#lucky sparrow



⏰ Timing gives that extra pizazz a live performance. Pairing with your character’s motions, you’ll no doubt do awesome on that stage!

Disclaimer: This is not in any way a rule of thumb. Nor does anyone have to do these. Some of the listed below may be done a different way. This is only meant as tips or tricks. In the end this should be about the player having fun and expressing their own styles.

✔ Timing

Google spreadsheets are honestly the best place to store and time out your songs. It also saves as you work too! You can also make rows and columns for each performer. There are other programs such as word docs or note pads to use. Just keep in mind things like quote marks do not transfer over very well for actions from those.

There are a few versions of an already set up timing spreadsheet going around in the performing community that can help with timers. It does all the math for you when you plug in the lyrics. This post will not be linking it as the original creator should get the credit for making it. There are a great deal of those in the performing community on Balmung that may be able to link their version to you or you may make your own. (Sorry for the tease of information there.)

 It is better to time songs out in cytu as it may be off a few seconds if timed through another music service due to their commercials or ads. 

 When venues bring traffic to a song on Youtube it brings attention to it. If it is not an official video it may be taken down with copyright issues. So choose your link wisely! Or make sure to have another version handy.

 There are sites out there that can give you the Lyrics and a starting place. You can google ‘lyrics, song name, by who’ to find them. Such as ‘genius’ or another site. More Lyric tips to come in another post!

Start your music.
When the lyrics start, that is your #1 macro. Example: The singer starts singing at 0:06 in the song for the first line. The next line of words start at 0:08. That would mean that there was a count of two between the lines. So a <wait.2> would go after the first line before sending the next line out.
/y ♪ ”Singing.” <wait.2>
/y ♪ ”More singing.”

  /wait # or <wait.#>
You can place a pause between lines with a ‘/wait #’ when they send out. You can also use <waits.#> at the end of any speech or /emote motion to save line space in a macro.
/y ♪ ”Singing.”
/wait 2
/y ♪ ”More singing.”
/y ♪ ”Singing.” <wait.2>
/y ♪ ”More singing.”

 The lowest and safest wait is a <wait.2>. You can do half sec counts, such as <wait.1.5>, however keep in mind that the game has its own ticks that factor in loading what is the area. So it will sometimes round up or down on your half waits. You also have to look at your connection and how it lags. Anything below a wait of 1.5 also has a chance of not going off at all if it’s the same type. The game will consider it as spam if it executes too fast. There is a way around that, which is alternating between the type of msg a macro sends out. Many songs using a <wait.1> have been done, but alternating between /yell between more than one singer or alternating with /yell and /say. 

Placing wait timers after some /emote motions, speech lines, or actions can also interact differently on where they are placed. If you divide the waits up between lyric lines, motions or actions, (Yes, doing math.) you can add seamless visuals in your movements. This is so your character is not standing still in your performance and smoothly moves into the next motion or macro instead of snapping.
(Example note: A <wait.4> is half of a /tdance, <wait.8> is the whole /tdance motion.)

On the last line of each macro, you want to take out the <wait> timer. This can sometimes clip into the next macro and not allow it to go off right.

Cool Downs
/cd 5 <wait.6> or /cooldown 5 <wait.6>
Cool down timers are the best way to get more than one performer on the same page. We do not all have the same connections. The PC or console you are on, the game, your internet or location can give lag. So using this as an alarm for the next macro helps. If you get distracted easily or space out enjoying your own song, it can keep you on track for solos too.

Always add on one more <wait> count than what the CD is, as ‘start’ is one count. Five is the lowest you can go, but you can go higher! So the five would have a <wait.6>, a six would be <wait.7> and so forth. When the ‘cha-ching!’ in the start lock sounds off, press the next macro.

Stay Lucky!
We hope this is helpful and adds to your fun!  There are other posts about getting your character ready to perform, picking music, macros, timing, lyrics, and motions. There is so much more things to share!

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
   general info|staff & recruitment|posters

The 6th Annual GLAM & Glitz Prom!

Hosted by @crescent-ffxiv,@drunkenmoogle,@redlanterns-ffxiv , and featuring the musical stylings of our besties @luckysparrowffxivand@savothesewercat!

Who:You, your beau, your besty, basically everyone!
When: SATURDAY, May 29th, 2021 @8:30pm EST
Where:Idyllshire - The Snail (Idyllshire x5,y7), Balmung
Why:Because we love you and it’s dance o'clock.
An In-Character Prom Night with immersive romantic~ [fairytale! also possibly cheesy. cheesetale?] music streaming @https://cytu.be/r/GlitzAndGlamProm

*Thank you to @savothesewercat for the absolutely gorgeous poster!*

F E A T U R I N G:  [Masterlink HERE!]

Princess Prom Music
Dive deep into fairytale prom music with us OOC! Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control (RIP again plug.dj) we won’t be able to do our usual open queue, but thankfully our lovely DJ @ser-rex is hard at work.

