pink strands had been curled loosely around her face, and her make up looked different though Kakashi couldn’t explain how. She seemed more glowy than normal, and her lipstick shade was a shade paler and glossier than she normally wore. Or, maybe it was the light in his office. Kakashi wasn’t sure.

“I won’t tell your girlfriend,” Sakura offered, leaning in to place a hand on Kakashi’s shoulder.

Kakashi chuckled and forced himself not to lean into the light caress of Sakura’s fingers sliding down his arm. “That’s probably for the best; she’s a muay thai expert.”

“Oh,” Sakura questioned with a hint of interest in her voice. “Are you saying you’re turned on by danger? Because this could be verydangerous, sensei.”

Fighting back the grin that tried to work it’s way onto his lips, Kakashi hummed in agreement. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

Sakura’s hands slid back up to Kakashi’s shoulders as she moved behind his chair, fingers curling over his arms with familiar light touches. “You’re so tense,” Sakura tsked under her breath and started to massage his shoulders and upper back. “Let me help you relieve some of that pressure, then we can talk about my grade.”

Despite the sultry tones in Sakura’s voice, laughter bubbled through Kakashi’s lips. He couldn’t help it. The whole thing felt like some bad porno that he might have watched in college. Sakura poked his ribs, and he squirmed to the side. “Stop it,” she whined. “I’m trying to do something nice.”

“I know, and I appreciate it, but I can’t take it seriously.” Kakashi turned his chair around and pulled Sakura into his arms. “This kind of thing would never happen in real life.”

Sakura’s lower lip stuck out in a pout. “It could have happened. Plenty of girls would have loved to sleep with you over the years, if not for extra credit, then for the bragging rights of having slept with you.”

Kakashi nuzzled against Sakura’s neck, the itchy fabric of her coat scratching against his cheek. “So, that is what turned you on? Getting the bragging rights?”

“No,” Sakura returned, tipping her head to the side to provide Kakashi’s access to her neck. “You looked really good in that suit.”

Greedily taking the space, Kakashi kissed along the smooth column and paused to nip at Sakura’s ear. The woman shuddered, as he’d known she would, then she chuckled. “The bragging rights were just a bonus.”

Sliding a hand into Sakura’s hair, Kakashi tightened his grip and tilted her head backward. She let out a needy moan when his mouth moved to the front of her neck. Kakashi ran his teeth over her throat, racking the sensitive skin while he held her there. A thought pressed against Kakashi’s awareness, something that he’d been ignoring. Despite his distaste for the scene unfolding in his office, the realization sent fire racing along his veins.

Kakashi released his hold, staring up at Sakura like he was seeing a new person. “Wait a minute. This wasn’t about me, was it? It’s your fantasy, not mine.”

Crimson lit Sakura’s cheeks in a way that makeup couldn’t disguise. “Shut up,” she grumbled.

“Is that any way to talk to a teacher, Sakura-chan,” Kakashi asked, raising one hand to brush her cheek. The woman’s blush deepened as he eyed her over the top of his glasses. “Especially one that you’re asking a favor of?”

Sakura’s embarrassment disappeared as she slid off Kakashi’s lap. ‘I’m sorry, sensei.“

"That’s better.” Kakashi leaned back in his chair, arms crossed loosely over his chest. “Now, you wanted some extra credit?”

“Yes, I really need to pass this class,” Sakura murmured, looking down at the ground. “It was just so hard.”

Kakashi’s lips twitched, but he managed to hold in his laugh at the poorly veiled innuendo. “It was difficult,” he agreed, “but not impossible. You should have applied yourself more.”

“I’m willing to apply myself now.” Sakura’s eyes came up to meet Kakashi’s. “Whatever it takes.”

Humming in approval, Kakashi nodded. “Well then, why don’t you make yourself more comfortable and let’s see what we can figure out.”

Sakura grinned and took a couple of steps back, reaching for the cloth belt that cinched her coat around her waist. Kakashi raised one eyebrow in confusion as the woman moved with exaggerated slowness. The black fabric fell open to reveal an expanse of pale skin that Kakashi wasn’t expecting. A thin white shirt plunged toward Sakura’s breasts and left her midriff bared to the cool air of Kakashi’s office. The grey miniskirt fell well above her knees, and the black fabric on her legs that Kakashi had assumed to be legging were stockings that stopped mid thigh in lace.

