#loki fluffy drabble



A Second Chance - Part 2

Welp, guess I am going to make this a three parter. The third part will be the last part, I swear!

Summary: You didn’t really like Loki, but you lost your memories and Loki takes advantage of the situation by pretending to be your boyfriend. What could go wrong?

Warnings: Some smut if you squint. Also didn’t proof read this cuz I’m le tired. Sorry.

Words: ~ 3k

Part one on my master list.

You furrowed your brows at the man in front of you, who apparently was named Loki and was your boyfriend. None of this looked familiar, but something about him being so close to you felt…weird, but also right. You believed every word he said. Loki, or so he calls himself, was rubbing his thumb over your hand and you were thankful that you weren’t here in this hospital bed alone.

“I’m sorry that I don’t remember you.” You continued to look down at your joined hands and you genuinely did feel bad. How horrible must it be for him for his lover to forget who he was? You said so out loud and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.

            “It’s okay, Darling. I am not upset. I am just glad you are okay.” His eyes were glassy, and he looked at you. The love and affection were apparent in his eyes, and you felt obligated to give him a little smile.

            “How long have we been together?” It was an innocent question, but Loki seemed thrown off by it. Thankfully, the God of Mischief was good at thinking on his feet.

            “It’s relatively new,” He cleared his throat awkwardly, “but we are very happy.” He looked so stiff, but you just assumed it was because his girlfriend forgot who he was and the stress of that.

            You laughed and that seemed to perk him up a bit, “I will take your word on it.”

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Freaking amazing!! I’m completely in love with this


Your Savior - Chp 5

Summary: You train with Natasha, and you find out something new about yourself. Loki’s protectiveness gets a bit…much and frankly, it pisses you off.

Warnings: Swearing. Smut 18+

Words: ~3800

Other chapters on my master list.

            Never in all the years of your life, did you think you would be in a training room with none other than Black Widow. The training room in the Avenger’s Tower was empty, outside of you, Natasha, and Loki who brooded in the corner, keeping a watchful eye on you. You had to give Natasha credit, not only was she deadly, but she was an amazing teacher. There were whispers amongst the team about her brutality during her training sessions, but today with you, you saw someone who was patient, and efficient in her teaching techniques.

            But she was also relentless. With each failure, she would tell you to get back up and try again. Your body was still frail from the torture and starvation you endured, and you could feel the weakness in your bones midway through your training session. There was one defense move you were trying to get down, but you just weren’t getting it. The bear hug defense move. Everything she was teaching you was very basic, but you were struggling, and it was frustrating you beyond belief. Every time you tried to escape the petite assassin’s grasp, it reminded you of how weak you were. How helpless you felt in your cell.

            Tears started to well in your eyes as your heart hammered in your chest, giving way to a tidal wave of anxiety. Before the first pathetic hiccup left your lips, Loki was already up and making his way across the room to you.

            “That is enough, Romanoff. She’s done for the day.” He growled. He hated seeing you upset, and he was already struggling containing himself. Every time he saw you crash on the mat or struggle against Natasha’s hold had his blood boiling. Frankly, he didn’t even want you there. It was his job to protect you. If you had him, what else did you need? Yet, he remembered what Tony had said. That there would be times he wouldn’t be around to protect you due to his ‘obligations’ to the Avengers, just to stay out of Asgardian prison. The fact that his choices, the mind control he endured led him down a path where he couldn’t be with you or protect you, made him hate himself even more.

            “No, Loki. She’s fine.” Natasha had let go of you and turned you around to face her. Tears were brimming at the corner of your eyes, but thankfully they had yet to spill over. Though, that last thread of stubborn dignity was threatening to snap.

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The Shifter - Chp 2

Summary: You dream of Loki and the Avengers again and face some tests and alone time with Loki.

Warnings: Some swearing. It’s very dialogue based but honestly I love this chapter so much.

Words: ~6k but it’s worth it I promise.

Check my masterlist for other chapters.

            When you woke up, you had a splitting headache. You were exhausted, but the thoughts of last night’s dream brought a smile to your face. Usually, you weren’t someone who would dream and when you did, typically you only remembered bits and pieces of it. But this? This was so vivid, so real and it was exciting. Who gets the chance to finally meet their favorite characters? It might have been the dreamworld, but it felt so real it didn’t matter to you.

            Finally, you dragged yourself out of bed and started your day. The idea of going to your boring office job, as exhausted as you were, was nauseating to you, but someone had to pay your bills. You took a shower, donned your classic office casual dresswear, hopped in your car, and went to your job. For eight hours, you sat at your computer, staring at your screen, and willing the clock to move faster. The job wasn’t terrible, but it was painfully boring. But it was your boss and coworker that made your job quite literally ‘the worst’. They were nosey, rude, and overall assholes. You kept to yourself to avoid the unnecessary drama and most days it worked out fine.