The Faerie Courts
This year we’ll be doing a new twist on our usual costume contest, featuring the lovely kings of the oh-so-benevolent Seelie and clearly-treacherous Unseelie fae courts! Theme your costume to the seasons, choose your allegiance and the most stylish among you might be chosen as the knights and champions of your king!

The Seelie King’s Boon
Has an Unseelie bit of mischief left you bereft of company?
Your fair maiden or knight a bit of a toad?
The Seelie King favors the brave who leave home -
The good and the kind need not be alone!

(Did you come to the prom stag and need someone to dance with, or maybe your group just isn’t the ideal size and needs some extras? Hosts provided by @redlanterns-ffxiv. First come, first serve. Not responsible for any harm ensuing from incurring favors or taking gifts from faeries.)

The Performances of your Dreams
For those of you who want presentationwith your prom, good news! This year we’re welcoming @luckysparrowffxivand@savothesewercat to the stage, to provide you with musical accompaniment to your special night.

Souvenir Photographs!
Want to remember this magical night forever [forever-ever]? Sign up to have a  picture taken solo, with your hot date, or a besty and capture the memory! We’ll edit them with a heaping spoonful of glitter and post them online for you to save!

Prom Dice Roulette
Sign up to be paired with a random patron and engage in a strange and or exciting activity together! What fun! This is a great way to get off the wall and meet someone new ♥

★ We’d adore your help in spreading the word, thank you!★



LUCKY SPARROWS ENTERTAINMENT TROUPE performed for their final show on 4/30/22. This team of talented performers will be missed by the Final Fantasy XIV community. My friends,.. enjoy this video montage from last night’s event!

Look at this video of my baby! Look at all the wonderful people in it! Look at the crazy awesome person who made this! Look all the love in the Crystal RP community because y'all are great.


I’m taken aback by all of you. The people I’ve met in these five years have helped me heal from so much trauma and pain. So many people in the community have become close friends. I’ve struggled a lot, personally, and continue to do so, but the FC, the friends that reached out to me (on Ziyo or Khu) and the thought of the one person that might show up and have a smile because of the show kept me going. I was able to make major progress on my medical condition and I owe a lot of it to all of you for the strength to take the steps.

This might be the end of regular official Lucky Sparrow shows but I’m looking forward to peeking out of my shell and having a blast with the cool kids (you know you are one) out in the community.

I love you all. You continue to blow me away. Hit me up for RP. I have lots of alts and live for writing adventures.

Lucky does still have an RP storyline going and I’m all for having a few more hands in. The FC is public facing after all. It makes it feel more organic to have you guys hang out.

Much love and thank you for reading!

#lucky sparrow    #balmung    #crystal    


Over the last five years the Goldclover Sound stage has enjoyed 80 amazing nights with the community with our own home shows and many more hosting guest shows within the stage. The very building could tell you some amazing stories.

It is a bittersweet thing to announce that our home shows will be retired. However, fret not! We do still plan on showing up as guests out in the community, we are not disbanding the troupe. We have done this for a long while. 

Our first official show as LUCKY was in April of 2017, with a few small ones before that to test the waters. It’s been a wonderful journey with each and every one of you out there in our community.

Thank you for the humbling experience of performing for you and with you!

Please come join us for our 5th anniversary!
When: Saturday, April 30th 2022
Time: Doors at 6PM EST, Last curtain call at 6:30PM EST!
Where: Balmung Server, Lavender Beds, Ward 16, Plot 36
For fun: Support the troupe in Olive Green & Golds
**For those with older computers, we suggest you seat yourselves in the front as to lower the chance of items despawning in the show space.**
There is no OOC entrance fee. We will not be accepting donations. We enjoy sharing a night of excitement and music with everyone!

May your days be warm with laughter, Stay ‘Lucky’ now and forever after. We hope to see you there!

Stay Lucky!

Khuja’sae Fashonti ( @khujasae ) was the daring dreamer to imagine Lucky Sparrow into reality and continues to be the owner of the Goldclover Sound stage!  On this month’s poster we’ve included a clover of 5, for the turns we’ve made over the years. (Poster done by @x-inay)

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
             General info | Staff | Posters

Other Balmung Server and Crystal Data Center related events can be found at @balmungrpcalendar&@ffxiv-crystal-rp ! Or join the Crystal Roleplay Resources discord!@mooglemeet@balmungroleplayers-blog@crystalxivrp@balmungrp

Lucky Entertainment Troupe

Last curtain call: Saturday April 30th at 6pm EST!
On Balmung, in LBs w16, p36
It is our 5th year Anniversary and last show.
(Poster to come.)

(Many of us plan to do guest appearances around the community, but regular shows we are retiring for now.)

With that said, the evening is a month away and still in the works. We have enjoyed all the years of RP events and company with all of you. It would mean the world to many of the LUCKY crew to spend one last curtain call with you all.

Stay Lucky!  
Thank you. See you there!

