#witchy help


∆Energy Breathing Meditation∆

This meditation is meant to help beginners who struggle to focus during meditation, assist those who wish to learn how to manipulate energy as well retrain those who may just need a refresher.

Start by getting into a comfortable position either sitting up with your back straight or lying down, whichever is easiest for you. Calm yourself, relax and softly slip into a meditative state, train your focus to your physical body, become aware of how relaxed and almost numb you become, then lift your focus right above your skin, feel and visualize your personal energetic field above you and all around you. Take in it’s shape, color, texture and the way it moves around and within you. Is it right above your skin? Or is there space between your physical self and your energy? How much?

Take a moment to answer all these questions and take note of them, becoming intune with your personal energy is of high importance for this exercise.

Once you are comfortable and aware of your energetic field, begin to become fully aware of your breathing, breathe softly but deeply, note it’s rhythm, the rise and fall of your chest, and link your energy to your breath. As you breathe in, visualize, feel and allow your energy to expand and swirl larger around you, and as you breathe out, shrink your energy back to you. Keep this up for as long as you can hold, or until it feels like second nature.

This may take a few tries if you’re new to energy work or tend to have very unruly energy. And this is okay. Good luck, and stay safe!!! Many blessings to you!!

Tarot of the day: Ace of Crystals

Guidance: Don’t forget to strive for balance and groundedness as you continue down your path right now. There is much success and prosperity ahead, just continue to focus your alignment and thoughts on the positives.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Don’t listen to the masses, or the loud individuals on the Internet. Your craft is yours and how you experience it is correct for you.

∆Starting spirit work∆

When starting spirit work the best thing to remember is to never give up. There’s going to be many blocks and struggles for some, but that’s okay, we learn and grow from these. Also be aware of what thoughts you may have coming from your ego. ‘I’ll never be able to do that’, 'I can’t do this’ are a couple toxic examples, but any thought regarding you not being enough in any way shape or form can also add to blocking you and your spirit work. A great place to start would be by beginning contact with entities closest to you, a god that you’ve always revered, passed relatives that you knew personally and/or your own spirit guides. Starting small and close to you is the most important thing to begin with.

Energy work and meditation with anxiety and attention or focus issues can thoroughly be frustrating. I personally have suffered from the same struggles, however the one type of meditation/energy work that I found easiest to keep my focus is what I’d consider ‘interactive meditations’. My personal favorite being the energy breathing technique.

This technique is learning to focus on your energy and breath and expanding your energy as you breathe in and shrink ingyour energy as you breathe out.

You can come up with your own or find others that incorporate your continued focus and practice with those. Remember that starting slow and with short goals is always important. Set a timer for one to three minutes at first and get confident in that, then continue to slowly add more time to your goal.

*Side note* Don’t be hard on yourself when you lose focus, just breathe and reground yourself and refocus, even taking a break and going to drink some water can help too! Just be kind to yourself. <3

Is spirit work dangerous?

In short, yes, it can be, spirit work can absolutely be dangerous and most likely will be for most individuals at least at some point. However there are ways to protect yourself and bring these negative possibilities down, such as, putting up barriers around yourself and your energy, doing a reading on the spirit work you’re thinking about doing before doing it, take precautions and ask them many questions in order to break down a possible facade, envoke protective guides, gods and spirits that you have previously trusted to protect you. Even setting up early warning systems is possible as well. For example, keep in mind the work you’re about to do for at least two to three days, and ask your guides to show you signs of how they feel towards it. If you know the name, nature or type of being that you are going to come into contact with, ask your trusted entities about them. They can much safer take a look at their energy and intentions than you can.

(I can also do a much deeper post into spirit work and it’s dangers if wanted as well)

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Depending on what you personally believe in, no life is truly lost. You can always send love, energy, helpful spirits and protection to lives that have passed on, as well as give newly lost life’s the strength they need and a lovely road for them to continue on their journey.

What do you wanna learn about witchcraft, spirits and energy?