Kakashi’s heart pounded in his ears, and Sakura had the audacity to grin at the stupefied expression on his face. “Are any ideas coming to mind, sensei?”

“I have a few.” Kakashi ran his tongue over his lips, aware that his voice sounded hoarse when he spoke. He let his eyes run over every inch of exposed skin the way his fingers wanted to. “But the first is that you should probably lock that door behind you.”

Sakura grinned and affected surprise at the request. “Why would I need to do that, Professor Hatake?”

“Because I think you’ve got some very naughty ideas about what we should do tonight, and I’d rather not have it spoiled by someone walking in.” Kakashi forced himself not to reach for Sakura or break the character that she’d cast him in. If she wanted to have her fantasies, who was he to stop her? Especially when they included him.

Smiling, Sakura locked the door and approached Kakashi with a dangerous sway to her walk. She rested her hands on the arms of his chair and leaned in closer with a seductive grin. “So, where should we get started?”

Second Chances - Pillow Talk and Proposals

Part One - The Setup
Part Two - The Date
Part Three - The Next Morning
Part Four - Concussions and Coffee
Part Five - Six Months Later

Chapter Six of my KakaSaku Valentines event is under the cut (it’s a little later for @bouncyirwinand@empress-nariko ’s event but that’s what spawned the story so I’m tagging you both!)

A string of profanities slipped through Sakura’s lips as she dropped forward against Kakashi. His mouth and lips ran across her oversensitive skin, wringing out every ounce of pleasure as her body twitched around him. He panted between her breasts, alternating kisses with desperate drags of air. Sakura released her hold on his back, running her fingers into his hair as the high wore off.

Moonlight streamed through the windows on either side of the room, the only light. Kakashi hadn’t bothered with the overhead when he carried Sakura there, and she’d been more than happy to use her fingers to explore his body in the darkness. Even now, sitting in his lap with their bodies still connected, Sakura luxuriated in the feel of Kakashi’s bare skin on hers. Six months was a long time to wait, but it heightened every sensation in a way she hadn’t imagined possible.

“Damn.” Kakashi breathed out a stream of air hotter than the fire still rushing over Sakura’s skin. He closed his arms around her, carrying her backward as he reclined on the pillows. She pressed a languid kiss to his lips, allowing herself to enjoy the afterglow for several moments before rolling her hips against his.

Dark grey eyes flashed open to meet Sakura’s gaze, and Kakashi laughed. She was struck by just how gorgeous he was with the pale highlight of silver from the moonlight in his hair as ruddy color spread over his cheeks. The man’s kiss damp lips were swollen where she’d bitten a touch too hard in a moment of passion. A similar mark marred the juncture of Kakashi’s neck and shoulder.

Pressing her hands against Kakashi’s chest, Sakura lifted her hips away from his. The emptiness left her disoriented, but it dissipated when she swung one leg over his to nestle against his side. Kakashi closed one arm around Sakura’s back, smoothing his fingers down her side. She let her fingers rove over the smooth expanse of his stomach, lazily brushing the soft silver hair lower down.

Aware of the silence between them as the sex high faded, Sakura rested her head on Kakashi’s chest and listened to the steady drumming of his heart. She waited for him to say something about what they’d just done, and with every passing second, the fear that she’d been too eager or rough grew larger. It had been months since Sakura had anything except her hand or vibrator to keep her company, too long for her to be patient the way he’d probably wanted her to be.

When she couldn’t stand the silence any longer, Sakura pushed up onto one elbow. “Are you having second thoughts?”

One eye peeked open as Kakashi offered a crooked grin. “Only about my misconception of being young still.”

Laughing, Sakura nudged Kakashi in the ribs. “So, you’re saying that you aren’t ready for round two, yet?” A soft groan left Kakashi’s lips, and she leaned in to muffle the sound with a kiss. “I’m kidding, mostly.”