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
          general info | staff | posters


⭕❌ Soaring Love ❌⭕

The Lucky Sparrow Troupe hopes to share a bit of love and kindness this moon!

We extend an invitation to you for Saturday, February 26th at 6:00pm EST. This is when our doors open and then the curtains will unveil at 6:30pm EST, don’t miss out! 

Dress in your best. Dress in your worst. We do not mind, just come as you are! There may even be a guest performer or two. We simply enjoy sharing a night of excitement and music with everyone in the community!

 Balmung Server, Lavender Beds, Ward 16, Plot 36

**For those with older computers, we suggest you seat yourselves in the front as to lower the chance of items despawning in the show space.**

((We do not require in-game gil for admission, it is simply roleplayed out at the ‘ticket’ counter. Your ‘ticket’ can be used during the show!  Also, donations will not be accepted at this current time.))

We hope to see you there!

Stay Lucky!

On the poster this moon, we’ve got our originals:  X’ziyo and X’inay ! ♥

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
  general info|staff & recruitment|posters

Other Balmung Server and Crystal Data Center related events can be found at @balmungrpcalendar​ & @ffxiv-crystal-rp​​ ! Or join the Crystal Roleplay Resources discord!@mooglemeet@balmungroleplayers-blog​​​@crystalxivrp​​@balmungrp


Here is a list of all of the posts we made to help the community out there grow with RP entertainment. We hope they help you explore a new passion or idea and that you enjoyed them.  

  Stay Lucky!

⚠ Disclaimer: This is not in any way a rule of thumb. Nor does anyone have to do these. Some of the listed below may be done a different way. This is only meant as tips or tricks. In the end this should be about the player havings fun and expressing their own styles. ⚠

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
   general info|staff & recruitment|posters

So you want to run an event? Host a venue? Go on an adventure? Invite your friends and their friends? Let us see if we can help with a checklist to get you started!

Disclaimer: This is not in any way a rule of thumb. Nor does anyone have to do these. Some of the listed below may be done a different way. This is only meant as tips or tricks. In the end this should be about the player havings fun and expressing their own styles. ⚠

The 5 Ws (Who, what, when, where, why.)
These following questions should be taken into consideration for not only your event but your advertisement as well! So let’s go over them:

✔ Who is hosting this event? Who is invited?
- Is there one person putting this together and working the event? Is your Free Company or guild running this? Or is it a group?
- Do you have staff to help with seating, door greeters, gate guards or security, bartenders or wait staff. Most of these roles require players to interact with others in a polite manner. Will they have matching outfits?
- Flag staff up with /lfm (Looking for more flag). You may want to post a staff sign-up sheet. If this is your FC, you can make a google doc just for that event or a whole new discord channel. This event may warrant a whole new discord server to organize.
- What about host announcements for what is going on or informing guests on where to go? 
- Who’s invited to this event? Is it for the public or only certain people? This leads us into: 

 What is the event for? Why are you holding it?
- Is it for a holiday that you are running this event for? A ball? An auction? A fundraiser? A random theme? Will it be peaceful or allow fighting? A team of some sort? A week long plot campaign tracking through some zones?
- Will this be a regular venue or a one time deal?
- Will there be prizes?
- Do you have entertainers coming? You may want to give them a time limit or inform them of an order if you have more than one group. Keep them and staff updated on any changes.

 When is it? Day and time.
- Take in consideration time zones for both your crowd and staff members. Most events post in EST times, but you may want to host to an overseas crowd or a different time zone. They may be able to make more saturday shows due to sundays may be their mondays? Keep this in mind!
- Pay attention to the days of the weeks and when the group of people you hang around are on the most. You might be surprised on the day(s).
- Also, take in consideration seasons. Spring and Fall tend to be times when things change up for a lot of people and activity times change with this as well. Some may have school shifts or seasonal jobs.
- Make sure to post an open door time, an event starting time when host or entertainment will start, and some sort of ending or closing time. Some players may stay longer but your staff may want to move on to other things.
- Another thing to check is to make sure you are not placing your event on top of another’s event at the same day/time within the community you run with. Holidays fill up fast! One place to check is to scroll down to your server’s month here and check the day on your server: http://ffxiv-rp.org/CalendarView.html

Where is the event? 
- Are you hosting this event in a house? Does that house have enough space for what you are hosting?
- The addresses such as Housing ward, ward, plot, and server should be in your posted information.
- Is someone able to decorate it for your event? If you want people to sit and watch, then there needs to be more seats. If you want them standing up to move or dance, then a more open floor is needed.
- Is the event somewhere out in the game? A map may be needed to layout the booths or area of where things are. Is it easy to get to by all levels of players?
- List the zone, Sub zone, and/or the XY map coordinates. Use a map picture if you have to on your poster.
- Are you spamming people in that area or blocking quest givers? You may not want to run an 18+ event next to a quest giver that younger players are going to run to.
- Are there places off limits in the area you are hosting?
- Be ready to have someone on staff that can go get or help players get to you!