I truly desire to give all of you the most useful information I possibly can, so what would you like to see me research and post about? Feel free to message anonymously, DM me or just reply to this post. (〜^∇^)〜♡

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Never stop learning. Every day is a new chance to experience and learn more, whether that’s of the world or of oneself. And if you are teaching others, always encourage questions!!! It’ll get you thinking from perspectives you otherwise never would look into.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Always remember that most spiritual experiences won’t always mirror those that others have. The universe, spirit (as a whole), spirit guides, deietes and so on, will usually prefer to speak or show you things in ways that you’ll understand. So don’t compare your experiences to other’s. How you perceive this world and the next and all the meanings, symbols, messages and signs of both will all affect your personal experiences.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Never disregard your creativity, the ways you can send and portray your intentions are endless.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Witchcraft is not always black and white, there are things that can go wrong and people or beings with ill intent, no matter what, always protect yourself. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Over 50% off Complete In-Depth reading slots- 5/5 available!!!

Going to the first five people to reply “Claim” to this post!!!

What you get: Any questions answered, Yearly tarot Reading, Romance Tarot Reading, Energy Reading, and your choice of a Spell Casting or Reiki Healing. For only $50!!! Value price- $105

Payment options: Paypal, Venmo and Cashapp

∆Witchy Reminder∆

The obstacles and trials that face you along your path are never meant to deter you, they are meant to strengthen your determination to overcome, heal and grow.

∆Healing and embracing your path Ritual∆

What you will need:

  • Black candle (that can stand alone)
  • Bowl of moon charged water
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Parchment/papertowel
  • Sage
  • Dragons blood incense
  • Lotus incense
  • Ginger oil
  • Angelica
  • Cinnamon
  • Mugwort
  • Myrrh
  • Frankincense

Start by bathing in the sage as you ground yourself. Snuff the sage and burn just enough of the dragons blood in order to inhale the smoke for protection then snuff it as well. Now hold your black candle in both hands and meditate with it, enchant it with the intent of it not only protecting you throughout your ritual but banishing and absorbing any and all negativity in order to make room for the healing. Now light it and set it down infront of you. Grab the mortar and pestle and one by one add the healing herbs in. As you do so say these words “Angelica, to heal the head.” And place a bit in. “Mugwort to heal the heart.” And place it in. “Cinnamon to heal the body.” And place that in. Lastly “And Myrhh to heal the Spirit.”

Grind this mixture up and repeat these words two more times each as you do. Then take a pinch and sprinkle it on top of your head, and another pinch and sprinkle it in the black candles flame. Now mediate on these healing intentions and energies for a few minutes.

Now burn the lotus incense just enough to breathe in it’s smoke, focusing on it opening your mind, body and spirit to the energies you have gathered and to the intent of what will come next. Empty the contents of the mortar onto your chosen papertowel or parchment and add the frankincense to it. Grind it up and add it to the bowl of moon water. “Frankincense to strengthen my spiritual abilities.” And three drops of ginger oil into the bowl. “Ginger to bring power and confidence along my path.” Stir the bowl, meditating on these properties and visualize yourself confidently walking your personal path, happy and strong, as you wash your hands in it.

Close by thanking the universe, yourself, your guides and deities that help you everyday, then blow out the candle.

(This is just a ritual that I wrote up for personal reasons, but I’m posting it here in hopes that it’ll help someone!! Stay safe and many blessings!!Note: doing this on the full moon will be helpful as well!!!)

∆Witchy reminder∆

If you’re feeling disconnected with your witchcraft tools, try cleansing them and doing a small spell or ritual to reconnect your energetic ties with them.

Don’t forget to keep going. New witches and old, there shall always be obstacles, blocks and healings that are needed, but these times will pass, and only make you stronger.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Next time you find yourself singing with emotion, try channeling your feelings and energy into a spell or a protection bubble or shield and see how it feels.


Doing Card Readings Tonight…

Send me an ask if you would like your reading published, or message me directly for a private reading. All card readings are free, of course. I will reblog this to each of my side blogs. ♊️

Can has frens??

Alright, for serious, I’m shouting it out now: I need more close IRL friends besides the three I have now. I need a community.

I’ll be reblogging tarot spreads, sigils, spells, offerings, WHATEVER. Submissions/reblogs of this post also welcome.

I’m in my 30s! I’m doing a PhD! Loneliness SUCKS.

Thanks for coming to my rant.
