#loki laufeyson smut


What if a demoness kept Loki as her pet in the depths of Muspelheim?

I’ll just… I’ll just leave that here for you. Bye!

With your head tilted, you skimmed your eyes over what had gotten caught in the fire pit. And then you saw him. The raven-haired god with the sharp jawline and cheekbones to die for. Blue eyes bore into yours, his thin lips parted. He was sweating, on his knees, breathing heavily. He was stunning.

“Who is that?” Intrigued, you pointed at him. His eyes narrowed.

“That? Keeps rambling about being a god.”

You chuckled. “I figured this much.”

“I am a god!” He bellowed. Damn.His voice was sexy. Dark, smooth, like it was able to convince you to do almost anything. “I am Loki, rightful king of Jötunheim and I demand—“

“Loki? You are an Asgardian god? How did you end up here?”

The demon gave you an annoyed huff. “I have no time for chit chat. Time to say goodbye, god of whatever you are.”

Loki’s eyes widened. And for a good reason too. It would be a shame to turn that pretty face to ashes.

“Wait! I want to keep this one. Do with the others as you will.”

“You’ll stop bothering me then?” The demon growled. You winked at him when he grabbed Loki’s arm and dragged him towards you. The god stood, his expression both menacing and threatening. A smirk tugged at the corners of your red lips. Three, two, one…

A dagger materialised in his hand the very moment your eyes turned bright red. You leaned back almost casually when he drew back but just before the tip of the blade could penetrate your skin you breathed out a surge of fire, melting his weapon down.

Loki let go of it just before it could singe his skin. The shocked expression on his face was priceless.

“Cute. You’re gonna be a fun pet.”

A/N: Requests from four anons. You guys all had the same thought, it seems. President Loki is back a

A/N: Requests from four anons. You guys all had the same thought, it seems. President Loki is back and he’s naughty. Enjoy, everyone! ;-)

Words: 2478
Warnings: smut, light dub-con, exhibitionism

“Get dressed, pet. I have news.” Rousing from your sleep, you turned around, draping the blanket back over your bare form. You couldn’t remember the last time you had worn clothes. There was no need for it, after all. Loki—your Loki—kept you in his domain like a princess. The captive princess of another kingdom he had claimed as both a lover and a pet but a princess nonetheless.

You loved him. You had loved him when he ran for President and almost enslaved an entire planet and you had loved him when the TVA showed up and sent him to this godforsaken place. One of the Minutemen had called you soulmates, leading you to believe that all Lokis out there had… well, one of you.

This Loki was just lucky enough to still have you—and to have you love him. And boy, did he love you too even though he’d never admit that… not verbally anyway.

“What is it?” You mumbled, refusing to open your eyes. Loki chuckled, causing you to blink and squint against the bright daylight—well, as bright as daylight got here in the Void. His figure came into your view, the long, raven hair and the golden horns that you had not just once wrapped your hands around while he fucked you senseless…

“The lesser ones found a new Variant. That might be interesting.”

“Interesting for you because you could recruit another Loki? What’s your plan, Trickster, do you want to raise an army?”

“Thin ice, pet. You are moving on very thin ice. Now be a good girl and get dressed.”

“You think we’ll find some more chocolate bars on your conquest?”

Loki chuckled once more. You laughed when he ran his fingertips over your sides, tickling you.

“We might just get more than that. One of their Lokis revealed the location of their shelter. All of their supplies will be ours soon.”

“Sounds good…” You smiled, turning back over to get a few more minutes of restful peace before another exhausting day full of trying to hide from Alioth.


As it turned out, it didn’t sound too good after all though, for what Loki had failed to tell you was that the group of Lokis he had spoken about was witty. Dangerous. And they already had the new Variant on their side. One that, as it turned out, looked exactly like yourLoki. Their timeline must have been so similar you wondered whether there were only subtle differences with how things turned out for him in the first place.

Besides that, you were wondering what had caused this Loki to get on the TVA’s radar and end up here. He did seem like he had been through a lot—just like your Loki once his presidential campaign had gone downhill.