After a few moments, Kakashi pushed into a sitting position. He gazed in Sakura’s direction in the semi-darkness, head tiled thoughtfully to the side. “What about you? Are you having second thoughts?”

“No, not even a little bit.” Sakura laughed, unable to wrap her mind fully around the past hour. “I mean, I was sure that I wanted to sleep with you after our first date.”

Chuckling self consciously at the way the words sounded, Sakura shrugged. “I mean, you’ve always been attractive, so sleeping with you was never something I didn’t want. But this,” she gestured as if what they’d just done was somehow bigger than the bedroom. “I didn’t understand why you wanted to wait, but now I do. It’s different when you can trust someone completely before the clothes start coming off.”

Kakashi’s brow furrowed as he adjusted the sheet over his lap. “You’ve had that before though, right? I mean, you were engaged.”

Sakura shrugged and tried her best not to conjure the image of Sasuke out of thin air. It had been a long time since she thought of him, and longer still since she shared his bed. “Sasuke’s family trained him to project the best image of himself on everything. I’m honestly not sure if he ever lowered his walls enough to let me in”

The memory stung like a scab torn open again, but Sakura sat with it until the pain began to fade. “He never let me get to know him, not the way you have.” Sakura shrugged, feeling more self conscious by the minute. “What about you? Do you always wait this long so you can get to know a person this well before you sleep together?”

As soon as the question left Sakura’s lips, she wished that she could recall it. She wasn’t interested in learning about the women in Kakashi’s past. Their age difference meant that he’d almost certainly had more partners than she had, but she’d tried not to think about it. Kakashi touched her hand, producing a jump of emotion that left Sakura giddy. “Are you sure you want to know?”

“Is the number of women that you’ve been with going to lower my opinion of you,” Sakura teased, hoping her voice sounded light and playful. “Am I going to be horrified to learn that you broke hearts on a weekly basis before me?”

Kakashi laughed, studying Sakura with a playful expression. “You asked how many girls I felt that way about, not how many fell for me.”

Despite the nervous tension in her chest, Sakura laughed. “Have you always been this arrogant? Did I just miss it?”

“Confident is the adjective I would choose,” Kakashi corrected, rubbing the back of his neck with a grin. “And, you have a way of bringing it out in me.”

Rolling her eyes, Sakura bumped against Kakashi’s side. “Fine then, Mr. Confident, how many women have you felt that way about?”

Kakashi caught Sakura’s hand and squeezed it with his. The touch made her heart flutter in her chest as their eyes met. “I’ve only felt that way about two women, and you’re one of them,” he answered.

In the months that she and Kakashi had dated, Sakura had learned to read the man well. Despite the gentleness of his confession, Kakashi’s eyes were shadowed with reluctance. There was more to the answer, and he was giving her the opportunity to escape from a conversation that wouldn’t be pleasant. Sakura wasn’t sure she could live with herself if she took the easy way out, though. She exhaled and tried to prepare herself for whatever came next. “Who was the other?”

Instead of answering, Kakashi disentangled his fingers from Sakura and moved away. He stood on the opposite side of the bed and walked toward the bathroom connected to his bedroom. Sakura watched him go, focusing on the smooth play of his muscles instead of the fear gnawing in the pit of her stomach. Despite the trust she felt, Sakura felt a disorienting sense of terror growing in the back of her mind. Had she missed some major warning signs in Kakashi’s life? Was there someone else and she’d simply been a passing interest?

No,the logical part of Sakura’s brain insisted. Kakashi wouldn’t do that. He didn’t attempt to pursue the relationship in the first place. There’s no way that there’s someone else.

The toilet flushed, then water ran into the sink in the bathroom, and Sakura swallowed the fear that swam into her stomach. Kakashi reentered the bedroom, but a weight had settled on his shoulders. He paused by the dresser and pulled out a pair of solid black pajama pants that he slid on. Sakura wondered at the symbolism of putting a layer of fabric between them, but she didn’t draw attention to it. She already wished that she hadn’t asked the question, but it was too late to back out now.

