


When performing the Celtic Cross, there are three positions that can reveal when the event will happen: The Advice, The Ultimate Outcome, and The Underworld. Acknowledge all these possibilities. But your intuition will tell you which is most likely.


The Fool – Whenever you are ready

The Magician – It has already begun

The High Priestess – You know exactly when

The Empress – During harvest season

The Emperor – It is almost done

The Hierophant – It is finished

The Lovers – As soon as you make the choice

The Chariot – In just a few moments

Strength – The minute you accept it

The Hermit – Only after you meditate on it

The Wheel of Fortune – During your first or next Saturn Return

Justice – When you least expect it

The Hanged Man – When the circumstances change

Death – Whenever it is ready

Temperance – After the storm

The Devil – It is happening right now

The Tower – Soon, unexpectedly and suddenly

The Star – The more you believe, the sooner it will happen

The Moon – It cannot be determined at the moment

The Sun – In the summer or by sunrise

Judgement – Soon and inevitably

The World – In divine timing



Ace of Wands – One day

Two of Wands – Two days

Three of Wands – Three days

Four of Wands – Four days

Five of Wands – Five days

Six of Wands – Six days

Seven of Wands – Seven days

Eight of Wands – Eight days

Nine of Wands – Nine days

Ten of Wands – Ten days

Page of Wands – As we speak

Knight of Wands – End of November to most of December

Queen of Wands – End of March to most of April

King of Wands – End of July to most of August


Ace of Cups – One month

Two of Cups – Two months

Three of Cups – Three months

Four of Cups – Four months

Five of Cups – Five months

Six of Cups – Six months

Seven of Cups – Seven months

Eight of Cups – Eight months

Nine of Cups – Nine months

Ten of Cups – Ten months

Page of Cups – Very soon

Knight of Cups – End of February to most of March

Queen of Cups – End of June to most of July

King of Cups – End of October to most of November


Ace of Swords – One week

Two of Swords – Two weeks

Three of Swords – Three weeks

Four of Swords – Four weeks

Five of Swords – Five weeks

Six of Swords – Six weeks

Seven of Swords – Seven weeks

Eight of Swords – Eight weeks

Nine of Swords – Nine weeks

Ten of Swords – Ten weeks

Page of Swords – Now, behind the scenes

Knight of Swords – End of May to most of June

Queen of Swords – End of September to most of October

King of Swords – End of January to most of February


Ace of Pentacles – One year or one season (3 months)

Two of Pentacles – Two years or two seasons (6 months)

Three of Pentacles – Three years or three seasons (9 months)

Four of Pentacles – Four years or four seasons (one year)

Five of Pentacles – Five years or five seasons (15 months)

Six of Pentacles – Six years or six seasons (18 months)

Seven of Pentacles – Seven years or seven seasons (21 months)

Eight of Pentacles – Eight years or eight seasons (2 years)

Nine of Pentacles – Nine years or nine seasons (2 years and 3 months)

Ten of Pentacles – Ten years or ten seasons (2 years and 6 months)

Page of Pentacles – It will take quite a while

Knight of Pentacles – End of August to most of September

Queen of Pentacles – End of December to most of January

King of Pentacles – End of April to most of May

To Help You Remember:

  1. Wands are days, because they are fire, and fire moves fast.
  2. Swords are weeks, because while a sword is quick to cut, it first requires some thinking on the warrior’s part.
  3. Cups are months, because they are water, and water flows with the moon, which completes a cycle in roughly a month.
  4. Pentacles are seasons to years, because they are seeds, and some seeds only require a season to grow while others need a year.
  5. The timings for the Major Arcana and the Pages are related to the cards’ meanings. Once you know the meanings, you know the timings.
  6. The Kings, Queens and Knights are the Zodiac signs’ birthdays:
  • King of Wands – Leo (Fixed Fire)
  • Queen of Wands – Aries (Cardinal Fire)
  • Knight of Wands – Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
  • King of Cups – Scorpio (Fixed Water)
  • Queen of Cups – Cancer (Cardinal Water)
  • Knight of Cups – Pisces (Mutable Water)
  • King of Swords – Aquarius (Fixed Air)
  • Queen of Swords – Libra (Cardinal Air)
  • Knight of Swords – Gemini (Mutable Air)
  • King of Pentacles – Taurus (Fixed Earth)
  • Queen of Pentacles – Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)
  • Knight of Pentacles – Virgo (Mutable Earth)

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about grammar forms that are “in the moment”. That is to say that two things happen around the same time. 