Only this Variant was different. This Variant… recognised you. Your heart skipped a beat when he spoke your name in midst of this strange hideaway underground. You half hid behind your Loki to remain undetected, not interested in a confrontation with any of the Lokis who, ultimately, all wanted the same thing—power, a throne, recognition.

There was pain reflecting in his eyes. “I thought I lost you…”

Your lips parted. “Loki… um, I’m… I’m not your… I’m from a different timeline.”

“She’s mine, Variant,” your Loki growled.

The new Variant’s eyes shot up, locking with President Loki’s eyes. It was a stare down contest if anything, neither of them willing to blink.

“Loki, he’s telling the truth. I don’t know you.”

“I recognise her too. You are so young.” The oldest Loki in the room suddenly spoke up. He didn’t seem to take any particular interest in you beyond that, perhaps because you were several thousand years younger than he was. The kid in the room had probably not met his version of you yet and for the Loki wielding what looked a little like Thor’s hammer, you must have looked different as well.

It was the new Variant that your Loki felt threatened by as of right now. The tension was palpable.

“Is he keeping you hostage here?”

Gasping for air, you shook your head. Your Loki right next to you was fuming.

“I will not hesitate to gauge your eyes out if you keep looking at her.”

The new Loki breathed out, rolling his eyes and shaking his head a little—almost as if he was annoyed by this mirrored version of himself. He had guts, reminding you once more that this Variant and the Loki you had fallen in love with were quite possibly almost the same.

You felt a little… sorry for him. Who knew how he had lost his version of you in his own timeline. Any of them. But with this Loki, looking the same as your Loki, it felt… more intense, as if there was a connection.

SomethingyourLoki did not fail to notice.

“Enough of this!” The Loki with the rather strange Mjölnir replica bellowed with a start. “Let’s focus on the task at hand here. I betrayed you and now I’m king!”

President Loki raised his eyebrows, stepping forward menacingly. The subtle and yet so dangerous move did not fail to send shivers up and down your spine.

“About that…”

“You can’t be serious!”

“Come on… what did you expect?” Fuck.You bit your lower lip, stifling a hysterical laugh. One thing was for sure—your Loki was the hottest man walking the planet, wasn’t he? You sighed, averting your gaze quickly when you realised that the new Variant was still staring at you, observing each and every single one of your reactions to whatever was unfolding in the hideaway.

“That was not the bargain! I gave you our location in exchange for shelter and supplies, you give me your army and I take the throne!”

“Ah, yes… not so good a bargain. How about this one? My army, my throne. Now get on with what we came here for!” He shouted.

Next thing you knew, all hell broke loose and the Variants following Loki’s every command attacked, plundering, fighting, tricking.

Your Loki grabbed your upper arm. It was apparent he had no interest in participating in this battle himself.

“Let’s get out of here! And take him.” He ordered, nodding towards the new Variant. His gaze met yours, a mischievous and menacing smirk spreading on his lips. “He might come in handy. And he will pay for laying his eyes on you, pet.”


“Did you see the way he looked at you?” Loki barked once you were back at your shelter, the Variants following you suit. Well, except for the new one, that was. They were struggling dragging him along. You flinched when he flung an empty glass bottle off the nearby table using his magic.

“Loki… Loki, I know you’re angry but please, calm down.”

“What do you think will happen if we don’t get him under control? He will want you all for himself! If he is anything like me beyond his looks, he is going to try anything in his power to take you from me!”

“That won’t happen! I won’t letthat happen! I belong to you, Loki! We came from the same timeline, we are meant to be together. No one can take that from us!”

Growling like a feral animal, he reached for you and pulled you close so that you got knocked into his steel chest. You gasped, unable to take a proper breath before his lips came crushing down on yours, claiming your mouth like he was afraid this was going to be the last time he got to kiss you. It wasn’t a chaste kiss—it was raw passion, raw need and lust, all teeth and tongue.

