#kiyotaka ishimaru


Kokichi, with the Twitter handle @ main_gov: happy to announce the new official flag of the great state of maine!

(an image of the rainbow pride flag)

Kiyotaka: Who gave the authority to change the flag? What position do you hold with @ main_gov? I am interested in meeting. You choose

Kokichi: Hello Kiyotaka! Actually, I didn’t change the flag. It was a direct act from the state of government.

Kiyotaka: Is there someone I could call for more information?

Kokichi: Thanks for the question. No there is not.

 2019 “Dangan ronpa doodles (pt.2)” Compilation of digital doodles/wips that I have done in the last 2019 “Dangan ronpa doodles (pt.2)” Compilation of digital doodles/wips that I have done in the last 2019 “Dangan ronpa doodles (pt.2)” Compilation of digital doodles/wips that I have done in the last 2019 “Dangan ronpa doodles (pt.2)” Compilation of digital doodles/wips that I have done in the last 2019 “Dangan ronpa doodles (pt.2)” Compilation of digital doodles/wips that I have done in the last 2019 “Dangan ronpa doodles (pt.2)” Compilation of digital doodles/wips that I have done in the last 2019 “Dangan ronpa doodles (pt.2)” Compilation of digital doodles/wips that I have done in the last

2019“Dangan ronpa doodles (pt.2)”

Compilation of digital doodles/wips that I have done in the last few months… It’s not much. I know. I’ve been so unmotivated to draw in the past month… Hopefully, that will change in a near future. (but my love for Taka and Ishimondo continues burning)

Thank you for your continuous support.

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I created this new AU for DR: Fire Emblem AU.

(This will only hold spoilers for DR1)

For the people who are not aware of this game, it is a strategy RPG that involves controlling an incredible number of characters and place/move them across the terrain to kill/stun the enemies without letting (optional) any ally dying.

I really love this franchise (please hold any spoilers. So far, I’ve only completed FE Echoes and Warriors). I really love Fates (Their mechanics and the variety of characters are my favorite so far)

They have a lot of different types of characters: witches, mages, knights, paladins, archers, mages, etc. I am thinking up a story between them that basically involves the plot of FE fates (with a few sparkles of FE echoes). In FE fates, two kingdoms are fighting: Nohr (dark kingdom - seeks for power and death) and Hoshido (light kingdom - seeks harmony and peace).

The characters:

Kiyotaka:Cavalier/Knight (sword/lance wielder)

Born in Nohr with the promise of becoming the king’s right arm (like his grandfather). But Toranosuke jeopardized badly his relations with the king over his lust for power. The whole family  tried to escape the oppression lived in Nohr when Taka was still a little boy, and ask for refuge in Hoshido. Hoshido conceded asylum and Taka grew up in a loving, caring environment. The ruler loved his kindness and his hardwork, however most villagers and subordinates don’t trust him and frequently call him “Nohrian scum” (that’s an expression they actually use in the game). Still Taka is grateful for the shelter the hoshidans provided and he quickly becomes one of the king’s favorites.

Mondo:mercenary (sword/axe wielder)

Born in Nohr. He runs a group of mercenaries that once belonged to his older (deceased) brother. Tired of their king’s thirst for power and money, they decided to rebel. They seek fortunes but mostly, they enjoy creating chaos by assaulting guards and they attempt to build respect out of people’s fright (but they are actually kind and care for the poor and weak).

Toko:saint (white magic: healing powers)

Genocider Syo:witch (dark magic)

Born in Nohr but belongs in the Hoshido army. Powerful mage but low defense rate. She feels mistreated wherever she goes. Rough childhood (similar to DR canon story). She enters Hoshido’s ranks due to her obsession revolving Togami (a strategist, the king’s personal tactician). You can change to Syo/Toko anytime during the gameplay but you will lose a turn doing so.

Sakura:samurai (sword wielder)

Born in Hoshido. Beautiful woman, gentle soul. She’s the most powerful attacker of the Hoshido army but holds low resistance against magic.

Also in FE, they have a bonues called log support; basically it represents a bond between two characters. If you place them together during fights, their bond increases. (but I will leave this idea for another post, for a Ishimondo thing I am planning. :) (I also want to design more armors for other DR characters.)

21.03.19. “ A positive message from Taka ” These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all a21.03.19. “ A positive message from Taka ” These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all a21.03.19. “ A positive message from Taka ” These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all a21.03.19. “ A positive message from Taka ” These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all a21.03.19. “ A positive message from Taka ” These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all a21.03.19. “ A positive message from Taka ” These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all a21.03.19. “ A positive message from Taka ” These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all a21.03.19. “ A positive message from Taka ” These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all a21.03.19. “ A positive message from Taka ” These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all a

21.03.19.“ A positive message from Taka ”

These were doodles I made for my discord family. We all are going through rough times and I merely wanted to make them smile to compensate how much they make mesmile since I’ve met them. They provide me confidence to get out of my confortable zone in art, writing and even personality. I can be my “sappy”, fluffy self with them when I can’t in real life (because I am unconfortable in doing so, due to personal reasons). They are super kind and I love them all. Thank you for putting up with me… 
If you are having problems yourself, things do get better! I have dealt with depression and anxiety myself and, eventually, it got more easy to deal with. You are amazing and please, pleasetake care of yourself!
Feel free to use these in your life if they boost your confidence! 

