#life help



Serve This With That:  - suggestions for what type of sides to serve with main dishes. https://servethiswiththat.com/

Butternut Bakery Blog - great baking inspo, especially within the cookie/bar realm.  https://butternutbakeryblog.com/

Half Baked Harvest - good and relatively simple soup & one-pot pasta recipes, plus a very good website design in my humble opinion. https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/

King Arthur Baking - what I love about KAB is that they actually explain why you’re using certain ingredients and methods. You not only learn how to make certain recipes, but you also learn info that you can transfer to different recipes/use to modify recipes. Great for a variety of baked goods. https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/

Recipe Tin Eats - This is my go-to for Asian food- not just East Asian, but allAsian food, from Vietnamese to Indian. This is where I usually go when I’m trying to replicate asian takeout. My faves from here are the flatbread, butter chicken, pad see ew, and bibimbap. https://www.recipetineats.com/

Claire Saffitzs’ Dessert Person - I highly recommend checking out the Dessert Person cookbook from the library/buying it, as it’s a great resource for improving your baking skills, but the YouTube channel is also really good. This isn’t the type of recipes you make every day or even that I would bother copying down for the most part, because they tend to be very involved and not very intuitive if you’re relatively amateur like I am, but the basic recipes, like the Pie Crust (which is amazing) and the Tart Crust, or the Olive Oil Dough (both also fantastic) are actually not as hard in practice, despite how many steps they seem to involve. It’s intimidating to read a recipe where all the steps are really thicc, but the truth is it’s all relatively simple, just explained in extreme detail (which is wonderful for beginners). So far from this I’ve made the mushroom galette, the caramelized honey pumpkin pie, and the meyer lemon tart as well as some of the basics.   https://www.youtube.com/c/ClaireSaffitzxDessertPerson?app=desktop 

Immaculate Bites - I’m literally obsessed with Imma, the woman who runs this site, she’s so iconic. I’ve made the Trinidad Chicken Roti, Beef Empanadas, Jamaican Beef Patties and Tourtiere from this site and they all go so hard??? Highly recommend browsing the site and bookmarking everything that looks good bc oh man some of these recipes will really change the game. https://www.africanbites.com/

Williams Sonoma - The Williams Sonoma cookbook collection was what initially got me hooked on cooking. If you can, I would 1000% recommend snagging a copy of the Williams Sonoma Cookbook and Williams Sonoma Baking Book/taking them out from the library. Those two specifically are game-changers, though the rest of the extremely extensive Williams Sonoma cookbook collection tends to be rather inconsistent in quality. (the other ones I would recommend is the Williams Sonoma ones that focus specifically on one course/type of food or the FoodMadeFast collection). Their website also has a bunch of their recipes, though. I love their Old Fashioned White Bread, Buttermilk Bread, Whole Wheat Bread, Baked Mac & Cheese, Cranberry Upside Down Cake. https://www.williams-sonoma.ca/recipes

Mon Petit Four - Compared to everywhere else on this list, Mon Petit Four has much less recipes, but they’re pretty solid, and though it’s a lot of work I highly recommend giving the Orange Marmalade recipe a shot. https://www.monpetitfour.com/

anti-resources (places i do NOT recommend): Taste of Home, Food & Wine. Just don’t do it. 


Hey, I’ve been getting SO many asks in the past few weeks from complete strangers, asking me to reblog fundraisers…

I strongly suspect this is because people are noticing a general shift back to tumblr, and they see tumblr as a website ripe for scams based on empathy and identity-based solidarity and so on.

Do not respond to or reblog these fundraisers if you do not know the person (or can’t kind of trace a chain back to someone you do trust). Check their archive (literally take their tumblr url and add /archive to the end) to see if they’ve actually existed on tumblr for a while or are only using this blog recently. The most recent message I got… when I looked at their archive, they had bursts of posts in like two months of 2021, and then this year it was ALL gofundme links. That’s suspicious as hell.

For the record, I will never reblog a fundraiser if I can’t explicitly vouch for the person it’s for, or someone I know well can’t vouch for them. When I reblog a gofundme post or whatever, I swear to god it will be someone I know for certain actually needs some help.




Transition Signals:

Transitions are words and phrases that connect ideas and show how they are related.