Your lips were swollen by the time he pulled away to let you catch your breath, his hands tugging at your clothes which almost felt weird on your body after being naked in his quarters for so long.

“Loki… Loki, we’re not alone…”

“Then let them see what belongs to me. Let them see what only Iam allowed to do to you.”

“L-Loki, wait, I don’t think…”

But the God of Mischief was already tearing your clothes off of your body. Your dirty trousers came off right along with your knickers to pool at your feet, acting like makeshift shackles of fabric that stopped you from moving away. Loki lifted you up as if you weighed nothing, his hips forcing himself between your legs as he sat you down on the table and pushed you back until your head rested on the flat and hard surface.

Fuck, this was turning him on, even more so when he realised that two of his lackeys had just dragged the new Variant in, holding him down on his knees. His blue eyes widened, his lips parted when he caught sight off the show your Loki was putting on.

A moan escaped your lips when he pulled his already erect member free from his suit trousers, the warm tip wet with precum pressing against your entrance. Shit… at the end of the day, it didn’t matter where you were or if someone was watching, no? Loki could make you sing for him with but a mere touch of his, could play you like an instrument until you begged him for mercy, having passed out more than just once from all the orgasms he had forced out of you.

“I want you to scream my name. Let them know who’s the one to give you pleasure, pet.”

The Lokis behind his back gulped and even the new Variant stopped struggling when he realised that he wasn’t bluffing. He was going to fuck you right in front of them.

But before you could take a breath to protest, Loki had already sheathed himself inside of you. Almost brutally, he claimed your quim for himself, his strong hands wrapping around your ankles tightly to keep your legs spread for him.

From this angle, they weren’t able to see much of your private parts and yet, you felt more exposed than you had ever had running around naked in Loki’s quarters. More than you had going to the sauna with your friends and where no clothes had been allowed for hygiene reasons. This was different.

Fuck, of course it was different! Loki wasliterallyfucking you! You moaned once more when he withdrew almost completely only to thrust back into you so forcefully you struggled for air. With your fists clenched, you hissed in pain when the back of your head hit the table and yet, your body was already begging him for more.

You grew wetter by the second, your cunt welcoming him in, your walls moulding around him like you were made for him—which you were, technically.

With every single stroke, you felt the hot and greedy glances of the other Variants on you, making your skin and the back of your head tingle with excitement and arousal. There… fuck, there was something about being watched while Loki took you like that. Feral, raw, passionate, with any disregard to tender love-making—for that was reserved for when you were in private.

You were the only one who caught regular glimpses of Loki’s soft side, after all. But that didn’t matter now. Nothing mattered but his hard cock buried deep inside of you, hitting all the right spots to make you sing and moan and whine.

You arched your back, your hips bucking up to meet his eager thrusts. Even though your eyes were more than just likely to roll to the back of your head at any given moment, you were unwilling to let that happen. Too tempting was the sight of Loki and his raven hair falling into his face as he kept rocking into you with his gaze fixed on your helpless form in front of him, and the golden horns reflecting the gloomy daylight.

The way his forehead grew sweaty and the way he was panting as he picked up the pace, whispering sweet nothings as well as dominant orders to you.

“Hmm, you like that pet, do you not? You like being on display, showing everyone how I can pleasure you? Don’t you wish to show them?”

You swallowed thickly, whimpering in response. You loved and hated the fact that he could read you like an open book both at the same time. He was right. With every single thrust, you climbed the ladder of pleasure higher and higher, your desire for this man clouding your mind, your pussy begging for an orgasm.

“Cum for me,” he demanded darkly. You would not have been able to disobey him even if you had wanted to. Pleasure rippled through you like a wildfire, your toes curling as you screamed his name. Your cunt clenched around him rhythmically, your mind shattering into a million pieces.

Loki grunted when he felt you convulse around his length while he was still pumping into you, relentless and unwilling to give you a break. “That’s it… good girl…”

You were shaking by the time your climax faded. Had you not been lying on the table, you would have collapsed. And then, only a few last hungry thrusts later, Loki joined you into the abyss. He stilled inside of you, burying himself as deep as he could as he filled you with his warm seed, eliciting yet another moan from you. And it felt so damn good you wanted him to do it again this instant.

