

☁️ Cloud 9 (wlw) ☁️

But when she loves me I feel like I’m floating

When she calls me pretty I feel like somebody

Even when we fade eventually to nothing

You will always be my favorite form of loving…

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is deeply worried about the US state laws attacking LGBTQI+ people.

In a statement the organization says:

Our organizations, representing nearly 600,000 physicians and medical students, firmly believe the trusted relationship between a physician and their patient should never be jeopardized by the actions of policymakers, and a physician should not be criminalized or penalized for providing care.

Our organizations have consistently opposed any legislation or regulation that interferes in the confidential relationship between a patient and their physician and the provision of evidence-based patient care for any patient. Patients must be able to discuss health issues like reproductive care, family planning and gender-affirming care with their trusted physician to determine together what care is best for them.

We reiterate that all patients must have access to evidence-based, comprehensive medical care, and that physicians must be able to practice medicine that is informed by their education, training, and experience. This includes reproductive health services and information and gender-affirming care.

We are deeply concerned that legislation and legal opinions across the country will endanger patients and clinicians by allowing private citizens and policymakers to interfere in health care decision-making. The patient-physician relationship, not politics, is the backbone of medicine.

See also APA: Legislation to Criminalize Physicians, Jeopardize Patient-Physician Relationship Have No Place in Health Care


Possums for Trans Rights, because they will fuck your homophobic shit up, yo.

oml the funniest sht happend today

so today i was at the doctors getting my braces tighted and the doctor said: “your ready to come out in a month” *refering to my braces* but bahaha my closeted ass dying on the inside :/

oml the funniest sht happend today

so today i was at the doctors getting my braces tighted and the doctor said: “your ready to come out in a month” *refering to my braces* but bahaha my closeted ass dying on the inside :/