Let’s consider these sentences in English:

When the elevator closed, I realized I forgot my wallet.


When you get back, please call me.

In both sentences, “when” is used to describe a moment where an action happened. If you’re beginning Japanese, your first impulse may be to translate the sentences into Japanese using “時/とき”:


Hmm. I don’t want to say this is completely wrong, but the correct emotional conveyance isn’t there. 時 is used when it’s a general and extended period of time (学生の時: When I was a student; 結婚した時: When I got married, for example). However, elevator doors closing is usually a swift action.

The second problem with 時 is that people usually remember forgotten things the moment it becomes too late. 時 does a poor job conveying suddenness or promptness. It’s a jack of all trades but master of pretty near nothing; learning to notuse 時 all the time is a strong sign of Japanese fluency.

So, let’s talk about things we can use to replace 時. Mostly, とたん, 次第, and 最中.

Let’s talk about とたん, since it’s the easier one to explain, but a little harder to get. 


とたん’s most precise translation is “just now” or “at that moment”. It’s literally the second A happens, then B. This makes とたん the best fit for our elevator example:


This is much better, since now there is that understanding of “at that moment”. The listener/reader can imagine the surprise or shock of realizing you forgot your wallet when the doors closed. 

I highlighted part of the sentence for a reason. You see, とたん can only be used with a past tense verb. とたん is pretty much always used in regard to an action. It’s even hard to imagine an “as soon as” sentence in English without a verb in past tense. It’s the same scenario in Japanese. Let’s translate a few:

As soon as I returned home, the phone rang.


When I finished my homework, I turned on the television. 


Just as my mom entered the room, we started laughing.


I hope you notice something about とたん in these examples:

1) とたん is always used when both clauses are past tense. You can’t say “Just as the door closed, let’s start dancing!”. Even in English that’s weird. とたん must be preceded by a past tense verb, and followed by a past tense verb. 

2) I put (に) in parenthesis a lot. I did this to show that に, while used correctly in this form, can be optional. とたん only really uses に as a particle to the point where に is pretty much implied. 


Is it weird I like the aesthetics of this word? Yes? Okay, let’s move on then.

次第 also means “as soon as”, but it’s primarily used in the present. Let’s look at our original second example:

When you get back, please call me.

Well, とたん can’t work here because neither the first or second part is in past tense. 時 is also no good because while “returning” can take a long time, the speaker is obviously referring to a specific instance when the returning is completed. It might even be imperative that the listener/reader call ASAP.

This is where 次第 works. It actually has a second meaning of “dependent upon”, but it doesn’t always work in translation with its other meaning. At this moment, we are only regarding its “as soon as”/”immediately” meaning.

When you get back, please call me.


Let’s note how 次第 is conjugated. The verb is put into its ます form, but the ます is cut off. Also note how the second part is a command/request. This is acceptable. 

次第 also implies that the first clause can be done, so you can’t really use potential form with this. Let’s look at another example:

The moment you fall in love, you become weak.


Again, the same thing. A ます form verb with no ます, followed by 次第. 

Now, this next note is pretty important:

DO NOT USE 次第 with に. 

The issue isn’t that に can never be used with 次第. The issue that when they are used together, the meaning changes. 次第に means “to gradually –”. It’s an adverb. For example:

まどを閉め次第に, ライトをつけて下さい。

I…I wouldn’t know where to begin translating this. If the まどを閉め part wasn’t there, this could be “Please gradually turn on the lights”. But since まどを閉め is there, this sentences becomes quite messed up. If に wasn’t there:

まどを閉め次第, ライトをつけて下さい。

As soon as you close the window, please turn on the lights.

There, much better. Of course, this is a valid sentence too:

まどを閉め次第, 次第にライトをつけて下さい。

As soon as you close the windows, please gradually turn on the lights.

If this sentence seems silly to any English speakers, remember that Will Smith will smith.