Loki leaned forward, scooping you up like a kitten so your head rested against his chest.

“Hmm…” He hummed. “Perhaps I shouldlet him touch you. The Variant who looks like me… wouldn’t it be fun for you to tease him and give him a little appetizer of what he will never be able to have…”

Peeking over to him, you could practically feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. But you were too far gone to realise how incredibly cruel this would be.

“Now… I hope you are hungry, pet.”

“I am… but not just for food.”

Loki chuckled darkly. He tugged himself back in, a smirk tugging at his thin lips when you whined upon the loss of his now slowly softening member inside of you and then, surprisingly, he helped you get dressed again as well. Not once did he shoot the Variants still gawking, too stunned to speak, a look.

“We managed to claim quite a few promising supplies in the heat of the moment. The other hunger I shall sate for you later.”

You grinned, your mind wandering off to a place where you were sat on Loki’s lap on his throne, impaled by his cock while he was feeding you, all the others watching in envy.



A/N: If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate it so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente

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The Country Club ✨

Loki x Female Reader

Part 1 ~ The Invitation

Contains smut

Italics = flashback


When you checked your post box this morning, the last thing you expected to see was a gold envelope sealed with wax. Excitedly you brought it back into your apartment before you cautiously opened it, not allowing your excitement to tear it open. Holding the paper, you carefully read through the words.

Dearest y/n,

Jane and I have decided to fulfil our dream of opening a country club—

“When on earth did they wanna do that?” You questioned aloud.

and we ask that as one of our closest friends, you come to our opening where you’ll be able to sample all of our facilities free of charge.

We hope to see you there for our opening and a reunion.

Kindest regards, Thor and Jane.

Instantly your heart dropped at reading the words. If you were there, you only assumed Loki would be there too, well, if he wasn’t dead. You hadn’t seen or heard from him in almost two years after that morning and you were finally over him, he was the last person you wanted to see. Flipping the invite over, you saw specific details including the date and time as well as the address of the place you had to go to. As much as you didn’t want to see Loki, you couldn’t disappoint Jane or Thor plus it would be nice to see them again as well as run into a few old faces. You just hoped that Loki stayed out of sight.

Picking up your phone, you called Wanda to see if she had gotten an invite too and if she was going. Her answer was yes for both before you added Bucky to the call who said the same. At least they’d be there you thought feeling slightly more optimistic about the whole event. You later tried to make yourself some breakfast which was more of a brunch now as your mind drifted to the thought of Loki. How he intoxicated you, shrouded you with himself before he disappeared. You spent months, more months than you’d like to admit blaming yourself, wondering what you did wrong, wondering why Loki felt the need to leave you without so much as a goodbye. You hadn’t cried for Loki in a while but the thought of seeing him again quickly had you welling up.

The week and a half leading up to you going to the country club passed impossibly quickly. The anxiety you felt about the whole situation was almost crippling but the thought of seeing everyone again, save Loki, was comforting. You had missed them. That’s the problem with becoming an adult, friends are busier, you see them less. Since receiving the invitation, you had spoken to Jane on the phone and couldn’t bring yourself to ask whether Loki would be in attendance. She spoke about how excited she was to see everyone and also told you to pack a bag for what you assumed was an overnight stay considering how vague she was being. You decided to pack a few extra things just incase.

When the day finally came for you to leave, you brushed your hair in the mirror as you remembered that night with Loki.

Unlike your usual moments of intimacy together, tonight was different, he was different. The dinner you prepared for you both was quickly pushed aside as Loki sat you on the table before falling to his knees as he opened your legs. Your hands nestled into his hair as his tongue delved between your warm folds. The room was quickly full of the noise of you mumbling praises to Loki as he ate you out.

