#kpop lyrics


안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! I got another request for a K-pop breakdown, so here it is! This one was pretty tricky for me to break down, but I hope it all makes sense anyways! If you have a song you’d like to see me break down, let me know and I’ll try to fulfill it!

You can listen to this song here! I used lyricstranslate.com’s really good translations and Naver Dictionary to help me out. As usual, I linked my full-length lessons about the grammar structures mentioned if you want to learn more about them! Let’s start!


휘하고 멋지게 솟구치는 눈은 / 이별에 손짓인 듯 부서지는 / 밤으로 가득한 고요를 본다

The snow that soars up majestically with a whoosh / Sees the silence full of night / That is shattered by our goodbye as if it were a gesture

  • 휘하다 -> I can’t find a related translation for this word on Naver Dictionary, but just going off the translations from lyricstranslate, it means “with a whoosh.”
  • 멋지다 can mean anything from “nice” to “awesome” to “charming.” 
  • [adjective stem] + 게 turns that adjective into an adverb.
  • -고is attached to stems to mean “and.” So 휘하고 멋지게 means “with a whoosh and majestically.”
  • 솟구치다 = soar; gush; surge
  • 눈 = snow
  • [verb] + 는 + [noun] = [noun] that [verbs] -> This is how you describe nouns with verbs in the present tense. 
  • -은 is a topic particle that shows that 눈 is the topic of the sentence. More about particles here!
  • 이별 = farewell; goodbye
  • 에 = is a location particle meaning “to” or “in.” In this context, however, it means “by,” as in “shattered by.”
  • 손짓 = hand gesture
  • [noun] + 인듯 = as if it is [noun]
  • 부서지다 = break; be broken; be shattered
  • 밤 = night
  • 가득하다 = full [of smth]
  • -(으)로 in this context means “with” or “of,” as in “filled with night” or “full of night.”
  • 고요 = silence
  • 보다 = to see
  • [verb stem] + ㄴ/는다 or [adjective stem] + 다 is known as the plain style or narrative form. This type of speech doesn’t really have a formality level. You see it a lot in books and newspapers where there’s not really a specific formality level you’re using. It can also be used with those who you would speak informally to.

돌아보는 여운이 안타깝다 / 숨을 쉰다 눈이 온다 / 인사한다 잠이 든다

The afterglow is full of regret / Breathing, snowing / Greeting, falling asleep

  • 돌아보다 = to look back
  • 여운 = resonance; lingering feeling; echo
  • I think 돌아보는 여운 literally means “the resonance I looked back on” or something like that.
  • 안타깝다 = regrettable; sad
  • 숨을 쉬다 = to breathe
  • 눈이 오다 = to snow (literally “snow comes”)
  • 인사하다 = to greet
  • 잠이 들다 = to fall asleep
  • When conjugated into the plain style, the ㄹ gets dropped and replaced with -ㄴ다 because it’s irregular.

떠나간다 / 떠나간다 / 남은 것은 이제 없다

Leaving / Leaving / Now there’s nothing left

  • 떠나가다 = to leave
  • 남다 = to remain; to be left
  • 남은 것 = what’s left; the things that remain
  • 이제 = now
  • 없다 = to not be there; to not exist; to not have

그대가 웃는 걸 보면서 나도 웃는다 / 발자국에 아쉬움 꾹 묻어둔 채로

As I look at you smile, I smile too / Burying my regret in my footprints

  • 그대 = You -> this is a more romantic way of saying “you” that you would say to your partner.
  • 웃다 = to smile; to laugh
  • 웃는 걸 refers to the fact that you’re smiling. The action of you smiling is turned into a noun, and that is what the speaker is looking at.
  • [verb stem] + (으)면서 means “as one [does verb]” and is used for when two actions are done simultaneously.
  • 나 = I (informal)
  • -도 = too
  • 발자국 = footprints
  • 아쉽다 = be a shame; be a pity
  • 아쉬움 is the noun form of 아쉽다 courtesy of -ㅁ nominalization. 
  • 꾹 = firmly; completely
  • 묻어두다 = hide; bury; conceal
  • -ㄴ 채로 describes the state that something is in as an action is being done. In this case, the speaker is smiling with her heart buried – her heart is in the state of being buried as she is smiling.

That’s all for this breakdown – I hope it was helpful! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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안녕하세요! Hey everyone! Here is yet another breakdown request fulfilled! If you have a song you’d like to see me break down, let me know and I’ll try to fulfill your request!

You can listen to this song here! I used Genius’s translationsandNaver Dictionary to help me out with this breakdown! I also linked my full-length lessons about the grammar structures featured in this song if you want to learn more about them. Let’s start!


