#kon el kent

Timkonweek 2020: Day 7 Time travelPart 3 of 3[Part 1][Part 2]Something comes to the surface and wowzTimkonweek 2020: Day 7 Time travelPart 3 of 3[Part 1][Part 2]Something comes to the surface and wowz

Timkonweek 2020: Day 7 Time travel

Part 3 of 3

[Part 1]

[Part 2]

Something comes to the surface and wowzer. 

I have no Idea who told them but shenanigans occur and they are sent home with no memories of their adventures in the future.

Post link


This popped into my head and I refuse to not share it with the world

A lovely commission for @shrugsstuff! Timkonsteph with genderfluid Tim :DAnd now a link for the fic

A lovely commission for @shrugsstuff! Timkonsteph with genderfluid Tim :D

And now a linkfor the fic this is inspired by!

Post link

kon: let’s watch sharkboy and lavagirl.

tim: okay.

kon: and make out during the scary parts.

tim: th-

tim: the scary parts?

tim: of sharkboy and lavagirl?

kon: how’s the sexiest person here~?
tim: i don’t know. how is he~?
kon: i-
bart: *sitting on the couch* i’m doing great, thanks!

cassie: i just ended a four year relationship.
bart: i’m so sorry. are you okay?
cassie: hm? oh yeah, i’m fine. it wasn’t my relationship.
*tim and kon are fighting across the room*

Robin Musings, as per Krypto

Ph.D. (tummy rubs), M.A. (The Art of The Good Boi)

Robin I

  • A puppy!
  • Oh boy Clark finally made me a grandpup!
  • How well my grandpup fights!
  • And how well he flies!
  • Oh no
  • The chickens are trying to adopt him
  • Quick, bark at the chickens

Robin II

  • New pup!
  • Angry pup?
  • Let me lick your woes away
  • Oh I know all about sibling rivalry
  • See how the horses prance around and look all majestic
  • Disgusting
  • But I know that Clark loves both of us equally
  • Ah I have imparted wisdom

Robin III

  • The pup is skinny!!
  • Feed the pup-!
  • Oh
  • I can’t lactate :/
  • Quick, let’s go to Bessie
  • Woman has like, six calves, she can spare some milk

Robin IV

  • Girl pup!
  • Brush me as you would brush your glorious hair
  • Now for the finale
  • We shall shed on Bruce’s favorite chair :)

Robin III again

  • Skinny pup is dating Kon-pup!
  • Glorious, I will have great-grandpups now
  • That is, if Bruce doesn’t keep yelling
  • Ruins the mood :/
  • How will my dynasty continue at this rate

Robin V

  • Angry pup!
  • Quick! Snuffle the anger away!
  • Oops I squished him
  • It’s ok :)
  • What’s this
  • The pup is kidnapping me!
  • Someone save me- oh wait
  • You’re rich
  • Tell Clark I said bye :)


Conner clothing studies (guess which is the one approved by Lex).
Because I can’t get enough of that punk…

To be fair, Clark still pouts that Kon won’t wear the overalls that he approved of.

Ma is just worried that Bruce will never give Kon Tim’s hand in marriage if he dresses in “them ripped clothes dangnabit”


Hangin’ with the homies

the core four are all best friends yesbut also. tim and cassie are best friends and kon and bart are best friends separatelyof their group dynamic. so much to be said about those two separate bonds within a larger and still very close bond but i am not willing to fail at saying it 

Noooooo! First Wally and now Conner! I don’t wanna believe it!

I actually shed tears while watching this ep!


Lex Luthor: Your main objective is to take Red Robin out.

Kon: … on a date?

A redraw of the Superboy 1994 issue 4 cover with slight modifications. The title, instead of saying "Superboy, the animated series!" says "Suberboy, the man of tomorrow!" in reference to the new comic title. In the credits section it says "by ByeAra in celebration of the Round Robin winner". The covers of the magazine on the floor are very rough doodles of Superboy's first appearance in The Reign of the Supermen in 1992, and the first issue of Young Justice 2019, respectively. The image on the TV screen is a redraw of a fragment of the cover of the new comic: Kon from the back, holding a duffel bag over his left shoulder and looking back over his right shoulder.ALT

congrats to my boy for winning the round robin

the original cover i’m referencing is under the cut

The cover of Superboy (1994) #4. It shows Superboy sprawled on the ground upside down, seemingly asleep, with his head turned to the left away from a 90s TV screen that shows a smiling Superboy over a USA flag. Hanging over the TV is a landline phone with the handset off the socket and lying over an open TV magazine that shows its front and back covers. To the left of Superboy theres a bowl of popcorn turned on its side with kernels falling out all over the floor which is a soft yellow rug. The title of the cover mimics a speech bubble coming from the TV announcing "... and now we return to [drawing of a horizontal lightning] Superboy, the animated series!". On the top left corner there's the DC stamp, right below it, the number of the issue, then the Superman logo in yellow and finally the artists and writer credits, which go to Kesel, Grummett, Parobeck, Hazelwood, and Parks.ALT



the problem of not drawing for like 4 days when i’m used to drawing something every day is that if i’m hit with like a lot of inspiration when i draw again i will do too much because i feel like i’m finally letting go of that pent up need to draw and then i burn out because i spent too many hours drawing

sneak peak because i am very proud of how it’s turning out, but also i’ve been working on this all day non-stop so i’m going to sleep

i lied here’s another one bc i love shitty doodles of things that are supposed to look cool


the problem of not drawing for like 4 days when i’m used to drawing something every day is that if i’m hit with like a lot of inspiration when i draw again i will do too much because i feel like i’m finally letting go of that pent up need to draw and then i burn out because i spent too many hours drawing

sneak peak because i am very proud of how it’s turning out, but also i’ve been working on this all day non-stop so i’m going to sleep

The original Young Justice 1998 team posing for a picture. From left to right are Greta, Tim, Kon, Cassie and Cissie, with Bart in front of them on the right bottom corner playing a saxophone. On the top left corner there's writing that says "Young Justice Forever!"ALT

taken some time in 1999 and saved in cassie’s archive

reference under the cut

A black and white photograph from a magazine of the 80s of a group of six people who are probably in a music band and are posing in the same way as the characters above.ALT

i see a wacky group pic and i automatically try to assign young justice characters to it

it’s been months and i’m still thinking about this

i don’t even think it’s a good concept as a secret identity, i just think it’s funny