After you came, he barely gave you time to recover before he was carrying you to the bedroom, legs wrapped around his waist. Entering, he pushed you against the wall as his lips found yours. You could taste yourself against him as you kissed him passionately. Clothes were discarded as he helped you lift your dress. Already dripping, Loki had no problem entering you causing you both to release a breath as he delved inside. Your back began to burn from the friction of being thrusted up against the wall but any pain in this moment of pleasure was bliss. You both continued to kiss, Loki occasionally breaking the kiss to move his lips to your neck. He drove you both to the precipice before stilling, kissing you one last time before bringing you both to the bed.

Spent, you absentmindedly ran your fingers through Lokis hair and you knew. You looked at him and you knew. You hadn’t put any labels on anything yet, not officially but you knew you loved him. Always have.

“What?” He grinned suspiciously, looking up at you from where he was nuzzled into the crook of your neck.

“I love you.” You confessed with your own smile, ignoring the feeling of Loki stiffening slightly and not in the desired way.

“Goodnight my darling.” He replied after a moment, quickly kissing you on the lips before closing his eyes. You knew something was wrong, your intuition was never wrong but you ignored it, falling asleep next to Loki too only to find him gone in the morning.

Snapping out of the thought, you grabbed your small cabin sized bag before grabbing your car keys and leaving. Sighing once you were in the car, you prayed that this reunion would go quickly and hopefully Lokiless.

Loki looking at y/n knowing he was leaving in the morning this is hopefully gonna be one of them quick ones


Earth Angel

Loki x female avenger reader

Contains smut

Drinks, laughter and of course charitable donations were passed through the gala. The sound of a live orchestra could be heard over the noise of the talkative crowd. The event consisted of some of the most wealthiest people as well as the Avengers who were not also guests but doubled up as Tony’s security. For someone so rich, you often teased him about how cheap he could be considering the fact that none of you were getting paid to ensure everyone’s safety tonight. You assumed it just came with the territory. You spent most of the night with Bucky and Natasha, often exchanging glances with Loki who seemed to have been getting along with some of the guests. You cut your eye at him seeing him dancing with one of the other females as he held her. Despite the fact that she was probably 80 and that you and Loki weren’t together, you found yourself feeling exceedingly jealous at their close proximity. He was yours.

You danced the night away with your own flock of men in the hopes that Loki felt as covetous as you did but alas, he simply gave you a small, daring smile whenever your eyes met.

Keep reading

I have to have one eye closed, practically asleep to write something

Greek Tragedies Masterlist

The Modern Tales of Greek Mythology.

Summary:You had only known about the many stories of Greek Mythology, interest peaked from a young age. Of the Gods and Goddesses as well as the monsters and heroes. But never in your life, during one of the many tours have you joined in seeing the ruins of the temples of Greece, did you even think of seeing your image in one of the bust. Persephone was her name, the most protected daughter of Demeter, and the beloved wife of Hades.


Summary:For Hell Hath No Fury like a scorned woman, you had given everything up, your title, your position among the Gods, and the husband that can’t seem to keep it in his pants. Only in your retreat does your husband see what he was truly missing.


Summary: For your heart does not beat only for one man, you find yourself finding yourself incased in a blazing affair with a man that you were forced to take as your husband and a man whose sole purpose was to create wars.


The Betrothed

SUMMARY: Forced to marry a man you did not love, you find yourself lost in a foreign land for the sake of your father’s kingdom. But the loneliness was only short as your time was well spent with your betrothed’s father instead.
CHARACTERS:Emperor!Loki Laufeyson x Princess!Stark! Reader; Prince!Vali Lokison. Prince!Tony Stark. King!Howard Stark. Natasha Romanoff. Wanda Maximoff.
SERIES WARNINGS: Alternate Universe. Age Gap (At least 16 year age gap; Reader is of Legal Age); Smut; Blood and Gore; Mention of Execution; Character Death(s); Verbal Abuse; Family Trauma; Specific Warnings to be added per chapter.