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March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ” This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be

March, 2019. “ happy Ishimaru ”

This is basically me drawing Taka smiling because he deserves to be happy (apart from the random drawing posing him as the mastermind).

Some context:
- Sixth drawing: Makoto and Asahina suspect that Taka is organising something for the class (like the sweet bean he is).
- Seventh: represents a school sports day (and Taka just finished a race)
- The ninth: please excuse my awful skills (first time drawing a kiss…)

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22.02.19.  “SHSL Monsters AU”Hello! So… I bring fanart to another great set of fanfictions cr22.02.19.  “SHSL Monsters AU”Hello! So… I bring fanart to another great set of fanfictions cr

22.02.19.  “SHSL Monsters AU”

Hello! So… I bring fanart to another great set of fanfictions created by my dear friend @isthemedia . She created the following AU: “SHSL Monsters” - it’s inspired of various cultures’ folklore. Besides being super fun to read it’s also very educative (plus, it has Ishimondo)! I do not wish to spoil any more information so… you’ll have to go to AO3 if you wish to find out more! 

Here is the link to the ongoing collection! yes! Medi will write more (I can’t wait!)

And if you want to see more art inspired of this AU gohere,here andhere!

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–.01.19 “Unfinished Project” So, I wanted to make comics for every single day to celebrate Ish–.01.19 “Unfinished Project” So, I wanted to make comics for every single day to celebrate Ish–.01.19 “Unfinished Project” So, I wanted to make comics for every single day to celebrate Ish–.01.19 “Unfinished Project” So, I wanted to make comics for every single day to celebrate Ish–.01.19 “Unfinished Project” So, I wanted to make comics for every single day to celebrate Ish–.01.19 “Unfinished Project” So, I wanted to make comics for every single day to celebrate Ish

–.01.19“Unfinished Project”

So, I wanted to make comics for every single day to celebrate Ishimondo week 2k19 but… this fell on two weeks where I couldn’t push myself to draw (correctly) plus I am a slow at doodling so… I am still going to participate (even if late)! I will take my time and actually draw something I will be proud of. In the meantime, I apologize for not posting and I still hope you enjoy these sketches that I made for Ishimondo week… (it’s all trash and I am sorry for the inconvenience)
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Hey guys, just cause I’ve been seeing these scalped like CRAZY

These are ALL still available on Amiami for 2290 yen.

Shipping may be a killer depending on how reliable you want, but please don’t go buying Nagito for 80+ USD from someone on eBay/Depop/Mercari/what have you.

I also am still able to order one more Chiaki plush, if you want to go through someone, but I am sold out on everyone else.





Price per stand: 15 USD + shipping

NOTICE: This is a preorder, these do not release till August!

Second notice: These are two piece sets! You cannot purchase them separately, but you can trade for your front or back character with others! Please click here to see trade status!

Third notice: Characters are listed by the biggest character present on the stand. When reserving, you only need to mention the biggest character’s name.

Stand Set

Set 2

Set 3

This set is already purchased! Payment can be taken right away!

Makoto Naegi: @dgrzero (paid)

Sayaka Maizono: @ultimate-swag (paid)

Leon Kuwata: Taken

Kyoko Kirigiri: Taken

Byakuya Togami: @kitogami (paid)

Hifumi Yamada: @kitogami (paid)

Mondo Owada: Taken

Toko Fukawa: Taken

Celestia Ludenberg: @catboysalmon

Aoi Asahina: @gracekraft (paid)

Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Taken

Sakura Ogami: Taken

Yasuhiro Hagakure: @gracekraft (paid)

Mukuro Ikusaba:

Chihiro Fujisaki: @ultimate-swag (paid)

Junko Enoshima: @dgrzero (paid)

Feel free to send me an askif you have any questions/want to reserve a spot.

Payment can be taken right away! Send an ask if interested!

I will make pricing deals for anyone who purchases more than one!

Trading is also available! Contact me for more info!

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Prompt: THH kissing headcanons??


  • He likes soft, sweet kisses.
  • Usually pretty short, but is down for makeout sessions if you want that.
  • He definitely doesn’t know what to do with his hands. He’s clueless. Please help him.
  • This boy is not afraid to ask you for kisses if he wants them.
  • He is okay with PDA, but won’t initiate it himself.


  • Her kisses are slow and meaningful.
  • She’s usually pretty sparing with her kisses.
  • The way she asks if she can kiss you is non-verbal, but she always makes some form of gesture to make sure that you are okay with kissing in that moment.
  • Not big into PDA, probably would rather hold hands in public than kiss.