When Kakashi slid back into the bed Sakura reached out and touched his shoulder. “We don’t have to—”

“On our first date, you asked why there wasn’t a Mrs. Hatake, do you remember?” Kakashi looked past Sakura, seemingly unaware of her touch. When she nodded, he blew out a breath. “Well, a long time ago, there almost was.”

Sakura instinctively knew that Kakashi was working himself up to talk about something painful, so she remained silent. He needed space, but she dropped her hand to his thigh so that he’d know she was there if he felt alone. Exhaling, he continued. “We met in middle school, became friends, started dating in high school, and got engaged soon after. I guess we were your stereotypical first loves.”

The words were delivered with a cool inference that made Sakura feel sick. When she talked about Sasuke, it was hard to remove the pain of what happened between them. Kakashi could have been telling the details of someone else’s story. While Sakura hadn’t lived as many years as he had, she knew all about first loves and heartache that came with them. She wondered if the woman and Kakashi had broken off the engagement. He’d never mentioned being divorced, so she could only assume that their relationship had ended before the wedding. A million scenarios jumped into Sakura’s mind, but she didn’t ask.

“A couple of weeks after we got engaged, we went out with some friends to celebrate. We were late leaving the restaurant because we hadn’t seen each other in a while.” Kakashi laughed, but the sound was melancholy. “I remember it was snowing because Rin was enamored with the way it looked. She said the trees were ‘cloaked in starlight’, and it made her feel like anything was possible.”

The story stalled as Kakashi fussed over the blankets in his lap, smoothing them across his thighs. “I thought the roads were wet, but we hit a patch of black ice. The car flipped a few times, but I don’t remember it. The doctors told me that it is normal to have memory loss after something like that, but the details never came back. The next thing I knew, I was hanging from my seat belt and the car was smoking.”

Nausea filled Sakura’s stomach, and she tasted bile in the back of her throat. “We’d gone over an embankment, then the car came to rest in some trees. I was able to get loose, but Rin was pinned by the crumpled vehicle.”

Kakashi’s voice broke, but he didn’t look to Sakura for comfort. He was reliving the moment in a way that she couldn’t help him work through. “Gods, I still remember how cold the metal was when I tried to get her free. We didn’t have cell phones back then, so I couldn’t call anyone for help. We were stranded on the side of the road, and I had to get back up to the side. I couldn’t leave her there.”

“I managed to get Rin out of the car, but there was so much blood. It was the only warm thing that I remember from that night.” Kakashi shuddered, unresolved emotions tightening his throat. “I was afraid that the car was going to catch on fire, and I wouldn’t be able to get back to her in time. So, I got her out and carried her up to the road with me.”

The sickness doubled in Sakura’s stomach as tears spilled down her cheeks. She knew what was coming, but it seemed too horrible to be true. “I don’t remember who called the ambulance, or the man that stopped to help us. It was so cold.” Kakashi shrugged without seeming to realize that he did it. “Rin bled out in my arms while we waited for an ambulance”

“The paramedics said that if I left her there, she might have made it. They would have been able to stop the bleeding better than I had” Kakashi shook his head and exhaled with a broken sound that shattered Sakura’s heart. “My decision to help her was the thing that killed her.”

“Oh, Kakashi,” Sakura breathed, wrapping her arms tight around the man beside her. His head sagged against her shoulder as deep breaths that might have been sobs shook his body. “I’m so sorry. So, so sorry.”

Smoothing her hand down Kakashi’s back, Sakura held her tongue. Part of her wished that she’d never asked about the other women in his life, but another was glad to see this side of him. Sakura wondered if he’d ever talked about what happened with anyone. The pain leaking out against her skin had been locked away for a long time. She kissed Kakashi’s forehead through his hair. “It wasn’t your fault. Even if you hadn’t moved her, the same thing might have happened.”

Kakashi nodded and mumbled something that might have been an agreement, then pulled away. He rubbed at his eyes, but they were clearer than Sakura expected them to be. “After Rin, I went into a tailspin. I had a sport’s scholarship, which is actually how I met Tenzo by the way. I got kicked out of the program when I started failing my classes. I screwed or drank my way through the next four years. Then, I almost died in a bar fight and had to spent a couple weeks in the hospital. While I was there someone dropped off a book called Beginning at the End, and it changed my life.”