사랑 촌스런 그 감정 / 근데 내 가슴이 뛰어 / 왜 나 이래 나? 

Love, that old-fashioned feeling / But why is my heart racing? / What’s wrong with me? 

  • 사랑 = love
  • 촌스런 -> from 촌스럽다, meaning “old-fashioned”
  • 그 = that (must be placed before a noun)
  • 감정 = feeling
  • 근데 can usually be translated as “but” – it is sometimes used to draw attention to a different topic or something contrasting to what is currently being spoken about.
  • 내 = my (informal)
  • 가슴 = heart; chest
  • -이 is a subject particle – more about particles here!
  • 뛰다 = to run; to jump 
  • 왜 = why
  • 이래 comes from 이렇다, meaning “to be like this” or “to do this.” This line literally means “why am I like this?” but can also mean “what’s wrong with me?”

나도 모르게 when you call my name / 가슴 아프게 나의 심장이 쿵쿵

Unknowingly, when you call my name / Heartbreakingly, my heart is pounding

  • 나 = I/me (informal)
  • -도 = too/even (depending on context)
  • 모르다 = to not know
  • Adding-게 to a verb or adjective stem turns it into an adverb. 나도 모르게 means “unknowingly” or, more literally, “without me even knowing.”
  • 아프다 = to be sick; to hurt
  • 나의 = another way to say “my.” -의 is a possessive marker.
  • 심장 = heart -> This refers more to the heart, while 가슴 can mean either “heart” or “chest.”
  • 쿵쿵 is an onomatopoeia and is supposed to mimic the sound of a heartbeat.

내 뜻대로 되지 않아 / 흔한 filter조차 없어

It’s not going my way / I don’t even have any trendy filter

  • 내 = my (informal)
  • 뜻 = meaning
  • -대로 = according to [smth]; as [smth]
  • 되다has a few different meanings. In this case, it’s a little hard to translate directly, but I would say it means “to go” (as in to go a certain way) or “to be done” (as in something is done some way). 
  • -지 않다= not / does not 
  • More literally, I think this line means “It’s not going according to my meaning.” As with a lot of K-pop lyrics (and Korean in general), it’s best to focus on the meaning rather than the literal English translation, so don’t worry too much if the translation sounds odd!
  • 흔하다, according to Naver Dictionary, means “common” or “commonplace.” Not quite sure why Genius translated it as “trendy,” but I guess if something is trendy, it becomes common because everyone is using it. 
  • [noun] + 조차 =  even [noun]
  • 없다 = to not be there / to not have

That’s about it for this breakdown! I hope it was helpful :) See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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안녕하세요! Hello again everyone! I have yet another breakdown that was requested! If there’s a song you want to see broken down, let me know and I’ll try to fulfill your request!

You can listen to this song here! I used colorcodedlyrics.comandNaver Dictionary to help me translate these lyrics! I also linked my full-length lessons about the grammar structures featured in this song if you want to learn more about them. Let’s start!


거울 속에 마주친 얼굴이 어색해서 / 습관처럼 조용히 눈을 감아 / 밤이 되면 서둘러 내일로 가고 싶어 

The face in the mirror is awkward / So like a habit I quietly close my eyes / When the night comes I want to hurry up and go to tomorrow

  • 거울 = Mirror
  • 속에 = Inside
  • 마주치다 = to meet (usually refers to eyes meeting)
  • 얼굴 = face
  • -ㄴ/은allows you to describe nouns with that verb in the past tense. So 마주친 얼굴 literally means “the face that I met.”
  • -이 is a subject particle – more about particles here!
  • 어색하다 = awkward
  • -아/어서 means “so” or “because.” 어색해서 means “because it’s awkward” or “it’s awkward, so…”
  • 습관 = habit
  • [noun] + 처럼 = like [noun]
  • 조용하다 = quiet; 조용히 = quietly 
  • 눈 = eye(s)
  • 감다 = to close (when talking about eyes)
  • 밤 = night
  • 되다 = to become (밤이 되다 literally means “to become night”)
  • -(으)면 = if/when
  • 서두르다 = to rush; to hurry
  • 내일 = tomorrow
  • -(으)로in this context means “to” or “towards.”
  • 가다 = to go
  • [verb stem] + 고 싶다 = I want to [verb]

설렘으로 차오르던 나의 숨소리와 / 머리 위로 선선히 부는 바람 / 파도가 되어 어디로든 / 달려가고 싶어 / 작은 두려움 아래 천천히 두 눈을 뜨면

My breath that rose up with excitement / And the wind that blows coolly above my head / I want to become a wave / And run anywhere / When I slowly open my eyes under the small fears