            Thankfully today was one of those days.

            You punched out and dragged yourself out of your office building when you felt the familiar vibrating of your phone. You dug it out of your pocket and saw it was your friend, Amanda video calling you.

            Hitting the screen, you answered it with a grin, “You know you are the only person I would answer the phone for, let alone video chat with.”

            She beamed at you, her bright and colorful hair radiating off your phone screen “I know, and I love you for it. What are you doing today?? We should get a bite to eat or something.”

            You groaned. The exhaustion was seeping into your bones and while you loved your dear friend, your social battery was practically gone. Looking at her bounce up and down, literally vibrating with energy on your screen sealed the deal for you. “Sorry, I have a date with my bed. I barely slept last night, and I need to rest.”

            “A date with your bed, or a date with Stephen and his dick?!” She teased, wiggling her eyebrows. You and Stephen had been in a relationship for almost two years now if you could even call it a relationship. Technically, you were, as they say, ‘Facebook official’ and he was your person to go to family outings with, spend time with, but most of the time you did your own thing, and he did his. The passion wasn’t roaring, but it was comfortable and familiar.

            You rolled your eyes, “BYE Amanda!” Then promptly hung up on your friend who was sticking her tongue at you.

            By the time you got home, you could barely keep your eyes open. The bed was calling your name and you weren’t going to resist its sweet siren song. You tossed yourself on the bed and let sleep take you. But much to your frustration, you felt yourself waking up again.

            “Can’t I just get one good night’s rest?!” You whined, lifting your head up. But your bed felt different. Its soft plushy fabric was replaced with something cold and hard. You shot up quickly and your head spun. You held your head as the spins took over.

            “Easy there, Dove.” You whipped your head towards the source of the voice. There, was a very tall, regal looking man with long dark hair. He held his hands behind his back, and he was smiling sweetly at you. You squinted your eyes; the hamster wheel of your mind spinning wildly to try and place this very familiar man. As you were looking at him, you saw where you were.

            A glass cell. You were trapped.

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The Shifter - Chp 1

Yes, I am crazy and am starting a new series.

Summary: You dream that you meet the Avengers, including Loki, and become their prisoner. Loki interrogates you. But is it really a dream?

Warnings: Swearing, violence.

Words: ~4000 (longer chapter)

            This is literally the worst dream ever.

            You shifted on the cold cement floor, encased in a dome of glass. All that was inside the dome, outside of your irritated self, was a bench. If there was an exact opposite of cozy and welcoming, this would be it. But what are you to expect in this situation?

            You were a prisoner. The Avenger’s prisoner.

            It all started so innocently - with some curious exploration about the concept of shifting. The root of shifting revolved around the concept that there are infinite realities, and your mind not only can travel to one of those realities, but you can also mold them. In your choice of reality, you can script or plan for what will and will not happen; what you look like, and more. And since there are infinite realities, your wildest fantasies technically exist somewhere.

            Want to finally get your Hogwarts letter? There’s a reality for that.

            Want to be married to your favorite celebrity? There’s a reality for that.

            But, for you? Oh, it was the Marvel universe. To say you were obsessed was an understatement. Every movie, every television show, you had seen it. You loved debating controversial theories and you consumed fan fiction like it was the only thing keeping you alive.

            So, when you heard about shifting, you had to give it a try.

            ‘Why the fuck not? Seems simple enough.” You said to yourself, watching the 100th YouTube video on the subject. You can find any ‘how to’ guide on YouTube, why not shifting your subconscious to another reality? It’s cake.

            It wasn’t cake.

            Every night, you would get yourself cozy in bed and start practicing all the techniques you learned online. Everyone made it sound so easy, but you only got tired and fell asleep. You asked people online what to do and no matter what you tried; you weren’t successful. Many shifters said it took them years to finally shift their consciousness into another reality.

            “Who’s got time for that?!” You groaned, slamming your laptop closed. With all your attempts, you believed it wasn’t possible. That everyone who supposedly shifted, was full of it. But it had consumed your mind for so long, you weren’t surprised when the Avenger’s made it to your dreams.

            Opening your eyes, you sat up in a bed you weren’t familiar with. You looked around and took in your surroundings. At first, you hit with a flurry of emotions. You were confused and terrified, not recognizing where you were. The room was simple. It held the bed you were laying on, a small dresser with a lamp, and a tiny kitchenette. It was clearly a place for just sleeping, and not a place to make your home. You looked down at yourself and you weren’t in the clothes you went to sleep in. The outfit was casual; just some jeans and a t-shirt, but it felt foreign to you. You definitely did not own these clothes. The idea of someone stealing you out of your apartment and changing clothes without you knowing made your stomach churn. Where the hell were you anyways? An unusual boldness prompted you out of bed and towards the door. Cautiously, and with the quietest of clicks, you opened the door and poked your head out.

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Oooooh this is amazing…