- It is considered polite to announce both in advertisement and actual day at event if you plan on charging money. Please be polite to your guests about informing them of this.
- Some events charge in-game gil for entrance fee, menu items, to fight, or to partake in something at the event.
- Some events only role play out taking the money, but do not actually take your money from you, just pretend to. Your payment is just simply having fun together with roleplay.
- Real life money exchange is against the game rules.

 Rules or guidelines.
- Are there weapons allowed? Minions allowed? (If inside a house a minion counts as a body and more to load in.)
- Is this a mature or 18+ event? You may need to announce trigger warnings ahead of time.
- Rules on any prizes being given away or games being played in the event will need to be noted.
- Are you hosting an event that may need /random rolls? Then a set outcome for each bracket of numbers needs a defined outcome. Is it a hit or miss?
(Example:  0-99 Crit Fail/ HP loss/Great damage/Knocked out, 100-399 Miss/fumble/HP loss/small damage, 400-799 Hit made/Damage to other,  800-985 Critical Hit/Heavy Damage, 985+ Extreme damage to other.)
- These rolls could also be used on food or drink challenges!
- What will have an effect on the character rolling. How long will these rolls have an effect on the character?
- Are there healers to help the wounded? Is there a GM or judges?
- Any other rules or guidelines you need staff or guests to know.

 Logo and poster.
- If you plan on hosting events or venues more than once it is worth making yourself a logo. Make it both in a dark color and bright color for different posters you may want to use it on.
- Develop a style that people will start to recognize as yours. If you are not an artist, there may be one in your group?
- There are also websites or programs out there that generate a simple poster. Google docs have some sample set ups.
- The poster and your post should outline your information in both just in case an image doesn’t load up.

 Where to post.
- Tumblr and Twitter are great places to start.  Some groups have other social media sites they use as well.
- Use tags such as #lfrp (Looking for Rp.) #ffxiv, #ff14, other tags such as theme, server, or what you are doing will help in searches.
- Ask your followers to reblog so that more can see the advertisement.
- Post in community discords. If it is someone else’s discord, please ask before posting it if they do not have an advertisement channel.

- The Event Calendar is one of the places to advertise on @ffxivrp​ which is for all servers. You can view it here: https://ffxiv-rp.org and if your event follows guidelines fill out the form to get it posted. You can also invite the rp calendar bot to your discord if you want to see events going on. They can be tagged to post your event on tumblr: https://ffxivrp.tumblr.com and you can join their discord here: https://discord.gg/nzAazr7h as well.

- Party finder. Some events advertise in the ‘other’ section of the party finder. Make sure you follow SE’s policies for using this option. It gets pretty spammy if event hosts post it more than once.

- Is running from City to City to advertise in /yell or /shout. Most start an hour before the event time if it is something for the public to attend. This is to draw out anyone who has not seen posts about your event. Try to keep it short and sweet but include all the info: Name of event, Location, Time and an info link if need be. Each of the three city states have two parts, there are some large hubs and then there is the latest busy zone that you’ll want to hit up as well. Try not to shout out more than once in a half hour or hour, else people just get annoyed with you. It always helps if your FC has the reduced travel buff up or pays you for all your teleports!

Info links.
- Does this host/group have more information that should to be shared? A menu of drinks or food? A carrd? Social media? Website? A tiny url? A music link to be used at this event?
- Links can be used both at the event and in your advertisement posts.

Networking and player care.
- Becoming familiar with other even hosts in the community with like minded venues. Making it less a competition and more about community growth. This is a great way to collaborate together for future events. Go to each other’s events!

- You might want to share each other’s staff. You can have a bar or tavern venue staff for your event or hire entertainment from another. More role play for everyone! A great way to make new life time friends too. Include them in your advertisement posters.

- Take care of your friends and FC members. At times we set our expectations too high and try to do too much, too fast. Pace yourself as burn out and low energy can become a thing. It is ok to take a month off to take a break. Give your events time to grow if you plan on doing them regularly. Don’t be surprised if it’s just your staff or FC members at first, if they have a good time then your event will grow.

- Lastly, take feedback into consideration. Ask for advice on how your event ran and what can you improve on? You may already know, but another’s view may be insightful.
- Offer a msg book at your venue for people to leave comments on their way in or out of the event.
- Maybe a house decoration did not work so well or glitched wrong.
- Maybe the rules were not as clear as they should have been. Did the event run too fast or too long? Did you have too much staff or not enough? Did you need a co-host or co-GM to help out?
- Keep track of your guest numbers so you know how to accommodate them next time.
- Always look for ways to make things more user friendly. 
- Don’t forget to thank anyone involved afterwards for their time and company!

Stay Lucky!
We hope this is helpful and adds to your fun!  There are other posts about getting your character ready to perform, picking music, macros, timing, lyrics, and motions. There is so much more things to share!