  • 설렘 = excitement; thrill
  • Here, -(으)로 means “with”
  • 차오르다 = to rise up
  • 나의 = my (informal) -> 나 means “I,” while -의 is a possessive marker.
  • 숨소리 = breath -> refers to the sound of breath
  • [verb stem] + 던is another way to describe a noun with a verb. It is used for actions that you used to do repeatedly in the past or that you did but did not complete. 
  • -와 = and
  • 머리 = head
  • 위로 = above; top
  • 선선히 = coolly
  • 불다 = blow
  • 불다’s stem ends in ㄹ, which gets dropped when you want it to describe a noun.
  • 바람 = wind
  • 파도 = wave
  • 어디로든 = anywhere
  • 달려가다 = to run
  • 작다 = small
  • 두려움 = fear -> noun form of the verb 두렵다, meaning “afraid”
  • 아래 = below; bottom
  • 천천히 = slowly
  • 두 = two (this is the word for “two” that you put before a noun)
  • 뜨다 = to open (eyes)

휩쓸려 길을 잃어도 자유로와 / 더이상 날 가두는 / 어둠에 눈 감지 않아 / 두 번 다시 날 모른 척 하지 않아

I’m free even when I’m swept away and get lost / I won’t close my eyes / in the darkness that traps me anymore / I won’t pretend to not know who I am again

That’s about it for this breakdown! Hope it was helpful and fun to read! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요! 

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  • GetDrops Premium usingmy affiliate link to expand your Korean vocab!
  • Check out myKo-Fi to support this blog and my studies! Thank you for your generosity!

안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! I got yet another request for a breakdown! If you have a song you’d like to see broken down, let me know! I linked my full-length lessons about the featured grammar points throughout as well in case you want to learn more about them!

I translated all these lyrics myself, but I did refer to this lyric videoandNaver Dictionary to help me out :) Let’s start!

나를 스쳐가는 그대 / 내 말을 들어줘 / 걸음을 멈추고 / 내 노랠 들어줘

You brush against me / Listen to what I have to say / Stop in your tracks / And listen to my song

  • 나를 = me 
  • 나 is the informal way to say “I,” while -를 is an object particle. More about particles here!
  • 스쳐가다 = to brush against; to pass by
  • 그대 = you -> This is a poetic/romantic way to say “you” and isn’t really used in everyday spoken Korean.
  • [verb stem] + 는 allows you to describe nouns with that verb. 나를 스쳐가는 그대 literally means “you who brushes against me.”
  • 내 = my (informal)
  • 말 = words
  • 듣다 = to listen; to hear
  • 듣다’s stem ends in ㄷ, so it becomes 들어줘 when conjugated.
  • [verb stem] + 아/어주다 means that a verb is done forsomebody and can be used when pleading that someone do something for you. In this case, he’s commanding that you listen to him. 
  • Literally, this line means “listen to my words.”
  • 걸음 = step(s) -> from the verb 걷다, meaning “to walk”
  • 멈추다 = to stop
  • -고 is a connector that means “and.” This line means “stop in your tracks and…”
  • 노래 = song

축 처진 고개들과 / 비틀거리는 그림자 / 그렇게 나는 불청객이 돼 / 아무도 모르는 yeah / 노래를 부르며 yeah

Among the drooping heads / And staggering shadows / I become an uninvited guest / While I sing a song / That nobody knows

  • 축 처지다 = droop; hang; sag
  • 고개 = head
  • Attach -들 to nouns to make them plural
  • [verb stem] + ㄴ/은 allows you to describe a noun with that verb in the past tense. So 축 처진 고개들 literally means “heads that drooped.”
  • 과/와is attached to nouns to mean “and” or “with.” 과 is attached to nouns ending in a consonant, while 와 is attached to those ending in a vowel. 
  • 비틀거리다 = stagger; stumble; falter; totter
  • 그림자 = shadow(s) (it can still be implied that a noun is plural without the -들 depending on the context!
  • 그렇게 = like that
  • 불챙객 = uninvited guest
  • 되다 = to become
  • These lines were a little tricky to translate, but I think it essentially means “the drooping heads and staggering shadows, like that, I become an uninvited guest” as if he is an uninvited guest because the drooping heads and staggering shadows make him one. 
  • 아무도 = nobody
  • 모르다 = to not know
  • 아무도 모르다 sounds like a double negative – nobody doesn’t know. But in Korean, this is the correct way to say “nobody knows”! When using indefinite pronouns like 아무것도, 아무데도, (nothing, nowhere), etc., you need to use a negative verb like so.
  • 부르다 -> when paired with 노래, means “to sing.”
  • [verb stem] + (으)며means “while [verb]” and is used when two actions are happening at the same time.