And last but not least is 最中. 最中 means “in the middle of”. Despite the presence of 中, it doesn’t have to be the actual middle. Much like in English, 最中 has the same non-exact emotional meaning:


She cried in the middle of his speech.

Now, it’s not always clear what the exact “middle” of something like a speech is. It could be closer towards the beginning or the end. All 最中 does is note that some moment, performance, or action was interrupted by something else.


I was in the middle of reading the magazine when I was called by the doctor.

In this example, I’m using a Verb, but in ーている form. This is acceptable. After all, you have to have been doing an action to be interrupted by it. Even in English, the verb is in -ing form even though this happened in the past tense. Let’s look at one more example.

A: 「今、何をしているの?」 “What are you doing now?”

B: 「宿題の最中だ。」            “In the middle of homework.”

At first glance, B seems to be using a fragmented sentence, but it’s actually complete: “(I’m) in the middle of (doing) homework”. This is also acceptable. It’s clear that 時 couldn’t work in this example. If someone asks what you are doing, “Homework time” is kind of a weird response. This also shows that 最中 primarily serves as a sort of “adverb” noun. It’s a noun that only serves a purpose when describing actions and moments. Therefore, it is perfectly okay to say “I am ‘Noun’”. 

Let’s practice a bit, shall we? I’ll write some sentences in English, and you can think about if 時, とたん, 次第, and/or 最中 would work:

1. When you’re done with that, you can go home.

2. When the cat hissed, I started running.

3. I was daydreaming when I saw him.

4. When you are free, call me.

5. My phone always rings a lot when I am sleeping.

6. I hate it when you call me after work! I’m always in a meeting!

Alrighty, let’s see how you did:

1. それを終えたとたん、帰ってもいいです。


In this case, both とたん and 時 are fine. The reason is that the sentence in itself doesn’t convey urgency or a sense of immediateness. However, it could. So either is fine.

2. 猫がほえたとたん、はしりました。

Here, there is a strong association with the timing of A and B. A happened first, then B. Further, both are in past tense. とたん is the winner.

3. くうそうふけっている最中にかれを見ました。

Here, the sentence is both in past tense, but the sentence doesn’t convey the sense of an immediate event. Further, “daydreaming” is more likely something to be interrupted. 最中 is the best.

However, one could make the case for 時 if this happens EVERY TIME. 

4. あなたが暇になり次第、呼び出してください


Interestingly enough, both 次第 and 時 are acceptable in this translation, only because we don’t have further context. 次第 works well with a sense of urgency or command, while 時 works more as an invitation or a polite request. But, please note what precedes both clauses. 次第 MUST be followed by a verb. To that end, 休む could also work. If the case was for 時, then of course adjectives are fine. But for any verb, it should be in dictionary form in this case. 

5. 寝ている最中に電話がいつもたくさんの音を鳴きます。


Hnnnnn. This is also a weird context one. Remember, 最中 is best when it conveys that something has been interrupted. Naturally, sleep can be interrupted–but it doesn’t have to be. If the speaker is a hard sleeper, but then wakes up in the morning to find a lot of missed texts and calls and notifications, then 時 is better. If the speaker is trying to convey often being woken up, 最中 can be a better bet.

6. あなたが仕事の後にすぐに私を呼び出す物が嫌いだ。いつも会議の最中だよ!

Ah, a tricky two-parter! Yep, couldn’t resist. I’m sure many of you saw “I hate it when” and went through all what we talked about. You’re right to think that とたん, 次第, and 最中 aren’t correct in that part (最中 works in the second part though), but where is 時? The problem with using 時 is that a specific instance, when the listener calls, is describedas disliked by the speaker. If something has frequently happened to the point where it is a norm, and it is being described by an adjective, then 物/もの is actually the correct noun. I may do a more in depth lesson later about 物/もの, but just know that 時 is used when a moment is used as the description, 物 is used when a specific and common moment is described. 

So that’s it! It was a bit of a long lesson, but the grammar is geared towards those who are a little more on the advanced side. Hopefully, I helped clear some things up!

bimbotrainersblog:Control and power is all a matter of time.  Once the correct seeds are sown, it’


Control and power is all a matter of time. 