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
   general info|staff & recruitment|posters

In a role playing game, what you type communicates a message. A macroed song can as well within it’s lyrics. Let us see if we can help you find a style for your character!

Disclaimer: This is not in any way a rule of thumb. Nor does anyone have to do these. Some of the listed below may be done a different way. This is only meant as tips or tricks. In the end this should be about the player having fun and expressing their own styles.

As a role player, performances can also be as lore friendly as possible. So try to adjust wording in the lyrics. (Ie: Places like Las Vegas changed to in-game names like Golden Saucer?, Day = Sun, Bells = hours, Turns = years, Fulm = foot, Malm = Mile.. etc) Sometimes songs sound like they are saying a different word than what a website says the lyrics are. Maybe the song is about liking a girl, but your character likes boys or likes both. Or you want to be neutral and use they/them instead. You can change the lyrics to fit your character and style!

Remember to edit each line that needs changed to express your style. Lyric sites normally lack punctuation and capitalization that will need to be added in. Most of us add musical notes next to the lyric lines. If you want to put in all the ‘Ooo’s or 'Ahh’s you can!

Listen to the song, if a word is paused on or dragged out then use how you type it out to emphasize that. Dashes or squigglies can indicate holding or drawn out notes. If the lyrics go faster, you may have to place more lyrics on one line or if they are slower use more lines. You are roleplaying and presenting that song out to the community half through text they read and expressing your style. Have fun with your lyrics in how you want them read!

✔ /yell /shout /say /emote
At the start of a show, hosts should announce what they use at the event and what their music link is. Some players turn off /shout or /yell due to spammy cities or spoilers. There may need to an announcement if you play on using spell actions in your show for people to turn those back on.

Most performers use /yell to perform in and leave /shout for announcements at that venue. The crowd maybe roleplaying with /say and /emote. There are a few performers that switch between all four in one performance.

Please keep in mind that /say has a short distance, /yell can reach a bit farther, but /shout is zone wide. In a house /yell and /shout reach the whole place, but /say and /emote may not if a large house is at it’s limit and they are on the other side of the room. If you are in a house with more than 64 people (seems to be the glitching/culling # in most cases for older computers or slower connections), those in the back of the room may not see a /say and /emote or the performer on the stage. Also something to consider if you are at an outdoor performance too.

/emote or /emote motion
There are a number of /emote motions that make your character move and add a visual to the lines in your macros. They require exact spelling and whole word to set them off. If you hover over them in the /emote menu it will give a list of its command names and if you can perform them while seated or standing.

When doing a song turn off the /emote display log this way you do not spam the crowd and it brings a seamless visual to your performance.

If you run a group or a troupe, you may want to make a spreadsheet to keep track of what /emotes your performers have or classes leveled to help make your group performances.

Custom /emote
Some try not to do too much of this as it leaves that space for the crowd to be roleplaying and interacting at the venue.  A custom emote may not be seen from the back of the room. Yet it can also add a little extra to your performance. Remember we are here for fun with the community!  If you wish to describe what your character is doing, go for it! You could also place in one of your /yell lines with your lyrics.

Echo is a personal msg on your screen, it will not be displayed to others. Its great for notes during a performance or in a group to let others know they are on track if it’s not their line to /yell. You can also use party for notes as well /party 'macro #2 is next! Move into spot! < se.1 >“ Sounds can be added at the end to really bring attention to the group to do what they need to do.


This displays the full name of who or what you have targeted at that very moment. It can be placed anywhere in a speech or custom emote line to grab the crowd’s attention.

/ta <attack#> or ‘/ta me’ or ‘/facetarget’
For targeting use attack markers. Mark the person, party member or npc with a number. Note: Your next emote or action will face you toward that target if you have it set to do so. This is so that mid song you can face another performer or someone in the crowd. The setting is under Character Config>Control Settings>Target tab>Click Auto face target when using action. Or remove it if you do not wish to face anyone when you target them in a song.
Your house items can be used for /emote motions to face them but not for job action spell effects. (Please note if you are inside a house or FC and do not own or are a part of it then you have to choose a random person or another performer in the direction you wish to face.

Actions and more

/ac "Action name”
Performs a battle action in the job you are in. Action name requires exact spelling and the whole word. Some actions you have to be in party with the person to affect them or for it to go off. Remember that some actions have cast times and will need a wait timer at the end of that line.
Example: /ac "Swiftcast” or /ac “Holy” <wait.3>
(If you use a word doc, you have to recopy the quote marks as they do not transfer over the font in game. Doc spreadsheets do carry them over. So if you find an action does not go off, check your quote marks!)

/blueaction “Spell name"  <wait.4> 
Is for blue spells, a <wait.4> or more afterwards is needed for any other line to go off after it. As all blue spells have a cast timer. Also, as above mentioned, be aware that quote marks may not transfer over if you are copy/pasting. Some actions you have to be in party with the person to affect them or for it to go off.