아무도 모르는 / 노래를 부를래 / 지나가는 너의 / 마음을 붙잡을 수 있길 바라며

I’ll sing a song / That nobody knows / Hoping that I can grasp your heart / As it passes

  • [verb stem] + ㄹ/을래(요) means “I will [verb]” or “I want to [verb].” It expresses a strong intention to do something.
  • 지나가다 = pass; go by
  • 너의 = your(informal)
  • 너 means “you” (informal), and -의 is a possessive marker.
  • 마음 = hear
  • 붙잡다 = grasp; grab; hold
  • [verb stem] + ㄹ/을 수 있다 = can [verb]
  • [verb stem] + 기를 바라다 = to hope that [verb]
  • Those last two lines literally mean “while hoping I can grasp your passing heart.”

That’s about it for this breakdown! Hope it was helpful :) See you in the next lesson! 화이팅!

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The end of the first part of NCT season is almost with us, so someone asked me if I could translate a song from the album. I chose to do Misfit since it has an MV and I only translated the verses from the MV since its a song PACKED full of new vocabulary. All the tricky vocabulary is under the cut (some really useful new words in there!)


Main vocabulary (in order of appearance)

  • 맞다 = to be correct, to be right
  • 자체 = self, oneself
  • 숨이 턱턱 막히다 = to be suffocating, stifling
  • 숨 = breath
  • 턱턱 = easily, completely
  • 막히다 = to be blocked, stopped
  • 입다 = to wear
  • 느낌 = feeling, sense
  • 지겹다 = boring, tedious
  • 고민 없다 = without worry
  • 고민 = worry, anguish
  • 끌어내리다 = to drag down, to take down, to demote
  • 애써 = with effort, laboriously, with force
  • 재단하다 = to judge, to cut out
  • 됐다 = that’s enough
  • 이대로 = like this, as it is
  • 의심 = doubt
  • 그저 = just
  • 방법 = way, means, manner
  • 맞추다 = to be in harmony, adapt, adjust
  • 어림없다 = impossible, absurd, preposterous
  • 비슷하다 = similar, to be like
  • 모습 = appearance, look, form
  • 더욱 = more, further
  • 거슬리다 = to be irritated, be offended
  • 날아가다 = to fly, to fly away, to be gone
  • 때 = time, moment
  • 마치다 = to be crazy
  • 어차피 = in any case, anyway
  • 마음대로 = as one likes, as you want
  • 언제나 = all the time, always
  • 튀어나오다 = to protrude, stick out, pop out
  • 다치다 = to be hurt, injured
  • 아무도 = nobody
  • 막지 못하다 = to not stop, to not block
  • 막하 = to block, close, enclose, stop
  • 억지로 = reluctantly, forcibly
  • 똑같다 = exactly the same, identical
  • 틀 = mold, frame, framework
  • 끼워 넣다가다 = to put in
  • 끼다 = to stick in, to fasten
  • 넣다가다 = to put in
  • 부쉬버리다 = to break completely
  • 부수다 = to break, smash, destroy
  • 버리다 = to throw away, discard
  • 지키다 = to guard, defend, protect OR to obey, observe
  • 법 = law, act, rule
  • 적당히 = adequately
  • 멈추다 = to stop, halt
  • 규칙 = rule
  • 묻다 = to ask, inquire
  • 따르다 = to follow
  • 듯 = like
  • 채우다 = to fill
  • 목줄 = leash
  • 짓밟다 = to trample, stamp on
  • 높다 = high
  • 조준 = aiming
  • 따분하다 = boring, dreary
  • 늘어놓다 (늘어놔) = to harp on, to speak at length
  • 뻔하다 = evident, clear
  • 닿다 = to reach, arrive
  • 뻗다 = to stretch, extend, straighten
  • 입 = mouth
  • 쩍 = with a smack, crack, split
  • 벌어지다 = to widen, to part, to broaden
  • 분위기 = atmosphere, mood
  • 파악 = understanding, figure out, realise
  • 태도 = attitude
  • 늘 = always, often
  • 이기다 = to win, beat
  • 기분 = mood, feelings
  • 발아래 = below one’s feet
  • 깨버리다 = to break completely
  • 깨다 = to break, shatter
  • 믿다 = to believe
  • 식겁하다 = to freakify
  • 삐딱하다 = to be slanted, askew
  • 마주치다 = to happen to meet, eyes meet
  • 망설이다 = to hesitate
  • 갈 길 = long road ahead
  • 멀다 = to be distant, far off
  • 똑바로 = straight, truthfully
  • 걷다 = to walk
  • 전부 = all, everything
  • 비스듬하다 = askew

