

Uploaded a quick walkthrough of my WIP build of Casita from Encanto to YouTube! Not done yet, but just a test to see if anyone would be interested in that kind of content in the future.

Was interesting learning how to edit videos lol. Didn’t do a great job, but hey, it’s a first attempt!

Absolutely loved the movie Encanto and finally got around to making fanart for it!

Quick little doodle after I watched Grian and Mumbo’s Minecraft Earth videos again with my kids. Their sand experiment always makes me laugh!

Gift art/fanart done for Mythical Sausage (Minecraft youtuber) reaching 1 million YT subscribers. He adores his dog, Bubbles, and has her in all of his worlds, so I thought it fitting his best friend be larger than life!

A bit of Hermitcraft fanart in honor of GoodTimesWithScar coming home after his surgery: a Jellie-fied (his adorable cat IRL) version of him from Season 8!

Alternate traditional art trade I’d done for @kiome-yasha …another Rizumo piece that was done in roughly the same pose. :)

Pentel ink brush, marker and gel pen

My part of the art trade with the beautiful and immensely gifted @kiome-yasha. I hope this always brings a smile to your face! I had such fun making it (apart from program crashes lol)

kiellessa:Not AnE but for the followers who like mermaids!Quick painting. The cousin of my mermaid d


Not AnE but for the followers who like mermaids!

Quick painting.

The cousin of my mermaid drawing for this year’s mermay, but from 2018. :)

Post link

Hmm? What do you mean more people expect Ariel than the creature from the black lagoon type of mermaid?!

My version of mermay…

Graphite and markers

kiellessa: Eruption Another watercolor illustration of Amaimon. Demon form, as promised! XD Tumblr mkiellessa: Eruption Another watercolor illustration of Amaimon. Demon form, as promised! XD Tumblr m



Another watercolor illustration of Amaimon. Demon form, as promised! XD

Tumblr mobile was a jerk and deleted my post when I tried to update the images to ones taken in sunlight to get better clarity and color. So, I’m sorry to those who saw the previous post and liked/commented! This is the second time this has happened to me since joining the community… and oddly enough, both times were for Amaimon fan art.


Reblogging the 3 year old piece since its relavent again! Yay!

Really want to see Amaimon and Shiemi’s fight in the coming chapters. I wonder if it’s happening before or during the other scene we are seeing with the rest of the gang. Don’t really want her to “subjugate” him, but beat him then work as a team.

Post link

Insomnia art!

Shiemi & Nii doodle with her new look (and attitude) from chapter 130. Glad she and Amaimon are back!

Random doodle of a cat in a window. Messy and colorful as always.

Markers on bound watercolor paper.

For my friends who work long shifts in a medical field keeping our families – both human and furry – healthy and happy, thank you!

Enjoy what rest you can squeeze in! ❤

Markers on watercolor paper.

Just a random marker doodle to test out the new fleshtones I got. I keep buying markers but never use them…

Markers on watercolor paper. Very stylized, but it is what it is. The marks at the top are my color tests lol

Couldn’t sleep despite being super tired all day, so did some practice with markers and made a self-portrait.

Just Me, Nothing to See!

Ohuhu markers on watercolor paper.

Feels weird drawing myself, but you’ve always got a model with self-portraiture! Relatively happy with how it came out, I guess.

A nice day spent in a meadow interrupted.

Every Day is a Gift

Another Sesshoumaru x Rin piece. Left it sketchy just because…