Once the correct seeds are sown, it’s only a matter of time before you have power over them.

The funny thing is, the more you make them wait, the greater the power you have, and the more they will love you when you finally assume your rightful place as their king.

Devotional Training: Time Matters.

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While every single month’s Full Moon may be perceived and look analogous and similar from Earth, each individual one possesses their own names, foundational narratives, energies, qualities, and spiritual meanings gained throughout thousands of years.


The Wolf Moon:

The January Full Moon is frequently titled the Old moon, Ice moon, and the Wolf Moon, and speculations of the reasoning include the howls throughout the night during this period of the year for food was scarce for them and they were hungry. The wolf stands up for itself and others, being firm with its boundaries and provides food and protection when needed which is what this Full Moon embodies.


The Snow Moon:

The February Full Moon is called the Snow Moon since this is when some of the heaviest snow would fall. Various communities and tribes also dubbed this the Hunger Moon since food became very scarce this late into the winter. Although February’s Full Moon is indeed the Snow Moon, its spiritual meaning is all about heat, and setting our passions ablaze.


The Sugar Moon:

A Full Moon is in the sky during March, and the worms are uprooting from beneath the soil. The Sugarcane is easily at its most prominent stage of growth, and you feel spring waltzing around the corner. This Full Moon brings conclusions, movement, and emotional relief. The Earth around you is beginning to thaw, and life is about to emerge in abundance, go enjoy it!


The Pink Moon:

April’s Full Moon received its sobriquet from the Phlox flowers which bloom in North America throughout April and are among spring’s earliest blossoms. This prominently luminary celestial body is also called the Grass, Fish, and Paschal Moon since it occasionally aligns with Easter. This Full Moon promotes grounding, harmony, tranquility, and peaceful energies. Enjoy the fresh grass, and traveling fish,


The Flower Moon:

The Full Flower Moon in May is one magnificent springtime occasion to look forward to, and is a time for fresh beginnings, radical development, revitalization, optimism, extreme evolution, inspiration, and personal growth much like the sprouting and budding flowers all around us. Plant and sow your energetic seeds for this year now.


The Strawberry Moon:

This Full Moon that adorns the sky during June is known as the Strawberry and Honey Moon. This is because strawberries and honey production is flourishing, and afterwards being harvested in plenty for throughout the year. Like the sweet bliss of the first bites of strawberry, and the scent of honey alone, we can learn to be sweeter to ourselves and others, letting go of spite and embracing forgiveness.


The Buck Moon:

The Full Moon in July is called the Buck, Hay, and Rose Moon because at this time the antlers of male deer are most prominent, the roses have bloomed, and hay is ready for harvest. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, generating a greater and more impressive pair each time, and inspires us to release what is necessary for our personal optimal growth.


The Sturgeon Moon:

This Full Moon embodies thankfulness for the rewards of Earth and asks us to step into the rhythm and energies with awareness and gratitude for what you possess, your beginnings and present, and what is blooming around you now. The Sturgeon Moon and nature’s plenty can inspire us to embrace individualism and set basic adjustments to our lives.


The Harvest Moon:

The Harvest Moon, occasionally described to as the Corn Moon, is the nearest full Moon to the Autumnal Equinox. This Moon corresponds as the period of harvesting and gathering food for the colder months, often being corn. The Harvest Moon’s spiritual meaning is all about balance, fortitude, and abundance, a time to respect and appreciate.


The Blood Moon:

A Blood Moon can help give attention to traveling inwards towards unacknowledged feelings and thoughts. Blood Moon astrologically communicates the chance for an expressive reset and a purge of your emotive shadows. The Blood Moon is a time of encouragement for inner reflection, releasing, and healing your denied grimmer emotions.


The Beaver Moon:

The eleventh full moon of the year is known as the Frosty and Beaver Moon. The Beaver itself reminds us to harness the energies of imagination, innovation, collaboration, determination and accord within ourselves. The Beaver Moon holds its name since in November, beavers retreat to shelter.


The Oak Moon:

The December Moon is recognized as the Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Winter Moon, and Wolf Moon. This full Moon holds to energies of resilience, endurance, reincarnation, commitment, perpetuity, connection, clarity, and release of anguish. The Oak tree itself embodies strength, confidence, endurance, concentration, resistance, and knowledge.