/gs change # or GlamourPlate#
Changes your gearset to the specified set number or with a glamour plate applied. If the armors are the same ilvl it will not affect your health bar and appear seamless. When you change jobs, it interrupts animations and battle actions and needs a small <wait> before the next line.

/fashion "parasol or wings”
Please note while you have a fashion in use, you can not perform other actions or motions. You can use your lyrics in /say, /yell, /shout. So this is a temp hold of actions within a song.

You can lay down by placing a bed under the stage to lay down on top of the stage in a performance.

/groundsit or /sit
Please note that sometimes beds or chairs are used on/under/near the stage. It’s best to use /groundsit in your macro so you do not snap to those items used for decoration!

You can find more text commands at: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Text_commands

Stay Lucky!
We hope this is helpful and adds to your fun!  There are other posts about getting your character ready to perform, picking music, macros, timing, lyrics, and motions. There is so much more things to share!

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
   general info|staff & recruitment|posters

⏰ Timing gives that extra pizazz a live performance. Pairing with your character’s motions, you’ll no doubt do awesome on that stage!

Disclaimer: This is not in any way a rule of thumb. Nor does anyone have to do these. Some of the listed below may be done a different way. This is only meant as tips or tricks. In the end this should be about the player having fun and expressing their own styles.

✔ Timing

Google spreadsheets are honestly the best place to store and time out your songs. It also saves as you work too! You can also make rows and columns for each performer. There are other programs such as word docs or note pads to use. Just keep in mind things like quote marks do not transfer over very well for actions from those.

There are a few versions of an already set up timing spreadsheet going around in the performing community that can help with timers. It does all the math for you when you plug in the lyrics. This post will not be linking it as the original creator should get the credit for making it. There are a great deal of those in the performing community on Balmung that may be able to link their version to you or you may make your own. (Sorry for the tease of information there.)

 It is better to time songs out in cytu as it may be off a few seconds if timed through another music service due to their commercials or ads. 

 When venues bring traffic to a song on Youtube it brings attention to it. If it is not an official video it may be taken down with copyright issues. So choose your link wisely! Or make sure to have another version handy.

 There are sites out there that can give you the Lyrics and a starting place. You can google ‘lyrics, song name, by who’ to find them. Such as ‘genius’ or another site. More Lyric tips to come in another post!

Start your music.
When the lyrics start, that is your #1 macro. Example: The singer starts singing at 0:06 in the song for the first line. The next line of words start at 0:08. That would mean that there was a count of two between the lines. So a <wait.2> would go after the first line before sending the next line out.
/y ♪ ”Singing.” <wait.2>
/y ♪ ”More singing.”

  /wait # or <wait.#>
You can place a pause between lines with a ‘/wait #’ when they send out. You can also use <waits.#> at the end of any speech or /emote motion to save line space in a macro.
/y ♪ ”Singing.”
/wait 2
/y ♪ ”More singing.”
/y ♪ ”Singing.” <wait.2>
/y ♪ ”More singing.”

 The lowest and safest wait is a <wait.2>. You can do half sec counts, such as <wait.1.5>, however keep in mind that the game has its own ticks that factor in loading what is the area. So it will sometimes round up or down on your half waits. You also have to look at your connection and how it lags. Anything below a wait of 1.5 also has a chance of not going off at all if it’s the same type. The game will consider it as spam if it executes too fast. There is a way around that, which is alternating between the type of msg a macro sends out. Many songs using a <wait.1> have been done, but alternating between /yell between more than one singer or alternating with /yell and /say. 

Placing wait timers after some /emote motions, speech lines, or actions can also interact differently on where they are placed. If you divide the waits up between lyric lines, motions or actions, (Yes, doing math.) you can add seamless visuals in your movements. This is so your character is not standing still in your performance and smoothly moves into the next motion or macro instead of snapping.
(Example note: A <wait.4> is half of a /tdance, <wait.8> is the whole /tdance motion.)

On the last line of each macro, you want to take out the <wait> timer. This can sometimes clip into the next macro and not allow it to go off right.

Cool Downs
/cd 5 <wait.6> or /cooldown 5 <wait.6>
Cool down timers are the best way to get more than one performer on the same page. We do not all have the same connections. The PC or console you are on, the game, your internet or location can give lag. So using this as an alarm for the next macro helps. If you get distracted easily or space out enjoying your own song, it can keep you on track for solos too.

Always add on one more <wait> count than what the CD is, as ‘start’ is one count. Five is the lowest you can go, but you can go higher! So the five would have a <wait.6>, a six would be <wait.7> and so forth. When the ‘cha-ching!’ in the start lock sounds off, press the next macro.

Stay Lucky!
We hope this is helpful and adds to your fun!  There are other posts about getting your character ready to perform, picking music, macros, timing, lyrics, and motions. There is so much more things to share!

