

Kipo: Hugo isn’t wrong very often.

Wolf: But he’s annoying all the time.

Wolf: I have a problem with a girl.

Hugo: Like, “her dead body won’t fit in the back of a truck” problem or “you like her” problem?

Wolf: I like her.

Hugo: That’s too bad. I could have helped you with the other one.

Scarlemagne: I’m not that dramatic.

Wolf: After one hour observation, I can confirm that is a lie.

Wolf: I promised Kipo we wouldn’t do anything illegal.

Scarlemagne: Why would you lie to your best friend like that?!

Scarlemagne: Kipo, I would do anything for you.

Kipo: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.

Scarlemagne: Absolutely not.

Lio: I have a great memory, name one thing I’ve ever forgotten.

Scarlemagne: Me in a glass cage in the DNA Bur-

Lio: No, that was on purpose. Try again.

Wolf: Kipo?

Hugo: You love us, right?

Kipo: …

Kipo: Normally, I would say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.

Wolf: You need them to think you’re stronger than you really are.

Kipo: That’s what you do.

Wolf: Me? Oh no. My power is no illusion.

Wolf: I can fucking demolish you.

Hugo: Ok! 1-2-3 eyes on me!

Students: 1-2 eyes on you!

Hugo: I’m only going to say this once. We do not refer to our other classmates as “Thicc”. That is not appropriate. Kappesh?

Students, dejectedly: Kaposh.

Lio: Hugo, stop! This isn’t you, you’ve gone mad with power!
Scarlemagne: Well of course I have.
Scarlemagne: Have you ever tried going mad without power?
Scarlemagne: It’s boring, no one listens to you.



Pre-Orders are official OPEN!!

Heroes on Fire Zine Preorders are now officially open! Heroes on Fire is a Charity Fanzine based on the Netflix original ‘Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts’. Proceeds will be going to an LGBTQA+ POC-based organization focused on youth. You can place your order below at:


The zine is a 6in x 9in booklet containing the contributions of over 45 artists and 4 writers who share a love and passion for the characters and themes of the show!

Up on Top contains a complete PDF of the entire Heroes on Fire collective for 10$

Project Kipo includes the physical copy of the zine as well as the PDF version additionally for 25$

HMUFA Membership holds all merchandise including 2 6in x 9in prints, 4 4in x 6in sheets of stickers and 3 Polaroid prints for 30$

Ratland Exclusive Pass includes all merchandise along with the entire PDF of the zine itself for 35$

Heroes on Fire Contains all merchandise, a physical copy of the zine, and a PDF copy of the zine for 45$


Wolf: ARE YOU-





Benson: …What was that?

Scarlemagne: Kipo banned Wolf from swearing, so I’m helping her out.

*Scarlemagne drinking like a monster.*

Gerard: “Don’t you have to do a shift at school tomorrow?”

Scarlemagne: “Ahh, I’ll just get Dave to give them a presentation.”

Gerard: “That’s why Dave is allowed to give presentations!?”

Scarlemagne: “Yeah, I don’t wanna work!”

Gerard: “You know the kids don’t wanna work either.”

Scarlemagne while taking a shot: “Good!”

Kipo: *hugs Scarlemagne*


Scarlemagne: Do it again.


Scarlemagne, while holding Kipo: I am not nice. 

Scarlemagne: Oh, I am so relieved you guys found me. Wait, how did you find me?

Wolf: You hadn’t done anything

super annoying to us for, like, five hours, so we knew something was wrong.

Scarlemagne: Oh, that’s very insulting but dead on.

Song: Hugo. We are not mad, we are just disappointed.

Lio: No, we are mad.

Song: Yes, we are. We are livid. But we are going to let this one slide.

Hugo: Thank you.

Lio: No, we’re not.

Song: I am not a mind reader, Lio.

Scarlemagne: My first rule is no one can veto my rules.

Lio: That’s called ‘tyranny,’ and is generally frowned upon.

Scarlemagne: We have fun, don’t we, Jamack?

Jamack: I’ve never been more stressed out in my entire life.


Pre-Orders are official OPEN!!

Heroes on Fire Zine Preorders are now officially open! Heroes on Fire is a Charity Fanzine based on the Netflix original ‘Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts’. Proceeds will be going to an LGBTQA+ POC-based organization focused on youth. You can place your order below at:


The zine is a 6in x 9in booklet containing the contributions of over 45 artists and 4 writers who share a love and passion for the characters and themes of the show!

Up on Top contains a complete PDF of the entire Heroes on Fire collective for 10$

Project Kipo includes the physical copy of the zine as well as the PDF version additionally for 25$

HMUFA Membership holds all merchandise including 2 6in x 9in prints, 4 4in x 6in sheets of stickers and 3 Polaroid prints for 30$

Ratland Exclusive Pass includes all merchandise along with the entire PDF of the zine itself for 35$

Heroes on Fire Contains all merchandise, a physical copy of the zine, and a PDF copy of the zine for 45$

Hello! I was able to work on this and there’s so much amazing content in it! Please check the zine out and buy a copy if you can, it’s totally worth it!


♪Standing alone in the fire. You’re not alone♪
