#lgbt stuff


The Orange Analogy: A Guide to Understanding Asexuality

Part ¼

The Orange Analogy: A Guide to Understanding Asexuality

Part 2/4

The Orange Analogy: A Guide to Understanding Asexuality

Part ¾



Here is a complete list of the people who can decide if someone is LGBTQ+:

1. The person themselves



This fucks exponentially no more “good rep” I want exclusively bad evil metal hardcore rep


Hearing “trans people’s rights getting taken away means WE’RE NEXT and that’s why we should care” from cis LGB people is so frustrating to me. Even if somehow us being stripped of our rights didn’t affect you, you should STILL care. You should give a fuck about us even when what’s happening to us isn’t directly relevant to you and your well-being. You should care about trans people on our own merits, rather than just because you see us as canaries in a fucking coal mine.







Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.

It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.

no white gay boy will ever reblog this, watch:

no white gay will reblog this

no white lgb person will reblog this

Without Stonewall, without the efforts of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, the LGBTQ Community wouldn’t be where it is today. Don’t forget the roots, don’t forget the catalyst.

and then TERFs wanna be like, “hmm well the LGBT community existed before Stonewall!”

but like…Becky, of course LGBTQ+ people existed before Stonewall. We’ve all existed since the beginning of time. But the movement got a shock to its senses, a jump-start, a rocket-into-space when that glass shattered via Marsha P. Johnson, and when Sylvia Rivera was up on-stage protesting guess who was on the sidelines heckling her?

The same fuckers who won’t ever reblog or acknowledge this


my favorite argument against masculine women feminine men headcanons is that it’s a “stereotype that’s everywhere in media” because like. name one piece of media where there are even slightly accurately portrayed butch women and gnc men. even one piece of media. i’ll wait.

the idea that these are overplayed tropes or stereotypes comes from homophobic media. man in a dress gags, etc. stuff that is all things considered, rare these days. these days, ~progressive~ tv and film etc does its best to make gay men as masculine and “normal” as possible and to make lesbians as feminine and pretty and appealing to a male audience as possible. people who don’t look and act like that are severely underrepresented, because filmmakers and tv directors etc who think like you people think that somehow portraying people who don’t ascribe to christian gods divine gender roles is actually somehow homophobic.

and if that’s not you, if you’re not a butch lesbian or a fem gay man, you might straight up not know that we exist, or you might think of us as a slight on gay culture. “gays, we’re just like you, we don’t claim those weirdos who experience gender differently, who are punk, who aren’t interested in cishet ideas of normalcy etc etc” but the reality is, gnc gay people do exist. in the real world! we’re out here and proud to be who we are. men in dresses and makeup and lingerie and women in combat boots and baggie pants and binders and nonbinary people, full stop.

we’re real, and therefore not a harmful stereotype. how can the way i’ve chosen to live my life be a stereotype? am i bad gay representation? am i doing gayness wrong by not assimilating to a cishet ideal of what a man must be?

the last time i heard that was from the church. my homophobic pastor father. weird that you guys would be siding with him.


Make non-binary a legally recognised gender identity in the UK

Non-binary genders are not recognised in UK law. The Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) enables a person to change the sex recorded on their birth certificate, either from male to female or vice versa. It makes no provision for the recognition of any other gender. 

On the parliment website, I have started a petition to get the government to recognise that non-binary is a valid gender and should be recognised as a legitimate legal choice.

Before the petition can go live and allow members of the public to sign it, it requires a minimum of five signatures from supporters.

If you’re in the UK, please click the link below to show your support.


Well I have good news and bad news about this: 

Bad news: My petition was rejected and will not be made live for others to sign.

Good news: Because there is already one that was recently submitted about a very similar issue.

So everyone who wants to show their support, I urge you all to click the link below and sign this petition. All you need is to be a UK resident.

At 10,000 signatures, the government has to release an official response. At 100,000 signatures, it has to be discussed in parliment.

This petition closes on 25th November.

