#left wing






TERFs don’t want to save trans men and AFAB nonbinarys who don’t look like GNC women.

The want to detransition us, force us to accept our “role” as women, make us proud of the parts of ourselves that often make us the most uncomfortable in our own skin. 

If the trans person in question is white, they want to use our wombs to produce more white babies. Because don’t forget, you can never part the racist from the sexist. 

And if someone’s too far gone, if they’re too loud and brash and wield their words like a baseball bat. If they can’t be silenced, then they want to kill us. Demean us, dehumanize us, use us as a warning to younger, closeted trans people. 

Look at them. Look at what testosterone has done to their bodies, the personalities, their souls. You don’t want to be like that, do you?

TERFs say the want to save us. They don’t.

They want to kill us.

y'all have exactly 0 experience w radfem ideology and it shows

#use our wombs to produce more white babies#you sound insane#we believe in bodily autonomy bro#that doesn’t just stop applying because we disagree

Telling this to a former non-TERF borderline radfem is honestly hilarious~

So you agree? You have no experience with actual radical feminism

“borderline radfem” lmao

@happysadyoyo Your post is so completely wrong about radical feminism that I am certain you were never a “non-TERF borderline radfem”, this lie doesn’t take. We are left-wing and our feminism is logically intersectional, in the original and true definition of the word, coined by black feminist and civil rights advocate Kimberlé Crenshaw. “TERF” is a word you use against such a broad range of people (but, what a surprise, all women !) that I have no doubt there’s women in there that are indeed racist and agreeing with this white supremacist fantasy of birthing white babies, however they are not feminists and even less radical feminists (you know the RF in the acronym), I can’t believe we even have to say that. It’s as if talking to toddlers, trying to explain to them basic facts, that’s how uneducated you are about this movement.

Radical feminism is also known for its anti-natalism but sure do talk about how we want to “use our (trans men) wombs” for racist reasons. We advocate for the right for women to get an abortion if they want it, no exception, this includes trans men of course (I’m sure you know that, since we’re demonized for saying that trans men and women share the same biology, are female). All of your pamphlet is ridiculous if you care to read even just ten per cent of anything we write/say). Wanting to kill you ?! False. I’m going to surprise you tonight but wow we even want trans people to be treated equally to everyone else and not be discriminated when it comes to work/ housing/medical care, etc. “Look at their soul”, we don’t even believe in the religious concept of a soul, that’s something you people from the gender crowd believe in toughly though.

Why do you think it’s so bad that we want to “make (you) proud of the parts of (y)ourselves that often make us the most uncomfortable in our own skin.” Many of us were dysphoric ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with feeling better, with healing. We don’t want to force that on you though, this is something only you can do, in your own pace. There’s no “role” inherent to being a woman (you did put the word role yourself in quote, so why continuing the sentence ? Was this a spark of clarity about woman not being a role ?) femininity is the role and as feminists we criticise gender/gender roles. The term “gender critical” may help you to see that, this is if you choose to not be intellectually dishonest.

I will finish with this : I’m a radical feminist and I came across trans men heavily brainwashed by porn and bdsm who are on this very website indulging in a “kink” of forced detransition. I didn’t linger but it seems to be a growing community since I’ve noticed a good number of them in a short amount of time in these “nsfw” circles. Like any of my feminist sisters I could recognise that as self-harm, self-hatred, not authentic, unhealthy, and I did send a few messages about how they shouldn’t force themselves to detransition. Such thing should come from a place of healing, like I said, not because you were forced by someone else or because you now think “god didn’t intend you to be trans but to follow your feminine essence” or whatever religious sexist nonsense the detransitioners who did it for religious reasons are on. If anything any of what these trans men wrote about their “fantasy” of forced detransition (mind you, they can be very active trans activists all the while doing that) was sad and honestly enraging. It comes with sense there was a big layer of sexism in these posts, wanting to be reduced to a subservient place, to be used by men, to have no authority on their own body, etc, and some are so brainwashed by the “culture” of these porn-addicted spaces that they’re getting closer and closer to doing it.

Do you really think we would be in favour of that ?! Everything in this type of behaviour screams “needs therapy”, a real one, which is exactly the most “extreme” solution we push for. Radical feminists don’t want to harm trans men and non-binary identifying females, we recognise an experience, a pain, more and more our own, and being honest about it as feminist women does not equal any of the word you tried to put together here.
