

After James and Lily had gone into hiding Petunia sent a letter to Lilys old adress. Unaware that Lily was in hiding. In said letter she talked about wanting to meet up and talk and that she’s sorry. It was short, formal. The only thing suggesting they knew each other was the signing and greeting; to Lil, from Tunie.

Lily never recives the letter. Petunia is mad and angry because Lily mever responds. She put part of her heart into it and Lily doesn’t even responds… Then Harry Potter shows up on her doorstep

My hc of marauders lovelife - or more James and co

James sees Lily around december first year and She’s very pretty and that’s where the crush starts. Second year rolls around, now he asks her out she says no. he’s an annoying 12 year old so he asks again. Third year, he’s much cooler now a whole thirteen so he asks her out once a month and then she gets a boyfriend so he stops. Until they break up. fourth year and first half of fifth year is similar.

Fifth year, 1976, the marauders are about to crash. But that’s something James doesn’t know right now and oh, he runs into Regulus once, Twice, thirce. A few times and then they kiss. A lot of more few times. They’re not dating but oh how they would date if it wasn’t for life because they like each other so so much.

First half of sixth year is caos but pretty good. Sirius and Remus are becoming friends again. James and Regulus are falling in love slowly. Lily dumps her boyfriend. Remus finds a girlfriend. Sirius is unhappy. James and Regulus are having a good time… Barty has suddenly become funny. Remus breaks up with his girlfriend. James and Regulus are falling out of love.

Lily likes James, James likes Regulus, Barty likes Regulus. Regulus likes Barty. James likes Lily. Regulus likes James. By January it’s caos again but worse. (Sirius and Remus are fighting again and Peter has been heartbroken)

Lily likes James a bit more than Regulus likes him. James likes Lily a lot. Barty likes Regulus a lot….

Marlene Mckinnon came back to school in 3rd year with her hair cut up to her ears and a slit in her eyebrows. Remus quite clearly thought she was the coolest person in the entire school.

Peter had gaped for 5 minutes when he saw her before tightlipped giving her a compliment. James being James had hyped her up dramatically before forcing her into a hug. Remus himself had been stumbling over words in fascination but in a positive way, and Sirius. Sirius hadn’t said a word. He’d stared at her before nodding in a greeting. Remus had known something like that would happen. He knew how Sirius was raised, but he would teach Sirius it was okay. He would do that.

So when Sirius later climbed into Remus bed, Remus was ready for any assumtions or questions or mean comments he could say. What he wasn’t prepeard for was Sirius nervously looking at Remus, fumbling with his hands, and quietly mutter “I didn’t know girls could have short hair”

“Well they can” Remus replied softly moving closer to Sirius. Sirius had only nodded. It was quiet again for quite a few minutes

“Does that mean boys can have long hair too?” He found Remus eyes his own glistening

“Of course they can Sirius” he fell quiet again.



“I don’t think i know anything about how the world works. Everything i’ve ever been taught is wrong and I don’t-. The world is so diffrent from what i thought. But i wanna know. I wanna know everything” Sirius was fumbling more with his hands now.

“I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you everything i know about the world and we’ll find out more of it. We’ll discover all the secrets if the world yeah?” Somehow Remus hand had found it’s way to Sirius’s to stop them from fumbling. Whatever reason his heart was doing flips was way beyond him and nothing he needed to think about.

“yeah. Let’s do that” Sirius smiled softly a slightl blush coloring his cheeks “I think… I think i wanna grow my hair out. But i don’t know it’s just a stupid thought i had and maybe i shouldn’t i would probabaly look dumb but Marlene looks so cool and she taught me how to braid last term and-”

“Sirius, you would look awesome. I think you should do it, and if you don’t like it you can just cut it.”

“yeah?” Sirius looked so hopeful Remus could feel his own heart skipping a beat for him.

“Yeah. Very punk rock” at that the other boy lit up “you should tell Marlene you think her hair is cool. She doesn’t act like it but i know she cares about your opinion”

“Yeah i’ll do that i-” Sirius eyes drifted to their interviened hands “i will yes. We should- I mean I should probabaly sleep now though I’ll see you tomorrow Moony” Sirius face appeard to grow redder

“Moony?” Remus giggled. Oh he was tired.

“Yeah i made up during the summer. Goodnight”

and in that exact moment James broke. He’s loved Regulus for a long time, but now. Regulus staring into his eyes holding out his arm screaming and yelling. He can’t feel it. The warm sensation deep in his heart that seers mine. It’s not there. Oh how it’s not there. He promised himself. To always chose love and he’d really been naive enough to think he could do that. To continue choosing love when it’s not there. It’s not there. The love he’s felt for Regulus isn’t there. Oh, oh when did this happen. Regulus is looking at him obviously expecting an answer for whatever it is he’s said and all James can think is. I don’t love him. I don’t love him. How can i not love him? And then he looks into Regulus eyes and whatever it is he sees back he doesn’t recognise it. This person infront of him is a stranger. The sharpness the coldness and that mark on his arm, this human is a stranger to James. Yet he knows this stranger in an out, his fears, his dreams. Can all that’s left of them be memories? because in those eyes his own reflection stares back at him and maybe he’s a stranger too.

It’s only now James wonders if Regulus has any love for him left. Nothing about Regulus is familiar, so whats to say anything about James is? Had Regulus already stopped loving him long before James?

How did we turn into this Reg? How did we become this?

“Potter do you even hear me?” Regulus sneers

“Back to lastnames are we?” His smile doesn’t fit right.

“Do you seriously have nothing to say beyond a silly joke?”

James doesn’t know how to answer this. Honestly what is he supposed to say? Regulus joined a hategroup but James should talk? Oh love

“when did we become this Regulus? When did we break”

“You can’t save everyone James i told you that. Look at yourself look at us. We were never meant to meet but I was selfish and now i’ve ruined you. Did you enjoy it feeling like you were saving me? Did you enjoy breaking-” He’s grabbing his hair and his eyes are filling up

“Iloved you. I really fucking loved you Regulus. You didn’t have to take that mark you could of gone to me you could of lived with me and now it’s on you already. Why did you take it?” James knows he sounds desperate

“Guess what James-” he leans in closer looking frantic his eyes twitching “-I wanted to” for maybe the third time this evening James heart breaks. Silence falls between them.

“Goodbye Regulus” he knows now. This is the last converation he’ll have with Regulus.

My favourite James Pottee thought

  • James walking around on hogwarts grounds as human
  • He sees a really green nice looking patch of grass
  • James Potter having to obtain himself to not turn into a stag and eat it
  • Him having no self control when it comes to stag urges and leans down to take a bite at the grass as a human
  • Sirius Black dragging James away from the grass

Barty jr simped so hard for Regulus he joined the death eaters. (then he kinda did vibe with the death eaters so it’s not like Regulus forced him. Then Regulus dies and Barty absolutly went cray cray)

The whomping willow liked Remus so much. It would hurt anything that came near if they didn’t hit the knot.

Unless, they were Remus Lupin. The whomping willow never even tried to hurt Remus. It stopped moving when he was there.

The whomping willow was the original Remus protecter