Legally recognise genders such as Non-binary, Genderqueer and Intersex



this pride month I am wishing everyone a very stop overanalyzing yourself and just have fun with it. have gay sex. don’t have any sex. try on a new gender. stop caring about gender at all. talk to your doctor about hormones. go on a date. break up with the person you dont love. whatever it is you have been putting off doing by dithering about it in your head. just do that and fully experience how it feels without trying to put it into words. if you still need a word for it later there will be one. they aren’t going anywhere. but people were here before language and there’s only so far language can go in giving you a fulfilling human experience. so if you are hiding behind finding the right words for whatever it is your heart wants i hope this month you get the courage to just do it instead.

on the other hand. this guy gets it


#Genderfluid Information Day


It’s officially pride month and I felt this was a relevant topic. I struggle to understand how we’re all playing the same game with canon gay and gnc characters and yet so many people complain about Kris using they/them pronouns. You can claim Kris uses he or she all you want but you won’t find that anywhere in the game.
*You can use the icons with credit


june is right around the corner and i just want to put this out there before any kind of pride month bullshit touches my dash

aromantic and asexual (and aspec in general) people belong in my community.

transgender and nonbinary people who present as their agab (for any reason - it’s none of my business) belong in my community.

gender non-conforming (including pronoun non-conforming) individuals belong in my community.

people who are questioning, haven’t labeled themselves, or haven’t quite figured themselves out yet belong in my community.

if you fit in one or more of these categories, you belong, and i welcome you with open arms.

orquidia:bluehairedemon:orquidia: orquidia: reverse trope story prep femenine girl transform into a





reverse trope story

 prep femenine girl transform into a gender non conforming girl and become happier with herself!!! 


reverse trope story part 2

The popular jock student in the campus is interesed in the tomboy girl but it is to ask her to help her to feel pretty and happy!!!

To help him* just because he wears a dress it doesn’t mean he’s trans


Post link




Now that MCR is getting big again, I want to just get a little reminder out there that multiple members of the band are queer, including Gerard Way who is pan and nb.

They’re aren’t being good allies or whatever when they represent that LGBTQ community in their performances and merch, they’re connecting with their own community. Early emo was a scene was a refuge for young queer kids at the time when the culture was extremely hostile to us (even more than now, believe it or not).

Signed, an early-00’s queer emo.

I don’t write this to shame anyone, either.

LGBTQ artists, particularly ones with any sort of mainstream success or public spotlight, have had their identities downplayed, hidden, or fully erased for decades.

I’ve fallen into that trap myself, I called Lady Gaga a performative straight ally years and years ago when Born This Way came out because I had no idea that she had been out as bi for years.

A lot of people just straight up don’t know even when it comes to vocal and explicitly out artists because it is actively hidden by an industry that tries to please a mostly straight audience that are harder to sell on LGBTQ artists.

Look at the reaction to Megan Thee Stallion who is vocally out as bi, but rarely ever talked about as a prominent LGBTQ artist.

It happens, don’t beat yourself up, but it is always good to make yourself aware when you can.

Yes! Absolutely. It’s so frequently glossed over, like people collectively decide to forget that.

Also, I feel like Janelle Monae has to re-come-out every like 6 months and people seem surprised every time.



I laughed so hard at this I accidentally exited the Tumblr app and when I reopened, Tumblr had bolted back to the top of the feed, so I just rage scrolled through every single thing both posted in the last hour and that I scrolled past in the last hour to find to present this incredible tiktok to you, my dear followers. Esp @ritterssport





crazy that all those 13 year old girls clocked dan and phil so hard. like mustve been intensely fucked up and invasive etc etc but so crazy that 13 year old girls worldwide were like those men are secretly gayandinlove and they literally were

added a visual element

Tbh if you point to every pair of vaguely attractive men you see like “they’re definitely gay” you’re going to be right eventually just because of statistics. If I always call heads I’ll be right half the coin flips.



lesbian is not a synonym for sapphic btw

like when you call all wlw couples “lesbian” you’re erasing bi women in those relationships. lesbianism isn’t a blanket term for all wlw relationships, it’s a sexuality. sapphic is such a good word, it’s an excellent umbrella term for all wlw/nblw and it’d be great if everyone could use it more and normalize it



please read this



gynecologist offices and women’s clinics are for people who have uteruses and vaginas and ovaries and breasts. even if those people are not women. even if those people are men with facial hair and deep voices and adams apples. im a man with sideburns and a baritone voice and I’ve had an abortion, surgery for endometriosis and an ovarian cystectomy. restricting access to these spaces based on gender would kill me lol

Hi friendly reminder that healthcare is about what organs you have not your gender. Have a nice weekend.
