#liky evans


My hc of marauders lovelife - or more James and co

James sees Lily around december first year and She’s very pretty and that’s where the crush starts. Second year rolls around, now he asks her out she says no. he’s an annoying 12 year old so he asks again. Third year, he’s much cooler now a whole thirteen so he asks her out once a month and then she gets a boyfriend so he stops. Until they break up. fourth year and first half of fifth year is similar.

Fifth year, 1976, the marauders are about to crash. But that’s something James doesn’t know right now and oh, he runs into Regulus once, Twice, thirce. A few times and then they kiss. A lot of more few times. They’re not dating but oh how they would date if it wasn’t for life because they like each other so so much.

First half of sixth year is caos but pretty good. Sirius and Remus are becoming friends again. James and Regulus are falling in love slowly. Lily dumps her boyfriend. Remus finds a girlfriend. Sirius is unhappy. James and Regulus are having a good time… Barty has suddenly become funny. Remus breaks up with his girlfriend. James and Regulus are falling out of love.

Lily likes James, James likes Regulus, Barty likes Regulus. Regulus likes Barty. James likes Lily. Regulus likes James. By January it’s caos again but worse. (Sirius and Remus are fighting again and Peter has been heartbroken)

Lily likes James a bit more than Regulus likes him. James likes Lily a lot. Barty likes Regulus a lot….