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
   general info|staff & recruitment|posters


⌨ Macroing a song for in game performance can be overwhelming at times. Don’t force yourself. Take your time and take breaks. There are times when many of us love a song we picked, but after listening to it so many times to get timing the song becomes less loved. Keep steady, you’ll do great!

⚠ Disclaimer: This is not in any way a rule of thumb. Nor does anyone have to do these. Some of the listed below may be done a different way. This is only meant as tips or tricks. In the end this should be about the player having fun and expressing their own styles. ⚠

The Macro menu

System > User Macros


✔ You can place macros under ‘Individual’ for your character that you are logged into or ‘Shared’. Shared is for all the characters on your server can access. It’s great to use if you have more than one character that performs. Either way, you can use both sections to fill with macros.


✔ Create a Macro
You simply click any number in the fields under ‘individual’ and ‘shared’. Then where the red check mark is in this picture you’ll need to pick an icon from the icon tab. There are ten fields horizontal and vertical. It does not matter what icon or direction you use as long as you know what order to push them for your songs.


✔ You can ‘title’ each macro key with something of a reminder. (Such as #1, time stamp 0:45, a song title or other song directions.) You only get 20 characters in that field. For the body of the macro itself you only get 15 lines.


✔ /macrocancel
The most important macro and first one you should make. It will stop an accidentally pressed macro and cancel it. It is also good to follow it with a simple emote such as ‘/me’ with the next line under it to cancel out any motions the macro may have your character doing with persistent or ongoing actions.

Once you make the icons, you can drag them to your bars.


✔ /hotbar # display on/off
Hides or shows the selected hotbar. Side note: You can change classes in mid performance, if you are using hot bar #1, to gain more hot bars if you need them. Or press the arrow up or down key next to your hot bar to flip through the other bars. Some performers just place all the bars around their screen. It is up to you.

✔ Other things
If you need a reminder of what outfit you are using for that song, place it on your bar! If you need to start off a song /sitting before the first macro or doing another action, place it on your bar! You can also place a dance on there, so if you miss a macro mid song. Just /songbird it!  And pick up the song at the next macro.

✔ Prisms
These can be placed on your hot bars but they can not be macroed. Some will not interrupt your persistent emotes and some do.

✔ /micon “Name” [emote/blueaction/minion]
Changes the icon to a selected emote icon, blue mage action, or minion outside of using what is in the macro menu to choose from. For all other battle actions, leave out the specifier at the end. Example: /micon “Bad Breath” blueaction or /micon “En Avant”

✔ Macros tips
Start at just 6-7 lyric lines and then add in around them your emotes, actions or cooldowns to see if you can fit more! There will be another tip post on those to come!

✔ Save your Macro
If you make any changes to a macro, click on another macro and click back to ‘save’ the change before executing it again. Think of it like refreshing or reloading a page.

Stay Lucky!
We hope this is helpful and adds to your fun!  We’ll post about timing, emotes, and wait timers and more in an upcoming post. There is so much more things to share!

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
   general info|staff & recruitment|posters


Sometimes picking music to macro for a show can be hard. Some venues may have a theme picked out and some may be open to whatever fits your character. Let us see if we can give you some help! Also, tips on how to work the music players.

Disclaimer: This is not in any way a rule of thumb. Nor does anyone have to do these. Some of the listed below may be done a different way. This is only meant as tips or tricks. In the end this should be about the player having fun and expressing their own styles. 

✔ Discord
Making a discord server or channels to collect your songs is a good way to keep them organized. You can make channels that are themed or just for certain characters. If you have discord on your phone or PC, it’s a quick way to save things on the run. Also, if you have them already macroed, you can place macro doc links or the macros themselves in there as well.

✔ Spotifly, Pandora, Youtube, etc..
All of these programs can be set up to personalize with your musical genre tastes. These songs can fit a theme or the personality traits of your character. The front page of Youtube can ‘suggest’ songs and even newly released ones with algorithms. Any time you hear a song you’d like to perform, save the link to it!

✔ Netflix, Hulu, or other streaming TV and Movie sites. Radio.
There are background songs in shows that can fit what you need as well. There may even be a different version out there of a song you already know. If you hear a song you like just pay attention to the lyrics and google up the song! Subtitles sometimes name the song and who sung it as well, if you turn those on while watching a show. 

✔ More on Youtube
When finding songs, a link is needed to load into a music player for the show. If you click on 'share’ under the video it will give you the short link or you can grab the long link at the top of the page. (Most music players will not use the 'start at’ feature. So do not check that.) You can also make playlists on youtube under your own Library and place your own timers with fillers all in one link. When the link is plugged into the player it loads everything needed! 

✔ Search a song!
You can find a search engine and look up songs linked to a subject or theme. There are a few pages out there with lists of songs to pick from.

➕ We currently use cytu to place our performances to music. There are a number of other players out there for live music in sync. Pick the one that is easy to adjust, stop or pause the music for you.

Cytu tips

+ When setting up a new channel, pick a name for your venue, event or character.