Deities: Hecate and Vulcan.
Elements:Air and Water.
Flowers:Cosmos, Freesia, and Marigold.
Gemstones:Opal and Tourmaline.
Moons:Harvest or Hunter moon.
Signs:Libra and Scorpio.
Trees:Ash, Ivy, and Oak.


Deities:Hades and Isis.
Elements: Water and Fire.
Flowers:Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, and Peony.
Gemstones:Topaz and Citrine.
Moons:Beaver or Frosty Moon.
Signs: Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Trees: Reeds, Ash, and Oak.


Deities:Zeus and Kione.
Elements: Fire and Earth.
Flowers: Carnation, Holly, and Narcissus.
Gemstones:Turquoise, Tanzanite, and Zircon.
Moons:Cold or Oak moon.
Signs: Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Trees:Evergreen, Holly, and Oak.


Chakra: The Root.
Number:Zero. (0)
Planet:The Sun.
Energies:Masculine. ♂


Sign:Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Chakra:The Sacral.
Number: One. (1)
Planet:The Moon.
Energies: Feminine. ♀


Chakra:The Navel.
Number:Four. (4)
Energies: Masculine. ♂


Sign: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Chakra:The Throat.
Number:Three (3)
Energies:Masculine. ♂


Sign: Sagittarius.
Chakra: The Third Eye.
Number:Six (6)
Energies:Feminine. ♀


Sign: Taurus and Virgo.
Chakra:The Heart.
Number:Five. (5)
Energies: Feminine. ♀


Chakra:The Root.
Number: Seven (7)
Energies:Masculine. ♂

“Love is all a matter of timing”

‘In The Mood For Love’, 2000 -


Today’s episode on the Powow Workshop (Formerly Stringbing Workshop), I introduce the animation breakdown, what it is, and how it can be used.

Please check out my patreon page and give it a support:

Gumroad (Buy exclusive tutorial material):

Boom de Boom - Aaron Lieberman
FunkDown - MK2
Happy Mandolin - Media Right Productions

#animation    #timing    #tutorial    

I time to beats. Every action in the episode was done in some increment of 4 - (but usually an increment of 8.) The trick is to vary the action between those beats (slow, medium fast) to keep things interesting.

#kid cosmic    #animatic    #animation    #2d animation    #timing    

Still trying to push the timing contrasts. My timing hero is Bill Hanna, who timed all the original Tom and Jerry’s. His variety of timing or “texture” as animators call it - made every scene a delight.

 Recent thoughts on seasons & His impeccable timing, //instagram: pg7inc

Recent thoughts on seasons & His impeccable timing,


instagram: pg7inc

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“I’ve never believed in this right person, wrong timing thing because to me, the right person is always timeless.”

 I’m working on BL webtoon <Timing> based on novel <Timing> by Mary Calmes in Kore

I’m working on BL webtoon<Timing> based on novel <Timing> by Mary Calmes in Korean webtoon platform, Kakaopage! English version might be released in future.


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i wanted to make some cookies for my friends and saw that…

i wanted to make some cookies for my friends and saw that…

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Studere, studere, semper studere. #studere #studying #howitworks #howwework #reactions #body #stimol

Studere, studere, semper studere. #studere #studying #howitworks #howwework #reactions #body #stimolo #sga #sindromegeneralediadattamento #rispostafisica #equilibrio #allenamento #reazione #reaction #tempo #timing #planning #rest #riposo #supercompensazione #suoercompensation #intensità #training #bodybuilding #fitness #gym #wellness #instagram #pt (at Pompei)

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a surprise visit

a surprise visit

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12 Principles of Animation

(0:10) 1. Squash and Stretch

(2:07) 2. Anticipation

(4:14) 3. Staging

(6:33) 4. Straight Ahead/Pose to Pose

(9:14) 5. Follow Through & Overlapping Action

(11:17) 6. Slow In & Slow Out

(12:57) 7. Arcs

(14:38) 8. Secondary Action

(16:11) 9. Timing

(18:22) 10. Exaggeration

(19:55) 11. Solid Drawing

(21:38) 12. Appeal
