#literary quotations


When we spoke the words flowed like water through a river bed. Made for and by itself, meandering a path to bring life to all it touches. The flowers bloomed from it. The animals drank from it. It made the most beautiful sound when it ran peacefully over the rocks smoothing their jagged edges over time. It inspired awe in its rage, for it could roar loud enough to deafen and stun. Speaking with him in anger could drown me like plunging beneath an ice cold waterfall. It was pummeling against rocks so sharp that they cut, so strong their edges could not be dulled by any manner of waters. With him the words flowed around the earth, and even when it slowed to just mere trickles at time I know that one day those drops will be oceans, lakes and streams.

Oh my love, don’t ever trade your fragility for callousness. Don’t give up your emotions for numbness. Please, don’t ever let yourself believe that life is better when you are disconnected from it, when you can’t feel it’s unpleasantness or cry at its unfairness. For just as much as the people of this world will be cruel and bring you to tears they will warm your heart, give you strength and teach you to be open to all life has to offer.

So, remember, that even when you are broken you may still love. Even when you are crying you may sing. Even when someone hurts you, you may care for them and forgive them. Life is not a dichotomy of opposites that cannot coexist. It is a mess of emotion, color, light, love and pain that none of us will escape. Stop trying to get out of it whole and start letting it leave you a little cracked and worn around the edges. In truth, I have never been more happy and whole than when I realized getting hurt was part of the game and it made me stronger to stand back up, dust off the dirt and step back up to play, love and strike out once more.