+ If you are setting up a new one and think 100 connections will be made for a large event you have to email the cytu hosts due to unwanted hacks to allow that many.

+ Some web browsers are set to not 'auto play’ and disrupt the flow of music, make sure this option is set right in your browser settings. Firefox and Edge seem to work well after setting it. Chrome may have some difficulty. After changing settings, refresh or reload the page. 
(Edge: Settings>Cookies and site permissions>Media autoplay>Allow) 
(FireFox: Options>Privacy&Security>Permissions>Autoplay) 

+ When first setting up a Cytu channel you have to go under channel Settings> General Settings> click 'Allow duplicate videos’, this sets it so CD timers or the same link can be used several times in a show. 

+ Timing songs out in Cytu instead of Youtube may give closer wait timers counts.

+ By right clicking on your name in the list you can set yourself as a leader. If you are not a leader songs may not play or pause right for you. 

+ Make sure when you add songs that you unclick 'add as temporary’ so it will stay on the list after you shut the window. When entering a song a box will pop up and let you know if the song may be blocked in some countries. If that is the case the performer may have to find another link to the same song.

+ Cytu will affect your youtube playlists if you are logged in, as in some performance songs may show up on your suggestion list or change your recommended watch list. 

+ Some overseas players find it easier to set youtube channel settings to lower quality settings instead of the auto option if they are lagged, adjusting to what works best for their connection.

+ Some important links you may need: 
10 hrs of silence:https://youtu.be/g4mHPeMGTJM 
There are many different versions of these:
5s CD: https://youtu.be/AArEdqZEZUs 
10s CD: https://youtu.be/rzfmZC3kg3M 
30s CD: https://youtu.be/UOU0KBITxck

+ Some performers like silence before they take the stage. (It can cause some people to tab out to make sure their player is still working, so its good to warn the crowd.) Some use instrumental fillers that bridge their songs between the last performer and the new one. Fillers can also allow for speaking time before performing. Choosing filler music before and after your show can provide Rp background music for your crowds.

  Stay Lucky!
We hope this is helpful and adds to your fun!  We’ll post about macros, emotes, wait timers, and more in an upcoming post. There is so much more things to share!

  Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
   general info|staff & recruitment|posters


Getting your FFXIV character ready in game for macro performing can be a great deal of help in how your over all presentation comes forth to your audience.

⚠ Disclaimer: This is not in any way a rule of thumb, nor does anyone have to do these. They may even be done a different way! This is only meant as tips or tricks added info. In the end this should be about the player having fun and expressing their own styles.

Start with setting your character up with:
System > Character Configuration > Control Settings > Character Settings tab

✔ Uncheck Display main and off hand gear when sheathed.
(This shows/unshows the weapon on your character’s back or sides. You can also do this in each gearset saved by clicking the icons at the bottom of your character display.)

✔ Check Auto-sheath weapon when not in battle.
(When a performer wishes for a fancy weapon to be show in a part of the song, this can affect that. On your keyboard you can use the ‘z’ button as a toggle. For macroed lines type ’/BM on’ or ’/BM off’ to show or unshow your weapons.)

✔ Slide the Auto-sheath Delay setting down to the lowest possible setting.
(So your character puts the weapon away faster for timed macro lines.)

✔ Slide the Idle Animation Delay setting down to the lowest possible setting.
(So your character sits or settles faster for timed macro lines.)

✔ Uncheck the Randomize idle animation setting.
(So it doesn’t interrupt your performance or emote movements.)

✔ In the Battle Effects Settings section, show all of your own effects and others to better view performances effects when using battle actions.
(If you have lag unshowing them can help buffer your screen. You just will not see the fancy light show!)

➕ Extra Stuff

The less you have on your screen, the less the game has to load which in turn can lag your macros. Most venues ask minions be dismissed. They count as a unit inside housing and loading times. Take into consideration unshowing character titles or minion names. Any of that extra stuff. Again, personal choice.

✔ Tiny white arrows begone!
Character config> Display name settings> NPCs> Housing Furniture> Never
(Housing has white arrows inside houses to interact with stuff. You can turn them off to clean up your screen! They will still be there to click, just not show on screen. Just less things to look at on your screen while performing.)

✔ /hou
(Shows or hides the housing menu. This makes it quicker to 'return to the front door’ for a disappearing act in your song! or if you get glitched inside something.)
(Also, if you have house edit rights you can lower the lights down from 5. Check your lighting that you use, some are wise to only go down to 2 or 3. Anyone using a dark game gamma won’t see much on setting 1.)

✔ Scroll Lock on keyboard
(On PC this hides your HUD set up for quick screens to use 'print screen’ and not /gpose, if you wish to. It’s a toggle, simply press it again to return to normal. A quick way to take a screen while performing.)

Stay Lucky!

We hope this is helpful and adds to your fun!  We’ll post about macros, emotes, wait timers, music players and more in an upcoming post. There is so much more things to share!

Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe
   general info|staff & recruitment|posters