  1. A Throne of Lies
  2. A Sentimental Night
  3. Who Is In Control?
  4. For The Rightful Heir
  5. Family Secrets
  6. Do As You Please
  7. A Night of Naught
  8. Sheer Humbug
  9. The Unexpected Wedding
  10. God Save the Empress
  11. Long Live Thy Lords
  12. TBA
  13. TBA
  14. TBA
  15. TBA

Lost and Found

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: swearing, all the fluff, smut, fluffy smut- its smuffy, that’s a thing right? Lol

Sunmary: you had settled down with loki in yout new life, and couldn’t be happier.



5 years later-

You washed your hands as you finished dinner. Turning everything off you went to the porch “guys, time for dinner!!” You yelled to the field. Seeing Loki wave you went back inside. Setting the plates down on the table as they came in. “Hey, Adam, you know you need to wash your hands first.” You said looking at your son. “Yes mom.” He said running to the bathroom. You felt Loki come up behind you, wrapping his long arms around your waist. “When are we going to work on our second?” He whispered in your ear. “Loki stop, he’ll be back in a second.” You said turning and slapping his chest. “I can’t help what you do to me love.” He said leaning down kissing you. You pulled back looking at him “behave…sir.” whispering the last part as you felt his arms squeeze tighter. “All done!” Adam yelled coming back to the table. You pulled away from Loki winking as you sat and ate.

You were laying in bed reading as Loki came in, closing your door. “He’s finally asleep, he didn’t want me to stop reading to him.” He laughed grabbing his pajamas. “Well you do have a beautiful voice.” You said setting your book down, seeing a slight blush on his cheeks. He climbed in bed laying next to you “what were we talking about earlier, oh that’s right.” He said, leaning forward kissing you. You turned your head, deepening the kiss as his tongue ran across your lip. You opened your mouth, letting his tongue massage yours. His hand making its way to the hem of your shirt. You moaned in his mouth as he slid his hand up cupping your breast, running his thumb over your nipple. He broke the kiss, moving to your neck “I need you y/n, I need to feel you.” He whispered nibbling your ear. “Take me…..sir.” you whispered into his hair. You heard him growl as he moved on top of you, pulling your shirt off throwing it across the room.

He leaned down his tongue diving back into your mouth, you slid your hand into his hair as the other gripped his back, slowly moving to grip his cheek, pulling him into you. “Eager are we?” He laughed kissing down your neck towards your chest. “Loki please…..” you sighed as he circled your nipple with his tongue. “Tell me what you need y/n.” He said sucking it into his mouth. You moaned as you felt his other hand reaching your core, his fingers gently opening you up. “You…..I need you…..my king.” You sighed moving your hips with his hand. “Anything for you love.” He said getting up removing his pants, slowly pulling yours down. He climbed back up to you, spreading your knees, settling between them.

You both moaned as he slowly slid inside you. “Norns, you feel like heaven.” He said resting his head on yours. “So do you.” You sighed as he bottomed out, taking a minute to adjust. He leaned on his elbows kissing you deeply as he slowly started to move. You slid both hands down his back, he moaned into your mouth as you firmly grabbed his cheeks, pulling him into you. He rested his forehead on your as he pulled out and you pulled him back in. He adjusted his weight as his hand went to your hip, pulling it up towards him with every thrust. You felt him adjust his angle and start hitting that one spot in you that drove you over the top. Your breath mixed together as he titled his head kissing you again. You moaned he thrust particular hard, hitting that spot. “God Loki……I’m……” you tried but your brain couldn’t form words as you felt the coil in your stomach tighten. “Come y/n, come for your king.” He growled as he thrust harder. You looked into his eyes as you came, holding him tight to you. He followed right after, feeling him filling you up.