Key Grammar

VERB -(으)ㄹ수록 = The more ______ the more ______

ADJ/VERB/NOUN -어/아야 되다 = have to ___ , must ____

ADJ/VERB/NOUN -(으)ㄹ 텐데 = Expresses the expected future state of something

ADJ/VERB/NOUN -(으)ㄹ지도 모르다 = It might…; You don’t know if…

VERB -지 말고 _____ = don’t do ____, do ______

NOUN -뿐 = Nothing more than ____ ; Only / Just

“Day that’s become deeper, my shadow that’s become longer. Far over there, the sun’s becoming darker, maybe I’m struggling through the darkness that’s becoming thicker. Am I trapped in this place?”

Yours|Jin of BTS (Jirisan OST Pt. 4)

“What lights me up are the stars embroidered with your love. In my universe, you create another world for me.”

My Universe | BTS x Coldplay

“Even when many days pass, I will stay next to you. Even if I throw myself away, I want to stay next to you. Please you stay alive.”

— Stay Alive | Jungkook (prod. SUGA)

“Like the first snow on a midsummer night, you’re an unbelievable miracle, surprising moment. The wind that blows again someday, I will wait for you even if your heart wanders.”

Christmas Tree | V (Our Beloved Summer OST Pt. 5)

•Aesthetic wallpaper

•Kpop Lyrics

•don’t repost

•Songs: happiness, hann, nevermind and euphoria

•Artist: red velvet, (g)i-dle and Bts

Click the picture for more quality

the bright colours look so cute!! ✨cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter✺✺disclaimer - I don’t own most of the bright colours look so cute!! ✨cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter✺✺disclaimer - I don’t own most of the bright colours look so cute!! ✨cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter✺✺disclaimer - I don’t own most of the bright colours look so cute!! ✨cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter✺✺disclaimer - I don’t own most of the bright colours look so cute!! ✨cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter✺✺disclaimer - I don’t own most of the bright colours look so cute!! ✨cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter✺✺disclaimer - I don’t own most of the bright colours look so cute!! ✨cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter✺✺disclaimer - I don’t own most of the bright colours look so cute!! ✨cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter✺✺disclaimer - I don’t own most of the bright colours look so cute!! ✨cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter✺✺disclaimer - I don’t own most of

the bright colours look so cute!! ✨

cr: @twinklerenjun_ on Twitter

disclaimer - I don’t own most of my lockscreens; they come from Pinterest! if one of them happens to be yours, just message me and i will give you credit :)

Post link

K-POP Vocabulary: Taeyeon (태연) - Spark (불티)



내 마음도 너 같아

타오를 듯 위험한


덮으려 해 봐도

꺼지지 않는 너를

어떻게 해야 하나?

  1. 불다 to blow
  2. 불티 spark
  3. 타오르다 to blaze
  4. 살포시 gently, softly
  5. 누르다 to control, to suppress
  6. 덮다 to cover

여릴 줄만 알았던

그 작은 온기


내 안에 내가 많아

온 밤소란한데

혹시 내 말을 들었니

  1. 여리다 to be soft, to be tender
  2. 온기 warm air
  3. 감추다 to hide
  4. 온 밤 all night
  5. 소란하다 to be noisy


눈 뜰새벽이야


  1. 타이밍 timing
  2. 눈(을) 뜨다 to open one’s eyes
  3. 깨우다 to awake

더 타올라라 후 후후후

꺼지지 않게


더 크게 번져 후 후후

지금 가장 뜨거운

내 안의 작고 작은

불티야 불티야 꺼지지 말고 피어나

불티야 불티야 새벽을 훨훨 날아가

새 불티야 불티야 춤추듯 온몸을 살라

새 불티야 불티야 꺼지지 말고 피어나

  1. 붉디붉다 to be deep red
  2. 번지다 to spread, to grow
  3. 피어나다 to bloom, to burn
  4. 훨훨 날아가다 to flutter away
  5. 사르다 to burn out

이 까만 어둠을


내 앞을 비추는

어디든 갈 수 있어

세찬 바람을 타고

떠올라내려 보면

우린 이 별의 여행자

  1. 동그랗다 to be round
  2. 밝히다 to light up
  3. 비추다 to light on
  4. 어디든 any place
  5. 세차다 to be strong
  6. 내려보다 to look down

어제 길 위의 넌 꿈만 꾸고 있었지

작은 새처럼 작은 새처럼

이제 타이밍이야, 너의 시간이야

숨을 불어넣어 불티를 깨워

  1. 숨을 불어넣다 to blow into
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