To repeat and ideas just stated:

  • In other words,
  • That is,
  • To repeat,
  • Again,

To illustrate an idea:

  • For example,
  • For instance,
  • In particular,
  • To illustrate,
  • In this manner,
  • Thus,

To announce a contrast, a change in direction:

  • Yet,
  • However,
  • Still,
  • Nevertheless,
  • On the other hand,
  • In contrast,
  • Instead of,
  • On the contrary,
  • Conversely,
  • Notwithstanding,
  • In spite of this,


  • At once,
  • In the interim,
  • At length,
  • Immediately,
  • At last,
  • Meanwhile,
  • In the meantime,
  • Presently,
  • At the same time,
  • Shortly,
  • In the end,
  • Temporarily,
  • Thereafter,

To restate an idea more precisely:

  • To be exact,
  • To be specific,
  • To be precise,
  • More specifically,
  • More precisely,

To mark a new idea as an addition to what has been said:

  • Similarly,
  • Also,
  • Too,
  • Besides,
  • Furthermore,
  • Further,
  • Moreover,
  • In addition,

To show cause and effect:

  • As a result,
  • For this reason,
  • Thereafter,
  • Hence,
  • Consequently,
  • Accordingly,


  • In short,
  • To conclude,
  • In brief,
  • On the whole,
  • In summary,
  • To sum up,


Reblogging again bc I need this at the moment


Do you draw? Do you want to make money drawing? Are you like, sixteen, and unable to get a job? Well no matter your age or skill level, being open for commissions is a great way to practice your craft while making some cash. Taking commissions is pretty simple, but the hardest part is getting started. And I’ve learned the hard way over several years that there are lots of little obstacles that can get in the way of taking commissions efficiently. So if you’re interested in starting your own little art business, let me be your guide!

Keep reading

How- How do you talk to boys? I’ve recently got myself onto bumble because I’m sad and lonely, and I’ve met this really nice and cute boy. We’re now talking on discord and we may call later on.

So one how do you talk to males?

two how do you hide embarrassment etc on a call?


Doing Card Readings Tonight…

Send me an ask if you would like your reading published, or message me directly for a private reading. All card readings are free, of course. I will reblog this to each of my side blogs. ♊️

  • it can be a lot to take in. so first, take a deep breath.
  • if you ever find yourself slacking off and procrastinating, remind yourself that this is the big leagues. the grade of this class could literally change your college future. 
  • try to get into the habit of studying every night. even if it’s just making a couple note cards of what you learned that day in class, going over something multiple times in the same day will help it stick. trust me.
  • high schools typically have a wide range of electives, take a cool and new class while you can! always wanted to learn an instrument? take music! have a passion for art but haven’t done a whole lot with it? take sculpting or pottery or photography! expand your horizons.
  • it’s okay to not be a straight-A honors student. sure, it could be amazing to be one, but it’s perfectly fine to be average. 
  • study. for. your. standardized. tests. whether it’s the ACT or SAT or your country’s equivalent, you’ll be happy that you studied.
  • but know that you can take the ACT and SAT a bunch of times. yes, it’s super important to study, but it doesn’t all come down to that one number. (fun fact: i took the ACT 3 times)
  • odds are your high school is going to be bigger than the previous school you were in. expect a lot of people and try to not let it overwhelm you. the world is a big place.
  • start thinking about if you’ll want to do AP or IB your last two years of high school. ask around, get to know the teachers, learn about the program, and find out if it’s right for you. 
  • things can get… clique-y. don’t feel pressured to be popular. popular people are most likely peaking in high school anyways. 
  • yes, you’ll be applying for college in a few years. no, you don’t have to. it’s fine to choose to take a gap year or go to community college or go straight into work or to have no idea what you want to do. just do what works for you. you’ll have time to think about it.
  • things can suck in high school. there’s drama and stress and frustration and confusion and sometimes it all just… sucks. but i promise youthat this feeling is temporary. it’ll get better. (i’m awkward af but feel free to message me if you ever just need to talk or to vent or need a friend, my messages are always open ☺️)
  • don’t feel pressured to have your life sucked up by thinking about your career/college future. it’s good to think about, but focus on the now.
  • don’t think that you have to go to parties or get drunk or have sex or do drugs to be cool. not only is this pointless but it’s also dangerous. parties are trouble. (plus high school parties are lame, tbh. i’d much rather be at home watching netflix)
  • you won’t see it until around graduation, but you’ll have a lot of personal growth throughout the next couple years. high school is a time for learning and growing as a person. so it’s normal to feel like things are just… weird. because they are. thing’s are changing, but for the better.
  • this is just another step in life. it’s new, it’s fun, it’s stressful, it’s crazy, it’s weird, and it’s great. dive in.
  • you. got. this.