#loc inspo


For those who may not know: I do nude model. It’s actually one of my favorite things to do. It’s freeing. Liberating. And no ones is ever the same because we all have different body types. Many of us struggle with body dysmorphia and for me the best thing that helped was me accepting how I looked and loving it by coming up with creative nude concepts!

This time I decided to have a picnic… nude and it was the BEST time. God drinks. Smoke. Music. And laughs with my photographer. Hopefully someday we’ll be able to have nude picnics FORREAL! Legally lol

If you’d like to see more of this content (uncensored bc booooo people policing our bodies on social media’s lol) you can check out the link in my Instagram @modernafrohippie

Hello lovelies ☀️

Food for thought this morning. Let’s shift our perspectives for a moment and think of our selves in a more positive light.

Feel free to check out my YouTube channel if you are interested in leveling up (consciously) Channel name is the same as the blog name

Just sending out love and healing to everyone who i am surrounded by. Anyone who has taken a moment to read this and be HERE with me… hope you can feel the love I have for you

IG: modernafrohippie

Finding comfort in knowing that sometimes… I don’t know. I don’t have an answer. I don’t have a solution. I don’t know why things happen. They just do. And that used to give me so much anxiety. Hell. It still does from time to time. But i just tell myself that is it OKAY to not have all the answers

Follow me on IG: modernafrohippie I post more frequently there. Also letting y’all know that I am spiritually knowledgeable and am more than willing to talk and help you through life

Remember my fellow hippies… Life is hard. But it goes on. And we are stronger and bigger than anything that comes in our way of finding our truth and living by it.