He stilled inside as you both panted, trying to catch your breath. You looked up at him smiled, his lips swollen, hair a mess, he was perfect. You reached up, brushing his hair away from his face as he smiled at you. “You are so beautiful y/n.” He said rubbing his thumb on your cheek. He went to move but you grabbed onto him “no, not yet please. I want to feel you.” You said looking at him. He settled back smiling at you. “May I ask you something love?” He asked looking at you. “Anything.” You said running your fingers up and down his arms. “Well, you know how I told you my lifespan is longer then….yours.” he said looking down. You nodded waiting. “Well, before I came back, my mother gave me something, that I want to give you.” He said looking at you. “What is it?” You asked. He held put his hand as a green light shown from it and a small box appeared. “I’ll never get tired of that.” You smiled making him laugh.

“I want to spend eternity with you love, always and forever.” He said handing it to you. You awkwardly opened the box, looking inside “you gave me an apple?” You asked looking confused. “It’s not just and Apple, it’s one of idunns apples.” He said taking it out of the box handing to you. “Whose idunn, and why does she have golden apples?” You asked looking at it. “That’s not the point, the point is, if you eat it, you’ll live as long as me.” He said cupping your cheek. “You gave me a magic apple? Good magic right, not like snow white where she..” you trailed off pretending to sleep. He laughed looking at you “Yes, Good magic. We can be together forever.” He said smiling at you. You turned it in your hand looking at it. “What about Adam?” You asked looking at him. “When he is old enough to decide, he will have the same choice.” He said looking at you. “I understand if you need to think it over, or don’t want to, it’s a big choice and..” you stopped his rambling by kissing him. Pulling back looking into his eyes, you took a bite. “It doesn’t taste very good.” You said swallowing. He laughed kissing you.

“Loki, I want nothing more then to spend eternity with you.” You said finishing the apple. “Do I need to eat the core too, I will.” You said laughing “no, that’s not necessary” he laughed throwing it to the floor. You cupped his cheeks in your hands staring into his eyes “I love you Loki, I always will.” You said smiling. “I love you more y/n, and I always will.” He said leaning down kissing you.

well, we reached the end. Thank you all ao much for reading, commenting, reblogging, all of that. You guys are amazing!!!! Love you all



Your Savior - Chp 5

Summary: You train with Natasha, and you find out something new about yourself. Loki’s protectiveness gets a bit…much and frankly, it pisses you off.

Warnings: Swearing. Smut 18+

Words: ~3800

Other chapters on my master list.

            Never in all the years of your life, did you think you would be in a training room with none other than Black Widow. The training room in the Avenger’s Tower was empty, outside of you, Natasha, and Loki who brooded in the corner, keeping a watchful eye on you. You had to give Natasha credit, not only was she deadly, but she was an amazing teacher. There were whispers amongst the team about her brutality during her training sessions, but today with you, you saw someone who was patient, and efficient in her teaching techniques.

            But she was also relentless. With each failure, she would tell you to get back up and try again. Your body was still frail from the torture and starvation you endured, and you could feel the weakness in your bones midway through your training session. There was one defense move you were trying to get down, but you just weren’t getting it. The bear hug defense move. Everything she was teaching you was very basic, but you were struggling, and it was frustrating you beyond belief. Every time you tried to escape the petite assassin’s grasp, it reminded you of how weak you were. How helpless you felt in your cell.

            Tears started to well in your eyes as your heart hammered in your chest, giving way to a tidal wave of anxiety. Before the first pathetic hiccup left your lips, Loki was already up and making his way across the room to you.

            “That is enough, Romanoff. She’s done for the day.” He growled. He hated seeing you upset, and he was already struggling containing himself. Every time he saw you crash on the mat or struggle against Natasha’s hold had his blood boiling. Frankly, he didn’t even want you there. It was his job to protect you. If you had him, what else did you need? Yet, he remembered what Tony had said. That there would be times he wouldn’t be around to protect you due to his ‘obligations’ to the Avengers, just to stay out of Asgardian prison. The fact that his choices, the mind control he endured led him down a path where he couldn’t be with you or protect you, made him hate himself even more.

            “No, Loki. She’s fine.” Natasha had let go of you and turned you around to face her. Tears were brimming at the corner of your eyes, but thankfully they had yet to spill over. Though, that last thread of stubborn dignity was threatening to snap.

Keep reading