Making a mental note to look up the book as she had the opportunity, Sakura nodded. “So, why are you telling me this now?”

“It’s been almost twenty years since anyone made me feel the way Rin did, and it terrifies me.” Kakashi managed a soft, self-conscious laugh as he ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not trying to compare you two, it’s just that I never thought I could love anyone again, not so deeply and completely. And, I needed you to understand the broken places inside of me, because there’s something that I wanted to ask you.”

Sakura’s heart stopped beating, lurching to a standstill in her chest that made it impossible to breathe. Kakashi exhaled again, an uncertain sound pushing through his lips as he chuckled. “I know we’ve only been together for a few months, and I know that what happened tonight might cloud things, but I wanted to know if you’d consider moving in with me.”

Before Sakura could come up with a response, she stared at Kakashi in stunned silence. “Take as long as you need to figure things out, but you’re here practically every evening anyway,” he continued. “You wouldn’t have to pay rent at the apartment, it would be easier to give you a ride, and I do have a spare bedroom, a couple actually, if you aren’t ready—”

“To sleep with you?” Sakura laughed, head spinning from the sudden changes that their night had taken. “I’m pretty sure that’s no longer a valid concern.”

Kakashi chuckled, some of the earlier warmth returning to his voice. “True, but I didn’t sleep with you to get you to say yes. Honestly, I meant to ask you before things got this far, so offering you a room of your own made a lot more sense when I was hyping myself up to ask.”

“Aren’t you worried what everyone else will say,” Sakura questioned, tilting her head to the side to study Kakashi. “That we’re moving too fast and all the other things?”

“I’m worried about what you think.” Kakashi scrubbed the back of his neck with an almost nervous smile. “And your dad, I’m still worried about that too.”

Laughing, Sakura kissed Kakashi’s cheek. “He’s going to love you.”

Kakashi cast an apprehensive stare in Sakura’s direction, looking as unsure of himself as she’d ever seen. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because I love you,” Sakura murmured, brushing her lips against Kakashi’s.

The man’s lips curved against Sakura’s. “Yeah?”

Humming, Sakura answered with another long, lingering kiss instead of words. One day soon they would talk about everything that Kakashi had revealed and deal with the past traumas. But, for now, the future looked brighter than it had in a long time. Sakura didn’t mind taking things slow.


KakaSaku Fic Recommendations ⚡:

(just because…)

(all are completed)

Time Travel Fics:

  1. In case of Blue Scroll (multi-chaptered) 
  2. Looped  (multi-chaptered) 
  3. Unbroken  (multi-chaptered)
  4. The Hokage’s Wife 
  5. if I could turn back time (multi-chaptered) 
  6. at second glance (multi-chaptered)
  7. when I see you again (multi-chaptered) 
  8. the fletcher’s heart paradox (multi-chaptered) 
  9. BECOMINGS AND NEVER WERES by @mouseymightymarvellous
  10. time travel by @bouncyirwin​ (same story is turned into an ongoing multichaptered fic- The Story Of Another Us)
  11. past present by @bluefurcape

Personal Favorites:

  1. To grow a garden (completed) 
  2. diet 
  3. the hardships of being a godfather 
  4. dream a little dream (multi-chaptered) 
  5. nice legs
  6. j'accuse  (multi-chaptered) 
  7. shotgun wedding (multi-chaptered)
  8. nanda ka sabishii desu (multi-chaptered)
  9. desperate measures (multi-chaptered) 
  10. hokage sama 
  11. the summoning 
  12. yellow moon 
  13. cuddler
  14. point of grace 
  15. Three Years & Counting 
  16. puppies and babies 
  17. tardy to the party
  18. hot cocoa 
  19. Divine Intervention
  20. his fault  (multi-chaptered) 
  21. daddy 
  22. what the future holds  
  23. storybook  
  24. what happens now (multi-chaptered)  
  25. traditions  
  26. sing (multi-chaptered) 
  27. kakashi’s confession 
  28. Christmas wish  (multi-chaptered)
  29. You only live twice 
  30. Kakashi’s one night stand (multi-chaptered) 
  31. hey baby, I think I wanna marry you 
  32. the confessional onsen 
  33. falling through holidays  (multi-chaptered) 
  34. how about now 
  35. quintessential (multi-chaptered) 
  36. and also reindeer 
  37. Bedmates 
  38. morning of a househusband 
  39. puppy love 
  40. one night is all we need 
  41. kind of dating
  42. kitten or leopard 
  43. say it again (multi-chaptered
  44. Burrow 
  45. Enough 
  46. why not? 
  47. The Armchair
  48. Banish 
  49. Bundle 
  50. tomatoed halloween 
  51. a good day today
  52. nostalgia 
  53. more 
  54. 14 gifts (multi-chaptered) 
  55. picture books 
  56. Flower Crowns and ANBU
  57. Don’t Let Your Guard Down 
  58. There Will Be Time 
  59. shinobi of the sand (multi-chaptered) 
  60. A is for ANBU  
  61. A Pair of Red Gloves 
  62. nine lives 
  63. green-eyed monster 
  64. even a blind pig 
  65. bargain 
  66. rose tinted
  67. ignore the innuendo 
  68. star of silver, heart of tin (multi-chaptered) 
  69. those three words 
  70. in his footsteps  (multi-chaptered) 
  71. ichor runs through my veins, painting my very insides gold (god’s flesh does not come without a price)
  72. what it means to love
  73. perspective 
  74. Black Rivers 
  75. chidori no jutsu 
  76. pancakes 
  77. I Don’t Believe You 
  78. try something
  79. take my past, take my sins  (multi-chaptered) 
  80. the alpha male
  81. matchmaker, matchmaker 
  82. the old biddy  (multi-chaptered) 
  83. the fine machinery of spring  (multi-chaptered) 
  84. peeping tom
  85. the downward spiral 
  86. good boy
  87. Out of Order
  88. distractions (multi-chaptered) 
  89. the scarecrow and the cherry blossom (multi-chaptered) 
  90. the old razzle dazzle (multi-chaptered) 
  91. best christmas of my years 
  92. lace
  93. Take My Past And Take My Sins
  94. rushing silver water 
  95. firelight 
  96. kakashi’s boredom 
  97. a wonderful vacation (multi-chaptered)
  98. disease 
  99. taut
  100. someone that you’re with 
  101. the dance  (multi-chaptered) 
  102. hiding behind masks 
  103. two pink lines  (multi-chaptered) 
  104. improper suggestions 
  105. Christmas party 
  106. sweetness and surprises 
  107. cinnamon lips 
  108. Against You 
  109. life informs life
  110. thunder and lightning (drabbles) 
  111. Coloring and Games 
  112. 11 ways to change a mind 
  113. stargazing 
  114. the 12  days of Christmas 
  115. an announcement 
  116. sabotage 
  117. simple things (multi-chaptered)
  118. A Game of Make Believe
  119. My Bed is Your Bed 
  120. Swapped 
  121. Milk Teeth
  122. Tender loving care 
  123. An Elegant Christmas 
  124. Quarantine and Chill 
  125. the other fight
  126. Beautiful, Perfect Disaster
  127. Two Proposals With One Answer
  128. Kakashi Go ChompChomp
  129. Dimension Travel :   Invasion of Privacy
  130. the other fight
  131. Confessions
  132. Something to Talk About
  133. Three’s A Crowd (fight or flirt)
  134. Strange
  135. Domestic
  136. Photographs of you

Icha Icha! AU:

  1. icha icha star
  2. icha icha fanfiction 
  3. icha icha sakura 
  4. Madam Sakura 
  5. operation distraction 
  6. icha icha made me do it 
  7. Icha Icha Pirates 
  8. as luck would have it 
  9. The Home Computer 
  10. unorthodox birthday 
  11. a star is born 
  12. icha icha hokage-sama 
  13. little orange book 
  14. The Princess Tsunade 
  15. icha icha innuendo 
  16. Nocturnal Activities 

Cat! AU:

  1. The Cat’s curse  (multi-chaptered)
  2. kitty no jutsu
  3. and you’re gonna hear me roar
  4. furball
  5. it started with a jutsu  (multi-chaptered)

Same Age AU:

  1. Mask Off, Santa Claus 
  2. try something
  3. It’s Useless if Not With You 
  4. you are kind of weird…I like it 
  5. always you
  6. I wish
  7. Finding You 
  8. forgotten gift 
  9. just a girl
  10. limerence
  11. when we were young
  12. under the weather
  13. summer storm
  14. questionable intelligence
  15. homecoming
  16. love you little, love you long
  17. roads untravelled
  18. Smells Good to Me 
  19. Code of Conduct 
  20. Little Things 
  21. Stay With Me 
  22. same age by @murd3rm1ttens
  23. Autumn by @ryekiree 

Modern AU:

  1. a brief introspective of sunflowers
  2. take a chance and roll the dice 
  3. you’ve got my time, you are my plans 
  4. you are now connected 
  5. borrowing
  6. alone with you 
  7. drunken craigslist ads and fake dating 
  8. cut to commercial 
  9. the intimacy of being understood
  10. the chemicals between us 
  11. On a Leash 
  12. neon city 
  13. dear diary
  14. classroom-by-laws 
  15. what happens in suna (lasts forever) 
  16. i wish 
  17. Homecoming
  18. unrequited 
  19. Serendipity
  20. roll a charisma check 
  21. Lights Out
  22. questionable intelligence 
  23. love you little, love you long 
  24. man’s best friend 
  25. the interview 
  26. Business as Usual 
  27. You Again 
  28. That Fine Line
  29. clause number eight
  30. three little words

Soulmates AU:

  1. you know the tune, so words don’t matter
  2. Knuckles
  3. solemates
  4. to keep a promise or two
  5. make it holy
  6. against fate
  7. touch of fate
  8. your most important person
  9. the sweetest lies
  10. total eclipse of the heart
  11. listen closely
  12. Dreams Are Made of This 
  13. i’m here 
  14. The Numbers of My Sins 
  15. in another life
  16. expected
  17. soulmark
  18. Like Smoke in Your Arms 

Amnesia AU:

  1. mine
  2. the empty heart 
  3. curtain call
  4. to come back to you

Hanahaki disease:

  1. love stinks
  2. all she ever dreamt of

Drunk KakaSaku:

  1. the rewards of lying
  2. drunken kisses
  3. empty shot glasses
  4. until morning
  5. kakashi and booze
  6. innuendo
  7. settle into spring
  8. forearms
  9. lie 
  10. slip of the tongue
  11. failed memories 
  12. gamble
  13. it started with a bet
  14. Kakashi’s Answering Machine
  15. Strangely Familiar 
  16. Simple Pleasures 
  17. Party Favours
  18. daddy’s little girl 

KakaSaku and Sasuke:

  1. Better Man 
  2. a brief introspective of sunflowers (multi-chaptered)
  3. picking up VIII
  4. unworthy
  5. discoveries in oil  (multi-chaptered)
  6. canonization
  7. requests
  8. downpour (multi-chaptered)
  9. Kakashi Hatake: The Uchiha’s Rival in Love (multi-chaptered)
  10. Henge Love (multi-chaptered)
  11. skip a Beat
  12. against the sky
  13. another life (multi-chaptered)
  14. Unbreak My Heart
  15. Irrelevant
  16. I Can’t Make You Love Me
  17. Don’t Break Her Heart
  18. Let The Truth Sting 
  19. Fight For Love (multi-chaptered)
  20. Sasuke Returns 
  21. identity Crisis
  22. Resolutions 
  23. an unfortunate encounter
  24. Twelve years
  25. A Late Hour
  26. An Honest Talk
  27. Memories
  28. Jealousy
  29. Sakura blossoms differently every spring (extremely underrated)
  30. Tagpuan

Updating the list frequently. Last updated on 05.11.2021 

cherryminted: *sitcom laughter*cherryminted: *sitcom laughter*cherryminted: *sitcom laughter*cherryminted: *sitcom laughter*


*sitcom laughter*

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