  • Does not do PDA. Like, almost at all.
  • In private though, he can be very tender in his kisses.
  • He appreciates you a lot and wants to express that to you, so be prepared for long and meaningful kisses.
  • The only time he might kiss you in public is if you’re either incredibly upset or if he gets incredibly jealous due to someone hitting on you.
  • He kisses your hands a lot??


  • She doesn’t initiate kisses. She’s too nervous too.
  • Luckily, she’s pretty obvious in her actions, so it’s easy to tell she wants kisses.
  • She often feels unworthy of kissing you, but you help her change that overtime.
  • Kisses with her are always full of love and reassurance.


  • She loves loves loves to give you small, sweet kisses!!
  • As long as you’ve established you’re alright with it, prepare for a ton of constant kisses all over your face.
  • She has a hard time holding kisses for long. She’s just too energetic! But she loves all kisses regardless.
  • You bet she’ll end up giving you some cliche underwater kisses while you’re swimming.
  • She wears chapstick a lot, so you get different flavored kisses every once in a while!!


  • This man. He is desperate for kisses. Please supply him with some.
  • He likes to kiss the top of your head and your forehead.
  • Kisses with him can get pretty messy, but he’s trying his best.
  • He’s a nervous ball of energy, so he’ll need some reassurance, but hey!! He loves you!! So much!! So he continues to ask for kisses and give you kisses when you want them.


  • Her kisses are very caring and pretty frequent.
  • She is fine with PDA!! She likes letting other people know you’re dating, but she completely understands if you don’t like it.
  • With your consent, she’d let her fans know you two are dating! She doesn’t feel the need to hide it, and she trusts that the majority of her fans will support you (hint: she’s correct).
  • She always likes to get a quick kiss from you backstage before she performs. She considers it a little good luck charm!!
  • Ever want a makeout session with her?? Here’s a Pro Tip: sing literally anything and she’ll m e l t.


  • This man does not know how to kiss. He claims he’s the best kisser at Hope’s Peak. Realistically, he has no clue what he’s doing.
  • That being said, he’s not shy about anything kiss related. Will openly ask to kiss you in front of tons of people. If not that’s chill, but he asks nonetheless.
  • He tries to come off as cool and suave during makeout sessions, but he actually gets really nervous. He also gets really excited when you kiss him!!
  • He really likes to kiss your neck. Not roughly or anything, he just loves your voice and likes to kiss your neck because of that, especially if you sing to him.


  • So shy. But so lovable. Give them kisses.
  • Will shyly ask for kisses when you two are alone. Won’t go past holding hands with you in public, but will give you little pecks to your face at home.
  • Loves to sit on your lap facing you while you both work on something while resting their head on your shoulder. Can and will kiss your shoulder when seated like that.
  • They’re such a tiny ball of positivity and their kisses really convey that. They’re short, but filled with lots of love!!


  • This man is the leader of a biker gang and has a reputation to uphold.
  • Except he totally doesn’t and is not at all afraid to kiss you or hold hands or do literally anything cutesy in front of the rest of his gang.
  • He loves you, what’s wrong with showing it? Unless you don’t want to of course.
  • With your consent, he will totally leave love bites on your neck.
  • His kisses are either very rough or very gentle, but both are incredibly passionate.


  • Lipstick marks everywhere.
  • Gentle kisses that slowly become more and more passionate and deep.
  • She kisses your hand in public and won’t initiate PDA other than that, but she’ll definitely reciprocate.
  • It’s hard to make her break her poker face, but quick kisses along her neck can change that really quickly.


  • Nervous Boy. Very Nervous Boy.
  • He absolutely adores you, but doesn’t do PDA past locking pinkies with you. Even hand-holding makes him blush too much to function in public.
  • He is still very shy in private, but loves giving and receiving kisses as a show of love and affection.
  • Prefers gentle and slow yet long and passionate kisses. Not quite making out, just very calm and steady.
  • He absolutely loves to kiss your nose for some reason, and will just melt if you do the same to him.


  • She is very very appreciative of anything you do for her, and she will absolutely love giving you small kisses as thanks.
  • She is so caring and gentle, she loves to hold your hand and kiss the top of your head.
  • Will absolutely pick you up to kiss you.
Celestia’s alternative execution 100% canon I swear

Celestia’s alternative execution 100% canon I swear

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not a brilliant day so decided to vent doodle because at least that’s more productive than pou

not a brilliant day so decided to vent doodle because at least that’s more productive than pouting at the wall

also a casual reminder that if Ishimaru wanted to he could pretty much hand anyone’s ass to them on a plate

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Asahina I don’t think you’re taking Ishimaru’s efforts to stimulate your educationAsahina I don’t think you’re taking Ishimaru’s efforts to stimulate your educationAsahina I don’t think you’re taking Ishimaru’s efforts to stimulate your education

Asahina I don’t think you’re taking Ishimaru’s efforts to stimulate your educational fervor seriously enough

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