


One of my favourite things about YJ’98 is that even tho the team totally respected Cissie’s decision for leaving, they always get so excited at just the mere thought of her coming back.

They’re all basically like:



Can’t wait for Kons new series to drop


Lex Luthor: Your main objective is to take Red Robin out.

Kon: … on a date?

Characters to expect coming up in Superman Family #1, out May 18th!Lois LaneSuperman (Clark Kent)Doc

Characters to expect coming up in Superman Family #1, out May 18th!

  • Lois Lane
  • Superman (Clark Kent)
  • Doctor Midnight (Beth Chapel)
  • Power Girl (Karen Starr)
  • Superboy (Kon-El)
  • Martha Kent
  • Cat Grant
  • Ron Troupe
  • Lucy Lane
  • Sammy Troupe

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join their band!

wip of the kids that rlly do own my heart

A redraw of the Superboy 1994 issue 4 cover with slight modifications. The title, instead of saying "Superboy, the animated series!" says "Suberboy, the man of tomorrow!" in reference to the new comic title. In the credits section it says "by ByeAra in celebration of the Round Robin winner". The covers of the magazine on the floor are very rough doodles of Superboy's first appearance in The Reign of the Supermen in 1992, and the first issue of Young Justice 2019, respectively. The image on the TV screen is a redraw of a fragment of the cover of the new comic: Kon from the back, holding a duffel bag over his left shoulder and looking back over his right shoulder.ALT

congrats to my boy for winning the round robin

the original cover i’m referencing is under the cut

The cover of Superboy (1994) #4. It shows Superboy sprawled on the ground upside down, seemingly asleep, with his head turned to the left away from a 90s TV screen that shows a smiling Superboy over a USA flag. Hanging over the TV is a landline phone with the handset off the socket and lying over an open TV magazine that shows its front and back covers. To the left of Superboy theres a bowl of popcorn turned on its side with kernels falling out all over the floor which is a soft yellow rug. The title of the cover mimics a speech bubble coming from the TV announcing "... and now we return to [drawing of a horizontal lightning] Superboy, the animated series!". On the top left corner there's the DC stamp, right below it, the number of the issue, then the Superman logo in yellow and finally the artists and writer credits, which go to Kesel, Grummett, Parobeck, Hazelwood, and Parks.ALT


So, I don’t know how this happened, but I now have OVER 400 followers!!  I’m glad people like my posts and whatever bits of my personality you can get out of my them I have trouble publishing personal posts, I never know what to say.  If you ever have any questions, ranging from “what comic is that from” to “why is the sky not lime-green” to “yo what’s up,” or any personal questions, which I am having trouble thinking of an example here because everything sounds dirty that I can think of (not that I wouldn’t answer dirty questions, I will pretty much answer anything)!  Please ask!!

Thanks again SO SO SO much for following, or re-blogging, or liking!!  It makes my day whenever I see that someone has seen what I post and thought they liked it enough to do something that would let me know they liked it~!  

Followers/People who like and/or reblog my posts = LOVE <3<3<3

Subtlety:  The one power Kon didn’t inherit from either of his dads.

Subtlety:  The one power Kon didn’t inherit from either of his dads.

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#06 - 90’s Superboy [art source]

#06 - 90’s Superboy

[art source]

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